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Das Projekt "Wolkenarchiv-Nutzerservice" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie durchgeführt. General Information: The fundamental aim of the Cloud Archive User Service (CLAUS) project is to provide climate modellers with easy access to an archive of satellite based doud data. This aim can be sub-divided into three separate, measurable objectives: Objective Data set provision. It is proposed to prepare an archive of integrated satellite images based upon data from the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) and covering the period 1983 - present. In response to customer requirements these data will be produced on a regular 0.50 grid at 3-hourly intervals. The data processing method will be based on a technically proven method developed using single year of data. Objective 2Data Access. The data, and descriptions of the integration methods employed, would be made freely available over the network using the CEO European Wide Service Exchange (EWSE). Objective 3 Operational Testing: The archived data will be tested by the participating climate research groups in an operational environment over an extended period. Following an infial testing phase, modifications may be made in consultation with the users. The customers for CLAUS are global climate modellers and climate researchers who need to compare observed data (as provided by CLAUS) with their own model outputs. Such comparisons would allow the models to be improved and be of enormous benefit to the climate modelling community. The development of General Circulation Models (GCMs) able to reproduce climate variables on various spatial and temporal scales, coupled with increases in computing power, has ied to greatly increased understanding of the world's climate. However, there are very real difficulties in validating the models; the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has identified the provision of observational data for GCMs as oiling a critical factor in their validation and Improvement (IPCC, 1992). Further, the IPCC identified inadequate understanding of clouds as being among the key uncertainties in climate understanding (IPCC, 1992). These concerns were re-emphasised in the recent 1996 report tlPCC, 1996). This project is customer driven. The project will be co-ordinated by the UK NERC Environmental Systems Science Centre (ESSC), who are an interdisciplinary group with a strong background in linking models with observations. Five of the six major climate modelling centres in Europe are active partners: Centre National de Recherches Meteorologie (CNRM), France; laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique (LMD), France; Max-Pianck- Institut fur Meteorologie (MPI), Germany; UK Universities Global Atmospheric Modelling Programme (UGAMP). UK; European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), European; and the other major climate modelling centre, the UK Hadley Centre, will be collaborating closely. ... Prime Contractor: University of Reading, Environmental Systems Science Centre; Reading; United Kingdom.

Simulation, Beobachtung und Paläoklimadaten: Klimaveränderungen während der letzten 500 Jahre

Das Projekt "Simulation, Beobachtung und Paläoklimadaten: Klimaveränderungen während der letzten 500 Jahre" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von University East Anglia durchgeführt. This project aims to provide a state-of-the-art quantitative description of the variability and causes of variability of Northern Hemisphere climate, over the last five centuries. It will investigate the behaviour of important regional systems as well as hemispherically-integrated changes, and quantify the changing influences of natural and anthropogenic climate forcings, using an integrated study of palaeoclimate proxies and carefully prescribed general circulation model (GCM) experiments. Another major objective is to establish the reliability of GCM simulations of natural climate variability, and hence gain additional insights into the uncertainty of model-based anthropogenic climate change detection studies. This will provide a more secure basis from which to assess the likelihood of future abrupt and unusual climate changes. We will also undertake this assessment. www.cru.uea.ac.uk/projects/soap/. Prime Contractor: University of East Anglia, Norwich, GB.

CC HYDRO - Der Einfluss von Klimaaenderungen auf die Flussgebietshydrologie unter verschiedenen klimatischen Bedingungen

Das Projekt "CC HYDRO - Der Einfluss von Klimaaenderungen auf die Flussgebietshydrologie unter verschiedenen klimatischen Bedingungen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasserbau durchgeführt. Gemeinschaftsprojekt von insgesamt 7 Partnerinstituten in Oesterreich, Griechenland, Italien und Deutschland. Ziele: - Erforschung der Auswirkungen von Klimaaenderungen auf den Wasserhaushalt Europas - Entwicklung von Methoden zur Analyse der Zusammenhaenge zwischen globalen Zirkulationsmustern und lokalen Klimabedingungen - Vorhersage ueber Aenderungen der hydrologischen Bedingungen fuer einige ausgewaehlte Flussgebiete Europas in einem mittleren Zeitrahmen. Aufgaben: - Klassifizierung globaler Zirkulationsmuster - Kopplung von regionalem Niederschlagsverhalten an grossraeumige Stroemungsmuster - Entwicklung eines Zwei-Stufen-Modells, welches die Niederschlagssimulation ermoeglicht - Entwicklung von Abflussprognosemodellen fuer die ausgewaehlten Regionen.