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Found 20 results.

Is the immune system required to adapt to flowering time change?

Das Projekt "Is the immune system required to adapt to flowering time change?" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Köln, Biozentrum, Botanisches Institut durchgeführt. For effective crop improvement, breeders must be able to select on relevant phenotypic traits without compromising yield. This project proposes to investigate the evolutionary consequences of flowering time modifications on a second trait of major importance for plant breeding: immunity. This will have implications both for understanding cross-talks between flowering time and defense network and for developing efficient breeding strategies. There is clear evidence that plant maturity influences levels and effectiveness of defense. Theoretical models actually predict that changes in life-history can modulate the balance between costs and benefits of immunity. Simultaneously, actors of the immune system have often been observed to alter flowering time. Two alternative and possibly complementary hypotheses can explain this link: genetic constraints due to the pleiotropic action of players in either systems, or co-evolution, if flowering-time changes modulate the cost-benefit balance of immunity. We will conduct field assays in Arabidopsis thaliana, using constructed lines as well as recombinant inbred lines and natural accessions, to differentiate the action of the two explanatory hypotheses. Using transcriptome analyses, we will identify defense genes associating with flowering time modification (f-t-a defense genes). We will quantify their expression along the assay and test whether it varies with both flowering time and fitness. We will further test whether flowering time and immunity interact to determine yield in tomato and potato.

Shifts in the climate niche of mammals: evolutionary constraints or adaptation potential?

Das Projekt "Shifts in the climate niche of mammals: evolutionary constraints or adaptation potential?" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften, Abteilung für Biometrie und Umweltsystemanalyse durchgeführt. Predictions of effects of climate change on species distributions assume constant climatic niches. Our current understanding of how climate niches developed through evolution is very limited. This project shall analyse how climate niche of the 5488 mammal species worldwide is related to their phylogenetic position. The hypothesis is that closely related species will also have similar climate niches, indicating climate niche conservation. Based on current distributions and environmental data, we shall quantify the climate niche of each species and compare it to that of its closest relative (sister species). We shall investigate whether climate niche position is similarly phylogenetically constrained as other species traits such as body weight, gestation length or litter size. The huge breadth of mammal ecologies, their highly resolved phylogenetic tree, their high conservation relevance and their relatively well-known geographical distribution make them an ideal study system. In the process of this study, new methodological standards for the analysis of niche evolution will be developed, including randomisation tests, virtual species analysis and character tracing of climate niche position. In the end, we shall be able to specify the adaptation potential to climate change for a large number of species studied.

Natural variation of flowering time due to cis-regulatory evolution of FLOWERING LOCUS T and its orthologs and paralogs in Brassica napus

Das Projekt "Natural variation of flowering time due to cis-regulatory evolution of FLOWERING LOCUS T and its orthologs and paralogs in Brassica napus" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Pflanzenzüchtungsforschung, Abteilung Entwicklungsbiologie der Pflanzen durchgeführt. In many plant species, FLOWERING LOCUS T and related proteins are the mobile signal that communicates information on photoperiod from the leaves to the shoots, where the transition to flowering is realized. FT expression is tightly controlled at the transcriptional level so that it is restricted to leaves, occurs only in appropriate photoperiods, and integrates ambient temperature and developmental cues, as well as information on biotic and abiotic stress. We previously established that FT transcription in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana requires proximal promoter cis-elements and a distal enhancer, both evolutionary conserved among Brassicacea species. In addition, FT transcription is blocked prior vernalization in biannual accessions and vernalization-dependency of FT is controlled through a CArG-box located in the first intron that binds the transcriptional repressor FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC). Chromatin-mediated repression by the Polycomb Group (PcG) pathway is required for photoperiod-dependent FT regulation and participates in FT expression level modulation in response to other cues.In this project, I propose to explore the available sequence data from the 1001 genome project in Arabidopsis to evaluate how often changes in regulatory cis-elements at FT have occurred and how these translate into an adaptive value. Allele-specific FT expression pattern will be measured in F1 hybrids of different accessions in response to varying environmental conditions. FT alleles that show cis-regulatory variation will be further analyzed to pinpoint the causal regulatory changes and study their effect in more detail. The allotetrapolyploid species Brassica napus is a hybrid of two Brassiceae species belonging to the A- and C-type genome, which are in turn mesopolyploid due to a genome triplication that occurred ca. 10x106 years ago. We will determine allele-specific expression of FT paralogs from both genomes of a collection of B. napus accessions. The plants will be grown in the field in changing environmental conditions to maximize the chance to detect expression variation of the paralogs. We will compare the contribution of the founder genomes to the regulation of flowering time and asses variation in this contribution. A particular focus will be to study the impact of chromatin-mediated repression on allele selection in B. napus.

Funktionelle Genomforschung an Blühgenen zur gezielten genetischen Modifikation des Blühzeitpunkts in Zuckerrübe - GABI - GENOFLOR -Teilprojekt A

Das Projekt "Funktionelle Genomforschung an Blühgenen zur gezielten genetischen Modifikation des Blühzeitpunkts in Zuckerrübe - GABI - GENOFLOR -Teilprojekt A" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung durchgeführt. Background: The transition from vegetative to generative growth in the lifetime of a flowering plant is triggered by a number of genes together with endogenous stimuli as well as environmental cues, such as temperature or day length changes. To ensure optimal reproductive success, flowering plants have developed different life cycles. While annual species complete their life cycle in one year, biennial species need to overwinter and thus finish their life cycle in the second year. The genetic control of photoperiodic flowering has been elucidated in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, while many of the identified genes are structurally conserved in all known plants. Recently, the bolting locus BOLTING TIME CONTROL 1 (BTC1) was discovered to control annuality through regulation of the two beet FT homologs BvFT1 and BvFT2. BTC1 shares sequence homology with the PSEUDO RESPONSE REGULATOR 7 (PRR7) gene from A. thaliana which is part of the circadian clock system. A homolog of Arabidopsis PRR7 in beet, BvPRR7, was also identified, and work is in progress to determine the function of this gene which belongs to the same gene family like BTC1. Besides BTC1, several promising bolting time loci (B2, B3, B4) have been identified after an EMS mutagenesis of an annual beet accession. Dominant alleles at these loci promote annual bolting. Objectives: We aim to understand the genetic network that regulates floral transition in sugar beet, with the long-term objective of providing a tool kit for targeted modification of bolting and flowering time. Applications in plant breeding include suppression of vernalization-responsiveness to enable winter cultivation and marker-assisted selection for synchronization of flowering time for hybrid seed production, as well as understanding and expanding the evolutionary relationship of flowering time pathways between Beta and other species. Results: Putative orthologs of flowering time genes in model species were identified by homology-based methods, and 20 genes were mapped on a genetic map of sugar beet. Genome-wide transcript analyses have revealed new insights into the genetic and environmental regulation of floral transition in sugar beet. Recently, results from a functional characterization revealed that the FLC-like gene BvFL1 does not function as a major regulator of vernalization response in biennial beet, but overexpression results in a moderate late-bolting phenotype. By contrast, RNAi-induced down-regulation of the BvFT1-BvFT2 module led to a strong delay in bolting after vernalization by several weeks. The data demonstrate for the first time that an FLC homolog does not play a major role in the control of vernalization response in a dicot species outside the Brassicaceae.

Eco-evolutionary responses and feedbacks of a key herbivore to lake oligotrophication

Das Projekt "Eco-evolutionary responses and feedbacks of a key herbivore to lake oligotrophication" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Konstanz, Limnologisches Institut durchgeführt. The project will use analysis of long-term data, resurrection ecology and modeling to investigate the ecological and evolutionary response of an aquatic key herbivore, Daphnia, to environmental change. In addition, the results obtained will enable to estimate the consequences of the evolutionary response of Daphnia for its population dynamics, persistence and consequently, overall ecosystem dynamics. The project will analyze in detail the response of Daphnia, its food, competitors and predators to oligo-trophication in a model ecosystem, i.e., Lake Constance and additionally variability in Daphnia population dynamics in several of the best studied lakes of the world. Historical field samples from Lake Constance will be re-analyzed to study the phenotypic life history and morphological responses of Daphnia to oligo-trophication. Using resurrection ecology we will analyze the evolutionary response of Daphnia galeata life history parameters to oligo-trophication - with special emphasis on its investment into sexual reproduction/production of resting eggs as well as life history plasticity in response to invertebrate predators and declining food levels. These analyses (in combination with model simulations) will provide key data for understanding the role of Daphnia life cycle strategy (overwintering in the plankton or in resting eggs) for Daphnia persistence in permanent lakes, for the interpretation of Daphnia resting egg banks, and the evolution of the genetic variances and co-variances of life history parameters.

Palaeo-Evo-Devo of Malacostraca - a key to the evolutionary history of 'higher' crustaceans

Das Projekt "Palaeo-Evo-Devo of Malacostraca - a key to the evolutionary history of 'higher' crustaceans" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Greifswald, Zoologisches Institut und Museum, Abteilung Cytologie und Evolutionsbiologie durchgeführt. In my project I aim at a better understanding of the evolution of malacostracan crustaceans, which includes very different groups such as mantis shrimps, krill and lobsters. Previous studies on Malacostraca, on extant as well as on fossil representatives, focussed on adult morphology.In contrast to such approaches, I will apply a Palaeo-Evo-Devo approach to shed new light on the evolution of Malacostraca. Palaeo-Evo-Devo uses data of different developmental stages of fossil malacostracan crustaceans, such as larval and juvenile stages. With this approach I aim at bridging morphological gaps between the different diverse lineages of modern malacostracans by providing new insights into the character evolution in these lineages.An extensive number of larval and juvenile malacostracans is present in the fossil record, but which have only scarcely been studied. The backbone of this project will be on malacostracans from the Solnhofen Lithographic Limestones (ca. 150 million years old), which are especially well preserved and exhibit minute details. During previous studies, I developed new documentation methods for tiny fossils from these deposits, e.g., fluorescence composite microscopy, and also discovered the first fossil mantis shrimp larvae. For malcostracan groups that do not occur in Solnhofen, I will investigate fossils from other lagerstätten, e.g., Mazon Creek and Bear Gulch (USA), or Montceaules- Mines and La-Voulte-sur-Rhône (France). The main groups in focus are mantis shrimps and certain other shrimps (e.g., mysids, caridoids), as well as the bottom-living ten-footed crustaceans (reptantians). Examples for studied structures are leg details, including the feeding apparatus, but also eyes. The results will contribute to the reconstruction of 3D computer models.The data collected in this project will be used for evaluating the relationships within Malacostraca, but mainly for providing plausible evolutionary scenarios, how the modern malacostracan diversity evolved. With the Palaeo-Evo-Devo approach, I am also able to detect shifts in developmental timing, called heterochrony, which is interpreted as one of the major driving forces of evolution. Finally, the reconstructed evolutionary patterns can be compared between the different lineages for convergencies. These comparisons might help to explain the convergent adaptation to similar ecological niches in different malacostracan groups, e.g., life in the deep sea, life on the sea bottom, evolution of metamorphosis or of predatory larvae.As the project requires the investigation of a large number of specimens in different groups, I will assign distinct sub-projects to three doctoral researchers. The results of this project will not only be published in peer-reviewed journals, but will also be presented to the non-scientific public, e.g., during fossil fairs or museum exhibitions with 3D models engraved in glass blocks.

Are extrafloral nectaries a key innovation in plant defense strategies? Insigths from the large, widespread and diverse legume genus Senna

Das Projekt "Are extrafloral nectaries a key innovation in plant defense strategies? Insigths from the large, widespread and diverse legume genus Senna" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Institut für Pflanzenbiologie durchgeführt. The main goal of the study presented here was to test whether extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) are a key innovation in plant defense strategies. EFNs occur in greater than 90 flowering plant families, typically in Leguminosae (=Fabaceae). Located commonly on vegetative parts, EFNs secrete nectar, attracting ants and forming ecologically important ant-plant mutualisms. These mutualisms may confer a higher fitness to EFN-plants and, thus, an increased potential for survival, dispersal, and adaptation, and ultimately to undergo speciation. Key innovations are one of the most important triggers of radiations and large-scale diversifications in nature. But, unraveling the diversification history of old, species-rich and widespread clades is difficult, because of extinction, undersampling and taxonomic problems. In the context of these challenges, we investigated the timing and mode of lineage diversification in the widespread legume genus Senna to gain insights into the evolutionary role of its EFNs. In Senna, EFNs characterize one large clade (EFN clade), including 80Prozent of its 350 species. Fossil evidence indicates that Senna dates from the Eocene, predating many legume genera. We outlined a novel powerful framework for key innovation hypothesis testing in old, widespread and species-rich clades, like Senna. This consists of the combination of a list of four criteria for morphological novelties to qualify as key innovation, together with an accurate inference of the diversification history of the entire study group (i.e. accurate estimation of divergence times, diversification rates, and clade sizes), and an adequate method for testing shifts in diversification rates. Our molecular dating analyses suggest that Senna originated in the early Eocene (ca. 50 Million years (My) ago), and its major lineages appeared during early/mid Eocene to early Oligocene. EFNs evolved in the late Eocene (ca. 35-40 My ago), after the main radiation of ants. The EFN clade diversified faster, becoming significantly more species-rich than non-EFN clades. The shift in diversification rates associated with EFN evolution supports the hypothesis that EFNs represent a (relatively old) key innovation in Senna. EFNs may have promoted the colonization of new habitats appearing with the early uplift of the Andes. This would explain the distinctive geographic concentration of the EFN clade in South America (144 species). Evolution of the EFNs may have helped the EFN clade to undergo a rapid radiation leading to the outstanding floral diversity observed in extant taxa. The study is the first to provide evidence for the role of a plant-ant protective mutualism in triggering plant diversification.

Evolution of plant morphological diversity in plant-insect mutualisms

Das Projekt "Evolution of plant morphological diversity in plant-insect mutualisms" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Zürich, Institut für Pflanzenbiologie durchgeführt. Most plants rely on insects for their pollination, protection (e.g., from herbivores) and/or seed dispersal, and have formed a mutually beneficial interaction, or mutualism. The current research investigates the evolution of plant traits involved in plant-insect mutualisms. In particular, it focuses on the evolution of extrafloral nectaries (EFNs): secretory structures on plant parts outside the flower, which offer carbohydrate-rich, water-based secretions (=nectar) to ants in return for their protection from herbivores (i.e. protective mutualisms). EFNs occur in some ferns and over hundred families of flowering plants, especially the legume family. However, their phylogenetic distribution within families, morphological diversity and evolution, and evolutionary role are poorly understood. Also EFN plant-ant interactions are known to shape entire tropical and savannah-like ecosystems, but their unexpected occurrence in deserts - where plants need to manage water carefully - has been studied only in a few cacti. This study investigated the diversity and evolution of EFNs at three different levels: (1) in the Leguminosae, the third largest and second economically most important angiosperm family, which also dominates many kinds of vegetation worldwide; (2) in the legume genus Senna, a case study where EFNs represent a key innovation (see past SNF project by B. Marazzi); and (3) in Sonoran Desert plants. Current results show that EFNs occur in species of over 130 legume genera (over twice as many as in the last published account of EFNs in this family). They are particularly abundant in the subfamily Mimosoideae, and may have evolved independently at least 30 times in the family. This incredible number of origins suggests the action of some evolutionary (perhaps genetic) precursor that allowed some clades to evolve EFNs more 'easily' given ceartin selective regimes. Most legume EFNs occur on the (typically pinnate) leaves, less often on stipules and different parts of inflorescences. In Senna, ancestral leaf EFNs appear to have evolved first between the proximal pair of leaflets only (some 40 Million years ago), and later also between the other pairs of leaflets (several times) or only at the base of the leaf stalk (once). In the Sonoran Desert area (including also mountain habitats), EFNs may occur in species from up to 32 families, in several cacti and in particular Leguminosae, dominant in this vegetation. EFNs have apparently been reduced but have been retained in a functional state (i.e., secreting nectar) in most desert legumes, and are thus capable of participating in protective mutualisms with desert ants. This research shows that EFNs are more widespread in plants than previously thought, suggesting that we may have underestimated the role of protective ant-plant interactions in shaping ecosystem ecology and evolution

Evolutionary ecology of floral signals and pollinator specificity in plants

Das Projekt "Evolutionary ecology of floral signals and pollinator specificity in plants" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Agrarwissenschaften, Departement Biologie durchgeführt. Plants grow in complex ecological networks, and show finely tuned adaptations to attact mutualists such as pollinators, and deter enemies such as herbivores. To do so, plants use volatile signals (BVOCs biogenic volatile organic compounds) that are emitted from vegetative (e.g. leaves) or flowers. Leaf volatiles are often thought to be involved in defense, whereas floral volatiles are traditionally interpreted as attractants for pollinators. However, recent studies have shown that floral scent may as well be involved in defending reproductive structures against antagonists. This can be achieved by emitting repellent compounds from flowers. The obvious need of plants to attract pollinators to flowers on the one hand, and to defend flowers on the other hand, puts them into a dilemma. Such signaling dilemma or trade-offs suggest optimal fitness outcomes may be a compromise between attraction (pollinators, parasitoids) and deterrence (herbivores); a key factor selecting for differential signaling may thus be the abundance and species identity of these interacting organisms in a given habitat. Signaling conflicts may also differ among pollination systems, e.g. when pollinators are also herbivores (moth pollination), attracting an herbivore is unavoidable for pollination. Under strong herbivore attack, however, plants may even switch pollination system by changing BVOC signaling to escape the herbivore pressure. This particular project will focus on ecological and evolutionary aspects of flower signaling to pollinators and the impact of novel herbivores on this mutualism. Up till now, we know surprisingly little about how herbivore induced changes in floral volatiles (HICFV) and the resulting change in flower attractiveness to pollinators. This IP will investigate HICFV after attack of established and novel herbivores (both on shoots and roots) and its molecular basis and variability. Lastly, natural selection on HICFV will be studied in populations with and without invasive herbivores, to asses their impact on the evolution of this key plant signaling trait and model future evolutionary change.

Processes and mechanisms of antagonistic coevolution

Das Projekt "Processes and mechanisms of antagonistic coevolution" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Basel, Zoologisches Institut, Labor für Wirbeltierbiologie durchgeführt. Processes and mechanisms of antagonistic coevolution The research I am proposing addresses basic aspects of the coevolution between hosts and their parasites. Many biological and medical phenomena have been explained to be a consequence of reciprocal host-parasite coevolution. Some of these explanations require specific and rapid antagonistic coevolution to take place. Experimental coevolution of viruses in bacteria or cell cultures gave evidence for coevolution by selective sweeps, but we have little, and mostly indirect evidence for coevolution with plant and animal hosts. However, population genetic consideration suggests that rapid antagonistic coevolution in plant and animal host systems should be dominated by negative frequency dependent selection. In this proposal I ask for funds to carry out experiments with populations of the waterfleas Daphnia magna and its microparasites to deepen our understanding of the genetic processes and mechanisms of coevolution. D. magna reproduce sexually and clonally, the later with a generation time of only 10 days. Two parasites, the microsporidium, Octosporea bayeri, and the bacterium, Pasteuria ramosa, will be used in the experiments. I propose a project with 3 sub-projects to elucidate the mechanisms and patterns of host-parasite coevolution. Sub-Project A aims to find direct experimental evidence for rapid and specific coevolution with Daphnia and a microsporidian parasite under natural conditions. This will include time-shift cross-infection experiments using hosts and parasites stored at different times of the coevolution. Sub-Project B is about finding the infectivity genes in the bacterial parasite, Pasteuria. Sub-Project C proposes experiments to elucidate the mechanisms at work shaping the genetic epidemiology and coevolution of Pasteuria with its waterflea host. With my research I hope to establish a case study, which would provide urgently needed data to test assumptions and to estimate parameters for epidemiological and (co-)evolutionary models of infectious diseases. It would allow streamlining treatments against pests and parasites and to make more accurate predictions about infectious diseases evolution. It will further provide insight into natural phenomena, which are suggested to be a consequence of rapid antagonistic coevolution.

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