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BESTMAP EU 2013 Topsoil bulk density

Topsoil bulk density (g/cm³) for European Base Layer within BESTMAP (ESDB; Hiederer 2013)

BESTMAP EU 2013 Topsoil organic carbon

Topsoil organic carbon content (%) for European Base Layer within BESTMAP (ESDB; Hiederer 2013).

BESTMAP EU 1950-2017 Soil pH

Soil pH in H2O at 6 standard depths (0, 10, 30, 60, 100 and 200 cm) for European Base Layer within BESTMAP (OpenLandMap; Hengl et al. 2018).

BESTMAP EU 2017 Land cover

Land cover map of Europe for European Base Layer within BESTMAP (S2GLC; Malinowski et al. 2020).

BESTMAP EU 2018 Soil group (HOST)

Soil group (HOST) for European Base Layer within BESTMAP (InVEST).

BESTMAP EU 2015 Soil group (HOST)

Soil group (HOST) for European Base Layer within BESTMAP (InVEST).

BESTMAP EU 2015 Plant Available Water Content

Plant Available Water Content for European Base Layer within BESTMAP (InVEST).

BESTMAP EU 2015 Small Woody Features

Small Woody Landscape Features for European Base Layer within BESTMAP. (ESA Copernicus DWH). Contains woody linear, and small patchy elements, but will not be differentiated into trees, hedges, bushes and scrub.

BESTMAP EU 2015-2018 Water and Wetness

Occurence of water and wet surfaces for European Base Layer within BESTMAP (EEA Copernicus).

BESTMAP EU 2012-2018 Forest

High resolution layer of Forests for European Base Layer within BESTMAP (EEA Copernicus). The data set consists of 3 products: Tree cover density, dominant leaf type and forest type for the reference years of 2012, 2015 and 2018.

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