Das Projekt "Finanzierung eines Experten zur Erstellung des Verkehrskapitels im 2. EPR der UNECE für die Ukraine" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg gGmbH durchgeführt.
Das Projekt "Predictive methods for combined cycle fatigue in Gas Turbine Blades (PREMECCY)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. The modern gas turbine is a complex machine, the design and development of which takes many months and costs Millions. The European gas turbine manufacturing industry is under pressure to minimise the resources required to bring a new design to market, due to global competitive pressure and increasing customer expectations. Accurate design and prediction tools are keys to success in this process. The PREMECCY project identifies the field of rotor blade Combined Cycle Fatigue (CCF) as an area where there are shortcomings in the existing industry standard design and prediction tools and thus where significant benefits can be achieved. Rotor blade CCF accounts for up to 40Prozent of the total number of issues that arise during an engine development programme and a similar proportion of in-service problems. These issues cost the industry Millions in both maintenance and redesign costs. The primary objective of the PREMECCY project is to develop new and improved CCF prediction methods for use in the design process. These will halve the number of development and in-service CCF problems thereby reducing the time and cost required to develop a new engine and reducing the operating costs once in service. They will also enable the design of lighter, more efficient blades, reducing engine sfc. In order to develop the new prediction methods the project will first generate high quality material test data. Advanced specimens and testing mechanically, geometrically and environmentally representative of operating conditions will be used to verify the enhanced methodology. All industrial partners are in a position to exploit the resulting methodologies within their existing design processes. The 15 strong consortium includes 9 major European gas turbine manufacturers, 1 specialist SME and 5 world-class research facilities. The complimentary expertise and experience of the consortium represents an optimised resource with which to achieve the project's challenging objectives. Prime Contractor: Rolls-Royce Plc; London; United Kongdom.
Das Projekt "Umweltbewusstsein bei Experten und Bevoelkerung ('Delphi-Projekt')" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Mannheim, Forschungsstelle für gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen durchgeführt. Ziel der Untersuchung war es, die Meinungen von Fachleuten strukturiert darzustellen und die Bevoelkerung in Baden-Wuerttemberg und in Sachsen repraesentativ zu befragen. Die Umweltexperten knuepfen mehr Kontakte mit Experten des eigenen Sektors als mit anderen Sektoren; den hoechsten Grad an Binnenkommunikation weist die Industrie auf. Positiv bewerten sie insbesondere den Einfluss oekologischer Gruppen, aber auch den Einfluss von Institutionen wie Sachverstaendigenrat und Umweltbundesamt. Den Stellenwert von Oekologie im Rahmen der Probleme, 'durch die sich die Menschheit bedroht fuehlt', stufen die Experten verstaendlicherweise als hoch ein; die Oekologie rangiert nach 'Ueberbevoelkerung' an zweiter Stelle. Die Experten aus Gesellschaft und Politik setzen die Umweltproblematik an die erste Stelle, die Fachleute aus der Industrie hingegen auf einen hinteren Platz. Die Experten aus Gesellschaft und Medien sind eher Pessimisten, die der Industrie aeussern sich am optimistischsten: fuer fast alle loesen sich die Umweltprobleme durch den Fortschritt. Bei der Bevoelkerung hat die Umweltproblematik eine geringere Gewichtung als bei den Experten. Aber auch hier bestaetigten die Befragten die Bedeutungszunahme fuer die Oekologie. 77 Prozent meinten, das Interesse an umweltpolitischen Themen sei in den letzten Jahren groesser geworden. Bei den Moeglichkeiten oekologischen Engagements betraegt das tatsaechliche Aktivitaetspotential der Baden-Wuerttemberger 7,4 Prozent; die hoechsten Potentiale weisen die Traeger des Wertewandels der 60er und 70er Jahre auf: die hoeher Gebildeten der 30- bis Mitte 40-Jaehrigen. 62 Prozent der Buerger Baden-Wuerttembergs sehen die Umweltsituation in ihrer Wohngegend positiv; die Ausmasse der dortigen Verschmutzungen versehen sie eher mit milden Attributen. Nach der Muellproblematik sind der Strassenverkehr und die Verschmutzung von Luft und Wasser die am haeufigsten spontan diskutierten Ereignisse. Als unerlaessliche Loesungsvorschlaege haelt mehr als die Haelfte der Befragten eine hoehere Bestrafung industrieller Umweltsuender, grenzueberschreitende Zusammenarbeit und oekologische Erziehung der nachwachsenden Generationen parat'. Dabei liegt die Verantwortung freilich nicht auf dem einzelnen Durchschnittsbuerger, sondern wird weitergereicht an Industrie, Politik und Schule.
Das Projekt "Influence of landscape change on population structure of black-backed Swamphen (Porphyrio indicus) in Java island, Indonesia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Freiburg, Forstzoologisches Institut, Professur für Wildtierökologie und Wildtiermanagement durchgeführt. Landscape changes may influence population persistence and genetic diversity of black-backed Swamphen (Porphyrio indicus) in Java Island. The changes occurred rapidly, particularly in the coastal area, due to human population pressure. It may affect negatively the quality and compactness of natural ecosystems, particularly wetlands. In turn, it may lead to a reduction of critical resources and impair individual movement. The effect will be severe particularly for wetland-breeding specialist with poor flight capability like in black-backed Swamphen. It is reasonable that some local ornithologist warn about the bird species persistence. Limited information on its behavior and biology make the conservation efforts even more difficult. The species cryptic behavior impedes direct observation for habitat and movement studies, whereas fraught classification makes information on their population size and distribution debatable. Limited reliable information on these aspects may pose an obstacle to conserve their natural population in a rapidly changed environment. Information on population structure and the individual movement between sub populations are central for species conservation in a changing landscape. The project will address some important questions about the effect of the changes on population isolation and its suspected causes, rate of dispersal necessary to maintain genetic diversity, and biased dispersal. A new approach combining molecular genetic and GIS techniques may provide such information and may overcome the lack of direct observations. As guidance for data collection and analysis, general research question is defined as follows: 'How do landscape feature influence individual movement between population of Porphyrio indicus in Java Island ?' Following it, some sub questions may arise: What are the landscape structure and composition in past and recent years? How populations are spatially structured in recent and past years? Is there any evidence of individual exchange between subpopulations? Which landscape features are supposed to facilitate and inhibit individual exchange? Which landscape features do explain population structure better? Several work steps are planned: field work for collecting genetic material, laboratory work for isolation-amplification-analysis of DNA fragments, and desk work for landscape analysis. Raw genetic data of and landscape features will be combined to address the research questions.
Das Projekt "Embedded Optimization for Resource Constrained Platforms (EMBOCON)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BASF SE durchgeführt. There is enormous economic potential for the application of embedded optimization technologies in embedded systems design. Recent advances in the performance of embedded hardware platforms, in combination with fundamental improvements in optimization theory and algorithms, have opened the door to widespread applications over the next decade. Embedded optimization will enable huge energy and resource savings, increased safety, and improved fault detection across a wide a range of industrial applications in the mechatronic, automotive, process control and aerospace sectors. In order to realize the full potential of optimization in embedded systems, their design must also be supported by a focussed set of tools enabling the rapid transfer of novel high-performance algorithms to practical applications. The EMBOCON consortium will enable widespread application of real-time optimization in embedded systems through: - Tailoring of customized numerical algorithms to increase their robustness and efficiency on embedded systems - Enabling real-time optimization on cheap industry-standard hardware platforms - Defining a common user interface for optimization technologies to facilitate technology transfer to industry - Performing challenging case studies in cooperation with industrial partners to demonstrate technological maturity. The EMBOCON consortium will strengthen a network of world-leading academic and industrial partners with complementary expertise in control, optimization and embedded systems in a range of industrial applications. Particular emphasis is placed on close collaboration between mathematical algorithm developers, control theorists, hardware specialists and industrial application engineers. The network will consolidate and extend Europe's position as the world research leader in these areas and foster strong collaborative links between European academia and industry. Prime Contractor: University London, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Faculty of Engineering, Level 2 Faculty; London; United Kingdom.
Das Projekt "Naturschutzfachliche Optimierung des großflächigen Ökolandbaus am Beispiel des Demeterhofes Ökodorf Brodowin - Naturschutzhof Brodowin" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V., Institut für Landnutzungssysteme und Landschaftsökologie durchgeführt. Im Rahmen des Erprobungs- und Entwicklungsvorhabens ,Naturschutzhof Brodowin, das vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) finanziert wird, werden beispielhaft für Nordostdeutschland, Grundlagen und Handlungsalternativen für die Integration naturschutzfachlich optimierter und ökonomisch tragfähiger Bewirtschaftungsprinzipien in die Betriebsabläufe der Ökologischen Landwirtschaft erarbeitet. Wichtige Ziele des bundesweit ersten derartigen Projektes sind: (I) Konflikte zwischen Naturschutz und modernem, großflächigem Ökologischen Landbau aufzeigen; (II) naturschutzfachlich optimierte Ackerbauverfahren sowie Konzepte zur Landschaftspflege auf gesamtbetrieblicher Ebene entwickeln und erproben; (III) ökonomisch optimale Betriebsabläufe mit Naturschutzzielen in Einklang bringen und Vorschläge für eine adäquate finanzielle Honorierung ökologischer Leistungen erarbeiten; (IV) Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zur Vermittlung der Idee 'Naturschutzhof' an diverse Zielgruppen (Bevölkerung, Landwirte, Berater, Öko-Verbände, Ministerien und Behörden). Die Arbeiten finden in enger Kooperation mit dem Demeter-Betrieb Ökodorf Brodowin statt.
Das Projekt "Global Monitoring of Soil Moisture for Water Hazards Assessment (GMSM) - Phase I" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung (IPF) durchgeführt. Soil moisture - the water stored in soil within reach of the plants - is a crucial parameter for a large number of applications. Consequently, the field of microwave remote sensing of soil moisture has been an important research topic since the 1970s. But only in the last few years significant progress towards operational soil moisture services has been made. This progress became possible due to advances in sensor technology and new algorithmic approaches. With the improved algorithms it has been possible to derive soil moisture from existing operational microwave sensors. The first global soil moisture dataset derived from ERS-1/2 scatterometer measurements was released in 2002. The first near-real-time operational soil moisture service was started by EUMETSAT in May 2008 based on METOP ASCAT, which is the successor instrument of the ERS-1/2 scatterometer. Austria has made important contributions to these developments. The algorithms for retrieving soil moisture from the C-band scatterometers on board of ERS-1/2 and METOP have been developed by the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). Within EUMETSAT's Satellite Application Facility in Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (Hydrology SAF) the Austrian meteorological service (ZAMG) coordinates the soil moisture activities and is responsible for building up operational services for value-added METOP ASCAT soil moisture products. The overall goal of the proposed project is to advance the use of soil moisture services based on METOP ASCAT and complementary satellite systems, most importantly SMOS and ENVISAT ASAR, by extending the Hydrology SAF products to Africa and Australia, carrying out extensive calibration and validation (Cal/Val) activities and by developing novel water hazards applications. The considered applications are weather forecasting, drought and yield monitoring, hydrologic prediction, epidemiological modelling, climate change, desertification monitoring and societal risks assessment. A project of comparable thematic focus and breath has not been proposed before. It is expected that the interdisciplinary cooperation of specialists from different fields will lead to important scientific innovations that will promote a wide use of satellite technology in water hazards applications.
Das Projekt "Energiepolitik und Wissenschaft - die Enquete-Kommission 'Zukünftige Kernenergie-Politik' (Arbeitstitel)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bielefeld, Graduiertenkolleg 724 'Auf dem Weg in die Wissensgesellschaft: institutionelle und epistemische Transformationen der Wissensproduktion und ihre gesellschaftlichen Rückwirkungen' durchgeführt. Ziel des Projektes ist es, die Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft und Politik innerhalb der Enquete-Kommission 'Zukünftige Kernenergie-Politik' zu untersuchen, die ihren ersten Bericht 1980 vorlegte. In diesen wissenschaftlichen Beratungsprozess waren neben industrienahen Wissenschaftlern auch Alternative integriert - wie beispielsweise ein Sachverständiger des Öko-Instituts, das von Mitgliedern der Umweltbewegung gegründet wurde. Damit gewannen alternative Wissenschaftler zunehmend Gewicht in der Diskussion um zukunftsfähige Energiepolitik, die bis dahin vor allem von den - der Industrie nahe stehenden - Forschungseinrichtungen wie Jülich und Karlsruhe bestimmt wurde. Vor dem Hintergrund der innenpolitisch prägenden Konfliktphase um die Atomenergie soll die Funktionsfähigkeit der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung untersucht werden. Dies beinhaltet neben der Untersuchung von Kommunikationsprozessen auch die Frage nach den Argumentationsstrategien.
Das Projekt "Land care in desertification affected areas: from science towards application" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universidade Nova Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas durchgeführt. During recent decades great progress has been made by the scientific community in understanding the nature and complex causes of land degradation and desertification in Europe. Despite efforts (particularly in FP5) to assemble and present the results for practical application, there is still a wealth of research results that have not been fully exploited nor made accessible to those who can benefit from them. The objectives of LUCINDA are to: 1) provide a concise and comprehensive information pack containing guidelines for sustainable land management in desertification-affected areas derived from the scientific results of past and on-going EU research projects; 2) make this information available to regional and local authorities who, through national participation in the UNCCD, have a specific mandate to combat desertification.In the information pack 20 key issues will be addressed including: desertification processes and characteristics of affected Mediterranean landscapes; indicators, monitoring, public awareness, NAPs and effects of policies. For each issue there will be a booklet describing current scientific knowledge and guidelines for its application; a summary leaflet for use by less specialised readers; and a PowerPoint presentation. All the products, plus photos and film clips of affected areas will be made available on a website and on DVD. To write the scientific contents, 22 expert authors will draw on the results of some 28 past and on-going research projects. A communication specialist will design the layout and appearance of the pack and web site.The information pack will be disseminated both within and outside Europe through the UNCCD, National Focal Points and existing established and extensive networks of stakeholders. The complete pack will be available in five languages: Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Greek and English.
Das Projekt "Cost efficient and reliable rural electrification schemes for South Mediterranean countriesbased on multi user Solar Hybrid grids (CRESMED)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Trama TecnoAmbiental S.L. durchgeführt. Objective: Based on the successful implementation of multi-user solar hybrid grids (MSG) in Europe, this project deals with the design of rural village electrification technology and schemes for rural communities, schools, or dispensaries in Mediterranean partner cou ntries. For this purpose, this project further develops and adapts an integrated approach, covering all aspects required (social, economical, financial and technical) for long term sustainable energy service achieved with hybrid systems. This approach is e laborated in a common effort between partners in the EU and Mediterranean partner countries). There is an initial preparation phase addressing research on technological, socio-economic and institutional issues in each target country covered by this project (Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon), which are all crucial for successful implementation. The systems to be developed are adapted to the context in Mediterranean partner countries, such as high robustness, and additional communications for remote monitori ng. They are based on a locally appropriate energy mix based on PV plus wind or micro-hydraulic, and fuel, feeding local micro grids. Intelligent energy distribution devices assure reliable energy service for each user so that a high level of energy effici ency and demand side management is achieved during the operation of the systems. The project previews dissemination of results using a rural electrification manual, local dissemination actions in each target country, one training seminar and one internatio nal conference targeting at specialists from all Mediterranean partner countries.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 19 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 19 |
License | Count |
offen | 19 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 19 |
Englisch | 13 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 17 |
Webseite | 2 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 15 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 15 |
Luft | 12 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 19 |
Wasser | 14 |
Weitere | 19 |