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Letzte Rückführung bestrahlter Brennelemente aus dem Berliner Forschungsreaktor BER II in die USA

Letztmalig ging ein Transport mit bestrahlten Brennelementen aus dem Berliner Forschungsreaktor BER II auf den Weg in die USA. Der Transport mit niedrig angereichertem Uran (LEU) der untersten Sicherungskategorie III verließ am Abend des 26. Juni 2017 die Reaktoranlage Richtung Hafen Nordenham für den Transport auf dem Seeweg in die USA. Die erforderliche Transportgenehmigung wurde vom Bundesamt für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit noch vor Inkrafttreten des neuen Standortauswahlgesetzes erteilt. Nach neuer Rechtslage, die seit dem 16. Mai 2017 gilt, ist eine Ausfuhr abgebrannter Brennelemente generell untersagt und nur noch in schwerwiegenden Ausnahmefällen möglich. Die Rückführung bestrahlter Brennelemente aus einem Forschungsreaktor entspricht einem Abkommen mit den USA zur Nichtverbreitung von waffenfähigem Uran. Das Abkommen gilt für Brennelemente, die bis Mai 2016 bestrahlt wurden. Insgesamt wurden 33 Brennelemente des Helmholtz-Zentrums Berlin mit niedrigangereichertem Uran (LEU) transportiert. Für die danach bis zum Betriebsende (Ende 2019) anfallenden Brennelemente ist die Zwischenlagerung in Ahaus vertraglich vereinbart.

Greenpeace-Gutachten zur Rechtmäßigkeit des Exports radioaktiver Abfälle des AVR Jülich in die USA vorgelegt

Ein am 18. September 2014 in Berlin vorgelegtes Rechtsgutachten von Greenepace untersucht, ob der Atommülltransport aus dem Forschungszentrum Jülich in die USA mit den Vorgaben des deutschen Rechts vereinbar ist. Die auf Umweltrecht spezialisierte Hamburger Anwaltskanzlei Günther kommt darin zu dem Ergebnis, dass der Export von Atommüll illegal wäre. Demnach verstieße die Verschickung der 152 hochradioaktiven Castoren in die US-Atomfabrik Savannah River Site (South Carolina) gegen das Verbot, Atommüll aus kommerzieller Nutzung zur Wiederaufarbeitung ins Ausland zu bringen (§9a Abs.1 Satz 2 Atomgesetz). Der BUND Nordrhein-Westfalen stellte am 22. September ebenfalls ein Rechtsgutachten vor, nach dem die geplanten Atommüllexporte aus Jülich und Ahaus in die USA illegal seien, sowohl auf deutscher als auch auf europäischer Ebene. Bundesforschungsministerin Prof. Dr. Johanna Wanka verteidigte in der vierten Sitzung der Endlagerkommission am 22. September 2014, einen möglichen Export von Atommüll aus dem Reaktor in Jülich in die USA. Die Bundesregierung sei der Auffassung, dass ein solches Vorgehen grundsätzlich rechtens sei, da es sich in Jülich um einen Forschungsreaktor handle.

Greenpeace: EU-Beschwerde gegen den Castortransport aus Jülich

Greenpeace legte am 9. Juni 2015 Beschwerde bei der Europäischen Kommisson gegen den Transport von hochradioaktivem Müll aus dem AKW Jülich in die USA ein. Die EU-Beschwerde richtet sich gegen das Verhalten der beteiligten Bundesministerien, Bundesämter sowie gegen das Ministerium für Innovation, Wissenschaft und Forschung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalens. Nach Auffassung der Umweltorganisation stellt die geplante Verbringung von 152 Castorbehältern mit Brennelementekugeln aus dem Zwischenlager des FJZ zur Wiederaufbereitungsanlage Savannah River Site und – nach deren Aufbereitung – der Verbleib der Abfälle in den USA, eine Verletzung von Art. 4 (4) der Richtlinie 2011/70/EURATOM dar. Denn EURATOM genehmigt nur den Export von Atommüll aus der Forschung. Der AVR-Reaktor in Jülich speiste jedoch als Prototyp von 1967 bis 1988 rund 1,5 Milliarden Kilowattstunden Strom ins öffentliche Netz ein und könne aus diesem Grund nicht als Forschungsreaktor bezeichnet werden. AVR steht für Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchsreaktor Jülich – ein Zusammenschluss vor allem kommunaler Stromversorger.

Status Report on the Use of Nuclear Energy in Germany 2019

This report, which was correct on 31 December 2019, provides a summary of the use of nuclear energy in Germany. The report lists the main data concerning all the nuclear power plants, research reactors and the facilities for nuclear fuel supplies and waste management. Seven nuclear power plants were operating on the reporting date (31 December 2019) and only six were still operating at midnight on 31 December 2019. Philippsburg 2 power plant was finally switched off at the end of 2019. Electricity generation using nuclear power in 2019 amounted to approx. 75.1 TWh (2018: 76.0 TWh). The share of nuclear energy in the total gross electricity generation amounted to 12.4% (2018: 12.0%)

State and Development of Nuclear Energy Utilization in the Federal Republic of Germany 2012

This report describes the use of nuclear energy in the Federal Republic of Germany as of December 2012 . It contains the essential data of all nuclear power pl ants, research reactors and the facilities of the n uclear fuel cycle. At the reporting moment 31 st of December in 2012, nine nuclear power plants wer e still in operation. The power generation from nuclear energy in 2012 am ounted to 99.5 TWh (2011: 108.0 TWh). That is a share of 16.1 % of the total gross electricity prod uction (2011: 17.7 %). 1 The report summarises the essential operational res ults of the nuclear power plants and information on granted licences. A short description of the presen t state of the nuclear power plants that have been shut down or decommissioned and of the stopped projects is given. Concerning research reactors essential da ta on type, characteristics (thermal power, thermal ne utron flux) and purpose of the facility are represe nted. Furthermore, an overview of the licensing and opera tion history and the present state of the operating condition is given. For the facilities of the nucle ar fuel cycle data on purpose and capacity, the lic ensing history and the present state of operation and lice nsing are given. The current status of repository p rojects is presented. To give a survey, the data is summarised in tabular form in the report Annexes. The report will be updated and published once a year.

State and Development of Nuclear Energy Utilization in the Federal Republic of Germany 2011

This report describes the use of nuclear energy in the Federal Republic of Germany as of December, 2011. It contains the essential data of all nuclear power plants, research reactors with a continuous thermal power above 50 kWth and the facilities of nuclear fuel supply and waste management. According to law eight of the 17 nuclear power plants “in operation” lost the authorisation for power operation on 6 August 2011. At the time of reporting 31 December 2011, nine nuclear power plants were still in operation. The power generation from nuclear energy in 2011 amounted to 108.0 TWh (2010: 140.5 TWh). That is a share of 17.6% of the total gross electricity production (2010: 22.4%).1 The report summarises the essential operational results of the nuclear power plants and information on granted licences. A short description of the present state of the nuclear power plants that have been shut down or decommissioned and of the stopped projects is given. Concerning research reactors with a continuous thermal power above 50 kWth, essential data on type, characteristics (thermal power, thermal neutron flux) and purpose of the facility are represented. Furthermore, an overview of the licensing and operation history and the present state of the operating condition is given. For the plants of nuclear fuel supply and waste management data on purpose and capacity, the licensing history and the present state of operation and licensing are given. To give a survey, the data are summarised in tabular form in the report annexes. The report will be updated and published once a year. 1

State and development of nuclear energy utilization in the Federal Republic of Germany 2008

This report describes the use of nuclear energy in the Federal Republic of Germany as of December, 2008. It contains the essential data of all nuclear power plants, research reactors with a continuous thermal power larger than 50 kWth and the facilities of the nuclear fuel cycle. At the reporting moment 31st of December in 2008, 17 nuclear power plants were in operation. With 148,8 TWh (in 2007 - 140,5 TWh) altogether they provided 23,3 % (22,0 % in 2007) of the total gross electricity production (incl. electricity transfers)*. The report summarises the essential operational results of the nuclear power plants and information on granted licenses. A short description of the present state of the nuclear power plants that have been shut down or decommissioned and of the stopped projects is given. Concerning research reactors with a continuous thermal power larger than 50th kW, essential data on type, characteristics (thermal power, thermal neutron flux) and purpose of the facility are represented. Furthermore, an overview about the licensing and operation history and the present state of the operating condition is given. For the facilities of the nuclear fuel cycle data on purpose and capacity, the licensing history and the present state of operation and licensing are given. To give a survey, the data are summarised in tabular form in the report annexes. The report will be updated and published once a year.

State and Development of Nuclear Energy Utilization in the Federal Republic of Germany 2009

This report describes the use of nuclear energy in the Federal Republic of Germany as of December, 2009. It contains the essential data of all nuclear power plants, research reactors with a continuous thermal power above 50 kWth and the plants of nuclear fuel supply and waste management. At the reporting moment 31st of December in 2009, 17 nuclear power plants were in operation. With 134.9 TWh (in 2008 – 148.8 TWh) altogether they provided 22.6 % (23.4 % in 2008) of the total gross electricity production (incl. electricity transfers). The report summarises the essential operational results of the nuclear power plants and information on granted licenses. A short description of the present state of the nuclear power plants that have been shut down or decommissioned and of the stopped projects is given. Concerning research reactors with a continuous thermal power above 50 kWth, essential data on type, characteristics (thermal power, thermal neutron flux) and purpose of the plant are represented. Furthermore, an overview of the licensing and operation history and the present state of the operating condition is given. For the plants of nuclear fuel supply and waste management data on purpose and capacity, the licensing history and the present state of operation and licensing are given. To give a survey, the data are summarised in tabular form in the report annexes. The report will be updated and published once a year.

State and Development of Nuclear Energy Utilization in the Federal Republic of Germany 2014

This report describes the use of nuclear energy in the Federal Republic of Germany as at 31 December 2014. It contains the essential data of all nuclear power plants, research reactors and the facilities of the nuclear fuel cycle. At the reporting date 31 December 2014, nine nuclear power plants were in operation. The power generation from nuclear energy in 2014 amounted to altogether 97.1 TWh (2013: 97.3 TWh). This is a share of 15.8% of the total gross electricity production (2013: 15.4%)1. The report summarises the essential operational results of the nuclear power plants and information on granted licences. A short description of the present state of the nuclear power plants that have been shut down or decommissioned and of the stopped projects is given. Concerning research reactors essential data on type, characteristics (thermal power, thermal neutron flux) and purpose of the facility are represented. Furthermore, an overview is given of the licensing and operation history and the present state of the operating condition. For the facilities of the nuclear fuel cycle data on purpose and capacity and output are given. Furthermore, the licensing history and the present status of operation and licensing are represented. The works on the running repository projects ERAM and Konrad and on the Asse II mine and the Gorleben mine are presented. To give a survey, the data is summarised in tabular form at the end of the report (Annexes). The report is updated and published once a year.

State and Development of Nuclear Energy Utilization in the Federal Republic of Germany 2013

This report describes the use of nuclear energy in the Federal Republic of Germany as of 31 December 2013. It contains the essential data of all nuclear power plants, research reactors and the facilities of the nuclear fuel cycle. At the reporting moment 31st of December in 2013, nine nuclear power plants were still in operation. The power generation from nuclear energy in 2013 amounted to 97.3 TWh (2012: 99.5 TWh). It is a share of 15.4 % of the total gross electricity production (2012: 15.8 %).1 The report summarises the essential operational results of the nuclear power plants and information on granted licences. A short description of the present state of the nuclear power plants that have been shut down or decommissioned and of the stopped projects is given. Concerning research reactors essential data on type, characteristics (thermal power, thermal neutron flux) and purpose of the facility are represented. Furthermore, an overview of the licensing and operation history and the present state of the operating condition is given. For the facilities of the nuclear fuel cycle data on purpose and capacity, the licensing history and the present state of operation and licensing are given. The current status of repository projects (ERAM and Konrad), Asse mine and the Gorleben site is presented. To give a survey, the data is summarised in tabular form in the report Annexes. The report will be updated and published once a year.

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