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Found 3 results.

Temporal evolution of hydrothermal systems at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (14 45 - 15 05N)

Das Projekt "Temporal evolution of hydrothermal systems at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (14 45 - 15 05N)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Sektion Geowissenschaften, Institut für Geowissenschaften durchgeführt. Wenige Informationen gibt es bisher zur Lebensdauer von Hydrothermalsystemen, zur zeitlichen Variabilität hydrothermaler Aktivität sowie zu der Veränderung der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Fluide über geologische Zeitskalen hinweg. Anhand von Altersdatierungen hydrothermaler Ablagerungen mit Hilfe natürlicher Radionuklide sollen Dauer und Periodizität hydrothermaler Aktivität im Logatchev Feld bestimmt werden. Anhand der chemischen Zusammensetzung der Präzipitate und ihrem Alter sollen Informationen zur chemischen Variabilität der hydrothermalen Lösungen während der geologischen Vergangenheit erhalten werden. Grundlagen für diese Untersuchungen sind Bohrkerne die während der Forschungsfahrt mit FS MERIAN (2006) im Logatechev Feld gewonnen werden. Die Altersdatierung der hydrothermalen Ablagerungen, die durch die Bohrungen erhalten werden, sollen dazu beitragen, die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Logatchev Feldes in Raum und Zeit zu erforschen.

EURopean network of excellence for OCean Ecosystems ANalysiS (EUR-OCEANS)

Das Projekt "EURopean network of excellence for OCean Ecosystems ANalysiS (EUR-OCEANS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung e.V. in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (AWI) durchgeführt. EUR-OCEANS aims to achieve lasting integration of European research organisations on global change and pelagic marine ecosystems, and to develop models for assessing and forecasting the impacts of climate and anthropogenic forcing on food-web dynamics (structure, functioning, diversity and stability) of pelagic ecosystems in the open ocean. The NOE will favour the progressive integration of research programmes and facilities of major research Institutes all over Europe. The long-term goal of the NOE is to create a multi-site Institute for European Research on Ocean Ecosystems under Anthropogenic and Natural forcings. The international context is provided by Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC), and the forthcoming Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBER) of the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme (IGBP).EUR-OCEANS' Joint Programme of Activities (JPA) comprises: (1) Integrating activities on: networking (data and model integration); (2) Jointly executed research, organised around four broad modelling tasks (together with observations and experiments) on: pelagic ecosystems end-to-end, biogeochemistry, ecosystem approach to marine resources and within-system integration; (3) Activities to spread excellence, including training of researchers, and spreading excellence to socio-economic users and to the European public (through the Association of Aquaria for EUR-OCEANS public outreach); (4) Management Activities. Administrative and Financial Coordinator: Institut Oceanographique. Governing bodies: General Assembly (Member Organisations); Executive Committee (incl. Scientific Director and the Deputy); Steering Committee (incl. Work Packages Leaders). Councils: Scientific, Intellectual, Gender Equality, and EUR-OCEANS Institute. Composition: 69 Member Organisations, from 25 states (incl. 7 Third countries); 160 PIs selected for their capacity and excellence. Close cooperation with the USA, Australia, Canada, Namibia and Japan. Prime Contractor: France Innovation Scientifique et Transfert; Paris; France.

MATRE - Modernizing Academic Teaching & Research Environment in Business & Economics at Lebanon and Syria

Das Projekt "MATRE - Modernizing Academic Teaching & Research Environment in Business & Economics at Lebanon and Syria" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät II, Abteilung Wirtschaftsinformatik I , VLBA durchgeführt. This project contributes towards modernizing the higher education sector in LB/SY by supporting the 'Higher Education & Society' TEMPUS programme theme. This will be realized by establishing 2 centers for international quality research & sustainable curricula development in the Business, Economics & Management fields at MUBS (LB) & AIU (SY) to lead the research environment development in cooperation with LB/SY universities (LU&IUST), business representatives & similar centers in EU & neighboring countries. The specific objectives come in 4 main folds (research, teaching, knowledge triangle & policy related objectives): 1. To boost research environment & promote research culture at MUBS/AIU Faculties of Economics & other LB/SY business faculties & institution. This will be realized by capacity building & creating networks with EU counterparts for exchanging knowhow & good practices. 2. To promote modernization of curricula & teaching skills & methods in the field of Business, Economics & Management at MUBS/AIU & other LB/SY faculties in accordance with the EU experience by organizing related training courses & seminars. 3. To set & operate knowledge triangle (education, innovation, research) in LB/SY by engaging business sector representatives in project activities to facilitate the strategic linkage between research & industry current & future needs. 4. To propose policies & regulations in order to improve the research & teaching environment in the field in LB/SY. A wide range of outcomes & outputs will result from MATRE. The project produces the following principle outcomes/outputs: 1. A situational study of academic & research environment at MUBS/AIU. 2. The establishment of the centers. 3. Bonds strengthening & networks with LB/SY business & industry. 4. Preparing TOT & running training courses, reviewing & proposing the contents of new curricula. 5. Compiling & producing centers' resources & databases. 6. Suggesting a national policy paper & a plan for future centers' sustainability.