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CFK-Recycling in der Kompetenzregion Augsburg

Das Projekt "CFK-Recycling in der Kompetenzregion Augsburg" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH durchgeführt. The increasing proportion of carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) in different branches of industry will result in an increasingly larger quantity of CFRP wastes in future. With regard to improved management of natural resources, it is necessary to add these fibres that require energy-intensive production to effective recycling management. But high-quality material recycling is only ecoefficient if the recycled fibres can be used to produce new high-quality and marketable products. Tests carried out up to now indicate that very good results can be expected for large-scale recycling of carbon fibres by means of pyrolysis. The waste pyrolysis plant (WPP) operated in Burgau is the only large-scale pyrolysis plant for municipal wastes in Germany. Use of this plant to treat CFRP wastes represents a unique opportunity for the whole Southern German economy and in particular the Augsburg economic region. In a study funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Health ('Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Gesundheit'), the specific implementation options for the recovery of carbon fibres from composites by means of large-scale pyrolysis have been under investigation since November 2010. To this end, in the first step a development study was carried out, which in particular examined the options for modifying the Burgau WPP for the recycling of CFRP. The knowledge acquired from the pyrolysis tests, the fibre tests and the economic feasibility study confirmed the positive assessment of the overall concept of CFRP recycling in Burgau. As an overall result, unlimited profitability was found for all scenarios with regard to investments in CFRP recycling in Burgau WPP. The work on the development study was carried out by bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH together with the Augsburg-based 'function integrated lightweight construction project group ('Funktionsintegrierter Leichtbau' - FIL) of the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT). Methods: analysis and moderation of social processes, economy and management consulting, process engineering

Länderübergreifendes Arten- und Biotopschutzkonzept für den Spessart - Schutz- und Entwicklungskonzepte für die Modellregion Spessart

Das Projekt "Länderübergreifendes Arten- und Biotopschutzkonzept für den Spessart - Schutz- und Entwicklungskonzepte für die Modellregion Spessart" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Senckenberg Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum, Außenstelle Gelnhausen, Abteilung Fließwässerokologie und Naturschutzforschung durchgeführt. Für den gesamten Nordspessart wurde ein regionalökologisches Gutachten erstellt, welches die derzeit vorliegenden ökologischen Fakten zusammenträgt und die wichtigsten Entwicklungsziele für diese Region formuliert. Es dient als Leitfaden für sämtliche kommenden landschaftsbezogenen Projekte. In Kooperation mit dem Forstamt und einer Gemeinde im Spessart wurde die Revitalisierung einer Wacholderheide initiiert. Dieser ökologisch und kulturell bedeutsame Lebensraum ist in ganz Europa vom Aussterben bedroht.

ARchaeological RObot systems for the World's Seas (ARROWS)

Das Projekt "ARchaeological RObot systems for the World's Seas (ARROWS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von University of Firenze durchgeführt. ARROWS proposes to adapt and develop low cost autonomous underwater vehicle technologies to significantly reduce the cost of archaeological operations, covering the full extent of archaeological campaign. Benefiting from the significant investments already made for military security and offshore oil and gas applications, the project aims to demonstrate an illustrative portfolio of mapping, diagnosis and excavation tasks. ARROWS approach is to identify the archaeologists requirements in all phases of the campaign, identify problems and propose technological solutions with the technological readiness levels that predict their maturation for exploitation within 3-5 years. The individual technologies are then developed during the course of the project using agile development method comprising rapid cycles of testing and comparison against the end user requirements. To ensure the wide exploitability of the results the requirements are defined and the solutions are tested in two historically significant but environmentally very different contexts, in The Mediterranean Sea and in The Baltic Sea. Both immediate, low risk and long term, high risk developments will be pursued. In particular: - Fast a low cost horizontal surveys of large areas using customised AUVs with multimodal sensing. - Fast and low cost semi-automated data analysing tools for site and object relocation - High quality maps from better image reconstruction methods and better localization abilities of AUVs. - Shipwreck penetration and internal mapping using small low cost vehicles localising using fixed pingers. - Soft excavation tool for diagnosis and excavation of fragile objects. - Mixed reality environments for virtual exploration of archaeological sites. - Monitoring of changes via back-to-the-site missions. The ARROWS consortium comprises expertise from underwater archaeology, underwater engineering, robotics, image processing and recognition from academia and industry.

BExIS++ Modularisierung und Skalierung der Bexis Experimentdatenhaltungsplattform

Das Projekt "BExIS++ Modularisierung und Skalierung der Bexis Experimentdatenhaltungsplattform" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Jena, Institut für Informatik durchgeführt. The Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Practical Computer Science at the Friedrich-Schiller-University (FSU) of Jena, Germany is working with the Institute of Ecology (FSU), the Institute for Geography (FSU), the University Data Center (FSU) and the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry for the further development of the established Biodiversity-Exploratories Information System (BExIS). Furthermore, the project will focus on strategic work such as concepts and method development to foster long-term data preservation in biodiversity research at the Friedrich-Schiller-University. Ideally, the further development of the existing BExIS software will serve three purposes: Technical Goals- The core of the BExIS software will be revised to increase the usability in terms of decoupling different software components due to modularization, support of easy integration of new software features with limited customization requirements and additionally encourage multi-platform support (scalability). Organizational Goals - This goal aims to work on strategies to establish a Centre of Excellence (CoE) for a coherent and sustainable scientific data management as a part of the basic IT infrastructure at FSU Jena. In detail, the project aims to develop a common persistence layer for long-term data preservation. As a first-use case for this type of common IT infrastructure, scientific data related to biodiversity research projects will be taken into account. In the future, the CoE might play an interdisciplinary key role in matters of consulting on data publication or publication of data as supplements to publications, across different domains. Curricular Goals - The third main goal of the BExIS++ project will focus on empirical curriculum development for students and young researchers related to Biology and Ecology. In addition, to the theoretical elaboration of curriculum development, technical developments belong to the main goal as well. Its intended to set up a mobile infrastructure to support field measurements and its linkage to the central Knowledge Management System BExIS.