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IAGOS for the GMES Atmospheric Service (IGAS)

Das Projekt "IAGOS for the GMES Atmospheric Service (IGAS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Biogeochemie durchgeführt. IAGOS (In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System), one of the European Research Infrastructures (ERI) on the ESFRI roadmap and currently in its preparatory phase, is establishing a distributed infrastructure for long-term observations of atmospheric composition on a global scale from a fleet of initially 10-20 long-range in-service aircraft of internationally operating airlines. IAGOS will provide accurate, spatially highly resolved in-situ observations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and reactive gases, as well as aerosol and cloud particles, in fact covering the essential climate variables (ECVs) for atmospheric composition as designated by the GCOS programme (Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC, 2010). With the CARIBIC container, operated aboard an in-service aircraft on a four flights per month basis as part of IAGOS, a much larger number of parameters are routinely available. This project aims to make these valuable in-situ measurements available to the GMES Atmospheric Service in both near-real-time (for the IAGOS measurements) and delayed mode (for CARIBIC measurements). The interface between GMES and the IAGOS and CARIBIC communities is established in work package two, which also includes work on the development of database and graphical tools to make the data availalbe for the broader scientific community as well. The near-real-time provision of data requires the installation of Real Time Transmissin Units (RTTUs) on the in-service aircraft, which is carried out in work package three. Work package four focuses on the harmonization and systematic evaluation of the data quality collected on board the aircraft, and work package five supports the development of four new instruments designed to measure atmospheric quantities on board in-service aircraft, as well as a study to investigate the possible modular redesign of the IAGOS system to improve its flexibility in the future.

Development and pre-operational validation of upgraded GMES marine core services and capabilities (MYOCEAN)

Das Projekt "Development and pre-operational validation of upgraded GMES marine core services and capabilities (MYOCEAN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR) durchgeführt. Ojective: MyOcean is THE PROJECT to set up infrastructures, services and resources to prepare the operational deployment of first Marine Core Services. My Ocean answers to the topic SPA.2007.1.1.01 - development of upgraded capabilities for existing GMES fast-track services and related (pre)operational services. MyOcean is proposed by a consortium of 67 partners spread in maritime countries: - federated around a core team of MCS operators - connected to Key R&D players with independent experts - rich of key intermediate users ready to commit to the service validation and promotion and play the role of beta-testers. My Ocean is not the MCS but shall provide the major building blocks and umbrella to allow the operational deployment of a full MCS in cooperation with external providers (National Met services, EMSA). MyOcean proposes to set an incremental logic and a governance to remain sustainable after the project and able to welcome new science and new services. The project includes the following tasks: - The definition of a first set of operational Marine Core Services, first package of an enlarged MCS portfolio - The operational development of European upgraded capacities acting as a common denominator for Member States, EU needs for reference marine information - The pre-operational validation of these MCS infrastructures and services and their formal commissioning - The marketing and promotion of Marine Core Services for use widening - The elaboration of a committed organisation to support at long term MCS operations, evolution and research. My Ocean inherits, benefits and pursues a European operational oceanography strategy started within EUROGOOS networks, and progressively implemented through subsequent projects: MERSEA Strand1, MERSEA, BOSS4. BOSS4 will provide a Version 0 of Marine Core Services fast tracks. MyOcean work plan shall cover the development, validation and pre-operations of the following versions of MCS V1 and V2. Prime Contractor: Mercator Ocean Societe Civile; Ramoville Saint Agne; France.

Promote air quality services integrating observations development of basic localised information for Europe (PASODOBLE)

Das Projekt "Promote air quality services integrating observations development of basic localised information for Europe (PASODOBLE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. - Deutsches Fernerkundungsdatenzentrum durchgeführt. Air quality is a crucial environmental factor, e.g. evidenced by the fact that particles in the air are estimated to reduce the lifetime of the average European citizen by 8 months. Assessing and monitoring air quality are thus fundamental to improve Europe s welfare. PASODOBLE will develop and demonstrate user-driven downstream information services for the public, regional and local air quality sectors by combining space-based and in-situ data with models in 4 thematic service lines: - Health community support for hospitals, pharmacies, doctors and people at risk - Public information for regions, cities, tourist industry and sporting event organizers - Compliance monitoring support on particulate matter for regional environmental agencies - Local forecast model evaluation support for local authorities and city bodies. Continuing on the achievements of the ESA GSE PROMOTE project, PASODOBLE will stimulate the development of quality-assured air quality services towards their application market by increasing the implementation efficiency of demonstrated and operational services in the future (new regions, users or parameter combinations, additional service providers). PASODOBLE objectives are: - Evolution of existing and development of new sustainable air quality services for Europe on regional and local scales- Development and testing of a generic service framework for coordinated input data acquisition and customizable user-friendly access to services- Utilization of multiple cycles of delivery, use and assessment versus requirements and market planning in cooperation with users- Promotion and harmonisation of best practise tools for air quality communities. PASODOBLE comprises an initial phase of requirement analysis, service design, development and implementation, followed by 2 annual demonstration and evaluation cycles in which the services and the generic framework with regard to user needs and business planning will be assessed.

30-year re-analysis of CARBON fluxES and pools over Europe and the Globe (CARBONES)

Das Projekt "30-year re-analysis of CARBON fluxES and pools over Europe and the Globe (CARBONES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von NOVELTIS SAS durchgeführt. The carbon Environmental Service (CARBONES) will provide the first multi-decadal reanalysis of the global carbon cycle and a service to provide a rolling update of this analysis. This will include the "essential climate variables" (defined by the Global Climate Observing System) of atmospheric carbon dioxide, leaf area and biomass in various categories. No integrated reanalysis includes these climate variables. This reanalysis will combine the primary long-term observations of the terrestrial and oceanic carbon-cycles (atmospheric concentrations, remotely-sensed surface properties and in-situ ecological measurements) using data assimilation techniques. The service will provide a well-founded baseline for predicting future responses of the carbon-cycle to climate change, and for services such as the Atmospheric and Land Service. It will also act as a benchmark for these core services during the period of overlap. The primary users for the reanalysis are climate modellers who need an initial condition for their predictions and, for the same reason, groups calculating changes in carbon stocks. Thus a benefit will be an independent check, globally, on reporting of carbon inventories for the United Nations Framework on Climate Change. Access to the results will be provided by a flexible and user-friendly web-interface The techniques used for the reanalysis will also be used, in conjunction with the core services, to provide a rolling update on the state of the carbon cycle. This will evolve towards an operational, integrated, carbon-cycle monitoring capacity as a potential downstream service.

Euro-Argo Improvements for the GMES Marine Service (E-AIMS)

Das Projekt "Euro-Argo Improvements for the GMES Marine Service (E-AIMS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer durchgeführt. Argo is an international array of 3000 profiling floats that measure temperature and salinity throughout the deep global oceans, down to 2,000 metres. It is the single most important global in-situ observing system for the GMES Marine Service. Argo provides critical observations of the ocean interior that are required to constrain, together with satellite observations, GMES Marine Service modelling and forecasting systems. The European long-term contribution to Argo is organized as part of the Euro-Argo research infrastructure that will become in early 2012 a new European legal entity. The main challenges for Argo and Euro-Argo are 1) to maintain the global array and ensure its long term sustainability and 2) prepare the next phase of Argo with an extension towards biogeochemistry, the polar oceans, the marginal seas and the deep ocean. Meeting such challenges is essential for the long term sustainability and evolution of the GMES Marine Service. This requires major improvements in Argo float technology. New floats with improved capabilities are or will be soon available from float manufacturers. They require, however, extensive testing at sea before they can be used for operational monitoring. The Euro-Argo data centers need also to be upgraded so that they can handle these new floats. E-AIMS will organize an end-to-end evaluation of these floats (from float design down to the use by GMES). Observing System Evaluations and Sensitivity Experiments will also be conducted to provide robust recommendations for the next phase of Argo that take into account GMES Marine Service, seasonal/decadal climate forecasting and satellite validation requirements. E-AIMS will thus demonstrate the capability of the Euro-Argo infrastructure to conduct R&D driven by GMES needs and demonstrate that procurement, deployment and processing of floats for GMES can be organized at European level. These are key aspects for the long term sustainability of GMES in-situ component.

Ocean Strategic Services beyond 2015 (OSS2015)

Das Projekt "Ocean Strategic Services beyond 2015 (OSS2015)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ACRI-ST S.A.S. durchgeführt. The first level of GMES applications in the marine area is mostly represented by the ''upstream'' services of the MCS (e.g. MyOcean). Unfortunately, the current MyOcean offering of products and services for biogeochemistry has limitations that prevent a full uptake by the potential users. The present project proposes to address these issues through a range of R&D activities designed to offer a set of solutions that shall benefit the Marine Core Service beyond 2015. The outcomes of the project are expected to benefit both the upstream and downstream services of the MCS. To achieve this, the OSS2015 team will conduct R&D work in three areas: - The derivation of 3-D and 4-D representations of biogeochemical variables from the integration of gliders and floats in situ data and EO satellite data into cutting-edge numerical biogeochemical and bio-optical models. The models, assimilation schemes and output products from the models will be tested at two pilot sites (Mediterranean and North Atlantic) - The generation and validation of satellite derived global time series of advanced biogeochemical products (POC, NPP, PFT, PSD) for carbon cycle science. - The implementation of a prototype platform of 'on-demand' services for product generation and distribution.. This system of services will be tested and demonstrated with the new biogeochemistry products developed during the project. OSS2015 will also analyse the social and economical benefits and value of the products and services generated by the project. The OSS2015 team is a good balance of ten partners from six scientific research institutions and four SMEs and is designed to cover the needs of both science users and users interested in more applied services. A strong emphasis will be put on dialogue and interaction with users in order to identify their actual needs and adapt the OSS2015 services accordingly whenever possible.

ICOS improved sensors, network and interoperability for GMES (ICOS-INWIRE)

Das Projekt "ICOS improved sensors, network and interoperability for GMES (ICOS-INWIRE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Commissariat a l Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA LIST) durchgeführt. The fundamental objective of the ICOS-INWIRE project is to enhance the capabilities of the ICOS infrastructure and fill in critical gaps for monitoring fluxes and concentrations of greenhouse gases, in order to meet the needs of operational users in the GMES program. It will achieve this by: Developing and testing autonomous sensors systems for greenhouse gas fluxes and concentration, enhancing the data processing operational capabilities of the ICOS concentration and flux measurement network and developing inter-operability between ICOS and other in-situ GHG monitoring networks while assuring the convergence with space systems and the harmonization of exchange mechanisms. These activities will contribute to Europes capacity to set up pan-European and global networks.

Climate Information Platform for Copernicus (CLIPC)

Das Projekt "Climate Information Platform for Copernicus (CLIPC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Science and Technology Facilities Council durchgeführt. CLIPC (CLimate Information Platform for Copernicus) ist ein von der EU gefördertes interdisziplinäres Projekt (FP7-Programm), an dem 22 Partner aus zehn europäischen Ländern, darunter aus Deutschland das Climate Service Center, das PIK und die TU Dortmund, beteiligt sind. Das Ziel von CLIPC ist die Entwicklung eines Prototypen für ein zukünftiges europäisches Klima-Informationsportal. Das CLIPC Portal wird zwei große Themenblöcke umfassen. Dies sind die Bereitstellung von Klimadatensätzen aus Beobachtungsdaten, Reanalysen und Modellprojektionen sowie die Berechnung und Bewertung von Impaktindikatoren. Das Climate Service Center leitete die Arbeitsgruppe 'data quality and limitations', in der Informationen zum Thema Unsicherheiten gesammelt und für die Website vorbereitet worden sind. Des weiteren wurde die Entwicklung eines Bewertungsschemas für Impaktindikatoren diskutiert, mit dem Unsicherheiten benannt und klassifiziert werden sollen. Vorangetrieben werden soll zusätzlich der Austausch mit anderen EU-Projekten zu dieser Thematik.

Unsicherheiten in Ensembles of Regional Reanalyses (UERRA) - Arbeitspaket 3: Bestimmung der Unsicherheiten in modellbasierten regionalen atmosphärischen Reanalysen

Das Projekt "Unsicherheiten in Ensembles of Regional Reanalyses (UERRA) - Arbeitspaket 3: Bestimmung der Unsicherheiten in modellbasierten regionalen atmosphärischen Reanalysen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut durchgeführt. UERRA is a European FP7 reanalysis project of meteorological observations. Its' main focus is the model-based reanalysis of European climate. The project includes recovery of historical (last century) data, estimating uncertainties in the reanalyses and user friendly data services. It aims to contribute to a future Copernicus climate change service. DWD leads the workpackage 'Assessing uncertainties by evaluation against independent observational datasets'.

Aufbau mariner Basisdienstleistungen um kontinuierlich über den physikalischen und biogeochemischen Zustand des globalen Ozeans und der europäischen Meeresgebiete zu informieren (MyOcean-2)

Das Projekt "Aufbau mariner Basisdienstleistungen um kontinuierlich über den physikalischen und biogeochemischen Zustand des globalen Ozeans und der europäischen Meeresgebiete zu informieren (MyOcean-2)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Mercator Ocean Societe Civile durchgeführt. MyOcean-2 ist ein Projekt im 7. Rahmenprogramm der Europäischen Union und hat das Ziel, für ganz Europa zentrale und harmonisierte operationelle marine GMES-Dienstleistungen bereitzustellen. Für europäische Seegebiete sollen die MyOcean-Dienste aktuelle, sicherheits- und umweltrelevante Informationen für Politik, Wirtschaft, Bürger, Behörden und Wissenschaft liefern. Die Arbeiten in MyOcean betreffen u.a. die Sicherheit im Seeverkehr, die Unterstützung von Offshore-Aktivitäten, präventive Methoden gegen Ölverschmutzungen, das Management mariner Ressourcen, Wasserqualitätsmonitoring zum Schutz der Meeresumwelt, Klimaüberwachung und saisonale Vorhersagen. Von 59 meteorologischen und ozeanographischen Institutionen, Forschungseinrichtungen und Firmen werden in vier thematischen Zentren für Beobachtungsdaten sowie einem globalen und sechs regionalen Vorhersagezentren operationell und kontinuierlich marine Dienste zum physikalischen Zustand und zum Ökosystem des Meeres erstellt. Diese werden offen und kostenlos über das MyOcean-Portal bereitgestellt. Nutzer der MyOcean-Produkte sind europäische Organisationen sowie unterschiedliche Institutionen der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten. Das Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH) ist u.a. an den Vorhersagenzentren für das Nordwestschelfgebiet und die Ostsee beteiligt. Schwerpunkte liegen bei der Weiterentwicklung der Modelle, dem Betrieb eines Backup-Systems für die Ostsee sowie der Qualitätssicherung und Validierung der Modelldaten. Das BSH koordiniert weiterhin das Insitu-Datenmanagement im Bereich des NW Europäischen Schelfs und ist an der Entwicklung von Werkzeugen für Datenbereitstellung und Produktion sowie an der Kalibrierung, Validierung und Qualitätssicherung von Insitu-Daten beteiligt. Das BSH wirkt zudem an der Planung eines 'European Centre for Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting' (ECOMF) mit, mit dem die marinen GMES-Dienste nach 2014 dauerhaft operationell fortgeführt werden sollen.

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