Das Projekt "Hin zu hoher Durchdringung und stabiler Lieferung bei Windkraft" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bremer Institut für Betriebstechnik und angewandte Arbeitswissenschaft an der Universität Bremen durchgeführt. Objective: There is a clear global environmental imperative to develop and use our natural renewable energy resources. Development of such resources can also bring industrial and social benefits. Wind energy as a leading renewable is reaching a remarkable stage of technological and commercial maturity. An emerging barrier to wind energy reaching its full potential relates to the fact that existing grids have been designed and are operated to accommodate conventional centralised generation. In many locations, grid operators are concerned if wind penetration reaches more than 20 per cent since it can no longer be treated as a 'negative load'. The FIRMWIND project looks at how, by taking a non-conventional view of the grid network, much higher wind penetration levels might be achieved. The project, via case study, will look at how various holistic control strategies might allow high wind penetration and high capacity credit at the distribution system level. All elements of the system have the potential to have some degree of power balancing control exercised on them and the project will focus on how this can effectively confer firmness of supply. The project aims to:- Quantify improvements to wind penetration made possible by the introduction of various energy storage and load management options; - Quantify the change to capacity credit made possible by these options and to study how this changes as the wind capacity on the system increases; - Carry out a technical assessment of how taking an integrated approach would enable wind to produce firm power and hence reduce or obviate dependence on interconnection capacity. Description of the Work: The project will not develop new technology. Rather it aims to look at how current or developing technology could be applied. The project has six tasks. In the first phase of the project three preliminary tasks will be undertaken. Suitable load flow analysis tools will be studied and developed so that they can adequately handle active load and storage components. As a parallel exercise, storage, load control and power side control technologies will be reviewed and characterised. Thirdly a range of potential case studies will be identified and three chosen for subsequent study. Relevant information necessary for logistic modelling will be gathered or synthesised. The second phase of the project will comprise the core analytical task in which the modelling tools will be used to study and optimise how the available approaches and devices might be used to achieve high penetration in the context of the chosen case studies. In the final phase of the project potential technical and institutional barriers to realisation of the proposed solutions will be identified. Prime Contractor: Renewable Energy Systems Ltd., Glasgow Office; Glasgow.
Das Projekt "Hin zu einem funktionierenden Vorhersagesystem fuer den Nordatlantik und die europaeischen Kuestenbereiche" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung e.V. (AWI) durchgeführt. Objective: The objective of TOPAZ is to implement a preoperational monitoring and forecasting system for the North Atlantic, the Nordic Seas and the Arctic. The system will use a state of the art coupled ocean circulation and marine ecosystem model and assimilate observations available in near real time from satellites and in situ observation programs. Sophisticated data assimilation methods will be used to assimilate the observations. Regional models will be nested into the large scale Atlantic model, to properly resolve the processes in the European coastal zone. Unique is the use of a single model by all participants I which ensure a focus on system development. Further, during a real time operation experiment the system will be used to predict mesoscale currents in support of offshore deep-water oil Production to market the TOPAZ system to an identified user group. Prime Contractor: Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center; Bergen/Norway.
Das Projekt "Multispektrales hochaufloesendes System" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von OHB-System - Orbital- und Hydrotechnologie Bremen durchgeführt. General Information: This proposal is submitted to the European Commission within the frame workprogramme for research and technological development. MSRS is a multi high resolution system-designed to meet the requirements of today and tomorrow earth observation users. The system consists of an advanced sensor for visible and near infrared remote sensing application and a ground segment to handle the data output of the sensor. Current state of the art remote sensing systems, which deliver multispectral high resolution images, have 3 or 4 spectral bands with a medium spatial resolution of 10 m to 30 m. The actual tendencies in earth observation are driving future systems to higher spatial resolutions or to number of spectral bands. MSRS will be able to meet both tendencies by delivering 12 narrow bands with a spatial resolution of about 5 m depending on the spaceborne platform to which MSRS will be adapted. By using an optimised platform for MSRS an additional performance gain of short data delivery times due to short target revised cycle of days can be established. This is particulary important for the monitoring of dynamic processes. This performance makes MSRS unique between the t actual and near future remote sensing systems. The objectives of the MSRS project are the development and the demonstration of such an advanced earth observation system on a basic level. The proposal contains a scientific and technical description of the MSRS and the benefits and economic/social impacts. Furthermore, a workbreakdown and the management approach for the project realisation is provided. The budget allocation is given for each partner and for each work package.
Das Projekt "Neuartige transversale Fliessmembran-Bioreaktoren zum Schutz der Umwelt vor schwer behandelbaren Risikoabfaellen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wehrle-Werk AG durchgeführt. General Information: Industrial process-water and waste water frequently contain 'persistent' organic compounds, some of which are toxic. These compounds are not biodegradable in conventional waste water treatment systems. It had even been assumed for a long time that such compounds were not biodegradable at all. However, in recent years it has been demonstrated in experiments on laboratory scale that many persistent compounds can be degraded by the application of specialised micro-organisms obtained under selective pressure. The project proposed is aimed at improving this new biotechnological concept focused on the leather and related industries.The objective of the project is to develop a membrane bioreactor (MBR) system in which biomass separation is carried out with a novel type of membrane module, the so-called transversal flow membrane module with micro/ultrafiltration hollow fibres. Advantage of this module over the existing module configurations (often tubular), is the low energy consumption due to the flow velocity which can be applied. The fibres which are located perpendicular to the flow direction act as a kind of turbulence promoters. Therefore the flow velocity can be decreased substantially to realise a similar mass transfer. Moreover, the aeration of the MBR takes also place by a hollow fibre membrane system, creating an improved oxygen transfer, especially at high biomass concentrations (up to 60 kg dry weight/m3). This entirely novel type of MBR system will have the following main advantages:u degrades persistent hazardous (toxic) compounds to an allowed level u makes more than 95 Prozent of the water suitable for reuse. U improves membrane filtration performance by significantly reducing both energy costs (5 times) and investment costs (flux enhancement). U has an almost zero-sludge production. The consortium will establish a research co-operation between TNO in the Netherlands and BLC in Great-Britain and will include a supplier of MBR systems, a technology transfer company and four end-users in the leather and textile industry. The successful completion of this project will result in an economical and environmental benefit for the leather, textile and all related industries all over Europe, improving their position compared to these industries outside Europe. Prime Contractor: Wehrle-Werke AG; Emmendingen; Germany.
Das Projekt "Untersuchung der Aenderung des Kohlenstoffgehaltes durch Ships-of-Opportunity" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Institut für Meereskunde durchgeführt. Objective: A prototype North Atlantic ocean CO2 observing system of regular basin-wide surface pCO2, atmospheric CO2 concentrations and related measurements using ships of opportunity will be established. Existing observations of ocean CO2 will be used to inform the interpolation of these data to the entire ocean basin. We will use recent advances in the understanding of gas exchange to reliably estimate flux from pCO2 observations. CAVASSOO will provide greatly improved estimates of the uptake of CO2 by the North Atlantic, how this varies regionally, seasonally and from year to year. These will be used to improve estimates of European and North American terrestrial (vegetation) sinks, using atmospheric inverse modelling techniques. The combination of basin-wide observation and modelling in this project will help to reconcile the differing estimates of the net CO2 flux over Europe and North America, an important element in the EU' s response to the Kyoto agreement. Prime Contractor: University of East Anglia, School of Environmental Sciences; Norwich/UK.
Das Projekt "Reaktionsstrategien auf Klimaaenderungen bei der Bewirtschaftung europaeischer Waelder" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. Objective: The project is studying and developing adaptive strategies for sustainable forest management in the European forests under the global climate change. Mechanism and impacts are addressed how forest production and carbon sequestration are controlled under the current and changing climate through management within the limits set by sustainable forestry for developing management strategies to adapt the European forests to global climate change. Prime Contractor: University of Joensuu, Faculty of Forestry; Joensuu/Finland.
Das Projekt "Dreifach-Stromerzeugungs-Mikrosystem fuer Raumklimatisierung im Mittelmeerklima" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme durchgeführt. Objective: The energy demand of a large number of European users could be satisfied with good efficiency by means of micro CHP systems. In this context, countries with Mediterranean climate show two specific features: high (and growing) cooling load and high relative humidity, which requires further energy for decreasing indoor temperatures. The main objective of MITES is the development of an innovating micro scale tri-generation system, equipped with an air desiccant system (a gel-wheel and a liquid-membrane DEC technology will be tested) adapted to the Mediterranean conditions. The prototype will be installed in a building owned by the coordinator (AMG Palermo, local gas utility). Thus its output will be around 30 kWel and 50 kWth. The performance's monitoring should lead to the optimisation of: production costs, energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. Description of the work: The proposed work consists of a set of interconnected activities: - design of the tri-generation architecture; - test of two types (solid and liquid) DEC technologies; - installation of the tri-generation system; - monitoring and evaluation (S and T and economic); - Life Cycle Analysis of the tri-generation system; - a wide market survey to be carried out at European level, together with energy audit of 50 potential users located in Sicily, will give detailed information about the most suitable configuration of the tri-generation system for meeting the market needs. - dissemination of results. Expected Results and Exploitation Plans: The development of MITES Project - to be carried out by a partners' consortium made up of a local gas utility and two research centres - will be completed in three years. S and T results should demonstrate the energy, economic and environmental effectiveness of such a tri-generation system specifically conceived for the Mediterranean conditions. The optimised configuration of the tri-generator combined with the DEC system should be produced at industrial scale and launched at European and Mediterranean level. The database coming from the European market survey could be useful for further actions in CHP filed. Project's outcomes will be disseminated through various deliverables and media (brochure, guidelines and software tool for technical design, final conference, web site). Prime Contractor: Azienda Speciale AMG, Palermo; Palermo/Italy.
Das Projekt "Prototyp eines integrierten Immunprobennehmers und transportablen Biosensors fuer die Feldueberwachung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Potsdam, Institut für Biochemie und Molekulare Physiologie durchgeführt. General Information: Phenols, surfactants and metabolites (e.g. phenolic derivatives) present in surface, waste and ground water are an increasing environmental problem all over Europe. Due to the extreme amounts of surfactants emitted into sewage plants, the fact that these cannot be completely mineralised in biological waste water treatment plants and the persistence of some of the known metabolites make them the group of environmental pollutants with the highest priority (Council Directives 73/404, 76/464 and its six daughters). Most of the metabolites as well as their toxic effects are unknown up to now because of a lack of analytical methods. In order to address the environmental problems there is thus a strong need for new and selective analytical techniques, permitting the specific and sensitive determination of various phenols and surfactants both in-field as an early warning system, but also in the laboratory for the identification of new metabolites of the latter. The fact that trace levels already prove to be harmful demonstrates that the more sensitive a method, the earlier a warning signal can be given. The present project deals with one of the possible ways to address these problems by development of an immuno based in-field sampling device based on supported liquid membranes (SLM) coupled on-line to a biosensor flow module by implementing: 1) antibody recognition of target analytes already during sampling, 2) isolation of bound or free labelled antigen/antibody in continuous immuno flow systems and 3) monitoring of the eluting labelled target by a biosensor (amplified label monitor) based on a bioelelectrocatalytic or bi-enzymatic approach. As an ultimate goal, the biosensor flow module (immuno flow system combined with amplified label monitor) will be housed in a biosensor prototype containing disposable and easily exchangeable biological units, designed for simple on-line coupling to the stand alone SLM sampling device for in-field monitoring of phenols, surfactants and metabolites. The proposer's research developments will answer to the increasing demand for more straightforward instrumentation, improved simplicity, selectivity, and low cost, cumbersome sample pre-treatment will not be necessary due to the very selective clean-up during the immuno based sampling step. The prototype will be constructed so that the technology can be easily transferred and applied in other areas than surfactant and phenol monitoring. Prime Contractor: Lund University, Analytisk Kemi - Matematisk-Naturvetenskapliga Fakulteten; Lund/Sweden.
Das Projekt "Nachhaltige Entwicklung historischer Stadtbereiche mittels aktiver Integration innerhalb der Staedte" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Dortmund, Fachbereich Planungs-, Bau- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Fakultät Bauwesen, Fachgebiet Denkmalpflege und Bauforschung durchgeführt. Objective: The project aims at establishing a flexible and consistent Environmental Assessment methodology to assist with the conservation of urban fragment heritage. This methodology will be designed for use by municipalities and local authorities to help them to assess the suitability of new urban developments, which will promote sustainable exploitation of urban and architectural cultural heritage. The methodology will also help to match existing urban fragments with current socio-economic requirements, through an active integration of this heritage within new development projects. Prime Contractor: Universite de Liege, Department d'architecture, Faculte des Sciences Appliquees, Laboratoire d'Etudes Methodologiques Architecturales; Liege/Belgium.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 9 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 9 |
License | Count |
offen | 9 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 9 |
Englisch | 9 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 9 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 5 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 7 |
Luft | 5 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 9 |
Wasser | 6 |
Weitere | 9 |