Over the last twenty-five years it has become evident that exposure to several phthalates can have adverse effects on human health, such as endocrine disruption. This led to a series of EU regulations that resulted in a decrease in the production volumes of the restricted phthalates and an increased production of substitutes. The current study describes the impact of regulations and changes in production and use of phthalates and their substitutes on internal exposure patterns in two European populations since the beginning of the 2000'ies. Using harmonised data from young adults in Denmark (Danish Young Men Study, n = 1,063, spot urine) and Germany (Environmental Specimen Bank, n = 878, 24-h urine) with repeated cross-sectional design (3-11 cycles per biomarker) we applied Locally Estimated Scatterplot Smoothing (LOESS) and Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) to estimate time trends and the role of covariates on the trend (e.g. age, BMI). Time trends of daily excretion (mikrog/24h) are comparable between the two samples for the regulated (DEHP, BBzP, DiNP, DnBP, DiBP, DiDP/DPHP) as well as the non-regulated substances (DMP, DEP, DINCH, DEHTP) although the rate of change differ for some of the compounds. GLM results indicate that the daily excretion of the most regulated phthalates has decreased over time (DEHP yearly about 12-16%, BBzP 5%, DnBP 0.3-17%, and DiBP 4-12%). Interestingly, also the non-regulated phthalates DMP and DEP decreased by 6-18% per year. In sharp contrast, the phthalate substitutes DINCH and DEHTP show very steep annual increases (~10-68% and ~100%, respectively) between 2009 and 2017. We did not find an effect of age, sex, BMI, or education on the time trend. The present study provides comparable insights into how exposure to phthalates and two of their substitutes have changed over the last two decades in Germany and Denmark. © 2022 The Authors
This guidance document has been developed in the project “Implementation and enforcement of EU regulations on fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) and ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in Bulgaria”. The objective of the document is to support Bulgaria in maximising its regulatory and enforcement capabilities with a focus on market surveillance and inspections of companies. It summarises the regulatory framework for F-gases and ODS in the EU, highlights new measures, including the F-gas phase-down and bans, and puts them into the Bulgarian context. Experiences, also in other EU member states, are referred to and recommendations for improving the enforcement of relevant EU F-gas and ODS regulations are given. To support effective inspection, checklists are provided to be used by inspectors during on-site inspections. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.
Treated seeds imported from the EU can be sown in Germany, even if they were treated with plant protection products that are not authorized in Germany. This possible deficit in legislation, not preestimated during the negotiations for the EU regulation, results in a gap in the current environmental risk assessment and risk mitigation of seed treatments. This market study examines the reasons for import and use of treated seeds as well as the quantity and type of pesticides used. Potential risks to the environment not yet considered in the risk assessment which may arise specifically in Germany due to the use of imported treated seeds were evaluated. Proposals for possible solutions for risk assessment and risk mitigation of treated seeds on a regulatory level were developed. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 23/2022.
Chemicals with a specific combination of intrinsic substance properties pose a hazard to the sources of our drinking water, including substances that are very persistent (vP) in the environment and very mobile (vM) in the aquatic environment as well as substances that are persistent (P), mobile (M), and toxic (T). This publication presents the result of the scientific and technical development of the PMT/vPvM criteria under EU REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006. The scientific and regulatory considerations include (1) monitoring data, (2) simulation and model studies and (3) impact considerations. This can be considered a ready-to-use tool for industry to identify PMT/vPvM substances. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 127/2019.
This guidance document has been developed in the project “Implementation and enforcement of EU regulations on fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) and ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in Bulgaria”. The objective of the document is to support Bulgaria in maximising its regulatory and enforcement capabilities with a focus on market surveillance and inspections of companies. It summarises the regulatory framework for F-gases and ODS in the EU, highlights new measures, including the F-gas phase-down and bans, and puts them into the Bulgarian context. Experiences, also in other EU member states, are referred to and recommendations for improving the enforcement of relevant EU F-gas and ODS regulations are given. To support effective inspection, checklists are provided to be used by inspectors during on-site inspections. Veröffentlicht in Broschüren.
The EU regulation 1107/2009 introduces the substitution principle for active substances in plant protection products that meet certain human or environmental hazard criteria. For products containing such candidates for substitution, their risk must be compared to alternative products during authorisation procedure. This report presents an approach for comparative risk assessment based on a profile of all different endpoints currently used in environmental risk assessment of plant protection products. It further suggests decision criteria for identifying significant differences in environmental risk, which would justify the substitution of a candidate product by a less critical alternative. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 47/2017.
This report summarises the findings and results of the project “Implementation and enforcement of EU regulations on fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) and ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in Bulgaria”. The project’s objective was to identify potential for improving the implementation and enforcement of different EU-regulations, e.g. of Regulation (EU) No. 517/2014, in Bulgaria. It focussed on the topics reporting, containment of ODS and F-gases, incentives for ODS destruction, supervision of the market (including internet trade), alternative technologies to F-gases, as well as training and certification contents and procedures addressing alternatives to F-gases. In addition to this final report, three guidance documents have been developed with more detailed information on the supervision of the market, on natural refrigerants, and on the training and certification topic. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 05/2017.
With the new draft regulation on the "Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products" (SUR), the European Commission is concretising the pesticide reduction target of 50% by 2030 stipulated in the Farm-to-Fork Strategy. The legally binding implementation of integrated pest management sets a new course for sustainable agriculture. However, for the success of practical implementation to contribute to species conservation and to create resilient ecosystems in the agricultural landscape, further preconditions are necessary. This scientific opinion paper provides four major recommendations for action that are needed from an environmental perspective to achieve the envisaged objectives. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de
Im Verordnungsentwurf zur "Nachhaltigen Anwendung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln" (SUR) konkretisiert die Europäische Kommission das 50 % Pestizidreduktionsziel der Farm-to-Fork-Strategy. Durch eine rechtsverbindliche Umsetzung des integrierten Pflanzenschutzes werden die Weichen für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft neu gestellt. Doch damit die Vorgaben auch in der Praxis wirken, zum Artenerhalt beitragen und resiliente Ökosysteme in Agrarlandschaften hervorbringen kann, braucht es noch weitere Voraussetzungen. Dieses Scientific Opinion Paper erklärt aus der Umweltperspektive vier Verbesserungsvorschläge zur SUR, die dafür notwendig sind. Quelle: www.umweltbundesamt.de
As a Party to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC), since 1994 Germany has been obliged to prepare, publish and regularly update national emission inventories of greenhouse gases. In February 2005, the Kyoto Protocol entered into force. As a result, the international community of nations is required to implement binding action objectives and instruments for global climate protection. This leads to very extensive and detailed obligations vis-à-vis the preparation, reporting and review of emissions inventories. In keeping with Article 3 of the Kyoto Protocol, the EU countries have been making use of the option of jointly fulfilling obligations under the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. They have been doing so via European regulations, most recently EU Regulation 525/20131 and its Implementing Regulation 749/20142 . Current European implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, via regulations, has made the Protocol's provisions legally binding for Germany. Pursuant to Decision 24/CP.5, all Parties listed in ANNEX I of the UNFCCC are required to prepare and submit annual National Inventory Reports (NIRs) containing detailed and complete information on the entire process of preparation of such greenhouse-gas inventories. The purpose of such reports is to ensure the transparency, consistency and comparability of inventories and support the independent review process. Pursuant to to decision 15/CMP.1, as of 2010 all of the countries listed in ANNEX I of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change that are also parties to the Kyoto Protocol must submit annual inventories in order to be able to make use of flexible mechanisms pursuant to Articles 6, 12 and 17 of the Kyoto Protocol. Together with the inventory tables, Germany submits a National Inventory Report (NIR), which refers to the period covered by the inventory tables and describes the methods and data sources on which the pertinent calculations are based. The report, and the report tables in the Common Reporting Format (CRF), have been prepared pursuant to the UNFCCC guidelines on annual inventories (FCCC/CP/2013/10/Add.3) and in conformance with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for national Greenhouse Gas Inventories (IPCC Guidelines, 2006) and the IPCC Good Practice Guidance (IPCC-GPG, 2000). The NIR contains a Part II, along with additional sub-chapters, that fulfill the expanded requirements under the Kyoto Protocol and the relevant obligations at the European level. Quelle: E-Book
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