The SenMooVe dataset was produced from two sets of experiments involving Ultra-Wideband (UWB) sensor measurements within a public transportation vehicle, with the goal of finding relationships between the sensor response and the amount of people present in the environment. Data was collected in the form of Channel Impulse Responses (CIR) in two different experimental settings: one in a laboratory reproducing the inside of a bus, and one in a real vehicle provided by one of the project partners. For both scenarios up to 8 people were asked to sit or stand in predefined positions, but were allowed to move, speak or use electronic devices. Moreover in both cases the measurements of the environment were taken with two different UWB sensors, namely a monostatic Novelda X7 sensor and a Qorvo DW3000 sensors in a bistatic configuration. The dataset is divided into several subsets, all related to different configurations of the environment. Each of these configuration can be identified hierarchically by: the experimental setting; the sensed area of the vehicle (multi-purpose area or rear area); the number of people present (from 0 to 8); the position of each person. Each configuration was measured for a window of 15-30 seconds with both sensors, and a detailed description of the experiments can be found among the Reference Files. The data comes in the form of two files per configuration, consisting of a .npz file for the Novelda X7 measurements and a .txt file produced by the Qorvo DW3000 sensor. In both cases, the files are data matrices representing the collected CIR pulses over the entire measurement window, where each pulse is binned into a discrete amount of samples.
This dataset consists of data products derived from broadband signal detection lists that have been processed for the certified infrasound stations of the International Monitoring System. More specifically, this dataset, called the ‘maw’ product, covers a very low frequency range of infrasound (0.02-0.07 Hz). The temporal resolution (time step and window length) is 30 min. For processing the infrasound data, the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation (PMCC) array processing algorithm with a one-third octave frequency band configuration between 0.01 and 4 Hz has been used. The detected signals from the most dominant directions in terms of number of arrivals within a time window and the product-specific frequency range are summarized at predefined time steps. Along with several detection parameters such as the back azimuth, apparent velocity, or mean frequency, additional quantities for assessing the relative quality of the detection parameters are provided. The dataset is available as a compressed .zip file containing the yearly data products (.nc files, NetCDF format) of all certified stations (since 2003). Further information on the processing and details about the open-access data products can be found in: Hupe et al. (2022), IMS infrasound data products for atmospheric studies and civilian applications, Earth System Science Data, doi:10.5194/essd-14-4201-2022.
This dataset consists of data products derived from broadband signal detection lists that have been processed for the certified infrasound stations of the International Monitoring System. More specifically, within the CTBT-relevant infrasound range (around 0.01-4 Hz), this dataset covers higher frequencies (1-3 Hz) and is therefore called the ‘hf’ product. The temporal resolution (time step and window length) is 5 min. For processing the infrasound data, the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation (PMCC) array processing algorithm with a one-third octave frequency band configuration between 0.01 and 4 Hz has been used. The detected signals from the most dominant directions in terms of number of arrivals within a time window and the product-specific frequency range are summarized at predefined time steps. Along with several detection parameters such as the back azimuth, apparent velocity, or mean frequency, additional quantities for assessing the relative quality of the detection parameters are provided. The dataset is available as a compressed .zip file containing the yearly data products (.nc files, NetCDF format) of all certified stations (since 2003). Further information on the processing and details about the open-access data products can be found in: Hupe et al. (2022), IMS infrasound data products for atmospheric studies and civilian applications, Earth System Science Data, doi:10.5194/essd-14-4201-2022
This dataset consists of data products derived from broadband signal detection lists that have been processed for the certified infrasound stations of the International Monitoring System. More specifically, this dataset covers the dominant frequency range of microbaroms (0.15-0.35 Hz) and is therefore called the ‘mb_lf’ product. The temporal resolution (time step and window length) is 15 min. For processing the infrasound data, the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation (PMCC) array processing algorithm with a one-third octave frequency band configuration between 0.01 and 4 Hz has been used. The detected signals from the most dominant directions in terms of number of arrivals within a time window and the product-specific frequency range are summarized at predefined time steps. Along with several detection parameters such as the back azimuth, apparent velocity, or mean frequency, additional quantities for assessing the relative quality of the detection parameters are provided. The dataset is available as a compressed .zip file containing the yearly data products (.nc files, NetCDF format) of all certified stations (since 2003). Further information on the processing and details about the open-access data products can be found in: Hupe et al. (2022), IMS infrasound data products for atmospheric studies and civilian applications, Earth System Science Data, doi:10.5194/essd-14-4201-2022
This dataset consists of data products derived from broadband signal detection lists that have been processed for the certified infrasound stations of the International Monitoring System. More specifically, this dataset covers, among other phenomena, the upper frequency range of microbaroms (0.45-0.65 Hz) and is therefore called the ‘mb_hf’ product. The temporal resolution (time step and window length) is 15 min. For processing the infrasound data, the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation (PMCC) array processing algorithm with a one-third octave frequency band configuration between 0.01 and 4 Hz has been used. The detected signals from the most dominant directions in terms of number of arrivals within a time window and the product-specific frequency range are summarized at predefined time steps. Along with several detection parameters such as the back azimuth, apparent velocity, or mean frequency, additional quantities for assessing the relative quality of the detection parameters are provided. The dataset is available as a compressed .zip file containing the yearly data products (.nc files, NetCDF format) of all certified stations (since 2003). Further information on the processing and details about the open-access data products can be found in: Hupe et al. (2022), IMS infrasound data products for atmospheric studies and civilian applications, Earth System Science Data, doi:10.5194/essd-14-4201-2022
In den Jahren 1977 - 1983 wurden durch die Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) auf dem damaligen Staatsgebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in mehreren Probenahmekampagnen ca. 80.000 Wasser- und 70.000 Sedimentproben aus Bächen und Flüssen entnommen und geochemisch untersucht. Ziel der Untersuchungen war neben der geochemischen Prospektion lagerstättenhöffiger Bereiche auch die Erfassung von Hinweisen auf anthropogene Umweltbelastungen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchungen wurden im Geochemischen Atlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Fauth et al., 1985) veröffentlicht. Bei den im Rahmen des Geochemischen Atlas Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1985 erhobenen Daten handelt es sich um eine in ihrer hohen Probenahmedichte einzigartige flächendeckende geochemische Aufnahme des damaligen Staatsgebietes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Alle späteren geochemischen Untersuchungen wurden mit einer ungleich geringeren Probenahmedichte durchgeführt. Diese wertvollen und unwiederbringlichen Daten werden nun über die Geoportale der BGR allgemein verfügbar gemacht. Ergänzend zur digitalen Bereitstellung des originalen Datenmaterials, der Texte aus Fauth et al. (1985) sowie nach dem 1985 verwendeten Verfahren hergestellten Verteilungskarten erfolgte eine Neubearbeitung der Daten mit modernen Verfahren. Dieser Download enthält das originale, 1985 erstellte Datenmaterial. Die Daten sind im Original in einer relationalen Microsoft-ACCESS-Datenbank abgelegt, das zugehörige Rechercheprogramm ist jedoch unter den aktuellen Betriebssystemen nicht mehr lauffähig. Darüber hinaus ist Microsoft ACCESS nur unter Microsoft Windows verfügbar. Daher wurden die Daten in eine tabellarische Struktur überführt sowie in aktuelle Datenformate (*.xlsx, *.csv) konvertiert. Ergänzend sind den Downloads die in Fauth et al. (1985) enthaltenen Informationen zur Probenahme und den verwendeten Analysemethoden beigefügt.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 178 |
Land | 111 |
Wissenschaft | 6 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 138 |
Messwerte | 2 |
Software | 7 |
Text | 90 |
Umweltprüfung | 13 |
unbekannt | 32 |
License | Count |
geschlossen | 129 |
offen | 153 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 268 |
Englisch | 64 |
unbekannt | 7 |
Resource type | Count |
Archiv | 15 |
Datei | 2 |
Dokument | 16 |
Keine | 217 |
Webseite | 57 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 148 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 199 |
Luft | 129 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 282 |
Wasser | 100 |
Weitere | 259 |