Das Projekt "Eine innovative Methode für die vorort Sanierung von verschmutzten Böden unter bestehenden Strukturen (CLEANSOIL)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Verein zur Förderung des Technologietransfers an der Hochschule Bremerhaven e.V., Technologie-Transfer-Zentrum Bremerhaven durchgeführt. In CLEANSOIL arbeitet das TTZ mit 5 weiteren Forschungspartnern aus Russland, der Ukraine und Polen zusammen. Des Weiteren besteht das Konsortium in diesem von der EU geförderten 'INCO-Specific Targeted Research Project' aus 2 Unternehmen aus Spanien und Schweden. Wissenschaftlich-technologische Hauptzielsetzung in CLEANSOIL: In CLEANSOIL soll ein System zur Sanierung von Böden und zum Grundwasserschutz entwickelt werden das es ermöglicht, einen Sanierungsgrad des Bodens zu erreichen, der dem ursprünglichen Leistungsvermögen des Bodens entspricht. Das CLEANSOIL System kann dabei vor allem immer dann zum Einsatz kommen, wenn das Abtragen und Beseitigen des verschmutzten Bodens keine Option darstellt. Das Prinzip ist speziell ausgerichtet auf große Flächen verschmutzten Bodens und besonders dann empfehlenswert, wenn die Beseitigung des Bodens aufgrund der örtlichen Gegebenheiten nicht bzw. nur schwer umzusetzen ist (unter Gebäuden, Straßen, Eisenbahnstrecken, etc). Das CLEANSOIL System besteht aus Absorptionskörpern, die miteinander verbunden und wie an einer Kette aneinander gereiht sind. Diese Ketten liegen innerhalb perforierter Rohre, die durch horizontal gebohrte Löcher parallel zueinander in den Boden eingebracht werden. Die auf diese Weise in den Boden implementierten Absorptionsmittel können die Schmutzstoffe aufnehmen. Nach einer bestimmten Zeitspanne werden die Adsorptionskörper entfernt und das Absorptionsmittel für weitere Einsatzmöglichkeiten wieder aufbereitet.
Das Projekt "Optimal engineering design for dependable water and power generation in remote areas using renewable energies and intelligent automation (OPEN-GAIN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg,Institut für Technische Informatik durchgeführt. Objective: To combat water scarcity and desertification, intensive desalination activities have been carried out in remote arid regions. However, desalting is resources and energy intensive, which are limited and expensive. Thus, water production must be increased while keeping the consumption of resources affordable. For remote arid areas, de-centralised solutions for energy and water co-production offer advantages over large central production sites. Finally, skilled personnel is normally absent in such areas, what demands dependable systems. To implement all this, a highly qualified consortium complemented by experienced subcontracting companies was established. This project offers a solution to cost optimal co-production of energy and water using renewable energy besides diesel generators. Cost optimisation is achieved through a high level of automation, which is necessary to adapt the working conditions to the strongly varying renewable energy supply, and remote maintenance. The approach is based on thorough modelling of the processes and offers a large degree of flexibility in the design to meet different production requirements. The project's work packages are so organised that high teamwork with less management effort is possible. The later transfer from R& TD to the manufacturers will lead to new products with increased benefits. Companies will reduce cost due to an optimal engineering design. They can also offer better maintenance services based on higher reliability and remote monitoring. European countries will become more familiar with the MPC regional demands. This shall lead to a decisive advantage in the international market with a better access for their products to MPC and MENA countries. The new product shall also improve the quality of life in the affected regions and MPC will obtain a better access to European R&TD; their personnel of water authorities and power suppliers shall obtain an added qualification for engineering services.
Das Projekt "Neuer Energie-effizienter Ansatz zum Betrieb von Membran Bioreaktoren für dezentralisierte Abwasserbehandlung (PURATREAT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Verein zur Förderung des Technologietransfers an der Hochschule Bremerhaven e.V., Technologie-Transfer-Zentrum Bremerhaven durchgeführt. In PURATREAT arbeitet das TTZ mit 9 Forschungspartnern aus Holland, Großbritannien, Spanien, Marokko, Tunesien, Jordanien, Syrien und Saudi-Arabien zusammen. Wissenschaftlich-technologische Hauptzielsetzung in PURATREAT: - Vergleichung der Leistung von Membran Bioreaktoren unter herkömmlichen Operation; Konditionen mit der Leistung erreicht, unter Konditionen, besonders angepasst an den Anforderungen der MENA Länder. - Analysierung der Leistung des innovativstem Markts verfügbarer Membran Technologien, betrieben unter verschiedene Konditionen. - Analysierung der Leistung, Energie Verbrauch und Wartung; Anforderungen von Membranbioreaktoren die unter kurz Feststoffen Verweilzeit als möglich Betrieb Ablauf für die Anwendung von Membran Technologie auf vorstädtischen Bereichen in den MENA Ländern.
Das Projekt "Capacity Building for Sustainable Treatment and Valorization of Olive Mill Waste in Palestine (OLITREVA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Applied Research Institute Jerusalem Association durchgeführt. As for the whole Mediterranean, for thousands of years, the olive tree has been an integral part of the Palestinian landscape: a symbol of Palestinian identity, culture and tradition. Nowadays, around 100.000 families in the West Bank depend on olive cultivation as their main source of income and during harvest season, this sector creates thousand of additional jobs. Despite the significant contributions of the olive oil sector in the economic and social development of the Palestine, it is becoming a source of serious environmental problems to which urgent solutions have to be addressed. OLITREVA project aims to strengthen RTD and cooperation capacities of Palestinian research centres and thus, to enhance their response to the environmental threats posed by olive oil production residues in the country. Our target would be to enhance S&T capacities of local research performers devoted to the field of Olive Mill Waste Treatment, by increasing networking and cooperation with European centres of top-level research and scientific excellence working in the same field. Through this path, local researcher centres and researchers will develop the necessary capacities to respond to the environmental challenges result from incorrect OMW disposal. By engaging one of the country's leading research institutions, The Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem, awareness among local peer organizations on this research field will be raised. Moreover, several activities within the work plan are meant to be a platform to increase international awareness about the work performed by Palestinian research institutions and to promote networking activities and transfer of knowledge and best practices.
Das Projekt "Reduction of environmental risks, posed by Emerging Contaminants, through advanced treatment of municipal and industrial wastes (EMCO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Madrid durchgeführt. 9 Partner untersuchten den Stand der Wasserversorgung in Westbalkanländern. Zunächst wurden industrielle und städtische Abwässer auf das Vorkommen sogenannter 'emerging' Schadstoffe untersucht. Im Weiteren wurden verbesserte Abwasserbehandlungsmethoden, insbesondere kleinere Kläreinheiten installiert. Die im Labormaßstab gewonnenen Ergebnisse wurden abschließend auch auf reale Zustände an Abläufen von Industrieanlagen übertragen. Zusätzlich sollte EMCO den europäischen Standard der Wasserbewirtschaftung den Westbalkanländern vermitteln. Das Projekt startete am 01.Juli 2004 für die Dauer von 3 Jahren und wurde am 30. Juni 2007 abgeschlossen.
Das Projekt "Innovative decision making for sustainable management of water in developing countries (DIM-SUM)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Siedlungswasserbau, Industriewasserwirtschaft und Gewässerschutz durchgeführt. Innovative decision making for sustainable management of water aims at providing tools needed if any integrated and participatory management of water should be carried out. Management refers in this context to its core element, the decision making process (DMP). Focusing at water supply and sanitation (as there the need is paramount), DIM-SUM will carry out one case study in one river basin in each participating partner country: Indonesia, Maharashtra-India, Malaysia and Nepal in order to evaluate and develop these tools.
Das Projekt "Virtual balkan power centre for advance of renewable energy sources in Western Balkans (VBPC-RES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Univerza v Ljubljani, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Laboratory for Energy Policy durchgeführt. Objective: Countries in the Western Balkan region have great unexploited potential of renewable energy sources (RES), which could by efficient use significantly contribute to security of supply within the region and wider. Special care has to be devoted to sound solu tions for electricity supply of undeveloped and isolated regions due to war damage. The main objectives of the VBPC are: (i) transfer of know-how in RES technology and their implementation for isolated regions, (ii) to identify main economic and legislativ e factors influencing investment decisions in RES including barriers and local specifics, and to identify options to improve penetration of RES, and (.ii) awareness building and education on modes, means and benefits of renewable energy sources. The work w ithin the VBPC will be organized in 4 work packages (WP). First WP will deal with transfer of best practice and best technologies in RES for isolated regions, comprising energy transformation, distribution, operation and control, connection to the local ne twork, energy storage and organizational as also other implementation issues. In the second WP the regulatory framework of each WB country will be analyzed to identify barriers and local specifics. This will be archived by exchange ofinformation on establi shing incentives for promotion of RES and experiences with harmonisation with EU legislation in EU, AS and WB countries. Communication and dissemination with key focus groups (policy makers, utilities and SMEs, higher education system) will be the objectiv e of the WP3. Fore each key focus group of actors important for RES implementation in the region a special dissemination program will be carried out comprising targeted workshops, conferences, public reports and summer schools. The fourth WP will be devote d to project management issues and to support actions and activities in the first three work packages.
Das Projekt "Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Supplying of Services in Rural Settlements of Mediterranean Partner Countries (HYRESS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Agricultural University Athens, Department of Natural Resources and Agricultural Engineering durchgeführt. Objective: The strategic objective of the proposed project is to remove the knowledge barriers against the installation of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems and the creation of mini-grids based on renewables. Ultimate objective of the project is to develop, combine, install, test and assess (technically and socially) the performance of low-cost pilot hybrid Renewable Energy (RE) systems in remote areas of the Mediterranean, which are not yet grid-connected. The hybrid systems will be consisted of photovoltaics, small wind generators, hydrogen subsystems and they will be installed in selected areas of the MPC countries to set-up and provide energy and associated services thus aid to the increase of the standard of living of these rural communities. The systems will be configured and sized after taking into account the local conditions. Three hybrid systems will be installed in remote rural areas of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. The systems should fulfil criteria as modularity, robustness, and simplicity in use and also require very low maintenance. Additional considerations for the technologies selection and implementation regard the possibility of systems standardisation and replication. Furthermore, the local installations will serve as good practice, accelerate local skill development, and promote and encourage international partnerships amongst all relevant stakeholders, such as research, financial, and regulatory institutions, industry and service companies, in particular SMEs, local representatives and social players. By setting-up the afore mentioned three pilot installations in three MPC the proposed research will bring a significant contribution for creating sustainable structures with a decent living quality in the rural environments of the MPC by developing highly innovative hybrid RE installations based on the availability of local renewable energy sources and the local social conditions and needs.
Das Projekt "Cost efficient and reliable rural electrification schemes for South Mediterranean countriesbased on multi user Solar Hybrid grids (CRESMED)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Trama TecnoAmbiental S.L. durchgeführt. Objective: Based on the successful implementation of multi-user solar hybrid grids (MSG) in Europe, this project deals with the design of rural village electrification technology and schemes for rural communities, schools, or dispensaries in Mediterranean partner cou ntries. For this purpose, this project further develops and adapts an integrated approach, covering all aspects required (social, economical, financial and technical) for long term sustainable energy service achieved with hybrid systems. This approach is e laborated in a common effort between partners in the EU and Mediterranean partner countries). There is an initial preparation phase addressing research on technological, socio-economic and institutional issues in each target country covered by this project (Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Lebanon), which are all crucial for successful implementation. The systems to be developed are adapted to the context in Mediterranean partner countries, such as high robustness, and additional communications for remote monitori ng. They are based on a locally appropriate energy mix based on PV plus wind or micro-hydraulic, and fuel, feeding local micro grids. Intelligent energy distribution devices assure reliable energy service for each user so that a high level of energy effici ency and demand side management is achieved during the operation of the systems. The project previews dissemination of results using a rural electrification manual, local dissemination actions in each target country, one training seminar and one internatio nal conference targeting at specialists from all Mediterranean partner countries.
Das Projekt "Advanced decentralised energy generation systems in Western Balkans (ADEG )" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von National Technical University Athens, School of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Steam Boilers and Thermal Plants durchgeführt. Objective: The overall objective of the work is to formulate promising solutions for decentralised systems in the area of Western Balkans based on the utilisation of renewable energy sources and hybrid systems. Aiming to contribute to sustainable development differen t technological concept including biomass combustion and gasification, wind, solar and hydropower will be examined in parallel with the local capacity and particularities. Alteration of existing technologies in order to achieve increased efficiency and rel iability of stand-alone power supply in selected isolated regions will be investigated. The technical, operational, economic and environmental characteristics of renewable energy systems will be examined and hybrid systems will be formulated for the optimi sed grid performance with the optimum utilisation of local energy sources. Proposals for type of technology and units' size will be formed. The specific needs of the existing and the future regional energy demand side will be taken into account. For the ad vanced utilisation of renewable sources the alteration of existing technological solution with the production of Hydrogen will be investigated and the opportunities of the introduction of novel technologies such as Fuel cells in decentralised energy grids will be assessed. The work to be carried out will result into the formulation of Specifications for the optimisation of Grid penetration in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in conjunction with the determination of specific low cost power production schemes for decentralised areas in these 3 WE countries.'
Origin | Count |
Bund | 13 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 13 |
License | Count |
offen | 13 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 13 |
Englisch | 13 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 9 |
Webseite | 4 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 12 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 11 |
Luft | 9 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 13 |
Wasser | 8 |
Weitere | 13 |