Das Projekt "AIR4EU: Air Quality Assessment for Europe - from Local to Continental Scale" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. AIR4EU addresses the needs for policy-orientated research on integrated air quality (AQ) assessment by monitoring methods and modelling at different temporal and spatial scales for regulated components in Europe: PM10 (and PM2.5), NO2, CO, SO2, O3 and benzene. Policy support on AQ assessment has been recognised a priority issue within the 'Clean Air for Europe-CAFE' programme. There are a wide variety of AQ assessment methods based upon monitoring and modelling, but these methods depend on the spatial and temporal scales, and are often not or only partially compatible. Consequently, there is a need for scientific sound and practical recommendations on how to integrate monitoring and modelling methods into internally consistent, comprehensive and cost-effective assessment methods. The aim of AIR4EU is to provide recommendations on AQ assessment for different temporal and spatial scales: ranging from hourly to annual and from 'hotspot'/street to continental scale. Case studies are implemented with partners in Paris, Berlin, Prague, London, Athens, Rotterdam and Oslo, to test and further develop the recommendations. AIR4EU will also prepare AQ maps at different scales in Europe based upon available data sets (monitoring, meteorology and emissions) and the recommended methods. The cooperation of European top-scientists from six member states representing four universities, two research institutes and eight user-partners will support the establishment of the European Research Area. AIR4EU will co-operate with on-going relevant projects (e.g. ENV-e-CITY; OSCAR; CLEAR; MERLIN) and networks (e.g. INTEGAIRE, CITY-Delta; POLIS), and specific liaison will be established with the CAFE programme. AIR4EU will disseminate its results by a Website and through Newsletters and Workshops to the scientific community, environmental authorities, policy makers and other stakeholders in AQ in Europe. Prime Contractor: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek - TNO; Delft; Netherlands.
Das Projekt "Measuring and modelling spatially variable fluxes in the soil-plant system" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tropische Agrarwissenschaften (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institut), Fachgebiet Pflanzenbau in den Tropen und Subtropen (490e) durchgeführt. The research is carried out in cooperation with KU Leuven, Forschungszentrum Jülich and Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand, and aims at improving our understanding of how spatial variability in soil properties and vegetation characteristics control water flow and transport processes in the soil at the field scale, and how it determines resource use efficiency of agro-ecosystems. It focuses on the spatio-temporal dynamics of water contents and competition for water uptake in mixed cropping systems. The emphasis is on spatial variation that is caused by the cropping pattern and landscape. To this end, a set of monitoring techniques will be used with which spatial patterns of crop status and subsurface soil water contents can be imaged in a non-invasive manner. Soil water content distributions will be determined using geophysical methods: electrical resistivity tomography and time domain reflectometry. The state of the crop and its spatial pattern will be monitored using leaf area index (LAI) sensors and an infrared camera. These techniques will be complemented with 13C stable isotope analysis of plants, which is a measure of the integrated stress of the plant over the growing season. In order to interpret the obtained datasets, a soil-crop model will be developed which considers light interception, photosynthesis and stomatal control, water flow within the plant, root growth and root water uptake, and heat fluxes within the canopy in more detail than in currently available crop growth models.
Das Projekt "G 1.1: Assessment of Innovations and Sustainable Strategies" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre durchgeführt. Farm households, whose living standard largely depend on the successful management of natural resources, have a low per capita income and are in danger of further impoverishment due to unsustainable resource management. Investigations in the first phase confirmed the hypothesis. A great number of farms were analyzed and clustered in representative types in both countries. Sustainability was measured using a sustainability index, which indicates tremendous environmental effects and variation between individual farms and ethnic groups.Sub-project G1.1 will follow three major tasks. The first is to evaluate sustainability strategies on the farm and farming system level, as it was done in the previous phase, but on the basis of a significantly extended data base. The second is to aggregate farm household data to the regional level. For this, a comparative-static approach is chosen. The third is to develop a multi-agent-based simulation model. Multi-agent simulation models (MAS) as well as GIS-tools are gaining increasing importance as tools for simulating future agriculture resource use, since they allow the integration of a wide range of different stakeholder's perceptions. It becomes possible to simulate the dynamic effects of changing land use patterns, environmental policy options, and technical innovation together with environmental constraints and structural change issues. The MAS approach is used to model heterogeneous farm-household and political decision makers perspectives by capturing their socio-economic, environmental, and spatial interactions explicitly. The integration of economic and spatial processes facilitates the consideration of feedback effects and the efficient use of scarce land resources. The simulation runs of the model will be carried out with a socio-economic and GIS data set, which is provided by the previous project phase in the attempt to generate effective ways of land use resource management. Land use efficiency is strongly influenced by the overall land allocation policy analyzed in project F1. Therefore, this is an important area further integrated research using MAS in combination with GIS as modeling tools.To achieve a continuous integration of results in the best possible way, a computer-based discussion/communication platform is developed. This serves as the conceptual basis for the development of the final multi-agent simulation model. Results of the discussion/communication platform and the agent-based simulation model will continuously be passed on to downstream sub-projects to be integrated into the ongoing research activities.
Das Projekt "Coordination of the SPP 1167: Study of the process chain and predictability of precipitation by combining the D-PHASE ensemble and the COPS data sets in the COPS domain" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Physik und Meteorologie durchgeführt. In contrast to their advances in other areas, weather forecast models have not been successful in improving the Quantitative Precipitation Forecast during the last 16 years. One reason for this stagnation is the lack of comprehensive, high-quality data sets usable for model validation as well as for data assimilation, thus leading to improved initial fields in numerical models. Theoretical analyses have identified the requirements measured data have to meet in order to close the gaps in process understanding. In field campaigns, it has been shown that the newest generation of remote sensing systems has the potential to yield data sets of the required quality. It is therefore time to combine the most powerful remote sensing instruments with proven ground-based and airborne measurement techniques in an Intensive Observations Period (IOP). Its goal is to serve as a backbone for the SPP 1167 by producing the demanded data sets of unachieved accuracy and resolution. This requires a sophisticated scientific preparation and a careful coordination between the efforts of the institutions involved. For the first time, the pre-convective environment, the formation of clouds and the onset and development of precipitation as well as its intensity will be observed in four dimensions simultaneously in a region of sufficient size. This shall be achieved by combining the IOP with international programs and by collaboration between leading scientists in Europe, US and other countries. Thus, the IOP is a unique opportunity to make Germany the setting of an international field campaign featuring the newest generation of measurement systems such as scanning radar and lidar and leading to outstanding advances in atmospheric sciences.
Das Projekt "Seasonal regulation of ion- and metabolite transport between poplar shoot tissues" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Würzburg, Julius-von-Sachs-Institut für Biowissenschaften mit Botanischem Garten, Lehrstuhl für Botanik I Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie und Biophysik durchgeführt. We intend to investigate the molecular mechanisms of mineral nutrient dependent poplar physiology with special focus on potassium. This will be accomplished using two different approaches. 1. Molecular biology: We will study the regulation of ion channels and transporters by different environmental conditions, such as the effect of nutrition, salt, hormonal action, cold and drought during wood production and the dormancy-growth transitions. Phenotype analysis of transporter sense/antisense plants will be used to gain insights into the role of the transporters in tree physiology. On the basis of a laser-micro-dissection system, we will be able to prepare cDNA of distinct cell types and generate subtractive cDNAs to determine genes, specific for the differentiation of vessels and bast fibers. 2. Electrophysiological investigations: We will compare the functional properties of the transporters. Ion-fluxes and transporters, involved in cambial activation will be characterized in vivo and in vitro. The response to changes in e.g. the extracellular medium in vitro, will provide a measure for the regulation of ion transport by apoplastic factors in vivo. Based on this data sets we should be able to establish a model on the seasonal fluxes of potassium in relation to the transporter properties and dynamics in the context of tree physiology in general and xylogenesis in particular.
Das Projekt "Estimating the energy balance over forests including advection and horizontal flux divergence" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Bereich Bau und Umwelt, Fachrichtung Hydrowissenschaften , Institut für Hydrologie und Meteorologie, Professur für Meteorologie durchgeführt. One unsolved problem of the micrometeorological community is the unclosed energy balance when its components are independently measured in the field. This so-called energy balance closure gap was investigated with focus on sinks and sources (storage change terms) and on the uncertainties involved in the estimation of the available energy. The second main topic was the assessment of the non-turbulent fluxes of sensible heat and latent heat as well as the horizontal turbulent flux in case of sensible heat. These fluxes are commonly neglected as their assessment is difficult. The third main point was the comparison of advective fluxes of sensible heat and carbon dioxide with the aim to facilitate an easier assessment of the advective fluxes of carbon dioxide. Analyses were based on the ADVEX- and the MORE II-dataset. For the investigated sites it could be shown that the energy balance closure improved when the storage terms were carefully considered. An inspection of the uncertainties involved in the available energy revealed that these uncertainties cannot explain the lack of energy balance closure alone. An inclusion of the non-turbulent advective fluxes of latent heat and sensible heat changed the corresponding budgets and improved the energy balance closure partly. However, residuals did not vanish. The horizontal turbulent flux divergence of sensible heat turned out to be negligible for the investigated site and time period. The comparison of the non-turbulent advective fluxes of sensible heat and carbon dioxide showed that advective fluxes of both scalars are larger during night than during day and that they both share a considerable scatter. On a mean diurnal basis, the advective fluxes of sensible heat and carbon dioxide turned out to be of opposite sign especially during night.
Das Projekt "Effekte von Nickel auf eine aquatische Lebensgemeinschaft in Mikrokosmen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Molekularbiologie und Angewandte Oekologie durchgeführt. Quality standards to assess the chemical status of water bodies under the Water Framework Directive are often based on a few standardized laboratory tests and fixed assessment factors for extrapolation to the field situation. If larger data sets including tests with non-standard species are available, a statistical extrapolation approach, the Species Sensitivity Distribution approach (SSD) is applied. For assessing the remaining uncertainty on the SSD, the threshold concentration derived can be compared with data from field monitoring or model ecosystem studies. Taking the priority substance Ni as an example we present the use of microcosms to test the protectiveness of the quality standard derived from laboratory toxicity tests. The study was conducted in 14 microcosms including a natural sediment layer and an overlaying water volume of 750 L located in a greenhouse. After a pre-treatment period for establishing a diverse aquatic community of phytoplankton, zooplankton, periphyton and snails, Ni solution was added to reach concentrations of 6, 12, 24, 48 and 96 micro g Ni/L in two microcosms each. Four microcosms served as untreated controls. To achieve the intended constant exposure over the test period of four months, Ni concentrations were frequently determined in the microcosms and appropriate amounts of nickel solution were added mostly on a daily basis. Parameters known to affect Ni toxicity, i.e. water hardness, pH, and dissolved organic carbon, were also measured. Population abundance and community structure were analysed for difference to the dynamics in the controls. In the microcosms with 48 and 96 micro g Ni/L long-term effects on phytoplankton, rotifers, snails and, due to reduced grazing by snails, indirectly on the periphyton biomass were observed. Only minor, and/or temporary deviations from controls, i.e., for single sampling dates, were found for a few algae taxa at lower concentrations. Because these deviations showed no clear dose-response and were not found at the end of the study they were not seen as adverse effects. However, for the snail (Lymnaea stagnalis), effects on the trend of population development could not be excluded at 24 micro g/L. Thus, the overall No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) for a chronic exposure to nickel in this microcosm study was considered to be 12 micro g Ni/L. This NOEC confirms the protectiveness of the quality standard derived from the laboratory single species tests.
Das Projekt "D3: Impacts of environmental change on climate and ecosystem in southern Ecuador" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Philipps-Universität Marburg, Fachgebiet Klimageographie und Umweltmodellierung durchgeführt. Subproject within the DFG research unit 816: Biodiversity and Sustainable Management Of a Megadiverse Mountain Ecosystem in South Ecuador The main aim of the project is to unveil the impacts of climate and land use change on the regional climate of the ecosystem platform, to examine effects of climate change on biodiversity for selected organismic groups by testing two different approaches, to investigate atmospheric nutrient deposition from remote sources in the framework of the NUMEX experiment as well as its future development under environmental change, and to support the research unit by providing data on vegetation activity based on remotely sensed data. Subject 1 encompasses an in-depth analysis of weather situations with an anomalous zonal overturning Walker circulation (El Niño/La Niña events) by means of a comprehensive data set gathered during previous studies. Additionally, a coupled model suite of a regional climate (WRF) and a SVAT model (CLM) will be used to conduct simulation runs for the joint scenarios of land use and global climate change. Subject 2 uses downscaled temperature data for the climate change scenarios to test effects on biodiversity with the species-area approach and the energetic-equivalence rule for moths, soil mites and trees. Subject 3 observes fog- and rain-water deposition including a back-trajectory modelling encompassing. Remotely sensed products of atmospheric chemistry and future climate/emission scenario runs are applied to disentangle present-day and future atmospheric fertilization of the mountain forest and its remote sources. Subject 4 makes vegetation products (NDVI, LAI, GPP) of different sensors available to the research unit.
Das Projekt "HGF-Allianz: Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics (HGF-REMOTE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. The HGF Alliance 'Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics' aims at the development and evaluation of novel bio/geo-physical information products derived from data acquired by a new generation of remote sensing satellites; and their integration in Earth system models for improving understanding and modelling ability of global environmental processes and ecosystem change. The Earth system comprises a multitude of processes that are intimately meshed through complex interactions. In times of accelerated global change, the understanding and quantification of these processes is of primary importance. Spaceborne remote sensing sensors are predestined to produce bio-geo-information products on a global scale. The upcoming generation of spaceborne remote sensing configurations will be able to provide global data sets and products with unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution in the context of a consistent and systematic observation strategy. The integration of these data sets in existing environmental and climate science components will allow a new global view of the Earth system and its dynamics, initiating a performance leap in ecosystem and climate change modelling.
Das Projekt "Scientific Support for Regional Downscaling of Precipitation and Temperature Data for Climate Change Impact Assessment in the Nile Equatorial Lakes Region" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasserbau durchgeführt. The goal of this study was to enable a prognosis on the future rainfall conditions of the Nile Equatorial Lakes regions by delivering time-series of monthly rainfall sums for the time-period from 2021 to 2050 that can be used for all kinds of applications. One example might be the dimensioning of hydraulic structures. In these very long lasting investments, future climatic conditions have to be considered during present planning and construction.The principal sources of information on future climate conditions are General Circulation Models (GCMs). These are physically based atmospheric models that resemble a numerical weather prediction system but on a much coarser scale. This forecast cannot be perfect. Especially, it cannot predict single values, e. g. if January 2050 will be rather wet or dry, but only climatic references, i.e. state, if Januaries in general will become wetter or dryer in the future. Even if the predictions of a GCM were perfect, its output could not be used directly for hydrological purposes, due to its coarse resolution. The monthly precipitation values that are provided by the GCM present the spatially averaged precipitation over a grid cell of several thousand square kilometres. This 'block rainfall' can differ significantly from rainfall measured at the ground. Rain gauges are influenced by local effects like micro climatic conditions or orographic effects of mountain ranges that GCMs are not able to resolve.This study combined the information from different data sources. As global trend information, monthly precipitation values from two GCMs (ECHAM5 and HadCM3) were used. Three CO2-emission scenarios (A1b, A2 and B1) were considered in this data. As local ground reference observed monthly rainfall sums from several rain gauges in East Africa as well as from three reanalysis projects (Climate Research Unit, University of Delaware and GPCC) were used.At each rain gauge or observation point in the reanalysis a technique called 'Quantile-Quantile-Transformation' was applied to establish a relationship between the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) of the GCMs and that of the ground references during the calibration period from 1961-1990. The CDFs were fitted by non-parametric Kernel-Smoothing. To account for potential shifts in the annual cycles of GCMs and ground references, the transformations was done separately for each month.Assuming that the relation between Global Model and local response will be constant in the future, the global predictions of the GCM can be downscaled to local scale, leading to future rainfall scenarios that are coherent with observed past rainfall.Combining the data from three CO2-emission scenarios of two GCM with three reanalysis data sets, an ensemble of 18 different rainfall time-series was created for each observation point. The range of this ensemble helps to estimate the possible uncertainties in the prognosis of future monthly precipitation sums from 2021 to 2050.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 57 |
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Förderprogramm | 57 |
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offen | 57 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 57 |
Englisch | 56 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 47 |
Webseite | 10 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 56 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 53 |
Luft | 53 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 57 |
Wasser | 49 |
Weitere | 57 |