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mDRONES4rivers-project: UAV-imagery of the project area Emmericher Ward at the Rhine River, Germany

Spatially and temporally high-resolution data was acquired with the aid of multispectral sensors mounted on UAV and a gyrocopter platform for the purpose of classification. The work was part of the research and development project „Modern sensors and airborne remote sensing for the mapping of vegetation and hydromorphology along Federal waterways in Germany“ (mDRONES4rivers) in cooperation of the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), Geocoptix GmbH, Hochschule Koblenz und JB Hyperspectral Devices.  Within the project period (2019-2022) data was collected at different sites situated in Germany along the Rivers Rhine and Oder. All published data produced within the project can be found by searching for the keyword ‘mDRONES4rivers‘.  In this dataset, the following UAS data and metadata of the project site ‘Emmericher Ward’ (center coordinates [WGS84]: 50.385264°N, 6.198692°E; area: 53ha) at the Rhine River in Germany is available for download: •             Multispectral orthophotos (GeoTiff; 6 bands: B, G, R, Red-Edge, NIR, Flag; camera: Micasense; resolution: 25 cm; abbreviation: MS_RAW) •             RGB-orthophotos (GeoTiff; 3 bands: R, G, B; camera: Phantom; resolution: 25 cm; abbreviation: PH_ORTHO) •             Digital Surface Models (GeoTiff; 1 band; camera: Phantom; resolution: ca. 5 cm; abbreviation: PH_DEM) •             associated Technical Reports (PDF; technical metadata concerning data acquisition, and processing using Agisoft Metashape, 1x for multispectral orthophotos, 1x for RGB-orthophotos + digital surface model) The above-mentioned files are provided for download as dataset stored in one directory per season depending on the date of data acquisition (e.g. mDRONES4rivers_EW_UAV_2019_01_Winter.zip = projectname_projectsite_platform_year_no.season_name.season). To provide an overview of all files and general background information plus data preview the following files are stored in the info.zip folder:  •             Overview table and metadata of the above-mentioned data (xlsx) •             Summary (PDF, Detailed description of sensors and data acquisition procedure, 1x for multispectral orthophotos, 1x for RGB-orthophotos + digital surface models) Note: the data was processed with focus on spectral information and not for geodetic purposes. Georeferencing accuracy has not been checked in detail.

mDRONES4rivers-project: Gyrocopter-imagery of the project area Emmericher Ward at the Rhine River, Germany

Spatially and temporally high-resolution data was acquired with the aid of multispectral sensors mounted on UAV and a gyrocopter platform for the purpose of classification. The work was part of the research and development project „Modern sensors and airborne remote sensing for the mapping of vegetation and hydromorphology along Federal waterways in Germany“ (mDRONES4rivers) in cooperation of the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), Geocoptix GmbH, Hochschule Koblenz und JB Hyperspectral Devices.  Within the project period (2019-2022) data was collected at different sites situated in Germany along the Rivers Rhine and Oder. All published data produced within the project can be found by searching for the keyword ‘mDRONES4rivers‘.  In this dataset, the following UAS data and metadata of the project site ‘Emmericher Ward’ (center coordinates [WGS84]: 50.385264°N, 6.198692°E; area: 900 ha) at the Rhine River in Germany is available for download: •             Multispectral orthophotos (GeoTiff; 5 bands: B, G, R, NIR, Flag; camera system: PanX 2.0 and PanX 3.0; resolution: ca. 30 cm/ca. 16 cm; abbreviation: PanX2_ORTHO/PanX3_ORTHO) •             Digital Surface Models (GeoTiff; 1 band; camera system: PanX 2.0 and PanX 3.0; resolution: ca. 30 cm; abbreviation: PanX_DEM) •             associated Technical Reports (PDF; technical metadata concerning data acquisition, and processing using Agisoft Metashape, 1x for multispectral orthophotos + digital surface model) The above-mentioned files are provided for download as dataset stored in one directory per season depending on the date of data acquisition (e.g. mDRONES4rivers_NW_GYRO_2019_01_Winter.zip = projectname_projectsite_platform_year_no.season_name.season). To provide an overview of all files and general background information plus data preview the following files are stored in the info.zip folder:  •             Overview table and metadata of the above-mentioned data (xlsx) •             Summary (PDF, Detailed description of sensors and data acquisition procedure, 1x for multispectral orthophotos + digital surface models) Note: the data was processed with focus on spectral information and not for geodetic purposes. Georeferencing accuracy has not been checked in detail.

Stationäre Feldspektrometermessungen

Processed stationary field spectroscopy measurementes. Time series were collected with solar powered long-term installations (LTI) using the RoX field spectrometer within the frame of the mDRONES4RIVERS project in the years 2019, 2020 and 2021 respectively. Measurement were recorded at the southern tip of the island Nonnenwerth in 2019 and 2020, over a side arm of the Rhine in Emmericher Ward 2019, 2020, 2021 (as Emmerich I) and in a ditch at the side arm in Emmericher Ward 2020 and 2021 (as Emmerich II) in Germany. LTI Nonnenwerth was investigating dewberry (Rubus caesius), LTI Emmerich I was investigating sediment dynamics and mixed pioneering vegetation and LTI Emmerich II was investigating mainly mixed pioneering vegetation. The incoming radiance is measured with optics of hemispherical (~180°) field of view and the reflected radiance with conical (~25°) field of view. Zip repositories contain folders named according to LTI place and year of recording. They include human radable .csv files for raw RoX data, calibrated radiance and reflectance in subfolders named after date of recording, a folder with time-lapse photographs of the footprint (only for Emmerich I and Emmerich II) and an ALL_INDEX file, each. For reflectance and radiance files, the first collumn contains the associated central wavelengths, the first row the time of recording, each subsequent field of the table contains the calibrated radiance (in W m-2 sr-1 nm-1) or reflectance (unitless) values. The ALL_INDEX file contains meta data, computed vegetation indices(VI) and quality flags for the time series.

mDRONES4rivers-project: Classification results based on UAV data of project sites situated in riparian zones along federal waterways in Germany with focus on the Rhine River, Germany

Spatially and temporally high-resolution data was acquired with the aid of multispectral sensors mounted on UAV and a gyrocopter platform for the purpose of classification. The work was part of the research and development project „Modern sensors and airborne remote sensing for the mapping of vegetation and hydromorphology along Federal waterways in Germany“ (mDRONES4rivers) in cooperation of the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), Geocoptix GmbH, Hochschule Koblenz und JB Hyperspectral Devices.  Within the project period (2019-2022) an object oriented image classification was conducted based on UAV and gyrocopter data for different sites situated in Germany along the Rivers Rhine and Oder. All published data produced within the project can be found by searching for the keyword ‘mDRONES4rivers‘.  In this dataset, the following classification results and metadata of the project sites situated in riparian zones along federal waterways in Germany with focus on the Rhine River, Germany is available for download: •             Basic & Vegetation Classification (ESRI Shapefile; abbreviation: lvl2_vegetation_units) •             Classification of dominant stands (ESRI Shapefile; abbreviation: lvl4_dominant_stands ) •             Classification of substrat types (ESRI Shapefile; abbreviation: lvl4_substrate_types) •             associated reports (PDF; statistical and additional information on the classifiaction results and workflow) The above-mentioned files are provided for download as dataset stored in one directory per projekt site and season (e.g. mDRONES4rivers_Niederwerth_2019_03_Summer_Classification.zip = projectname_projectsite_year_no.season_name.season_product). To provide an overview of all files and general background information plus data preview the following files are additionally provided:  •             Portfolios (PDF, Detailed description of classification products and classification workflow, 1x for basic surface types, 1x for classification of vegetation units, 1x for classification of dominant stands,  1x for classification of substrate types) •            Color Coding table for the visualization of the classifiaction units (.xlsx)

mDRONES4rivers-project: Portfolios of classification results, UAV and gyrocopter data of project sites situated in riparian zones along federal waterways in Germany with focus on the Rhine River

Spatially and temporally high-resolution data was acquired with the aid of multispectral sensors mounted on UAV and a gyrocopter platform for the purpose of classification. The work was part of the research and development project „Modern sensors and airborne remote sensing for the mapping of vegetation and hydromorphology along Federal waterways in Germany“ (mDRONES4rivers) in cooperation of the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG), Geocoptix GmbH, Hochschule Koblenz und JB Hyperspectral Devices.  Within the project period (2019-2022) data was collected at different sites situated in Germany along the Rivers Rhine and Oder. All published data produced within the project can be found by searching for the keyword ‘mDRONES4rivers‘.  In this dataset, the following portfolios of classifications, UAS and gyrocopter data of project sites situated in riparian zones along federal waterways in Germany with focus on the Rhine River are available for download: •             Multispectral orthophotos produced with the aid of UAS (PDF, Detailed description of sensors and data acquisition procedure; abbreviation: MS_ORTHO) •             RGB-orthophotos and digital surface models produced with the aid of UAS (PDF, Detailed description of sensors and data acquisition procedure; abbreviation: PH_SR_ORTHO_DSM) •             Multispectral orthophotos and Digital Surface Models produced with the aid of a gyrocopter (PDF, Detailed description of sensors and data acquisition procedure; abbreviation: PANX_ORTHO_DSM) •             Classification results based on UAV- and a gyrocopter data (PDF, Detailed description of processing procedure for different classification levels; abbreviation: CLASSIF_PROD) •             German translated version of all above mentioned product portfolios (PDF, abbreviation: product_portfolio_collection_ger)