Das Projekt "SILVIA - Sustainable Road Surfaces for Traffic Noise Control" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt) durchgeführt. The first objective is to develop a classification procedure combined with a conformity-of-production testing method. It will start from existing measurement methods, improve some of them and possibly develop new ones. The second objective is to test and specify road construction and maintenance techniques that would achieve satisfactory durability of the acoustic performances while complying with other requirements of sustainability like safety, pollution and mobility. The third objective is to develop a procedure for cost/benefit analysis of noise abatement measures. The fourth objective is to issue a 'European Guidance Manual on the Utilisation of Low-Noise Road Surfacing' to help decision-makers to rationally plan noise abating or preventing measures integrating low-noise surfaces with other noise control measures. Prime Contractor: Belgian Road Research Centre; Bruxelles; Belgie.
Das Projekt "Strategies and Tools to Assess and Implement noise Reducing measures for Railway Systems (STAIRRS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsche Bahn AG, Bahn-Umwelt-Zentrum (VU) durchgeführt. Objective: STAIRRS proposal is a response to Task 2.2.2/5 in the 5th Framework Programme fi Sustainable Mobility and Intermodality: Competitive and Sustainable Growth fl It contains three work Packages: WP1 Development of a tool for a common European scale cost benefit study of different options for implementing low noise solutions, leading to industrial development and implementation of optimal solutions on a local, national and international level. WP2 Refinement of assessment of noise from railway systems, using advanced procedures to prevent the need to duplicate measurements for interoperable vehicles, and thus reduce testing costs. by providing values applicable to various countries, by a single operation. Such methods will also allow separation of vehicle and track contributions to rolling noise. WP3 action to strategy makers using results from WP1 and WP2. Prime Contractor: Stichting European Rail Research Institute; Utrecht; Nederland.
Das Projekt "Neue Lissabon Strategie und Umsetzung Nationaler Reformprogramme: Entwicklung von Indikatoren" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ecologic, Institut für Internationale und Europäische Umweltpolitik durchgeführt. Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, eine Reihe von Indikatoren zu entwickeln und zu testen, die den Fortschritt der EU Mitgliedsstaaten beim Erreichen von Umweltzielen innerhalb des Lissabon Prozesses messbar machen. Es soll sich um eine beschränkte Anzahl unmittelbar anwendbarer Indikatoren handeln, die grüne Elemente der Lissabon Strategie wiedergeben und zeigen, wie 'grün' die nationalen Reformprogramme der Mitgliedstaaten sind, und wie sehr sie sich für deren Umsetzung einsetzen.
Das Projekt "Study of the Impact of Biotic Stress Caused by Pests on the Behaviour of Grapevine^Etude de l'influence des stress biotiques causes par des ravageurs sur le comportement de la vigne (FRA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Station federale de recherches en production vegetale de Changins durchgeführt. Le but est de definir et quantifier les interactions existantes entre la plante, le ravageur le milieu cultural. L'importance de ces informations quantitatives permettra: 1 d'analyser la problematique sur la base de tous les elements du systeme de production; 2. d'etablir des strategies de lutte, qui peuvent se baser sur des mesures preventives (modification du systeme cultural), curatives (traitement selon les nouveaux seuils de tolerance) ou ecologiques (gestion de l'agro-ecosysteme vignoble pour favoriser les antagonistes). (FRA)
Das Projekt "Community noise research strategy plan (CALM)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von AVL List Gesellschaft für Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Messtechnik durchgeführt. Objective: The CALM Network aim to establish and coordinate a Community Noise Research Strategy Plan defining the proper steps towards noise emission reductions within the EU in the domains of air traffic, road and rail transport, marine technologies and outdoor equipment. This Strategy Plan will be based on reports from expert Noise Working Groups (appointed by the European Commission) and in cooperation with relevant industry sectors, research institutions and interest organizations. The participants in the network are chair of co-chair of the Noise Working Groups (except the co-coordinator). The Community Noise Research Strategy Plan will propose research requirements according to relevant standardization, economic and social measures, strategies and visions for future achievement of acceptable noise emission levels for the EU population.
Das Projekt "Verhaeltnis zwischen Wachstum und Kohlenstoff bei Fichte/Buche-Modelloekosystemen mit erhoehter CO2- und Stickstoffkonzentration" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Basel, Departement Integrative Biologie, Botanisches Institut durchgeführt. Model ecosystems of beech and spruce are exposed to elevated CO2 and enhanced wet nitrogen deposition in large open-top chambers and with deep natural soil and understory vegetation. Our part of this multidisciplinary project in growth analysis and system level carbon balance. The important aspect in this project is its high complexity and full grown coverage so that land area based data can be obtained (biomass, CO2 fluxes, leaf area index etc.). The experimental facility is at the Swiss Federal Institute of Forest Research at Birmensdorf near Zurich. The coordinator of the whole project is Ch. Brunold in Bern, the on site coordinator is J. Bucher (WSL). Leading Questions: - Will elevated CO2 influence forest tree growth and forest species diversity? - Will enhanced soluble nitrogen deposition influence forest growth and forest species diversity? - how will CO2 and N interact? - How will soil conditions influence these responses and interactions?
Das Projekt "Advancing understanding of Atlantic salmon at sea: merging genetics and ecology to resolve stock-specific migration and distribution patterns (SALSEA-MERGE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institute of Marine Research - Havforskningsinstituttet durchgeführt. Objective: Over the past two decades, an increasing proportion of North Atlantic salmon are dying at sea during their oceanic feeding migration. The specific reasons for the decline in this important species are as yet unknown, however, climate change is likely to be an important factor. In some rivers in the southern part of the salmons range, wild salmon now face extinction. This is in spite of unprecedented management measures to halt this decline. Arguably the greatest challenge in salmon conservation is to gain insight into the spatial and ecological use of the marine environment by different regional and river stocks, which are known to show variation in marine growth, condition, and survival. Salmon populations may migrate to different marine zones, whose environmental conditions may vary. To date it has been impossible to sample and identify the origin of sufficient numbers of wild salmon at sea to enable this vital question to be addressed. SALSEA-Merge will provide the basis for advancing our understanding of oceanic-scale, ecological and ecosystem processes. Such knowledge is fundamental to the future sustainable management of this key marine species.
Das Projekt "Consistent semiactive system control (CASCO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von VCE Holding GmbH durchgeführt. Objective: An innovative method is required to notably reduce the annoyance of noise and vibration, at the same time minimizing energy consumption and material use. The goal in this project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of advanced materials (magnetorheological fluids) in damping elements. Rheological actuators are installed in critical locations throughout structures and along railway tracks. Thus, kinetic energy is dissipated locally before it is actually transferred to other structural components or the ground. As a consequence, the size of individual viscous dampers is reduced, allowing a more effective use of materials and minimisation of resource consumption. This innovative technology has the potential to increase the competitiveness of European industries and create employment. Achievements: Technical/Commercial Prototypes developed within the Project: -Prototype of the Cup-Spring Isolator; -Prototype of the magneto rheological actuator; - Prototype for the electronic circuit; -Prototype of a Hydraulic Actuator to mitigate Vibration of flexible Structures; Knowledge obtained within the Project: -Technical expertise needed to manufacture viscous and rheological actuators; -Viscous and rheological fluid technologie and their use in optimisation of actuator technologies; -Controllability assessment and procedure for actuator minimisation and placement; -Scientific know-how on functional mechanism and characteristics of semi-active control laws. During performing the project some additional interesting exploitable results were achieved: -On site test results of bridges and tunnels (mass-spring-system) which leads to high expertise in this topic; -Development of new damping elements which are not directly linked to the project; -Demonstration of noise and vibration dissemination of real structures.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 8 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 8 |
License | Count |
offen | 8 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 8 |
Englisch | 8 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 8 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 6 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 7 |
Luft | 7 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 8 |
Wasser | 4 |
Weitere | 8 |