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Found 40 results.

Coal mine methane new solutions for use of CMM- reduction of GHG emissions (COMETH)

Das Projekt "Coal mine methane new solutions for use of CMM- reduction of GHG emissions (COMETH)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie durchgeführt. Objective: The project aims at reducing green house gas (GHG) emissions caused by the uncontrolled exhausting of coal mine methane (CMM) to atmosphere and to explore suitable economically interesting schemes for its energetic use by the development of an universal decision guidance for optimal use of CMM under varying conditions, an analysis and comparison of the current legal and administrative situation in countries with big coal deposits (PL, CZ, RU, UA, RO, KZ and UK), the development, establishment and test of test units for new CMM utilisation technologies (use of CMM vented from a mine and CMM liquefaction) and the analysis of the emission reduction potential of CMM utilisation. The test of the new CMM utilisation methods will be carried out in Russia (use of use of CMM vented from a mine) and the Ukraine (liquefaction). Additionally in Kazakhstan existing CMM potential will be analysed and a test sucking will be implemented. Methane has a GHP (green house potential) 21 times higher than that of CO2. By burning 1 t methane GHG emission are reduced by 18.25 t CO2eq. Therefore energetic use of CMM saves fossil fuels resources, contributes to the diversification of energy resources and reduces climate relevant emissions. By establishing and operating the two plants in Russia and Ukraine GHG emission are already reduced in the range of 135,000 t CO2 eq. However, successful project implementation will lead to a much higher overall reduction of GHG emission as the construction of additional CMM utilisations in Eastern Europe can be anticipated. Despite the environmental advantages CMM is rarely used in the new EU and developing countries due to lacking of experiences, existing administrative and legal barriers and different economical conditions. Besides the development and test of new CMM utilisation methods, this project aims at supporting the transfer of technology and knowledge and shortening the implementation time for new plants. Special emphasis will be given to economical and environmental questions as the basis for a long term profitable use. The decision guidance will include information about conventional as well as about the new technologies. So a bigger field of applications will be opened for potential users than through the simply transfer and adaptation of conventional technology and knowledge.

Increasing efficiency of wind power plants for the production of energy (WINGY-PRO)

Das Projekt "Increasing efficiency of wind power plants for the production of energy (WINGY-PRO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Fachbereich 1 Physik und Elektrotechnik durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of Wingy-Pro is to demonstrate the first ever large size transversal flux generator in an existing wind turbine. A determining factor for increasing the profitability of an offshore wind farm is the installation of wind turbines with a significantly high power capacity and low weight. Until now, the designs of large capacity turbines for offshore applications have been an up scaling of the existing smaller models. This has led to the construction of wind turbines with huge physical dimensions (e.g.: The E-112 has a hub height of 124 m and a rotor diameter of 114 m). Consequently, the weight of the turbines has increased considerably and the material-resistance of the blades, has been taken almost to its limits (rotor blades can reach a length of up to 61 m). These large dimension and weight have a negative influence on the economic efficiency of those offshore applications, because of the high costs for the foundation, transport and installation of the wind turbines. The objective of the project is to carry out the design and development of an improved generator technique through the transverse flux generator (TFG) with permanent magnets in the rotor. There are single-, two- or multi-phase machines, depending on the number of independent stator windings, which are mounted axially on the machine shaft. This technique has been known in the electro-field for years, but due to its strong vibrations and high noise emissions, it has been hardly used. Nowadays however, thanks to new and innovative manufacturing methods and to the development in modern micro-processing controls, the TFG can be used in practical applications.

Ultra thin solar cells for module assembly -tough and efficient (ULTIMATE)

Das Projekt "Ultra thin solar cells for module assembly -tough and efficient (ULTIMATE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme durchgeführt. The overall objective of the current project is to make a significant contribution to the dissemination of PV in order to improve the sustainability of the European energy supply, to reduce environmental hazards such as global warming and to strengthen the economical situation of the European PV industry. The main project objective is the demonstration of PV modules using solar cells which are substantially thinner than today s common practice. We will reduce the current solar cell thickness from typically 200-250 mym down to 100 mym. Assuming a projected kerf loss of 120 mym for 2010, this will enable more than 50Prozent additional wafers to be cut from each silicon ingot. Additionally, by using advanced solar cell device structures and module interconnection technology, we target to increase the average efficiency for these thin cells up to 19Prozent for mono-crystalline and 17.2Prozent for multi-crystalline silicon and to reach a module-to-cell efficiency ratio above 90Prozent. The processing and handling of wafers and cells will be adapted in order to maintain standard processing yields. Including scaling aspects, this corresponds to a module cost reduction of approximately 30Prozent until 2011 and 1.0 /Wp extrapolated until 2016. Furthermore Si demand can be reduced from 10 to 6 g/Wp providing a significant effect on the eco-impact of PV power generation. The partners of this project form an outstanding consortium to reach the project goals, including two leading European R&D institutes as well as five companies with recorded and published expertise in the field of thin solar cells. The project is structured in 5 work packages covering the process chain from wafer to module as well as integral eco-assessment and management tasks. The expected impact of the project is a PV energy cost reduction of approximately 30Prozent, a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and an improved competitiveness of the European solar cell, module and equipment manufacturers.

Polygeneration of energy, fuels and fertilisers from biomass residues and sewage sludge (ENERCOM)

Das Projekt "Polygeneration of energy, fuels and fertilisers from biomass residues and sewage sludge (ENERCOM)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachhochschule Trier - Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Gestaltung, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of this proposal is to demonstrate high-efficient polygeneration of electricity, heat, solid fuels and high-value compost/ fertilisers from sewage sludge and greenery waste mixed to biomass residues, thereby offering a new, safe, environmentally friendly and cost-effective path for the disposal of sewage sludge, maximising energy output, greenhouse gas reduction, cost-effectiveness and new chances for SME. Compared to the existing routes of sewage sludge treatment, the proposed concept allows achieving a very high overall energy efficiency by - use of low-temperature environmental heat and heat from the co-composting process for drying sewage sludge thereby replacing high temperature heat from a combustion process, - a highly efficient gasification process, - saving of transport energy due to a better overall material flow management. Thus, the concept brings down disposal costs of sewage sludge. The polygeneration demonstration plant will be set up on an existing compost production facility. The latter will be able to process larger amounts of sewage sludge than at present, to produce less but higher quality compost as well as pellets and/or briquettes as storable substitute fuel and to deliver electricity to the grid. Heat will be used on site for drying processes and for a district heating grid of a neighbouring industrial park. CO2 emissions are reduced by replacement of fossil fuels and directly in the composting process. Minerals and nutrients will be recovered from the ash and used to enhance the fertilising value of the compost after removal of heavy metals and other harmful fractions. 5 out of the 8 consortium partners are SME. The exploitation plan includes the creation of a two further SME for heat delivery and worldwide planning and marketing of similar plants. Replication of the concept in the 3,000 compost plants in the EU would allow additional generation of at least 56 TWh of electricity, heat and solid fuels.

CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research (CO2CARE)

Das Projekt "CO2 Site Closure Assessment Research (CO2CARE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. CO2CARE aims to support the large scale demonstration of CCS technology by addressing the research requirements of CO2 storage site abandonment. It will deliver technologies and procedures for abandonment and post-closure safety, satisfying the regulatory requirements for transfer of responsibility. The project will focus on three key areas: well abandonment and long-term integrity; reservoir management and prediction from closure to the long-term; risk management methodologies for long-term safety. Objectives will be achieved via integrated laboratory research, field experiments and state-of-the-art numerical modelling, supported by literature review and data from a rich portfolio of real storage sites, covering a wide range of geological and geographical settings. CO2CARE will develop plugging techniques to ensure long-term well integrity; study the factors critical to long-term site safety; develop monitoring methods for leakage detection; investigate and develop remediation technologies. Predictive modelling approaches will be assessed for their ability to help define acceptance criteria. Risk management procedures and tools to assess post-closure system performance will be developed. Integrating these, the technical criteria necessary to assess whether a site meets the high level requirements for transfer of responsibility defined by the EU Directive will be established. The technologies developed will be implemented at the Ketzin site and dry-run applications for site abandonment will be developed for hypothetical closure scenarios at Sleipner and K12-B. Participation of partners from the US, Canada, Japan and Australia and data obtained from current and closed sites will add to the field monitoring database and place the results of CO2CARE in a world-wide perspective. Research findings will be presented as best-practice guidelines. Dissemination strategy will deliver results to a wide range of international stakeholders and the general public.

Development of a bionic solar collector with aluminium roll-bond absorber (BIONICOL)

Das Projekt "Development of a bionic solar collector with aluminium roll-bond absorber (BIONICOL)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V., Zentralverwaltung durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of the project is to develop solar collectors with absorbers which feature bionic channel structures ('FracTherm®' structures), which are multiply branched in a fractal way in order to obtain a uniform flow distribution, a low pressure drop as well as a high thermal efficiency. The absorbers will be built of aluminium using the so-called roll-bond process. Small solar absorbers have already successfully been built in a previous research work. It is now necessary to develop collectors with typical dimensions needed for the market up to a prototype stage and demonstrate their efficiency and functionality as a basis for a following series production. It is expected that high-efficiency collectors at low costs can be obtained as a result of the project. The collectors are to be investigated for a wide temperature range in order to cover various applications. To reach the mentioned aims, the FracTherm® algorithm is to be developed further and the obtained designs have to be produced, evaluated and optimized. Moreover, the possibilities and constraints of the roll-bond production process have to be investigated in order to find out the best possibilities to produce a solar absorber with maximum efficiency and minimum costs. One of the very important tasks of the project will be the coating of the absorber after its channels are produced. Finally, the absorber has to be mounted into a collector casing and thus also has to fulfil a number of requirements. The target of a prototype and small-series production is to demonstrate the possibilities of manufacturing FracTherm® solar collectors with variations of the absorber. In order to prevent corrosion, it is necessary to work on appropriate heat transfer fluids. It is intended to build demonstration systems in various sites in Europe which are operated for more than one year within the project. The final objective is to evaluate the competitiveness of the developed solar collectors with state-of-the-art products.

CO2 enhanced separation and recovery (CESAR)

Das Projekt "CO2 enhanced separation and recovery (CESAR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BASF SE durchgeführt. CESAR aims for a breakthrough in the development of low-cost post-combustion CO2 capture technology to provide economically feasible solutions for both new power plants and retrofit of existing power plants which are responsible for the majority of all anthropogenic CO2 emissions (worldwide, approx. 5,000 power plants emit around 11 GtCO2/year). CESAR focuses on post-combustion as it is the only feasible technology for retrofit and current power plant technology. Moreover, analysis of the current R&D in Europe shows that there is yet no follow-up to the post-combustion work in the CASTOR project while R&D aimed at other types of carbon capture technologies have been accommodated for. The primary objective is to decrease the cost of capture down to 15 /tCO2. CESAR aims at breakthroughs via a combination of fundamental research on Advanced Separation Processes (WP1), Capture process modelling and integration (WP2) and Solvent process validation studies (WP3) with duration tests in the Esbjerg pilot plant. CESAR will build further on the successes and high potential ideas from the FP6 integrated project CASTOR. Moreover, the pilot built in this project will be used for CESAR. Prime Contractor: Nederlandse Centrale Organisatie voor Toegepast-Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek TNO; Delft; Nederland.

Production of Solid Sustainable Energy Carriers from Biomass by Means of Torrefaction (SECTOR)

Das Projekt "Production of Solid Sustainable Energy Carriers from Biomass by Means of Torrefaction (SECTOR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH durchgeführt. Torrefaction is considered worldwide as a promising key technology for boosting large-scale implementation of bioenergy. It involves heating biomass in the absence of oxygen to a temperature of 200 to 320 °C. As a result, the biomass looses all its moisture and becomes easy to grind and water resistant, which reduces the risk of spontaneous ignition and biological degradation and permits outdoor storage. By combining torrefaction with pelletisation or briquetting, biomass is converted into a high-energy-density commodity solid fuel or bioenergy carrier with superior properties in view of (long-distance) transport, handling and storage, and also in many major end-use applications (e.g., co-firing in pulverised-coal fired power plants, (co-)gasification in entrained-flow gasifiers and combustion in distributed pellet boilers. Moreover, torrefaction-based bioenergy carriers may form a good starting point for biorefinery routes. The current SECTOR project is focussed on the further development of torrefaction-based technologies for the production of solid bioenergy carriers up to pilot-plant scale and beyond and on supporting market introduction of torrefaction-based bioenergy carriers as a commodity renewable solid fuel. The core of the project concerns the further development of torrefaction and densification technology for a broad biomass feedstock range including clean woody biomass, forestry residues, agro-residues and imported biomass. Production recipes will be optimised on the basis of extensive logistics and end-use testing. Much attention will be given to the development, quality assurance and standardisation of dedicated analysis and test methods. The experimental work will be accompanied by extensive desk studies to define major biomass-to-end-use value chains, design deployment strategies and scenarios, and conduct a full sustainability assessment. The results will be fed into CEN/ISO working groups and international sustainability forums.

PROTEST - PROcedures for TESTing and measuring wind energy systems

Das Projekt "PROTEST - PROcedures for TESTing and measuring wind energy systems" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Flugzeugbau (IFB), Stuttgarter Lehrstuhl für Windenergie durchgeführt. Einer der Hauptgründe für das Versagen der mechanischen Systeme von Windenergieanlagen, wie z. B. Getrieben, Pitchsystemen und Azimuthsystemen ist unzureichendes Wissen über die auftretenden Lasten. In diesem Projekt soll eine Methode entwickelt werden, um die Auslegungslasten für die mechanischen Komponenten genauer als bisher vorherzusagen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf Messungen von Lastspektren an Prototypen. Die Prototypmessungen werden hierbei mit den Auslegungslastfällen aus der Simulation verglichen. Letztlich werden Prozeduren für die mechanischen Komponenten definiert, die dem gleichen Standard entsprechen, wie die Prozeduren zur Auslegung und zu den Tests der sicherheitskritischen Komponenten (z.B. Rotorblätter oder Turm). Die gewonnen Erkenntnisse aus diesem Projekt werden anschließend den relevanten Normungskommisionen übergeben. Der SWE wird in diesem Projekt das gemessene globale Lastspektrum (Capture-Matrix) durch numerische Simulationen der nicht gemessenen, bzw. nicht messbaren Lastfälle vervollständigen. Außerdem werden Prozeduren entwickeln, mit denen die Schnittlasten an den Komponenten und die am höchsten belasteten Stellen in den Komponenten aus dem globalen Lastspektrum ermittelt werden können. Die Projektkoordination liegt beim Energy research Centre of the Netherlands

Geothermal engineering integrating mitigation of induced seismicity in reservoirs (GEISER)

Das Projekt "Geothermal engineering integrating mitigation of induced seismicity in reservoirs (GEISER)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. Objective: The project contributes to the improvement of the concept of Enhanced Geothermal Systems by investigating the role of induced seismicity, which is twofold: - an instrument to image fluid pathways induced by hydraulic stimulation treatments, which has been done to some extent in previous projects; - an implication of such treatments to potential seismic hazards. The mitigation of induced seismicity to an acceptable level is the major intent of this project. For this purpose, we set as our goals : - to understand why seismicity is induced in some cases but not in others; - to determine the potential hazards depending on geological setting and geographical location; - to work out licensing and monitoring guidelines for local authorities, which should include a definition of what level of ground motion is acceptable; - to develop strategies to fulfil the task of the stimulation and improve the hydraulic properties of the geothermal reservoir without producing large magnitude events. To accomplish the project goals a high quality database of case studies will be assembled. This will include data on seismicity and ground motion, geomechanics, reservoir characteristics, injection/production, and surface deformation, as well as information on the local stress field and local geology. The interpretation will be based on data from the sites: Soultz-sous-forets (France), Basel (Switzerland), Gro Schonebeck (Germany), KTB (Germany), Larderello/Latera (Italy), Campi Flegrei (Italy), Hengill, Krafla, Reykjanes (Iceland), Groningen (Netherlands), and others (Berlin, El Salvador; The Geysers, USA). The GEISER-project will overcome shortcomings of previous work by including model based forecast of stimulation and/or production induced seismicity. Developing soft stimulation strategies and guidelines on how to react on induced seismicity will support the acceptance of geothermal applications.

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