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DE-LIGHT Transport

Das Projekt "DE-LIGHT Transport" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Center of Maritime Technologies e.V. durchgeführt. DE-LIGHT Transport is a multi-national initiative supported by the European Commission's Framework 6 programme that is investigating the design and manufacturing of lightweight sandwich structures in the marine, rail and freight container industries. Sandwich materials, consisting of two thin facings separated by a low density core, can be used to produce structures that are both light and stiff. They also offer opportunities for parts reduction through design integration, improved surface finish and lower assembly and outfitting costs. DE-LIGHT Transport aims to further promote the use of sandwich materials by developing key technologies that will support the practical realisation of robust sandwich designs. Specifically, this will include: - A multi-material sandwich design tool. Previous work has often focussed on a particular type of sandwich construction (e.g. laser-welded steel or composite). This has tended to yield niche results with limited applicability. DE-LIGHT Transport will implement a more generic design approach that will allow the evaluation and optimisation of a wide range of material and structural mixes according to the requirements of a given application. - Strategies for joining, assembly and outfitting ? the bringing together and integration of separate sandwich panels and/or sub-components to produce finished structures. In particular, modular approaches for the off-line production of sandwich assemblies to exploit economies of scale will be developed. Testing and validation procedures ? to provide accurate and reliable methods of determining fitness for purpose. The above technologies will be demonstrated within the project through the design and manufacturing of six prototype structures. These will include deck and deckhouse structures for ships, a rail vehicle cab, and a freight container. Risk-based design principals will be applied throughout to ensure that the new designs comply with existing regulatory frameworks. It is anticipated that DE-LIGHT Transport will provide designers of vehicles and vessels with practical approaches to the implementation of sandwich solutions as an alternative to traditional stiffened-plate designs. In this way, the benefits of sandwich construction will be unlocked for a wider range of applications.

Renewable Energy Systems for Urban Regeneration in Cities of Europe

Das Projekt "Renewable Energy Systems for Urban Regeneration in Cities of Europe" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Meteocontrol GmbH durchgeführt. Objectives: 1. To install 1.8MWp of PV in 5 countries as part of significant urban regeneration programmes; 2. To demonstrate the application of PV as a re-roofing material in social housing planned refurbishment, thereby improving project viability by transferring roofing budgets to the PV budget; 3. To demonstrate the use of innovative energy trading mechanisms that are presented by a liberalised electricity market and the current political / environmental climate; 4. To demonstrate the use of innovative PV finance mechanisms by working with banks and finance companies to assess all the possibilities for innovative PV finance mechanisms; 5. To demonstrate the potential for cost reductions through competition and economies of scale; 6. To review, develop, demonstrate and disseminate best- practice social integration techniques.

Interface Application and Serious Games (I-APPLES)

Das Projekt "Interface Application and Serious Games (I-APPLES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. This project aims at co-creation of innovative business opportunities for serious gaming, app's and other game based technologies in adaptive water management and it's nexuses with other climate related themes like food production, bio-based economy and energy production. Game based technologies also complement to the Education pillar of the KIC-Climate programme, through awareness raising and capacity building in the climate arena, but also through offering innovative uses of existing information and toolboxes for further development under the KIC curriculum. - to disclose and ensure relevant use of climate information by society and economy, in an attractive setting, as to enhance awareness raising and decision support- to address and visualize various aspects of complex problems through integration of disciplines and multiple sectors at different scales in time, space and institutional responsibility- to create and scale up a divers market for those technologies to provide knowledge, data and models.

E 3: Market potential of high-value agricultural products as a determinant for rural development in Northern Thailand and Vietnam

Das Projekt "E 3: Market potential of high-value agricultural products as a determinant for rural development in Northern Thailand and Vietnam" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Agrar- und Sozialökonomie in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. The objective of this project is to evaluate markets and marketing systems relevant for assessing the potential of specific agricultural products in the rapidly changing rural environment of northern Thailand and Vietnam. The project aims (1) to evaluate the market potential of high value fruit products (mango, lychee, longan which are the subject of research in subproject D1), (2) to assess the feasibility and economies of scale of fruit processing (as technically required following research in subproject E1 and E2), and (3) to reveal the market effects of alternative production techniques (improved animal production in D2, farming systems in D3) introduced into agricultural production systems. This will provide information for the technical and farming systems projects on adjustment needs with respect to market prices and costs. Market information is indispensable for the products mentioned above, as many of them are supposed to be products with high income elasticities and therefore strongly dependent on macroeconomic developments such as recent market and income distortions observed in Southeast Asia. Research in this phase will lay the groundwork for assessing the optimal structure (location, size, number) of a processing industry in the later phases of the SFB.

Energy technology dynamics and advanced energy system modelling

Das Projekt "Energy technology dynamics and advanced energy system modelling" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung durchgeführt. General Information: The main objective of the project is to analyse energy technology and accompanying policy of the European Union by using advanced energy system models emphasising on technology evolution dynamics. The project aims at providing new insights for the EU energy and RTD strategy in the perspective of climate change and acidification targets. It will focus on the interactions between policy instruments and technology evolution, in the presence of growing market competition and uncertainty. In its scope, the project mainly considers the EU policy dimension (with special emphasis on burden sharing implications across countries and on the global position of the EU), but fully includes a world dimension, as well. Within its research component, the project intends to fully specify, and develop in all models involved, a common methodology for endogenous energy technology evolution mechanisms. The project involves PRIMES that formulates energy market competition in the EU covering all member states, MARKAL for selected countries that operates under the global system optimisation hypothesis, the world-wide MESSAGE modelling system (which has already experimented with endogenous learning by doing mechanisms) and POLES simulating the operation of energy markets across the world regions. A horizontal role is also envisaged for the SAFIRE model, regarding micro-simulation of new energy technology diffusion. The involvement in the project of all the major energy models that exist in Europe emphasises the importance given to the objectives of the project, but also serves for two other purposes: first, it allows for economies of scale in the research (modelling and data) regarding the innovative work on endogenising technology dynamics; second, it allows for comparisons and synergy, as the models are, complementary in policy analysis, concerning in particular the geographical coverage and the need to consider the EU issues in a world-wide context. The project will address the main strategic issues that are currently at the core of EU policy: future choices for power generation including small-scale generation, long term prospects for renewables and fuel cycles, the energy efficiency gap, the impact of policy instruments (including fiscal instruments, subsidies, standards, RTD policy), the world market prospects. The project also involves a separate activity regarding the use of the PRIMES and POLES models to cover specific policy analysis needs at the level of the Commission. Additionally, yearly updates of a baseline scenario for Europe will be provided. The main assumptions of this scenario will be decided in collaboration with the EnR network, so as to establish communication between the modelling work and the policy decision centres. Prime Contractor: National Technical University of Athens, Institute of communication and Computer Systems Group in Economy Energy Environment Modelling; Athens; Greece.

Aspekte der Internationalisierung der Entsorgung radioaktiver Stoffe

Das Projekt "Aspekte der Internationalisierung der Entsorgung radioaktiver Stoffe" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Köln, Energiewirtschaftliches Institut durchgeführt. Die Loesung der Entsorgungsaufgabe fuer hochradioaktive Abfaelle aus Kernkraftwerken wird immer draengender. Aufgrund der historischen Nutzung der Kernenergie sind hochradioaktive Abfaelle/abgebrannte Brennelemente angefallen, die selbst bei einem sofortigen Ausstieg sachgerecht zu entsorgen sind. Gerade kleinere Laender (wenig Kernkraftwerke, beschraenkte Finanzressourcen) werden hiermit ueberfordert sein, da ein Grossteil der Entsorgungskosten (speziell Endlager) mengenunabhaengig sind. Daher werden immer wieder internationale (regionale) Loesungen angedacht, die von der Studie aufgegriffen und weiterentwickelt werden. Beispielhaft findet eine Ueberpruefung aus deutscher Sicht statt, die in der Methodik der Simulationsrechnungen unmittelbar auch auf andere Laender uebertragen werden kann. Bezogen auf die Zukunft der Kernenergie nimmt die Studie eine bewusst defensive Position ein, indem bestimmte Betriebsdauern existierender Kernkraftwerke und kein Neubau von Kernkraftwerken unterstellt werden. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass im Entsorgungsbereich erhebliche Groessenvorteile (economies of scale) existieren, die im Rahmen einer ausschliesslich nationalen Entsorgung nicht ausgenutzt werden. So wurde im Rahmen eines Szenario REFERENZ fuer Deutschland nationale Entsorgungskosten fuer hochradioaktive Abfaelle im Umfang von 22 Mrd. DM ermittelt. Wird die derzeitige Blockade-Politik fortgesetzt, wuerden sich die Kosten bei nur einer geringen Variation der Parameter (Verzoegerungen, hoehere Unsicherheiten, Stillstandskosten) verdreifachen. Ausgehend von einer simulierten Oeffnung des Endlager Gorlebens wuerde die Einbringung von hochradioaktiven Abfaellen aus Belgien, den Niederlanden, der Schweiz und Spaniens die Gesamtkosten zwar auf 28 Mrd. DM erhoehen, die spezifischen Durchschnittskosten verringern sich jedoch. Bei der Finanzierung bilden die Zuwachskosten die Untergrenze und die nationalen Entsorgungskosten die (theoretische) Obergrenze. In Abhaengigkeit der gewaehlten Finanzierung liegen die Einsparungen aus deutscher Sicht zwischen 8 Mrd. DM und 45 Mrd. DM. Weitere Groessenvorteile sind durch die Oeffnung Gorlebens fuer Abfaelle aus den osteuropaeischen Reformstaaten moeglich. Umgekehrt koennten sich die Kosten fuer Deutschland durch die Nutzung eines internationalen Endlagers im Ausland deutlich verringern. Hierbei ist allerdings zu beruecksichtigen, dass jetzt saemtliche Argumente bezueglich der Finanzierung auch gegen die deutsche Position verwandt werden koennen. Aufgrund der politischen Situation ist ein derartiges Vorgehen derzeit nicht vorstellbar. Die Problematik wirtschaftlicher Aspekte der Entsorgung wird sich jedoch in naher Zukunft stellen.

Ermittlung der Grundlagen und Entwicklung organisatorischer Fördermöglichkeiten der Bildung von Beschaffungskooperationen für die beschleunigte Markteinführung umweltschonender und innovativer Antriebs- und Fahrzeugkonzepte bei Nutzfahrzeugen

Das Projekt "Ermittlung der Grundlagen und Entwicklung organisatorischer Fördermöglichkeiten der Bildung von Beschaffungskooperationen für die beschleunigte Markteinführung umweltschonender und innovativer Antriebs- und Fahrzeugkonzepte bei Nutzfahrzeugen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von MVV Consultants and Engineers durchgeführt. Die Aufgabe dieses BMU-Forschungsvorhabens ist die Vorbereitung, die Zusammenstellung und die Implementierung eines Beschaffungspools von Flottenbetreibern zur Kostensenkung bei der Beschaffung emissionsreduzierter leichter Nutzfahrzeuge. Hierbei stellen - zum einen die Gasversorger in Deutschland als Käufer und - zum anderen die Hersteller bzw. Verkäufer erdgasgetriebener Fahrzeuge, die Hauptzielgruppen dar. Zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt soll der Beschaffungspool auch für andere Flottenbetreiber geöffnet werden. Durch die Bündlung der Nachfrage verschiedener Fahrzeugbetreiber bzw. -eigentümer soll eine höhere Stückzahl je Bestellung und damit eine Preissenkung pro Fahrzeug als Vorteil für den Käufer bzw. Betreiber erreicht werden. Zudem soll die Kostensenkung über den Pool hinaus zur stärkeren Nachfrage entsprechender Fahrzeuge mit umweltfreundlicherem Antrieb und entsprechenden 'economies of scale'-Effekten, d.h. einer generellen Preissenkung bei erdgasgetriebenen Fahrzeugen, beitragen. Zu diesem Zweck soll eine Poolingstelle geschaffen werden, in der Erdgasversorger bzw. Flottenbetreiber zusammen eine 'gepoolte' Beschaffung von Erdgasfahrzeugen durchführen.

Agricultural Entrepreneurs' Decision Making and Structural Change: An Experimental Approach

Das Projekt "Agricultural Entrepreneurs' Decision Making and Structural Change: An Experimental Approach" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Berlin (Humboldt-Univ.), Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik durchgeführt. The rational calculus of farmers assumed in many agricultural economic models is unrealistic and non-predictive of their actual decision making. Understanding structural change in agriculture can thus be improved via a realistic modeling of the decision making by agricultural entrepreneurs. Specifically, slow disinvestment (i.e., postponing farm exit), persistence of market structures (i.e., failure to reallocate land plots towards higher efficiency), and more generally characterizing the decision making of farmers are crucial for a better understanding of structural change and policy advice. We apply economic experiments to better understand such disinvestment choices, land markets with economies of scale and private opportunity costs, different auction and bargaining forms to improve allocation efficiency of land markets, and to generally characterize the decision making of farmers.

Advanced High Volume Affordable Lightweighting for Future Electric Vehicles (ALIVE)

Das Projekt "Advanced High Volume Affordable Lightweighting for Future Electric Vehicles (ALIVE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Volkswagen AG durchgeführt. Innovative Gusstechnologien für Fahrwerkstrukturen, Composite Gusstechnologie für Mulitmaterial-Fahrwerkstrukturen, Kontruktionsrichtlinien für Mulimaterialverbindungen, Fügetechnologien.

Polygeneration through gasification utilising secondary fuels derived from MSW (POLYSTABILAT)

Das Projekt "Polygeneration through gasification utilising secondary fuels derived from MSW (POLYSTABILAT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Herhof Recycling Center Osnabrück GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: In Osnabruck, Germany, Herhof Recyclingcenter Osnabrueck GmbH (HRO) operates, under patented technology (biological drying), a 90.000 tons/a Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) recycling plant, where appr. 50Prozent of incoming MSW (45.000 tons/a) is converted into a secondary fuel (marketed under the name Stabilat), currently used in cement plants. A portion of Stabilat (appr. 500 kg/h) will be converted to electricity and heat in a novel gasification plant. The producer gas (LCV 5 MJ/Nm3) will be cleaned in a novel high temperature gas filter and combusted in a gas boiler, the steam generated to run a 0,5 MWe steam turbine. The electricity produced will be fed in the Grid, while waste heat will be utilised in the recycling plant. The off-gases from gas boiler and the liquid effluents (tars and oxygenates) will be guided to the recycling plant waste treatmen systems, while the inert ash will be incorporated in the residues resulting from the operation of the recycling plant. The integrated facility (MSW recycling and energy exploitation of Stabilat) will provide a sustainable solution for the treatment of MSW and will generate renewable energy, and a high quality fuel while safeguarding the environment and the public health. This innovative integration of state-of-the-art technologies has a large potential for duplication in the EU and beyond, achieving the disposal not only of the MSW but also of the resulting by-product streams (such as RDF or SRF fuels). Moreover, the proposed project addresses several EU policies related to renewable energies, energy efficiency, environmental protection, recycling of MSW, etc. Moreover, the coupling of the MSW recycling and the subsequent energy exloitation of by-products streams to electricity and heat will result in significant economies of scale. This, in turn, will result in positive synergistic effects (lower emissions of pollutants, elimination of the need to transport secondary fuels over long distances, reduced capital and operating costs and increased competitiveness).

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