Das Projekt "Storage of hydrogen in hydrides" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik durchgeführt. Hydrogen is the ideal synthetic fuel to convert chemical energy into electrical energy or into motive power because it is light weight, highly abundant and its oxidation product is vapor of water. Thus its usage helps to reduce the greenhouse gases and it conserves fossile resources. There is even a clean way to produce hydrogen by electrolysis of water by means of photo voltaics (SvW06, VSM05, PMM05). There are various possibilities to store the hydrogen for later use: Liquid and gaseous hydrogen can be stored in a pressure vessel, hydrogen can be adsorped on large surface areas of solids, and finally crystal lattices of metals or other compounds can be used as the storage system, where hydrogen is dissolved either on interstitial or on regular lattice sites by substitution (SvW06, San99). The latter process and its reversal is called hydriding respectively dehydriding. The subject of this proposal is the modeling and simulation of that process. The main problem of a rechargeable lithium-ion battery is likewise a storage problem, because in a rechargeable battery, both the anode and cathode do not directly take part in the electrochemical process that converts chemical energy into electrical energy, rather they act as host systems for the electron spending element, which is here lithium (Li). During the last month the applicant developed and exploited a mathematical model that is capable to capture the storage problem of an iron phosphate (FePO4) cathode, where the Li atoms are stored on interstitial lattice sites (DGJ07).
Das Projekt "Fuel cell power trains and clustering in heavy-duty transports (FELICITAS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme IVI durchgeführt. Objective: The FELICITAS consortium proposes an Integrated Project to develop fuel cell (FC) drive trains fuelled with both hydrocarbons and hydrogen. The proposed development work focuses on producing FC systems capable of meeting the exacting demands of heavy-dut y transport for road, rail and marine applications. These systems will be: - Highly efficient, above 60Prozent - Power dense, - Powerful units of 200kW plus, - Durable, robust and reliable. Two of the FC technologies most suitable for heavy-duty transport applic ations are Polymer Electrolyte FuelCells (PEFC) and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC). Currently neither technology is capable of meeting the wideranging needs of heavy-duty transport either because of low efficiencies, PEFC, or poor transient performance,SO FC. FELICITAS proposes the development of high power Fuel Cell Clusters (FCC) that group FC systems with other technologies, including batteries, thermal energy and energy recuperation.The FELICITAS consortium will first undertake the definition of the requirements on FC power trains for the different heavy-duty transport modes. This will lead to the development of FC power train concepts, which through the use of advanced multiple simulations, will undertake evaluations of technical parameters, reliab ility and life cycle costs. Alongside the development of appropriate FC power trains the consortium will undertake fundamental research to adapt and improve existing FC and other technologies, including gas turbines, diesel reforming and sensor systems f or their successful deployment in the demanding heavy-duty transport modes. This research work will combine with the FC power trains design and simulation work to provide improved components and systems, together with prototypes and field testing where ap propriate.The FELICITAS consortium approach will substantially improve European FC and associated technology knowledae and know-how in the field of heavv-duty transport.
Das Projekt "Development of new intermodal loading units and dedicated adaptors for the trimodal transport of bulk materials in Europe (TRIMOTRANS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zentrum für angewandte Forschung und Technologie e.V. durchgeführt. Objective: The constitution of the common European market is accompanied by continuously increasing cross-border goods and passenger traffic. Road transportation is facing a rapidly increasing congestion whilein the contrary the available capacities in railway transportation as well as inland waterwaytransportation are being underutilised. A redistribution of the carriage of goods is urgently needed, but up to now the most important obstacles consists in the incompatible interfaces between the various carriers and the diversity of loading devices being used in the EU. Main objective of the project is the development of new intermodal loading units including devices (ISO-bulk container and Roll-off container), capable adaptors and mobile fixtures suitable for the trimodal transport of bulk and packaged goods at road, railway and inland waterways. Essential element of the project is the design and integration of innovative adaptors for lifting and shifting operations of the loading units. This will lead to an optimum on intermodal compatibility. The goals are in conformity with the aims of the Specific Programme 'Sustainable Surface Transport', research domain 3.16. 'Development of equipment for fast loading / unloading of intermodal transport units'. By application of the new loading units the logistic chain can be set up without changing the loading unit throughout the whole door-to-door transport process. The transhipping procedures do not require crane technology any more and the costs will be reduced substantially. The uniformity of the specialinternal features as well as the compliance with the ISO-container dimensions will contribute to the harmonisation of loading units. The projects includes the development of containers, adaptors and mobile units, test and demonstration of two prototypes and dissemination and exploitation of the results. The consortium consists of ten partner with six SMEs from five countries (G, HU, CH, A,CR)
Das Projekt "Model coupling and complex structures - Evaporation-driven transport and precipitation of salts in porous media" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasser- und Umweltsystemmodellierung durchgeführt. Degradation of the soil productivity due to salt accumulation (salinization) is a major concern in arid, semi-arid and coastal regions. Soil salinization is an old issue but encouraged irrigation practices have been rapidly increasing its intensity and magnitude in the past few decades. Studies have shown that excess of the irrigated water contributes significantly to evaporation from the bare soil surface and therefore to the salinization. In some parts of the world soil salinity has grown so acute that the agricultural lands have been abandoned. Evaporation salinization is mainly influenced by interaction between the flow and transport processes in the atmosphere and the porous-medium. On the atmosphere side, wind velocity, air temperature and radiation have a strong impact on evaporation. Furthermore, turbulence causes air mixing, influences the vapor transport and creates a boundary layer at the soil-atmosphere interface which indeed influences evaporation. On the porous-medium side, dissolved salt is transported under the influence of viscous forces, capillary forces, gravitational forces and advective and diffusive fluxes. The water either directly evaporates from the water-filled pores or it is transported to air due to diffusive processes. Continuous evaporation promotes salt accumulation and precipitation resulting in soil salinization. In the scope of this work we attempt to develop a model concept capable of handling flow, transport and precipitation processes related to evaporative salinization of an unsaturated porous-medium.
Das Projekt "Identification of groundwater nitrogen point source contribution through combined distribute temperature sensing and in-situ UV photometry" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Gießen, Institut für Landschaftsökologie und Ressourcenmanagement, Professur für Landschafts-, Wasser- und Stoffhaushalt durchgeführt. Agriculture is the major contributor of nitrogen to ecosystems, both by organic and inorganic fertilizers. Percolation of nitrate to groundwater and further transport to surface waters is assumed to be one of the major pathways in the fate of this nitrogen. The quantification of groundwater and associated nitrate flux to streams is still challenging. In particular because we lack understanding of the spatial distribution and temporal variability of groundwater and associated NO3- fluxes. In this preliminary study we will focus on the identification and quantification of groundwater and associated nitrate fluxes by combining high resolution distributed fiber-optic temperature sensing (DTS) with in situ UV photometry (ProPS). DTS is a new technique that is capable to measure temperature over distances of km with a spatial resolution of ca1 m and an accuracy of 0.01 K. It has been applied successfully to identify and quantify sources of groundwater discharge to streams. ProPS is a submersible UV process photometer, which uses high precision spectral analyses to provide single substance concentrations, in our case NO3-, at minute intervals and a detection limit of less than 0.05 mg l-1 (ca.0.01 mg NO3--Nl-1). We will conduct field experiments using artificial point sources of lateral inflow to test DTS and ProPS based quantification approaches and estimate their uncertainty. The selected study area is the Schwingbach catchment in Hessen, Germany, which has a good monitoring infrastructure. Preliminary research on hydrological fluxes and field observations indicate that the catchment favors the intended study.
Das Projekt "European Concentrated Solar Thermal Road-Mapping (ECOSTAR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institut für Technische Thermodynamik, Abteilung Solarforschung (TT-SF) durchgeführt. Objective: The European Union has adopted the potential of Concentrating Solar Thermal Power (CSP) to contribute significantly to the achievement of a truly sustainable energy system in the medium-to-long term in Europe. Thus, the EC currently supports the implementation of three pilot solar thermal power plants. Besides continuous implementation of this technology, cost targeted innovation approaches are needed to achieve cost-competitiveness of this technology in the medium-to-long term. Up to now a variety of different and competing approaches have been promoted by the fragmented research base in Europe. The major objectives of the ECOSTAR co-ordinating action are: - to identify the European innovation potential with the highest impact on CSP-cost reduction, - to focus the European research activities and the national research programs of the partners involved onto common goals and priorities, - and to broaden its basis of industrial and research excellence, capable to solve the multidisciplinary CSP specific problems. High level commitment of six large research centres from Germany (DLR), Israel (WIS), France (CNRS-IMP),Spain (CIEMAT), Switzerland (ETH) and Russia (IVTAN) each with long-year experience in the subject and most of them conducting a significant program on concentrating solar technologies and operating their own facilities express the readiness to combine their national expertise to achieve these goals. This group has teamed-up with the international association of power and heat generation (VGB Powerless),which includes many of the European players in the power sector, to ensure by an independent industry assessment, that the identified innovation pathways are feasible from an industry perspective, to disseminate them to the power sector, and to support the identification of further expertise needed.
Das Projekt "Development of a high throughput genomics-based test for assessing genotoxic and carcinogenic properties of chemical compounds in vitro (CARCINOGENOMICS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Microarray Informatics Team durchgeführt. The major aim of CARCINOGENOMICS is to develop in vitro methods for assessing the carcinogenic potential of compounds, as an alternative to current rodent bioassays for genotoxicity and carcinogenicity. The major goal is to develop a battery of mechanism-based in vitro tests accounting for various modes of carcinogenic action. These tests will be designed to cover major target organs for carcinogenic action e.g. the liver, the lung, and the kidney. The novel assays will be based on the application of 'omics' technologies (i.e. genome-wide transcriptomics as well as metabonomics) to robust in vitro systems (rat/human), thereby also exploring stem cell technology, to generate 'omic' responses from a well-defined set of model compounds causing genotoxicity and carcinogenicity. Phenotypic markers for genotoxic and carcinogenic events will be assessed for the purpose of anchoring gene expression modulations, metabolic profiles and mechanism pathways. Through extensive biostatistics, literature mining, and analysis of molecular-expression datasets, differential genetic pathways will be identified capable of predicting mechanisms of chemical carcinogenesis in vivo. Furthermore, generated transcriptomic and metabonomic data will be integrated into a holistic understanding of systems biology, and applied to build an iterative in silico model of chemical carcinogenesis. Subsequently, predictive gene expression profiles, typically consisting of some 150-250 genes, will be loaded onto high throughput dedicated DNA-chips, thus accelerating the analysis of transcriptomic responses by a factor of 100. It is expected that the outcome of this project will generate a platform enabling the investigation of large numbers of compounds for their genotoxic and carcinogenic potential, as envisaged under the REACH initiative. This will contribute to speeding the identification of potential harmful substances to man, while lowering costs and reducing animal tests. Prime Contractor: Maastricht, University, Health Risk Analysis and Toxicology (Grat); Maastricht, Nederland.
Das Projekt "Short-term in vitro assays for long-term toxicity (PREDICTOMICS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bayer AG durchgeführt. The development of new pharmaceutical compounds will be more efficient if human relevant toxicology information early in the selection process is available. While acute toxicity can be reasonably detected during the early preclinical stages of drug development, long-term toxicity is more difficult to predict, relying almost exclusively on animal experiments Animal experimentation of this kind is expensive and time consuming, raises ethical issues and do not necessarily represent a toxicological relevance to man. This project address the urgent need to develop in vitro based systems which are capable of predicting long term toxicity in humans. The major objectives of this project are:1)To develop advanced cell culture systems which as best possible represents the human liver and kidney in vivo. This will be achieved using combined strategies namely:co-cultures of resident cell types,targeted cell transformation,stem cell technology and new developments in organotypic cell culture (i.e. perfusion cultures and 3D cultures).2)To identify specific early mechanistic markers of toxin induced cell alterations by using integrated genomic,proteomic and cytomic analysis.3)To establish and prevalidate a screening platform (cell systems together with analysis tools) which is unambiguously predictive of toxin induced chronic renal and hepatic disease.This proposal is unique in it's mechanistic integration of the three levels of cellular dynamics (genome, proteome and cytome) together with advanced cell culture technology to detect early events of cellular injury. Only with such an integrated approach will in vitro techniques ever be applicable to predicting chronic toxicity in man. This project,if successful will(1) contribute to the replacement of animal testing in drug development, (2) increase ... Prime Contractor: Fundacion Hospital Universitario 'La Fe', Experimental Hepatology Unit, Research Center; Valencia; Espana.
Das Projekt "Development of Nanotechnology-based High-performance Opaque & Transparent Insulation Systems for Energy-efficient Buildings (NANOINSULATE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BASF SE durchgeführt. NANOINSULATE will develop durable, robust, cost-effective opaque and transparent vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) incorporating new nanotechnology-based core materials (nanofoams, aerogels, aerogel composites) and high-barrier films that are up to four times more energy efficient than current solutions. These new systems will provide product lifetimes in excess of 50 years suitable for a variety of new-build and retrofit building applications. Initial building simulations based on the anticipated final properties of the VIPs indicate reductions in heating demand of up to 74Prozent and CO2 emissions of up to 46Prozent for Madrid, Spain and up to 61Prozent and 55Prozent respectively for Stuttgart, Germany for a building renovation which reduces the U-value of the walls and roof from 2.0 W m-2 K-1 to 0.2 W m-2 K-1. This reduction could be achieved with NANOINSULATE products that are only 25 mm thick, giving a cost-effective renovation without the need of changing all the reveals and ledges. Similarly, significant reductions in U-values of transparent VIPs (3 W m-2 K-1 to 0.5 W m-2 K-1) are shown by substituting double glazed units in existing building stock. Six industrial & four research based partners from seven EU countries will come together to engineer novel solutions capable of being mass produced. Target final manufacturing costs for insulation board (production rates above 5 million m2/year) are less than 7 m-2 for a U-value of 0.2 W m-2 K-1. NANOINSULATE will demonstrate its developments at construction sites across Europe. A Lifecycle Assessment, together with a safety and service-life costing analysis, will be undertaken to prove economic viability. NANOINSULATE demonstrates strong relevance to the objectives and expected impacts of both the specific call text of the Public-Private Partnership Energy-efficient Buildings topic New nanotechnology-based high performance insulation systems for energy efficiency within the 2010 NMP Work Programme and the wider NMP & Energy Thematic Priorities. Prime Contractor: Kingsplan Research and Developments Ltd.; Kingscourt; Irland.
Das Projekt "Evaluation of the effects of endocrine active chemicals (EACs) for sensitive aquatic wildlife species with the test organism Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Mollusca)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Ökologie, Evolution und Diversität, Abteilung Aquatische Ökotoxikologie durchgeführt. Recent reports have shown that a number of xenobiotics in the environment are able of interfering with the normal endocrine function in animals and also in humans. Suspected effects of such compounds, often referred to as endocrine disruptors (EDs) or endocrine active chemicals (EACs), in humans include decreased sperm counts, increased cases of breast, testicular and other forms of reproductive cancers, genital abnormalities (e.g. hypospadia, cryptorchidism), premature puberty in females, and increased cases of endometriosis. In contrast to these suspicious cases in humans there is convincing evidence for chemically-induced endocrine disruption from wildlife studies. However, the overwhelming majority of investigations on effects of EACs is laboratory based and focuses on vertebrates while much less has been done in the field to address potential population-level effects. More detailed information about the effects on and mechanisms of action in invertebrates has only been obtained from a few cases although invertebrates represent more than 95Prozent of the known species in the animal kingdom. The limited number of examples for endocrine disruption in invertebrates is partially due to the fact that their hormonal systems are rather poorly understood in comparison with vertebrates. Deleterious endocrine changes following an exposure to certain compounds may therefore easily be missed or simply be unmeasurable at present, even though a number of field investigations and laboratory studies show that endocrine disruption has probably occurred. The example of tributyltin (TBT) compounds and their masculinising effects in more than 150 species of prosobranch molluscs shows that apparently trivial biochemical changes can have drastic effects up to the community level by a final sterilisation of affected females with a consequent demise and local extinction of populations. However, with the exception of TBT in marine prosobranchs, it has never been convincingly shown that EACs are capable to exert such far-reaching effects in field populations and pose a risk for their survival at environmentally relevant concentrations. The objective of the proposed project is: (1) to analyse the degree to which aquatic wildlife in central Europe is exposed to EACs in its natural habitat by assessing the well-defined effects in the test with Potamopyrgus antipodarum and (2) to evaluate the potential role of EACs for population declines of sensitive aquatic wildlife species with the example of prosobranch snails by correlating effect data with results from analyses of the macrozoobenthic community.
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