Das Projekt "The European aeroemissions network (AERONET)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Institut für Antriebstechnik durchgeführt. One of the major problems that civil aeronautics will have to face over the next twenty or thirty years is to accommodate the predicted growth in demand of air transport without creating unacceptable adverse environmental effects. It is to be expected that new scientific results, increasing public concerns over the environment and future restrictive regulations with respect to aircraft emissions will force airline companies to take ecological considerations much more into account than it does at present. Consequently, for European aircraft manufacturers it is of high importance to react early and to guide their research and development resources into the most important and efficient direction. The aim of the AERONET project is to support coordination ' a postiori' of existing European and national projects or programmes dealing with the contribution of air traffic emissions to anthropogenic climate and atmospheric changes. For this purpose AERONET seeks to : - bring together experts from engine technology, atmospheric research and operations as well as programme responsible to exchange knowledge and opinions and to discuss necessary future actions on the basis of jointly defined goals and time scales, - produce competitive advantage for Europe through enhanced information echoing in the field of atmospheric effects of air traffic emissions, - strengthen a common European position in global technical and political discussions - support the Commission in identifying topics for the 5th Framework Programme, - identify gaps and help prepare a coordinated submission of proposals. European Dimension and Partnership: Europe is, beside the US, one of the two biggest aircraft manufacturers. One supposition for the economic success of European aircraft industry is not only to fulfill the existing regulations but, due to the long development times of 5-10 years and the long lifetimes of aircraft of more than 20 years, also to take the trend of future regulations development into account at a very early stage. This needs continuous and fast information exchange and discussions between atmospheric scientists, aircraft engineers and regulatory organisations. To be successful with an effort of this dimension, optimal coordination of national and European programmes in all three fields is required. Thus the network brings together representatives of all programmes and institutions concerned, helps to integrate activities through better information exchange, tries to identify the most urgent themes for R&D activities and intends to give recommendations for the Fifth Framework Programme. Potential Applications: Understanding the atmospheric impacts, the technical consequences and development perspectives, and the operational impacts as a whole is absolutely necessary to strengthen the European position in global regulatory committees on the on side and to gain competitive advantages for the European aircraft and airline industries on the other side. usw
Das Projekt "Effects of biochar amendment on plant growth, microbial communities and biochar decomposition in agricultural soils" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Deutschland e.V. durchgeführt. Biochar has a great potential to ameliorate arable soils, especially those that are low in organic matter due to intensive use or erosion. Biochar is carbonised organic material with high porosity that brings about changes in physical, chemical and biological soil functions. Biochar amended soils show a higher water and cation exchange capacity with reduced leaching and enhanced availability of plant nutrients. The microbial biomass in biochar amended soils is enhanced and more diverse. Biochar is stabilised organic material, which is likely to remain for hundreds of years in the soil. Photosynthetically fixed atmospheric CO2 stabilised in biochar may thus act as a direct carbon sink and help to mitigate climate change. As feedstock and production conditions produce different biochar qualities predictions of effects in soil need to consider biochar and soil properties case by case. To date biochar has been approved to ameliorate highly weathered tropical soils with positive effects on crop growth and yield. Distinct microbial groups were reported to be enhanced in soils but if this depends on the particular soil or biochar or a combination of both is an open question, especially in temperate climates. Likewise, it is not known if microorganisms colonising biochar surfaces are responsible for its mineralization or if they just use the new niches provided. The aim of the proposed project is to investigate the influence of two biochar types on soil-plant systems by determining i) soil nutrient availability, plant growth and nutrient uptake, ii) structure and function of soil microbial communities, iv) the decomposition and fate of biochar in soils. We will use two loessial soils from the well-known DOK-trial with different soil organic matter content. Other soils from the region will be selected to provide a wider range of soil quality, in particular pH. The biochars will be produced by pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) from the C4-plant Miscanthus gigantea. Pyrolysis derived material has bigger pore sizes due to the evaporating gasses and is commonly alkaline, whereas the HTC derived biochar has a finer pore size, a much higher oxygen content and more acidic functional groups.
Das Projekt "Upwind: Development of Improved Wind Turbine Noise Prediction Tools for Low Noise Airfoil Design" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Aerodynamik und Gasdynamik durchgeführt. The noise regulations of various countries urge wind turbine manufacturers to reduce the aerodynamical noise emission of their turbines. To reduce the greenhouse gas emission, wind energy has been put in a very front position. EWEA estimates 12percent of worlds energy may come from wind turbines by the year 2020 (approx. 1,260,000 MW). This means wider deployment of wind turbines, at lower wind speed sites i.e. close to people & transmission lines. To reduce the transmission cost between production site and customer, onshore installations are still a cheaper solution. One of the biggest barriers for developing onshore turbines is the noise which has a negative impact on people's daily life. Thus, the goal of developing onshore wind turbines is to design silent wind turbines and silent wind farms and at the same time have a good aerodynamic efficiency. Noise emitted from an operating wind turbine can be divided into two parts, mechanical noise and flow induced noise. Mechanical noise can sufficiently be reduced by conventional engineering approaches but flow-induced noise is more complex and need more focus. The noise mechanisms associated with flow-induced noise emission have different sources. These are, inflow turbulence noise, tip noise, laminar boundary layer separation noise, blunt trailing-edge noise (BTE) and for turbulent boundary-layer trailing-edge interaction noise (TBL-TE). Acoustic field measurements within the European research project SIROCCO showed that the TBL-TE noise is the most dominant noise mechanism for modern wind turbines. Thus, accurate prediction and reduction of the TBL-TE noise is the main focus of the acoustics airfoil design methods for wind turbine rotor blade. For developing 'silent' airfoils, a routinely design fast, less expensive and accurate prediction methodology is desired. In this respect, simplified theoretical model would be the first candidate, and therefore the main goal is development of an accurate and efficient noise prediction model for the low noise wind turbine blade design.
Das Projekt "MYFISH - Maximising yield of fisheries while balancing ecosystem, economic and social concerns" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität zu Kiel, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Lehrstuhl für Umwelt-, Ressourcen- und Ökologische Ökonomik durchgeführt. The MSY concept was included as a principle in the 2009 Green Paper on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) in accordance with the global imperative to manage fish stocks according to the maximum sustainable yield (MSY). This implies a commitment to direct management of fish stocks towards achieving MSY by 2015. Attaining this goal is complicated by the lack of common agreement on the interpretation of 'sustainability' and 'yield' and by the effects that achieving MSY for one stock may have on other stocks and broader ecosystem, economic, or social aspects. MYFISH will provide definitions of MSY variants which maximize other measures of 'yield' than biomass and which account for the fact that single species rarely exist in isolation. Further, MYFISH will redefine the term 'sustainable' to signify that Good Environmental Status (MSFD) is achieved and economically and socially unacceptable situations are avoided, all with acceptable levels of risk. In short, MYFISH aims at integrating the MSY concept with the overarching principals of the CFP: the precautionary and the ecosystem approach. MYFISH will achieve this objective through addressing fisheries in all RAC areas and integrating stakeholders (the fishing industry, NGOs and managers) throughout the project. Existing ecosystem and fisheries models will be modified to perform maximization of stakeholder approved yield measures while ensuring acceptable impact levels on ecosystem, economic and social aspects. Implementation plans are proposed and social aspects addressed through active involvement of stakeholders. Finally, effects of changes in environment, economy and society on MSY variants are considered, aiming at procedures rendering the MSY approach robust to such changes. The expertise of 26 partners from relevant disciplines including fisheries, ecosystem, economic and social science are involved in all aspects of the project. Global experience is engaged from North America and the South Pacific.
Das Projekt "Effects of canopy structure on salinity stress in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Hochschule Geisenheim University, Zentrum für Wein- und Gartenbau, Institut für Gemüsebau durchgeführt. Salinity reduces the productivity of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) through osmotic and ionic effects. For given atmospheric conditions we hypothesize the existence of an optimal canopy structure at which water use efficiency is maximal and salt accumulation per unit of dry matter production is minimal. This canopy structure optimum can be predicted by integrating physiological processes over the canopy using a functional-structural plant model (FSPM). This model needs to represent the influence of osmotic stress on plant morphology and stomatal conductance, the accumulation of toxic ions and their dynamics in the different compartments of the system, and their toxic effects in the leaf. Experiments will be conducted to parameterize an extended cucumber FSPM. In in-silico experiments with the FSPM we attempt to identify which canopy structure could lead to maximum long-term water use efficiency with minimum ionic stress. The results from in-silico experiments will be evaluated by comparing different canopy structures in greenhouses. Finally, the FSPM will be used to investigate to which extent the improvement of individual mechanisms of salt tolerance like reduced sensitivity of stomatal conductance or leaf expansion can contribute to whole-plant salt tolerance.
Das Projekt "Support to Member States in improving waste management based on assessment of Member States' performance" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BIPRO Beratungsgesellschaft für integrierte Problemlösungen GmbH durchgeführt. Implementation of EU waste legislation shows large differences in the EU Member States especially with regard to municipal waste management. Major discrepancies prevail particularly in the implementation and application of the Waste Framework Directive and proper transposition of EU requirements into national legislation. The waste management performance of all EU Member States was subject to screening to identify those Member States with the largest implementation gaps, in particular in relation to municipal waste management. For screening the main elements and legal requirements stemming from EU waste directives (mainly from the Waste Framework and the Landfill Directive) were considered for the design of suitable criteria. These core elements comprise the practical implementation of the waste management hierarchy, application of economic and legal instruments to move up the waste hierarchy, sufficiency of treatment infrastructure and quality of waste management planning, the fulfilment of targets and infringement procedures. These elements were assessed by 18 criteria for each Member State taking into account information sources at EU, national or regional level. Latest available statistical data and data of former years for comparison of development within a country were extracted from the EUROSTAT database. References comprised reports published by the European Commission, the European Topic Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production, internal working documents of EUROSTAT and the EU Commission as well as national/regional Waste Management Plans. Where available also Waste Prevention Programmes were screened. The screening results confirmed the assumption of large differences within the EU-27 with regard to treatment of municipal waste, compliance with the WFD and Landfill Directives and application of legal or economic instruments as well as planning quality. For each criterion two, one or zero points could be achieved, leading to maximum points of 42 for all criteria. The methodology includes weighting of results for three selected criteria related to the application of the treatment options recycling, energy recovery and disposal of municipal waste.
Das Projekt "NEMO - Teilvorhaben: Integration and application of SIMTOOL within the NEMO framework" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme durchgeführt. The overall objective of the NEMO project is the development of a simulation and optimisation tool suite on the impact of a large volume of electric vehicles (EV) on the power grid. The tool suite is based on existing simulation tools of the three main consortium partners KEMA, Fraunhofer ISE, and EMD. These three tools will be further extended for grid impact of EVs, and a framework will be developed to integrate these tools in a cooperative suite for impact studies on all grid voltage levels. Fraunhofer ISE's objective within its subproject 'integration and assessment of SIMTOOL within the NEMO framework' is to extend its simulation and optimisation tool SIMTOOL to the assessment of EV grid impact. In the 1st project phase ISE will bring in its individual expertise and especially the functionalities and application field of the existing SIMTOOL software modules. This will be completed with a state-of-the-art survey leading to an inventory of tools and concepts relevant for the topic. The focus of the next project phase is the application of the NEMO tool suite including the extended SIMTOOL software and methodology for investigating exemplary case study situations with Fraunhofer ISE's special focus on abnormal charging situations. Finally the project team will concretise actions for implementing the project results and focus dissemination actions to such functionalities and target groups most promising for guaranteeing maximum impact.
Das Projekt "Formation of mega-glendonites in the aftermath of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Münster, Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie durchgeführt. Glendonites are pseudomorphs after the mineral ikaite (CaCO3 x 6H2O) and composed of calcite (CaCO3). In the past, they have been used as a paleo-thermometer because the primary mineral ikaite, according to observations and experiments, seems to be formed at temperatures near freezing, high alkalinity and high phosphate concentrations in marine sediments. An enigmatic occurrence of the largest glendonites known world-wide, in the Early Eocene Fur Formation of northwestern Denmark offers the unique possibility to shed more light on the actual mechanism and controlling parameters of ikaite formation. Right in the aftermath of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum, a time known for its global pertubation in the global carbon cycle, the formation of authigenic calcium carbonate concretions start in the Fur Formation. In a specific stratigraphic interval inbetween these concretions, the glendonites can be found. We will investigate if termperature changes or changes in geochemical parameters of the Danish Basin caused the sudden formation of ikaite during a time interval that was based on known paleoclimatic reconstructions (semi tropic) not favorable for ikaite formation.
Das Projekt "Qualifizierung des Elektronenstrahlschweißens im Dickblechbereich für Anwendungen im Windenergieanlagenbau" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von RWTH Aachen University, Institut für Eisenhüttenkunde - IEHK durchgeführt. Due to ecological reasons and because of the need to remain independent from foreign energy suppliers, the power generation in offshore wind parks becomes more and more important in Germany. It is therefore planned to build up approximately 1,300 new offshore wind power plants with a capacity of 6,500 MW near the German coastline until 2020. The structures are installed on the ground of the sea in a water depth that might in some cases reach 50 m. The mechanical loading situation for these structures is characterised by an enormous weight combined with high cyclic stresses resulting from the service loads and the tide. Hence, hot rolled steels with a yield strength of 355 MPa are employed in a maximum thickness of 100 mm. Until now, the required toughness properties for these structural steels and their welds are 40 J at -20 C. However, in a plate thickness of 100 mm, only the submerged arc welding (SAW) process can be used to guarantee such toughness properties, but especially in these heavy plates, submerged arc welding is rather time consuming and consequently more uneconomic compared to other welding techniques. Due to these disadvantages, it can even be expected that only part of the planned power plants will be built up in time as the high welding time of several hours per m causes too many delays. From the point of structural integrity, it can be argued wether a Charpy impact toughness of 40 J is really required, as this criterion is only set based on experiences of mechanical and civil engineers. Thus, it can be concluded that different welding techniques should be regarded as alternatives to SAW in case that the 'real' toughness requirements are less than 40 J at -20 C. Electron beam welding would be a favourable welding process for such heavy plates as even 100 m thick plates can be welded in one single step, but until now the toughness requirements of 40 J have not yet been met. It is therefore the aim of the research project to reinforce the electron beam welding process for the application to heavy plates in offshore wind power plants. To reach this aim, the following tasks are be carried out: - improvement of the electron beam welding process in order to achieve better toughness properties of the welds, - application of reliable fracture mechanics concepts in order to calculate realisitc toughness requirements. With regard to the process, already a this stage of the project an enormous improvement of the toughness properties of EB weld seams could be demonstrated based on optimisation of the welding process. Furthermore, it could be shown that by establishing the leakage before breakage criterion combined with regular inspections, the toughness requirements can be significantly reduced. Thus, the EB welding can be applied to offshore wind energy installations even if steels of higher yield strength (e.g. S460Q) are selected.
Das Projekt "Impact of Landscape Level Land Use Changes with Study Sites in Nicaragua" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Göttingen, Burckhardt-Institut, Abteilung Waldinventur und Fernerkundung durchgeführt. The main cause of loss of natural resources in Central America is the advance of the agricultural border (UICN, 2001), demanding more land area to produce the same amount of food, as a consequence of the loss of the productive capacity of the ground and the decrease sources (García 2003), the traditional farming practices as crop in the zones of greater slopes, exaggerated use of agrochemical substances and overpasturing have caused negative impacts on the ecosystems (Córdoba, 2002). At the moment livestock is one of the activities of production that have the biggest share of the regions economy (ILRI, 2004), although at the same time it has been announced one of the main causes of the natural ecosystems transformation, provocing the loss of the agrosystems sustainability (Kaimowitz 1996). Taking into account that the systems of extensive production are coming along with the degradation of natural ressources that exist in the forest, an approach of new technics, that are compatible with livestock production and the conservation of natural ressources become necessary. One of these approaches is the introduction of Silvopastoral technologies (Ibrahim et al. 1999). SilvoPastoral Systems (SPS) constitute an alternative for cattle production, where wooded perennial (trees and/or shrubs) interact with the traditional components (herbaceous covers and animals) under a system of integral handling (Ibrahim, 1996). This is a system of sustainable production that, through transformations that improve the performance in production, generates environmental services when protecting and conserving the sources (Ibrahim et al. 2003). Objectives: Identify land use of SPS by analysing satellite imagery (Lansat TM/ ETM+ and Quickbird). Identify the contribution of SPS to the recovery of forestal coverage and the cabon stock in Nicaragua by the application of GIS (Geographic Informatic Systems). Determine the duration of the carbon fixation in SPS.
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