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Critical Loads - Europa

Effekte im Rahmen der Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention

WFS Ammoniak Hintergrundkonzentration

Die Ammoniakhintergrundkonzentration wird benötigt für a. die Einschätzung der Beeinträchtigung von Ökosystemen in Baden-Württemberg mit Hilfe von Critical Levels und b. für die Bemessung von Ammoniakbelastungsgebieten. Bitte beachten Sie folgende Hinweise zu Vollständigkeit und Qualität der bereitgestellten Daten: aufgrund von Ungenauigkeiten bei der Erfassung von Fachobjekten kommt es vereinzelt zu nicht validen Geometrien gemäß OGC-Schema-Validierung. Da GIS-Server wie ArcGIS-Server, GeoServer oder UMN MapServer immer genauere Datengrundlagen verwenden/verarbeiten müssen, wird auch die Prüfroutine immer weiterentwickelt und mahnt im Toleranzbereich als auch in der topologischen Erfassung Ungenauigkeiten (bspw. durch Dritt-Software) an. Dies führt dazu, dass Geometrien nicht mehr dargestellt beziehungsweise erfasst werden können. Zu den beanstandeten Geometriefehlern gehören u.a. Selbstüberschneidungen (Selfintersections) oder doppelte Stützpunkte. Die LUBW kann daher keine Garantie für die Vollständigkeit und Stabilität des Download-Dienstes (WFS) geben. Bitte prüfen Sie daher im Bedarfsfall die Vollständigkeit anhand der ebenfalls angebotenen Darstellungsdienste (WMS). | Prüfung: k.A. | Dateninhalt (Bild): k.A.


Überschreitung der Critcal Loads für eutrophierenden Stickstoff 2004 in [kg ha-¹ a-¹] Überschreitung der Critcal Loads für Säure-Einträge im Jahr 2004 in [eq ha-¹ a-¹]


Die Ammoniakhintergrundkonzentration wird benötigt für a. die Einschätzung der Beeinträchtigung von Ökosystemen in Baden-Württemberg mit Hilfe von Critical Levels und b. für die Bemessung von Ammoniakbelastungsgebieten.

Manual on Methodologies and Criteria for Modelling and Mapping Critical Loads and Levels and Air Pollution Effects, Risks and Trends

This report is an important collection of tools used in the framework of the Geneva Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). Thus, it provides for example a scientific basis on the application of critical levels and loads, their interrelationships, and the consequences for abatement. After the transfer of the Coordination Center for Effects from the Netherlands to Germany this edition is published by the German Environment Agency (⁠ UBA ⁠). With this edition the existing independent manual chapters were transferred into a new continuous document, which is in line with latest layout and accessibility standards of UBA. Also, a copy-editing of the whole document was done, with technical updates in chapters 4 and 5.2. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 109/2023.

Manual on Methodologies and Criteria for Modelling and Mapping Critical Loads and Levels and Air Pollution Effects, Risks, and Trends - Update 2024

This report is an important collection of tools used in the framework of the Geneva Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP). Thus, it provides for example a scientific basis on the application of critical levels and loads, their interrelationships, and the consequences for abatement. After the transfer of the Coordination Center for Effects from the Netherlands to Germany this edition is published by the German Environment Agency (⁠ UBA ⁠). With this edition recent technical updates where transferred in the document. The changes of chapter 3 from the Ammonia-workshop decided 2023 have been incorperated.The information on backgrounddatabase (BGDB) (5.2) and the new receptor map were implemented in chapter 5.6. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 123/2024.

Assessment of the impacts of ozone on biodiversity in terrestrial ecosystems: Literature review and analysis of methods and uncertainties in current risk assessment approaches

Tropospheric ozone is considered as the most significant phytotoxic pollutant in the atmosphere. While it has been shown that ozone concentrations have significant adverse effects on crop yields, forest growth and species composition, the impacts of ozone on biodiversity are uncertain. The project aims to assess the impacts of O3 on vegetation and biodiversity in Germany. For this purpose, the present study provides (i) a synthesis of current knowledge on the effects of O3 on biodiversity and ecosystem services through a comprehensive literature study and (ii) an analysis of methods and uncertainties in concentration-based and flux-based approaches in O3 risk assessments (critical levels), including validation studies for different vegetation types. Modelling and mapping approaches are used to evaluate the O3 risk for vegetation in Germany at both local and regional scale. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 71/2015.

Erfassung, Prognose und Bewertung von Stoffeinträgen und ihren Wirkungen in Deutschland

Im Rahmen dieses Forschungsvorhabens wurden nationale Karten angefertigt, die die Konzentration der Luftschadstoffe Schwefeldioxid (SO2), Stickstoffdioxid (NO2), Stickstoffmonooxid (NO), deren Summe Stickstoffoxid (NOx), Ozon (O3) sowie die Überschreitung der Critical Levels für Schwefeldioxid, Stickstoffoxid und Ozon (⁠ AOT40 ⁠) darstellen. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 43/2011.

Critical Limits for Acidification and Nutrient Nitrogen

The International Cooperative Programme on Modelling and Mapping of Critical Levels and Loads and Air Pollution Effects, Risks and Trends (ICP Modelling and Mapping) develops and uses critical loads to recommend science-based emission reductions to policy makers within the ⁠ UN ⁠ Air Convention (CLRTAP). A critical load defines the deposition of a pollutant below which significant harmful effects on a sensitive ecosystem element are not expected to occur. The Simple Mass Balance (SMB) model is the most widely used steady-state model under the Air Convention to estimate critical loads for nutrient nitrogen (eutrophication) and sulphur together with nitrogen (acidification). Within the SMB model, so-called critical limits define chemical threshold values to prevent harmful effects in the ecosystem. In this report, the currently used critical limits for terrestrial ecosystems were reviewed. The project was motivated to ensure continuous uptake of scientific advances in the effects work. Experts of the National Focal Centres (NFC) and beyond were invited to comment and discuss preliminary results of the project during the ICP Modelling and Mapping Task Force meetings and a workshop. Results will be used by the Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) to review the Mapping Manual for calculating critical loads. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 93/2024.

Review of internationally proposed critical levels for ammonia

More than ten years after the recommendation of the updated CLRTAP critical levels for ammonia, new findings on the effects of ammonia on vegetation have been discussed in a workshop in Dessau Scientists dealing with research on effects of ammonia on vegetation and ecosystems and those involved in the monitoring of ammonia in the environment were asked to present their recent research. In total 19 presentations from presenters from nine countries were dealing with a current review, models and future trends of NH3 across Europe in the first session, different ammonia monitoring networks in the second session and with vegetation effects (recent research on different scales) in the third session. The report contains a thematic literature review which was presented as a background document to the workshop and summaries of the talks. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 31/2023.

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