In addition to the EU ETS 1, a separate emissions trading system (EU ETS 2) is to be created within the scope of the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) for the consumption of fossil fuels in buildings, road transport and additional sectors. This EU-ETS 2 is to start in 2027 and is designed as an upstream system analogous to the German national emissions trading system (nEHS). Quelle:
This fact sheet gathers an overview of key aspects with regards to the extension of the EU ETS 1 to maritime transport and herewith related interactions with other EU, international and national policies concerning the shipping sector. An outlook with a view to evaluating and futher developing the system is also provided. The maritime EU ETS covers carbon dioxide emissions from 2024 onwards and from 2026 onwards also methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions will already be included in the EU MRV from 2024 onwards in addition to carbon dioxide emissions. Quelle:
The paper "Making EU Governance Fit for Net Zero" analyses the current landscape of climate policy governance against eight core parameters at EU level and for Member States, and identifies a number of remaining weaknesses. Improvements should address several key processes, such as updating of the NECPs in 2023-2024 and of national LTSs and the new progress and consistency assessments under the EU Climate Law. The paper identifies a number of specific actions in 2022 and 2023 to enhance these processes: - Targeted revisions of the Governance Regulation,e., to improve standards for NECPs and LTSs and improve the overall alignment towards the climate neutrality goal (e.g., via the ESR); - A transparent process to develop progress monitoring based on net zero indicators to inform several processes (NECPs, LTSs, progress checks); - An update to the EU LTS to inform overall policy and the 2040 target and to as a coordinating hub for sectoral strategies; - A dialogue with Member States about where coordinated EU policy is needed most - and support to their efforts to improve governance (incl. greater emphasis on national LTSs). Quelle:
In Ergänzung zum EU-ETS 1 soll ein separates Emissionshandelssystem (EU-ETS 2) innerhalb des Anwendungsbereichs der Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) für den Verbrauch fossiler Energien im Bereich Gebäude, Straßenverkehr sowie in zusätzlichen Sektoren geschaffen werden. Dieser EU-ETS 2 soll im Jahr 2027 starten und ist analog zum deutschen nationalen Emissionshandel (nEHS) als Upstream System ausgestaltet. Quelle:
The study looks at the functioning of the new emission trading system for road transport, buildings, and small installations (ETS 2) in the EU. It explains the rules governing the supply of allowances including the functioning of the market stability reserve (MSR) and the price containment mechanisms. Furthermore, it assesses the balance of supply and demand as well as auctioning revenues under different assumptions for the development of CO2 emissions and CO2 price. Finally, the interaction between the ETS 2 and national targets under the Effort Sharing Regulation (ESR) and the relationship with the German national ETS is assessed and an outlook for the period until 2040 is provided.
In October 2023, the EU introduced a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) imposing a carbon price on imports of selected goods to the EU market. This way, the CBAM complements the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). One question that arises for the implementation of the new instrument is how third-country carbon prices can be recognised and deducted from CBAM payments. The discussion paper presents two possible approaches: One that recognises carbon costs that are actually incurred, and another that uses carbon price averages of the country of origin.The discussion paper raises conceptual considerations and open questions regarding the technicalities of recognising third-country carbon prices, such as the treatment of multi-product installations or upstream carbon pricing instruments. It discusses challenges that are specific to the processes of cap-and-trade systems, tradable performance standards, and carbon taxes.
Dieses Factsheet gibt einen Überblick über die wesentlichen Aspekte der Ausweitung des Europäischen Emissionshandels EU-ETS 1 auf den Seeverkehr und die damit verbundenen Wechselwirkungen mit anderen EU-, internationalen und nationalen Politiken, die den Seeverkehrssektor betreffen. Außerdem wird ein Ausblick im Hinblick auf die Bewertung und Weiterentwicklung des Systems gegeben.Das EU-ETS für den Seeverkehr deckt ab 2024 Kohlendioxidemissionen und ab 2026 auch Methan- und Lachgasemissionen ab. Methan- und Lachgasemissionen werden bereits ab 2024 zusätzlich zu den Kohlendioxidemissionen in der EU-MRV-Seeverkehrsverordnung einbezogen.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 7 |
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unbekannt | 7 |
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geschlossen | 7 |
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Deutsch | 2 |
Englisch | 5 |
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Keine | 7 |
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Boden | 5 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 4 |
Luft | 4 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 7 |
Wasser | 3 |
Weitere | 7 |