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Retrospective Monitoring of Alkylphenols and Alkylphenol Monoethoxylates in Aquatic Biota from 1985 to 2001: Results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank

Wenzel, Andrea; Böhmer, Wolfgang; Müller, Josef; Rüdel, Heinz; Schröter-Kermani, Christa Environmental Science & Technology 38 (2004), 6, 1654 - 1661 Breams (Abramis brama) and zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) from freshwater, and common mussels (Mytilus edulis) from marine ecosystems, archived in the German Environmental Specimen Bank were analyzed for the presence of 4-nonylphenol (NP), 4-tert-octylphenol (OP), nonylphenol monoethoxylate (NP1EO), and octylphenol monoethoxylate (OP1EO). The samples were collected in the German rivers Elbe, Rhine, and Saar, and in Lake Belau between 1992 and 2001, as well as in the North Sea and Baltic Sea between 1985 and 2001. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of imposed reduction measures regarding the use of alkylphenol ethoxylates. NP1EO and OP were detected in all breams. NP was predominantly above the limit of quantification (LOQ, 2 ng/g; all data on a wet weight basis), and OP1EO was mostly below the LOQ (0.2 ng/g). Maximal concentrations of 112 ng/g NP, 259 ng/g NP1EO, 5.5 ng/g OP, and 2.6 ng/g OP1EO were found in Saar breams from 1994. NP was detected in all zebra mussels from the river Elbe (up to 41 ng/g), whereas in rather few samples OP and NP1EO were found at low levels. OP1EO was not detected in any sample. Concentrations in mussels and breams from the reference site Lake Belau were below the LOQ for all compounds. In marine biota NP was found until 1997 with maximum concentrations up to 9.7 ng/g, whereas NP1EO was detected at levels between 1.7and 12.9 ng/g in very few samples collected at the end of the 1980s. A tendency of the concentrations to decrease was obvious for all sampling sites; it was most pronounced for NP1EO and NP after 1996/1997. The effectiveness of the reduction measures is most evident at the Saar sampling site Güdingen and the North Sea sampling site Eckwarderhörne. doi: 10.1021/es035032b | Zum Volltext der Veröffentlichung Retrospective Monitoring of Alkylphenols and Alkylphenol Monoethoxylates in Aquatic Biota from 1985 to 2001: Results from the German Environmental Specimen Bank (PDF,  121 KB)

Messstelle Transekt 02, See Chiemsee

Die Messstelle Transekt 02 (Messstellen-Nr: 108220) befindet sich im Gewässer Chiemsee. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des biologischen Zustands.

Messstelle Transekt 19, See Chiemsee

Die Messstelle Transekt 19 (Messstellen-Nr: 108307) befindet sich im Gewässer Chiemsee. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des biologischen Zustands.

Messstelle Transekt 026, See Starnberger See

Die Messstelle Transekt 026 (Messstellen-Nr: 121454) befindet sich im Gewässer Starnberger See. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des biologischen Zustands.

Messstelle Transekt 02, See Ammersee

Die Messstelle Transekt 02 (Messstellen-Nr: 107576) befindet sich im Gewässer Ammersee. Die Messstelle dient der Überwachung des biologischen Zustands.

Forschung zeigt Kosten der Schäden an Ökosystemen auf

In einer Studie, die in der Online-Ausgabe des US-Fachjournals "Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment" veröffentlicht wurde, haben europäische Forscher jene invasive Arten aufgelistet, die die Umwelt am stärksten schädigen und deren Bekämpfung am teuersten ist. Die Wissenschaftler nutzten die Daten aus dem Forschungsprojekt DAISIE (Delivering Alien Invasive Species Inventories for Europe). Der Einfluß, den eine Tier- oder Pflanzenart auf ihren Lebensraum hat, wird von den Wissenschaftlern in vier Kategorien eingeteilt: die unterstützende Dienstleistungen wie Wasser- und Energiekreisläufe, bereitstellende Dienstleistungen wie durch die Bestäubung von Nahrungspflanzen, regulierende Dienstleistungen wie Wasserfilterung sowie kulturelle und ideelle Dienstleistungen wie Erholung und Ästhetik. Die Wissenschaftler haben eine Liste mit 100 gebietsfremden Arten zusammengestellt, die die größten Auswirkungen in den meisten Kategorien haben. Unter den Top-Eindringlingen sind die Kanadagans, die Wandermuschel, der Bachsaibling, die Beifußambrosie und die Nutria.

Mercury levels and trends (1993-2009) in bream (Abramis brama L.) and zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) from German surface waters

Lepom, Peter; Irmer, Ulrich; Wellmitz, Jörg Chemosphere 86 (2012), 2, 202-211 Mercury concentrations have been analysed in bream (Abramis brama L.) and zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) collected at 17 freshwater sites in Germany from 1993-2009 and 1994-2009, respectively, within the German Environmental Specimen programme. Mercury concentrations in bream ranged from 21 to 881 ng g -1 wet weight with lowest concentrations found at the reference site Lake Belau and highest in fish from the river Elbe and its tributaries. Statistical analysis revealed site-specific differences and significant decreasing temporal trends in mercury concentrations at most of the sampling sites. The decrease in mercury levels in bream was most pronounced in fish from the river Elbe and its tributary Mulde, while in fish from the river Saale mercury levels increased. Temporal trends seem to level off in recent years. Mercury concentrations in zebra mussels were much lower than those in bream according to their lower trophic position and varied by one order of magnitude from 4.1 to 42 ng g -1 wet weight (33-336 ng g -1 dry weight). For zebra mussels, trend analyses were performed for seven sampling sites at the rivers Saar and Elbe of which three showed significant downward trends. There was a significant correlation of the geometric mean concentrations in bream and zebra mussel over the entire study period at each sampling site (Pearson’s correlation coefficient = 0.892, p = 0.00002). A comparison of the concentrations in bream with the environmental quality standard (EQS) of 20 ng g -1 wet weight set for mercury in biota by the EU showed that not a single result was in compliance with this limit value, not even those from the reference site. Current mercury levels in bream from German rivers exceed the EQS by a factor 4.5-20. Thus, piscivorous top predators are still at risk of secondary poisoning by mercury exposure via the food chain. It was suggested focusing monitoring of mercury in forage fish (trophic level 3 or 4) for compliance checking with the EQS for biota and considering the age dependency of mercury concentrations in fish in the monitoring strategy. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.10.021

Journey into the past: using cryogenically stored samples to reconstruct the invasion history of the quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis) in German river systems

Paulus, Martin; Teubner, Diana; Hochkirch, Axel; Veith, Michael J Biological Invasions (2014), online 02. April 2014 Knowledge about the spatial-temporal dynamics of biological invasions often remains incomplete, because precise information about the invaders' arrival dates is rare. This applies to the quagga mussel, which has become one of the most successful invasive species in Western European freshwaters. We here used cryogenically stored Dreissena samples from the German Environmental Specimen Bank to reconstruct the colonization history of the quagga mussel in German river systems. Our retrospective genetic analysis significantly improved upon previous findings of when the quagga mussel arrived in Germany and can be used as chronological landmarks to reconstruct its range expansion. The discovery of Dreissena rostriformis in 2004 in the Rhine River near Koblenz presented the first record of this species not only in Germany, but also in Western Europe. Our results show that the quagga mussel had already invaded not only large parts of the Rhine and the Danube, but also the Elbe River. This demonstrates the value of cryobanked biological samples for the retrospective analysis of biological 'pollution' through alien invasive species. doi:10.1007/s10530-014-0689-y

Bioaccumulation and Long-Term Monitoring in Freshwater Ecosystems – Knowledge Gained from 20 Years of Zebra Mussel Analysis by the German Environmental Specimen Bank

Paulus, Martin; Teubner, Diana; Rüdel, Heinz; Klein, Roland In: Armon, Robert H.; Hänninen, Osmo (Eds.): Environmental Indicators, Springer Netherlands (2015), 781-803 With due regard to high standards, the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) has been utilized as an indicator of bioaccumulative substances in the German Environmental Specimen Bank for over 20 years. On an exemplary basis, the acquired time series of mercury and p,p'-DDE-concentrations underline their high value for freshwater ecosystem monitoring as well as their specific information content. The trends of mercury serve as a mirror of the industrial changes in Eastern Germany. A comparison with other sample specimens further emphasizes its usefulness in biomagnification studies. The p,p'-DDE concentrations demonstrate the diverse application history of the insecticide p,p'-DDT, as well as the high persistency of this transformation product. Furthermore the mussel’s biometric parameters highlight various water body specific developments, which in turn illustrate the different developments of its living conditions in the large German river systems. In the meantime, the severely lacking sample availability at many sampling sites partially underscores these changes. Reduced nutrient availability, predatory pressure, and competition by the invasive quagga mussel, D. rostriformis , are being discussed as possible causes. Overall, the sample availability is susceptible to considerable temporal discontinuities due to the complex dynamics of flowing water systems, which renders the latter crucial to the success of long-term monitoring studies. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9499-2_44

Die Abhängigkeit des Informationsgehaltes limnischer Akkumulationsindikatoren vom Zeitpunkt der Probenahme

Klein, Roland; Krotten, Joachim; Marthaler, Lothar; Sinnewe, Christoph; Dittmann, Jürgen Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 7 (1995), 2, 115-126 Die für eine Qualitätssicherung bei der Probenahme im passiven Biomonitoring notwendige Standardisierung trägt zur Verringerung der biologischen Variabilität bei und erleichtert damit die Aufschlüsselung des Informationsgehaltes von Akkumulationsindikatoren. Außerhalb der Tropen besitzt die biologische Variabilität eine jahreszeitliche Komponente, weshalb der Informationsgehalt vom Zeitpunkt der Probenahme beeinflußt werden kann. Am Beispiel der Dreikantmuschel ( Dreissena polymorpha ) und des Rotauges ( Rutilus rutilus ) werden die jahreszeitlichen Schwankungen der Metallgehalte und Gehalte chlorierter Kohlenwasserstoffe dargelegt, die je nach Schadstoff und Probenart unterschiedlich ausfallen. Allgemein treten die stärksten Veränderungen im Jahresverlauf in der Laichzeit auf. Vermutlich spielen für vier der sechs untersuchten Metalle die Biomassenverluste und der hohe Energiebedarf, aber auch Veränderungen der Bioverfügbarkeit der Metalle dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Wie erwartet, sind die Veränderungen des Fettgehaltes, die ebenfalls in Verbindung mit der Laichzeit am deutlichsten sind, der für die Schwankungen der lipohilen Schadstoffe dominante Faktor. Allerdings zeigen sich erstens zwischen den beiden Probenarten bei PCB auffallende Unterschiede, die wahrscheinlich in verschiedenen Kinetiken begründet sind. Zweitens beeinflußt zusätzlich zum Fettgehalt vermutlich die Winterzirkulation des Bodensees die PCB-Gehalte in der Dreikantmuschel. Drittens zeigen sich beim Rotauge zwar ähnliche jahreszeitliche Schwankungen beim PCB und TCBT, aber unterschiedliche Beziehungen zum Fettgehalt, die wahrscheinlich auf eine unterschiedliche Art der Akkumulation zurückzuführen sind. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen die Notwendigkeit einer Standardisierung des Probenahmezeitpunktes, die durch ökologisch und biologisch relativ stabile Phasen außerhalb der Laichzeit realisiert werden kann. doi:10.1007/BF02938779

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