Das Thema Fußverkehr ist zurzeit in aller Munde, doch die Potenziale des Fußverkehrs werden in Deutschland noch nicht ausgeschöpft. Der Titelbeitrag in der Ausgabe 01/2019 der Zeitschrift UMID zeigt, warum Fußverkehr Unterstützung und Förderung benötigt und beschreibt, wie Ortschaften fußverkehrsfreundlicher werden können. Außerdem werden verschiedene vom UBA in Auftrag gegebene oder geförderte Pilot- und Förderprojekte vorgestellt. Weitere Themen sind unter anderem die europäische Human-Biomonitoring Initiative HBM4EU, die neuen Regelungen zur Freisetzung von Formaldehyd aus Holzwerkstoffen und die Auswertung der Luftqualität für das Jahr 2018. Die Zeitschrift UMID: Umwelt und Mensch – Informationsdienst erscheint zweimal im Jahr und informiert über aktuelle Themen aus Umwelt & Gesundheit, Umweltmedizin und Verbraucherschutz. Die Onlineversion des UMID kann kostenfrei abonniert werden. >>> Weitere Informationen zur Zeitschrift UMID
Die Ausgabe 02/2022 beschäftigt sich schwerpunktmäßig mit dem Thema Strahlung: Wirkung und Wahrnehmung. In drei Beiträgen wird über die Wirkung elektromagnetischer Felder auf die belebte Umwelt, die Wahrnehmung und Risikobewertung von Strahlung in der deutschen Bevölkerung und die Nutzung von Niedrigdosis-CT für die Lungenkrebsfrüherkennung informiert. Weitere Themen im Heft sind das BMBF -Forschungsprojekt FLUSSHYGIENE, die Projektergebnisse der abgeschlossenen Europäischen Human-Biomonitoring Initiative HBM4EU und das Dashboard „Gesundheit in Deutschland aktuell“ am RKI als neue Publikationsform. Die Zeitschrift UMID: Umwelt und Mensch – Informationsdienst erscheint zweimal im Jahr und informiert über aktuelle Themen aus Umwelt und Gesundheit, Umweltmedizin und Verbraucherschutz. Die ausschließlich online erscheinende Zeitschrift UMID kann kostenfrei abonniert werden.
The report gives an overview on synergies between the two EU-projects BRIDGE HEALTH and HBM4EU with respect to the linkage of human biomonitoring studies and health studies. As this project aimed to use and further develop the knowledge and experience from BRIDGE HEALTH in HBM4EU, relevant results of BRIDGE HEALTH were summarised and recommendations for respective HBM4EU work packages were made. Moreover the report contains a compilation of the meetings organised in the frame of HBM4EU aiming to strengthen the relationship between the large number of international project partners. Topics addressed during the meetings as well as organisational details are listed. Veröffentlicht in Texte | 168/2020.
Lermen, Dominik; Weber, Till; Göen, Thomas; Bartel-Steinbach, Martina; Gwinner, Frederik; Mueller, Sabine C.; Conrad, André; Rüther, Maria; von Briesen, Hagen; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 231 (2021), 113665; online 19 November 2020 Lead is a ubiquitous pollutant with well-known effects on human health. As there is no lower toxicological threshold for lead in blood and since data gaps on lead exposure still exist in many European countries, HBM data on lead is of high importance. To address this, the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative HBM4EU classified lead as a priority substance. The German Environmental Specimen Bank (German ESB) has monitored lead exposure since more than 35 years. Using data from the early 1980s to 2019 we reveal and discuss long-term trends in blood lead levels (BLLs) and current internal exposure of young adults in Germany. BLLs in young adults decreased substantially in the investigated period. As results from the ESB sampling site Muenster demonstrate, the geometric mean of BLLs of young adults decreased from 1981 (78,7 μg/L) to 2019 (10.4 μg/L) by about 87%. Trends in human exposure closely correlate with air lead levels (ALLs) provided by the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP). Hence, the decrease of BLLs largely reflects the drop in air lead pollution. Known associations of sex, smoking, alcohol consumption, and housing situation with BLLs are confirmed with data of the German ESB. Although internal lead exposure in Germany decreased substantially, the situation might be different in other European countries. Since 2010, BLLs of young adults in Germany levelled out at approximately 10 μg/L. The toxicity of lead even at low levels is known to cause adverse health effects especially in children following exposure of the child or the mother during pregnancy. To identify current exposure sources and to minimize future lead exposure, continuous monitoring of lead intake and exposure levels is needed. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2020.113665
Kasper-Sonnenberg, Monika; Koch, Holger M.; Apel, Petra; Rüther, Maria; Pälmke, Claudia; Brüning, Thomas; Kolossa-Gehring, Marike International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health (2019), online 1. August 2019 DINCH (cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid-diisononyl ester) is a phthalate plasticizer substitute introduced into the market in 2002. It is increasingly used especially in the production of toys, food contact materials and medical devices. In this measurement campaign on 24-h urine samples of young adults (20–29 years) from the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) collected in 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017 (in total 300 samples, 60 samples/year) we analyzed three specific, oxidized DINCH metabolites (OH-MINCH: cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid-mono(hydroxy-isononyl) ester; cx-MINCH: cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid-mono(carboxy-isooctyl) ester, oxo-MINCH: cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid-mono(oxo-isononyl) ester). We merged these data with earlier data of the ESB from the years 1999-2012 and are now able to report levels and time trends of internal DINCH exposure from 1999 to 2017. After first detections of the major oxidized DINCH metabolite OH-MINCH in 2006 (6.7%) detection rates rapidly increased to 43.3% in 2009, 80% in 2010 and 98.3% in 2011 and 2012. From the year 2013 on we could detect OH-MINCH in every urine sample analyzed. The median concentrations of OH-MINCH rapidly increased from 0.15 μg/L in 2010 to twice the concentration in 2011 (0.31 μg/L) with further increases in 2013 (0.37 μg/L), 2015 (0.59 μg/L) and 2017 (0.70 μg/L). Similar increases, albeit at lower detection rates and concentration levels, could be observed for cx-MINCH and oxo-MINCH. All metabolites strongly correlate with each other. For the ESB study population, DINCH exposures are still far below health based guidance values such as the German Human Biomonitoring Value (HBM-I; 4,500 μg/L for the sum of OH-MINCH and cx-MINCH) or the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of EFSA (1 mg/kg bw/d). The median daily DINCH intake (DI) calculated for 2017 was 0.23 μg/kg bw/d, thus 4,310-times lower than the TDI. The maximum DI calculated for one individual in 2012 (42.60 μg/kg bw/d) was a factor of more than 20 below the TDI. The ongoing increase in DINCH exposure needs to be closely monitored in the future, including populations with potentially higher exposures such as children. This close monitoring will enable timely exposure and risk reduction measures if exposures reached critical levels, or if new toxicological data lead to lower health based guidance values. DINCH belongs to the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) priority substances for which policy relevant questions still have to be answered. doi: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2019.07.011
Der Schutz der menschlichen Gesundheit und der Umwelt ist eines der Hauptziele der europäischen Politik. In den letzten Jahrzehnten ist viel erreicht worden, aber es fehlen nach wie vor viele substanzbezogene Daten, die politischen Entscheidungsträgern eine Grundlage für Entscheidungen und die Ableitung geeigneter Maßnahmen bieten. Vor allem Daten zur Exposition des Menschen sind notwendig, um die in Risikobewertungen vorgenommenen Schätzungen zu verifizieren sowie die Verbreitung von verschiedenen Substanzen im Menschen und folglich auch in der Umwelt zu beobachten. Um solche Daten zur Exposition des Menschen zu erhalten, haben sich nationale Behörden und Forschungsorganisationen in Europa in den letzten Jahren zusammengeschlossen und arbeiten an einem nachhaltigen und harmonisierten Human-Biomonitoring-Netzwerk in Europa. Da es sich um einen schrittweisen Prozess handelt, ist es wichtig, dass die Ergebnisse von nachfolgenden bzw. parallel laufenden Projekten untereinander ausgetauscht und aufgegriffen werden. Das vorliegende Projekt zielte darauf ab, das Wissen und die Erfahrungen aus dem BRIDGE HEALTH-Projekt im HBM4EU-Projekt (Teilaufgabe 1) zu nutzen und weiterzuentwickeln. Die Erfahrungen und Ergebnisse von BRIDGE HEALTH wurden bewertet und Empfehlungen für relevante HBM4EU-Arbeitspakete erarbeitet. Neben dieser Aufgabe wurden die jährlichen HBM4EU-Konsortialtreffen aller Partner sowie des obersten Entscheidungsgremiums (Governing Board, bestehend aus den staatlichen Akteuren, die die nationalen Monitoringprogramme steuern), organisatorisch unterstützt. Für das Managementteam von HBM4EU wurde ein strategischer Workshop organisiert. Des Weiteren wurden erste Vorbereitungen getroffen für eine hochrangige HBM-Konferenz unter der Schirmherrschaft der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft, die am 2. Oktober 2020 stattfinden wird. Quelle: Forschungsbericht
We are exposed to a complex mixture of chemicals in our daily lives through the environment, consumer products, food and drinking water and at work. The 'Phthalates' video is part of a series of interviews with experts on different chemical substances that are studied under the HBM4EU project to help citizens to understand better how chemicals impact in our life. Which are the main routes of exposure and health impacts of phthalates? What do we know about the current human exposure? What new knowledge are we producing at HBM4U? Watch the video and find all the answers. Additionally, you can learn how to avoid exposure to phthalates and what are the main policy action done at the European level to prevent human exposure. Special acknowledgment should be given to Dr Marike Kolossa-Gehring, Head of section Toxicology, Health Related Environmental Monitoring at the German Environment Agency. The European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) is a joint effort of 30 countries, the European Environment Agency and the European Commission, co-funded under Horizon 2020. The initiative is coordinating and advancing human biomonitoring in Europe. HBM4EU is generating evidence of the actual exposure of citizens to chemicals and the possible health effects in order to support policy making. More information at www.hbm4eu.eu/ This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 733032. © European Environment Agency
Lead is a ubiquitous pollutant with well-known effects on human health. As there is no lower toxicological threshold for lead in blood and since data gaps on lead exposure still exist in many European countries, HBM data on lead is of high importance. To address this, the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative HBM4EU classified lead as a priority substance. The German Environmental Specimen Bank (German ESB) has monitored lead exposure since more than 35 years. Using data from the early 1980s to 2019 we reveal and discuss long-term trends in blood lead levels (BLLs) and current internal exposure of young adults in Germany. BLLs in young adults decreased substantially in the investigated period. As results from the ESB sampling site Muenster demonstrate, the geometric mean of BLLs of young adults decreased from 1981 (78,7 (my)g/L) to 2019 (10.4 (my)g/L) by about 87%. Trends in human exposure closely correlate with air lead levels (ALLs) provided by the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP). Hence, the decrease of BLLs largely reflects the drop in air lead pollution. Known associations of sex, smoking, alcohol consumption, and housing situation with BLLs are confirmed with data of the German ESB. Although internal lead exposure in Germany decreased substantially, the situation might be different in other European countries. Since 2010, BLLs of young adults in Germany levelled out at approximately 10 (my)g/L. The toxicity of lead even at low levels is known to cause adverse health effects especially in children following exposure of the child or the mother during pregnancy. To identify current exposure sources and to minimize future lead exposure, continuous monitoring of lead intake and exposure levels is needed. © 2020 The Authors
Das Thema Fußverkehr ist zurzeit in aller Munde, doch die Potenziale des Fußverkehrs werden in Deutschland noch nicht ausgeschöpft. Der Titelbeitrag in der Ausgabe 01/2019 der Zeitschrift UMID zeigt, warum Fußverkehr Unterstützung und Förderung benötigt und beschreibt, wie Ortschaften fußverkehrsfreundlicher werden können. Außerdem werden verschiedene vom UBA in Auftrag gegebene oder geförderte Pilot- und Förderprojekte vorgestellt.Weitere Themen sind unter anderem die europäische Human-Biomonitoring Initiative HBM4EU, die neuen Regelungen zur Freisetzung von Formaldehyd aus Holzwerkstoffen und die Auswertung der Luftqualität für das Jahr 2018.Die Zeitschrift UMID: Umwelt und Mensch – Informationsdienst erscheint zweimal im Jahr und informiert über aktuelle Themen aus Umwelt & Gesundheit, Umweltmedizin und Verbraucherschutz. Die Onlineversion des UMID kann kostenfrei abonniert werden.>>> Weitere Informationen zur Zeitschrift UMID
The objectives of the study were to estimate the current exposure to cadmium (Cd) in Europe, potential differences between the countries and geographic regions, determinants of exposure and to derive European exposure levels. The basis for this work was provided by the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) which established a framework for alignment of national or regional HBM studies. For the purpose of Cd exposure assessment, studies from 9 European countries (Iceland, Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Portugal, Germany, France, Luxembourg) were included and urine of 20-39 years old adults sampled in the years 2014-2021 (n = 2510). The measurements in urine were quality assured by the HBM4EU quality assurance/quality control scheme, study participants' questionnaire data were post-harmonized. Spatially resolved external data, namely Cd concentrations in soil, agricultural areas, phosphate fertilizer application, traffic density and point source Cd release were collected for the respective statistical territorial unit (NUTS). There were no distinct geographic patterns observed in Cd levels in urine, although the data revealed some differences between the specific study sites. The levels of exposure were otherwise similar between two time periods within the last decade (DEMOCOPHES - 2011-2012 vs. HBM4EU Aligned Studies, 2014-2020). The age-dependent alert values for Cd in urine were exceeded by 16% of the study participants. Exceedances in the different studies and locations ranged from 1.4% up to 42%. The studies with largest extent of exceedance were from France and Poland. Association analysis with individual food consumption data available from participants' questionnaires showed an important contribution of vegetarian diet to the overall exposure, with 35% higher levels in vegetarians as opposed to non-vegetarians. For comparison, increase in Cd levels due to smoking was 25%. Using NUTS2-level external data, positive associations between HBM data and percentage of cropland and consumption of Cd-containing mineral phosphate fertilizer were revealed, which indicates a significant contribution of mineral phosphate fertilizers to human Cd exposure through diet. In addition to diet, traffic and point source release were identified as significant sources of exposure in the study population. The findings of the study support the recommendation by EFSA to reduce Cd exposure as also the estimated mean dietary exposure of adults in the EU is close or slightly exceeding the tolerable weekly intake. It also indicates that regulations are not protecting the population sufficiently. © 2022 The Authors
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