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PV hybrid systems for 5 remote sites in the german alps

Das Projekt "PV hybrid systems for 5 remote sites in the german alps" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutscher Alpenverein e.V. durchgeführt. Objective: Photovoltaic, hybrid electricity supplies for five different sites in the German Alps. The mountain huts are not connected to the grid. Lightning protection of the systems is a major concern. Economic operation and reduced ecological pollution are aims of the project. General Information: Five remote sites are equipped with PV generators for lighting, household appliances, communication equipment and water pumping. The auxiliary generators are foreseen to operate only if the demand cannot be met by the pv part. In the four small installation the inverter operates only on demand of 220 V ac load. The two larger systems use a special transformerless inverter (developed for the project SE/134/83, Rappenecker Hof), which is operating continuously. 'Global monitoring' is made for the small installations, and 'Analytical monitoring' for the two larger stations. Nr. of subsystems: 5 Power of subsystems: 900, 1000, 1040, 5000, 5400 Wp Total power: 13,3 kWp Backup: Diesel, gas (and wind at one site) Number of modules: 266 Module description: 20 Siemens SM50 (Purtscheller) and 152 AEG PQ36/45 (Brunnstein, Meiler, Mindelheim) and 94 TST MQ36D/53 (Watzmann). Connection: 24 V (for systems smaller than+ 1 kWp) or special Support: special mounting (no holes in the roof) on the sheet metal roofs Max power tracker: none Charge controller: special design by Uhlmann Solarelectronic, IBC Battery: Bayern, Fiamm, Hoppecke, Hagen Batt. (V): 24 V for systems smaller than= 1kWp; special connection for the 2 large systems Capacity (Ah): 100 and 150 Ah at 162 V, 500 and 600 Ah at 24 V. Inverter: Special transformerless inverter at two sites. (Watzmannhaus and Mindelheimer Huette) with 10 kVA each of FhG-ISE (sinusoidal). At two other sites (Purtscheller and Brunnstein): 'Al-elektronic' (trapezoidal) with 1.6 kVA each. At Meiler Huette: 'Sunpower' 2 kVA (sinusoidal). Load description: For lights: fluorescent lamps for 24 V and 230 V. Water pump. Low consumption household appliances, freezers, refrigerators, dish washers ecc. Monitoring: 'Global' for the 4 small systems, 11 data, daily, manual reading of mechanical meters. 'Analytical' for the two larger systems: data, hourly averages stored in data logger.

PV hybrid systems for three remote houses

Das Projekt "PV hybrid systems for three remote houses" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft FhG, Abteilung für Forschungs- und Budgetplanung durchgeführt. Objective: This project demonstrates three photovoltaic hybrid (wind, Diesel, gas) systems, with continuous AC energy supplied by an inverter. All three sites are far away from the grid. General Information: Three different subsystems at three different sites. A common feature is newly developed indicator of the state of charge of the battery. This indicator allows economic energy management and optimized use of the auxiliary generator. All three subsystems have the same type of special inverter (ISE design) to supply 220 V AC. In the new version of the ISE inverter it is sufficient to have one battery with the full tension of 162 V; the other dc tensions, 84, 42, 24 and 12 V are generated by a DC/DC converter. (Patented system). 1) The Grimmelshofen system, 1.76 kWp, on a private house, a former railroad signal house, has a Diesel/gas auxiliary generator. The PV arrays are mounted on the roof of the house. 2) The Rotwandhaus system, 5 kWp, on a guesthouse in the bavarian Alps near Spitzingsee, has a wind auxiliary generator (20 kWp turbine). The PV arrays are mounted on the roof. 3) The Bognago system, 4.32 kWp, on a site of several isolated guest huts, has a hydro electric generator, 5 kW for the main house supply (household appliances, water pump). This system has also a Diesel/gas auxiliary generator. Nr. of subsystems: 1 + 1 + 1 Power of subsystems: 1.76 + 5.1 + 4.32 kWp Total power: 11 kWp Backup: Diesel (+wind + hydro) Number of modules: about 240 TST (AEG) Module description: AEG PQ 36/45 and Italsolar 36 SL/A Connection: 12 in series Support: On the roof (Rotwandhaus), roof integrated (Langer and Bognago) Max power tracker: none Charge controller: special Battery: HAGEN Batt. (V): 162 (168 Langer) Capacity (Ah): 1 x 75 Ah (OGI) and 1x37.5 Ah (OpzS) at 168 V for Langer house, 400 Ah at 162 V, type Hagen OCSM, for Rotwandhaus, 200 Ah at 162 V, type FIAMM PMF, for Bognago. Inverter: special (ISE design transformer less inverter with DC/DC converter for all three systems, 10 kW. Load description: Household appliances, Dishwater, washing machine, refrigerator, freezer, TV, lights, and water pump. Monitoring: Data logger for 11 main parameters with integrators for mechanical backup. Achievements: The system in the Langer-house works perfectly, satisfying the seasonal needs of the Langer family. The final yield over nine months is 1.3 kWh/(d x kWp) at a reference yield of 3.5 kWh/(d x kWp). The battery and the inverter have both high efficiency. The Rotwandhouse system is operating since September 92. Of the 11.3 MWh totally produced in 1993 3.4 MWh are of pv origin, 2.4 MWh of wind origin and 5.5 MWh are Diesel generated. The final yield for the pv supply was 1.6 kWh/(d x kWp) at a reference yield of 3.8 kWh/(d x kWp). At Bonago, operating since September 1991, the consumption is much higher than expected. The pv systems works correctly, but the motor generator fraction is high. From the whole project many valuable lessons were learned,...

DESIRO ML BMU: BGA-Entwicklung (Stage III b)

Das Projekt "DESIRO ML BMU: BGA-Entwicklung (Stage III b)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siemens AG durchgeführt. Entwicklung eines Diesel-Generator-Aggregates unter Berücksichtigung der Abgasnorm Stage III 6 für BMU-Fahrzeuge der DESIRO ML-Plattform.

Fuel Cell based on-board Power Generation (FCGEN)

Das Projekt "Fuel Cell based on-board Power Generation (FCGEN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz e.V. & Co. KG durchgeführt. For truck applications the increasing demand for electrical power when the vehicle stands still has Iead to an increasing need for an onboard electric power generator which operates with high efficiency and very bw emissions. A fuel cell based auxiliary power unit (APU), with a diesel fuel processor is regarded as one of the most interesting options since it combines high efficiency, bw emissions and the use of the same fuel as the main engine. The overall objectives of FCGEN are to devebop and demonstrate a proof-of-concept complete fuel cell auxiliary power unit in a real application, onboard a truck. The APU system consisting of a bow-temperature PEM fuel cell, a diesel fuel processor and necessary balance of plant components will be designed to meet automotive requirements regarding e.g. size, mechanical tolerances, durability etc. High targets are set for energy efficiency and therefore this will significantly lead to emissions reductions and greener transport solutions in line with EU targets. A key point in the project is the devebopment of a fuel processing System that can handle bogistic fuels. A fuel processor consisting of autothermal reformer, desuiphurization unit, water-gas-shift reactor, reactor for the preferential oxidation of CO, will be deveboped. The fuel processor will be deveboped for and tested on standard available bw sulphur diesel fuel both for the Europeari anci US fuel qualities. Another key point is the devebopment of an efficient and reliable control system for the APU, integrated with the truck systems, including both hardware and software modules. In the final demonstration, the fuel cell based APU will be tested on a truck as the first step in a defined plan towards full scale field tests.

Windtec 1200 kW-cost/light-weight wind turbine

Das Projekt "Windtec 1200 kW-cost/light-weight wind turbine" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Windtest Kaiser-Wilhelm-Koog durchgeführt. General Information/Objectives: The objective of the project is to develop a 3-bladed, 1.2 MW, variable speed, pitch controlled wind turbine, with (a) reduced tower head mass, (b) optimized energy yield for low wind speed regimes, and (c) improved logistics with strong emphasis on the erection of the turbine without crane. The combination of all these improvements are expected to lead to reduced costs of power production, whereby the goal is to produce electrical power for 0.038 ECU/kWh in a wind regime of 8 m/s at a hub height of 60 m. Technical Approach Above objectives are achieved by developing various new components as: (1) Improved variable speed power electrics on the basis of a doubly fed induction generator. (2) Integrated drive train design with the main target of reducing weight and costs. (3) Light weight rotor blade design, utilizing carbon fibre technology. (4) Optimized slip-form concrete tower designed to reduce costs and to improve the dynamics of the complete system. (5) Modular nacelle design including an on-board erectable crane system, which allows the nacelle and the rotor to be installed without an external mobile crane. After the engineering phase a prototype will be manufactured and installed in the eastern part of Austria. Loads and performance measurements will be performed and reported under the Scientific Measurement and Evaluation Programme (SMEP), which was developed for the WEGA-II machines. The analysis of the measurements will be the basis for (a) the validation of the design and the performance of the wind turbine, and (b) further improvements of the design. Expected Achievements and Exploitation The expected outputs of the project are: (1) Validation of software programs by comparing dynamic simulations with measurements. (2) Development of a variable speed power electrics system, which is highly efficient and at the same time very cost effective. (3) Development of a light weight rotor blade with high aerodynamic efficiency. (4) Improvement of the logistics for the installation of a MW-class wind turbine. The combination of all these features should lead to a wind turbine with substantially improved economics by guaranteeing excellent power quality. Prime Contractor: Windtec Anlagenerrichtung- und Consulting GmbH; Völkermarkt; Austria.

Increasing efficiency of wind power plants for the production of energy (WINGY-PRO)

Das Projekt "Increasing efficiency of wind power plants for the production of energy (WINGY-PRO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Fachbereich 1 Physik und Elektrotechnik durchgeführt. Objective: The aim of Wingy-Pro is to demonstrate the first ever large size transversal flux generator in an existing wind turbine. A determining factor for increasing the profitability of an offshore wind farm is the installation of wind turbines with a significantly high power capacity and low weight. Until now, the designs of large capacity turbines for offshore applications have been an up scaling of the existing smaller models. This has led to the construction of wind turbines with huge physical dimensions (e.g.: The E-112 has a hub height of 124 m and a rotor diameter of 114 m). Consequently, the weight of the turbines has increased considerably and the material-resistance of the blades, has been taken almost to its limits (rotor blades can reach a length of up to 61 m). These large dimension and weight have a negative influence on the economic efficiency of those offshore applications, because of the high costs for the foundation, transport and installation of the wind turbines. The objective of the project is to carry out the design and development of an improved generator technique through the transverse flux generator (TFG) with permanent magnets in the rotor. There are single-, two- or multi-phase machines, depending on the number of independent stator windings, which are mounted axially on the machine shaft. This technique has been known in the electro-field for years, but due to its strong vibrations and high noise emissions, it has been hardly used. Nowadays however, thanks to new and innovative manufacturing methods and to the development in modern micro-processing controls, the TFG can be used in practical applications.

Renewables in a Stable Electric Grid (RE-SERVE)

Das Projekt "Renewables in a Stable Electric Grid (RE-SERVE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Ericsson GmbH durchgeführt. Future energy systems will use renewable energy sources to minimise CO2 emissions. Currently large generators powered by fossil fuel turbines maintain the stability and quality of energy supplies through their inertia. The inertia of these generator-turbine groups gives providers a significant time window in which to react to network events. We urgently need to find ways to stabilise energy systems with up to 100% RES (where inertia is often lost due to power converter mediated energy transfer) to generate 'RE-SERVEs' so that society can relax in the knowledge that it has a stable and sustainable energy supply. RE-SERVE will address this challenge by researching new energy system concepts, implemented as new system support services enabling distributed, multi-level control of the energy system using pan-European unified network connection codes. Near real-time control of the distributed energy network will be enabled by innovative 5G based ICT. Energy system use case scenarios supplied by energy providers will form the basis of energy system models. Performance characteristics of the new control mechanisms will be investigated through integration of energy simulations and live 5G communications. We will create a pan-European multi-site simulation test-bed, bringing together the best facilities in Europe. RE-SERVE results include published models of system support services, innovative architectures for the implementation of the services, performance tests on our pan-European real-time simulation, and live, test-beds, a model for pan-European unified network connection codes and actions to promote results to standardisation organisations, all of which maintain the RE-SERVE in energy systems. Commercialisation of results will result in breakthroughs in the efficient utilisation of use of RES, a spin-off and a wide range of enhanced professional solutions and services.

Hydrogen Tryout Areal (HyTrA)

Das Projekt "Hydrogen Tryout Areal (HyTrA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Texulting GmbH durchgeführt. Ziel ist die Entwicklung und der Aufbau eines speziellen Hydrogen Tryout Areal für Südafrika, mit den wesentlichen Bausteinen: 1. HyGrid, 2. HyWindow und 3. HyFrame. HyGrid Im Fokus steht die Entwicklung eines kompakten 10 kW Wasserstoff-Microgrid. Ziel ist es, eine effektive, robuste und kostenparitätische Alternative zu umweltbelastenden, fossil betriebenen Generatoren zu schaffen, die in Südafrika eine zentrale Rolle als Notstromaggregate bzw. zur Unterstützung der instabilen, nicht flächendeckenden Energieversorgung darstellen. Die kompakte Wasserstoff-Microgrid-Einheit beinhaltet die komplette Power-to-Power Sektorenkopplung. Dies umfasst Solarzellen zur Erzeugung von klimaneutraler Energie. Im Elektrolyseur verwendet, soll diese grüne Energie zur Spaltung von Wasser und Erzeugung von Wasserstoff und Sauerstoff verwendet werden. Speicher ermöglichen eine zeitlich versetzte Nutzung. Der Wasserstoff kann schließlich zur Rückverstromung durch die integrierte Brennstoffzelle verwendet werden. Dabei entsteht Strom und Wasser. Während das Wasser im geschlossenen System der Wiederverwertung für die Elektrolyse zugeführt wird, könnte auch Sauerstoff beispielsweise für die Anreicherung von Abwasser zu dessen Reinigung genutzt werden. HyWindow Unter HyWindow sind Aktivitäten des Wasserstofftechnologie-Schaufenster zusammengefasst, die zwei wesentliche Handlungsfelder adressieren: Aufbau einer virtuellen Referenz und Feldversuche Microgrid bzw. der integrierten Komponenten HyFrame: Hier wird ein Framework mit verschiedenen Servicelinien entwickelt, der HyGrid und HyWindow in verschiedenen Bereichen unterstützt: ökonomisch, ökologisch, wissenschaftlich und soziologisch.

Silicon Nanodots for Solar Cell Tandem (NASCENT)

Das Projekt "Silicon Nanodots for Solar Cell Tandem (NASCENT)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V., Zentralverwaltung durchgeführt. Objective: The overall objective of the project is to develop new Nano-materials with New Production Technologies and to fabricate silicon quantum dot tandem solar cells to achieve increased efficiencies. The understanding of electrical transport and recombination mechanisms in these newly developed nano-materials will enable us to design new tandem solar cell structures - based on Si thin-film or wafer solar cells - that help to overcome the efficiency limits of these conventional concepts. In order to reach our goals, considerable R+D work has to be performed on semiconductor bulk materials, thin layers and hetero-structures for such solar cells. These topics have not yet or only in parts been investigated and are also of high scientific interest for novel photonic and charge storage devices incorporating Si nano-crystals embedded in Si alloys. The consortium of this project, also including two companies, merges the scientific and technological competences that are necessary to find answers to these questions. Another objective is the compatibility of the newly developed technologies with high-throughput processing to ensure further cost-reduction. The expected significant jump in the solar cell and processing evolution will lead to higher efficiencies for solar cells and to ongoing cost-reduction also with a long-term perspective and will help to strengthening the European leadership in PV technologies. Thus it will also have a positive impact on the acceptance of photo-voltaics by the public and by politics. Moreover, since energy efficiency is a big subject in the public discussion, photo-voltaics will be an example of one of the highest electricity production efficiencies that have been achieved of all power generators. To sum up, we believe that this project will have a direct and positive impact on the European PV industry and its status in material science and it will contribute to the very ambitious goals of the EU commission in CO2 reduction in general.

5mw Wind Energy Converter for Off-shore Application

Das Projekt "5mw Wind Energy Converter for Off-shore Application" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von WIP, Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co Planungs-KG durchgeführt. Wind energy technology has rapidly emerged into a viable, reliable and competitive energy technology of a major strategic importance. The machines of current class, that is 1.5MW to 2.5MW, will be succeeded by the Multi MW class of approximate 5 MW rated power. The objective is to develop a 5MW off-shore wind generator for pilot operation. This project proposal is focused on the prototype for off-shore applications, which will differ considerably from land-based concepts. Within this project, the goal is to develop the actual hardware, and to install and operate the prototype for off-shore applications. We will also verify the generator performance in an extended pilot operation with the aim to prepare basic development, which will then be used for further industrial exploration.

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