Dieser WMS (Web Map Service) enthält die Straßenabschnitte in Hamburg, auf denen nachts (22-6h) aus Lärmschutzgründen eine zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 30 km/h angeordnet ist. Die Abschnitte werden durch das Verkehrszeichen Nr. 274-30 (zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit 30 km/h) in Kombination mit dem Zusatzzeichen Nr. 1040-30 (22-6h) und dem Verkehrszeichen Nr. 1012-36 (Lärmschutz) angekündigt. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.
Der WFS (Web Featrue Service) enthält die Straßenabschnitte in Hamburg, auf denen nachts (22-6h) aus Lärmschutzgründen eine zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 30 km/h angeordnet ist. Die Abschnitte werden durch das Verkehrszeichen Nr. 274-30 (zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit 30 km/h) in Kombination mit dem Zusatzzeichen Nr. 1040-30 (22-6h) und dem Verkehrszeichen Nr. 1012-36 (Lärmschutz) angekündigt. Zur genaueren Beschreibung der Daten und Datenverantwortung nutzen Sie bitte den Verweis zur Datensatzbeschreibung.
Dieser Datensatz wird nicht mehr gepflegt. Sie finden die Strecken mit Tempo 30 nachts nun im Datensatz "Zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeiten Hamburg" im Layer Sonderregelungen zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeiten.
Dieser Datensatz wird nicht mehr gepflegt. Sie finden die Tempo-30-Zonen nun im Datensatz "Zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeiten Hamburg" im Layer Tempo-30-Zonen.
Das Projekt "Exzellenzcluster 80 (EXC): Ozean der Zukunft" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kiel, Geographisches Institut, Schwerpunkt Geoökologie, Regionale Umweltanalyse und -planung durchgeführt. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) is one of the more important parameters surrounding the health of a coastal ecosystem (Fanning 1982; Olgilvie and Mitchell 1998; Simpson et al. 1998, Schratzberger et al. 2002). Shipping induced sediment resuspension may have numerous adverse impacts on coastal embayments and estuaries including disruption of navigation, increase in turbidity, and release of previously isolated contaminants back into the water column. This proposal outlines an investigation and quantification of the resuspension of sediments and their associated contaminants in the Venice Lagoon, Italy. A certain combination of different parameters including water elevation, vessel speed, draft, and gross tonnage can produce forced, shallow water waves. These waves create substantial resuspension events. We propose to calculate the threshold factors which produce these waves in addition to calculating sediment and contaminant concentration caused by these waves. This can be used as input for a critical economic impact assessment of nearshore shipping.
Das Projekt "Upwelling in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Institut für Umweltphysik, Abteilung Ozeanographie durchgeführt. Upwelling is an important process in setting the characteristic of the mixed layer. Upwelling also provides a pathway for gases, nutrients, and other compounds from the ocean's interior into the mixed layer and ultimately into the atmosphere. Since the upwelling velocities are small, they cannot be measured directly. Recently, Rhein et al. (2010) exploited the helium isotope disequilibria found in the equatorial eastern Atlantic to infer upwelling speeds, upwelling rates, and vertical heat fluxes between the mixed layer and the ocean's interior. The disequilibrium in the mixed layer is caused by upwelling of 3He-enriched water from the interior. The surplus 3He is introduced into the deep ocean by hydrothermal activities.A first survey of historical Helium isotope data in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and the Weddell Sea showed, that the mixed layer is also enriched with 3He, which in summer months is supplied by upwelling of water from below the mixed layer. Although the first estimates of upwelling velocities from the historical data set look promising, the present Helium data lack a sufficient resolution in the upper 200-300m to determine the horizontal and vertical He gradients, necessary for the compilation of the upwelling velocity and of the contribution of diapycnal mixing. Here we propose to take the historical He data, and a new dedicated He data sets to be taken in November 2010 - February 2011 during the POLARSTERN cruise ANT 27/2 and January- February 2012 during POLARSTERN cruise ANT28/3 to calculate upwelling speeds and -rates in the Weddell Sea and the ACC, as well as heat fluxes between the interior and the mixed layer.This proposal is part of the Cluster ' Eddies and Upwelling: Major Factors in the Carbon Budget ofthe Southern Ocean'
Das Projekt "Dynamics and stability of Wilkins and George VI ice shelves on the south-western Antarctic Peninsula" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bonn, Zentrum für Fernerkundung der Landoberfläche durchgeführt. Mapping and monitoring the break-up events on Wilkins Ice Shelf and identification of mechanisms and processes leading to break-up. Within this activity we integrate various high and moderate-resolution satellite images with special emphasis on SAR data. The analysis covers currently a time period back to 1986 (Landsat TM) with increasing dense time series to present. In close collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) acquisition plans for the ENVISAT ASAR and TerraSAR-X instruments are implemented and the respective data analysed. Since September 2009, this activity is supported by a DFG research grant. Main aim is to derive surface velocity fields of the ice shelf and its tributary glaciers by satellite remote sensing as input for icedynamic modelling and fracture mechanical analyses.
Das Projekt "Adaptive and smart materials and structures for more efficient vessels (ADAM4EVE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Center of Maritime Technologies e.V. durchgeführt. Materials and structures are called adaptive if they can change certain properties in a predictable manner due to the forces acting on them (passive) or by means of built in actuators (active). Those materials and structures are referred to as smart if they provide best performance when operation circumstances change. The project ADAM4EVE focuses on the development and assessment of applications of such materials and structures in the shipbuilding industry. The types of materials and structures are: - adaptable ship hull structures for optimised hydrodynamic properties depending on varying cruise speed, - adaptive materials for noise and vibration damping of ship engines to avoid induction of vibrations into the ship hull and - adaptive outfitting materials that improve ships' serviceability and safety. Technical developments in the project are structured in three groups: - Materials and structures development: Based on available research results and known applications from other industries, adaptive and smart materials and structures will be adopted and further developed in order to make them applicable in the maritime industry. - Solution development: Driven by different shipyards, several application case studies will be performed, in order to achieve customised solutions for particular vessel types and their individual requirements; classification societies will assure that the solutions comply with existing rules and regulations. - Enabling and assessment of technologies: This group of activities provides support to the other ones on the field of testing, assessment of safety as well as economical and ecological impact, and advice for production, operation and dismantling. Due to the novelty of the solutions to be pursued, further development of the required validation methods and tools is intended, as well as suggestions for standardisation.
Das Projekt "Teilprojekt: IHU geformter Achsträger" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Salzgitter Hydroforming GmbH & Co KG durchgeführt. Ziel des Verbundvorhabens ist die Entwicklung eines neuartigen Elektroantriebes, der in Achsen integrierbar ist und entsprechend kleiner und leichter ist als bestehende Systeme, dabei aber eine hohe Leistung und einen hohen Wirkungsgrad ermöglicht. Dafür sollen schnelldrehende E-Maschinen mit entsprechenden Getrieben gekoppelt und in einem Gehäuse integriert werden. Dadurch wird ein Downsizing des Antriebes mit dem Einsatz so genannter High-Speed-E-Maschinen umgesetzt. Ziel des hier vorliegenden Teilvorhabens ist die Herstellung eines Leichtbauachsträgers durch das Innenhochdruckverfahren. Gegenüber konventionellen Konstruktionen aus Stahlblechen kann so die Anzahl der zu fügenden Teile und das Gewicht der Achsen deutlich reduziert werden. Verschiedene Leichtbauwerkstoffe sollen ebenfalls vorteilhaft eingesetzt werden. Im Rahmen dieses Teilvorhabens werden Leichtbaukomponenten für die Achse aus verschiedenen Aluminium- und Stahllegierungen umgeformt. Zuerst werden Werkzeuge konstruiert auf Basis der Achskonstruktion. Diese Werkzeuge werden nach entsprechender Umformsimulation hergestellt und eingefahren. Schließlich werden für die Achse verbaubare Tragrohre aus verschiedenen Materialien und Wanddicken umgeformt und auf ihre Eignung zum Verbau in der Achse untersucht. Die bestgeeigneten Rohre werden für die Herstellung der Demonstratorachse zur Verfügung gestellt.
Das Projekt "SP 2.2 QTL analysis and optimization of breeding schemes for improved nitrogen-use efficiency of maize and wheat for sustainable cropping systems in the North China Plain" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung, Saatgutforschung und Populationsgenetik (350), Fachgebiet Angewandte Genetik und Pflanzenzüchtung (350a) durchgeführt. In China, agriculture needs to be intensified by increasing the productivity per unit land. However, the possibility to improve yield by further increasing the amounts of input is very limited due to already very high input amounts of fertilizers and irrigation water in the present cropping system. Hence, the development and characterization of improved varieties, especially with regard to traits of utmost importance for sustainable resource use, such as nitrogen- (NUE) and water-use efficiency (WUE), is crucial for a sustainable agriculture in the North China Plain. The decision about the requirement of one common or two separate breeding programs for developing varieties adapted to low and high N fertilization strongly depends on an appropriate estimation of the correlation between yield at different fertilization levels. Therefore, maize and wheat varieties are evaluated in multiple locations in the North China Plain. Adopting novel breeding approaches based on doubled haploids (DH) can speed up the process of developing new varieties substantially and rapidly provides suitable cultivars for new cropping systems. Therefore, optimum breeding strategies for maize breeding are modeled and simulated to optimize alternative breeding schemes with respect to the optimum allocation of test resources using different optimization criteria. Modeling of production systems and material flows is a powerful tool to increase sustainable resource use by identifying cropping systems, which combine reduced inputs with high yields. However, an appropriate model requires knowledge about the genetics of crop growth and yield and its interaction with environmental factors. Therefore, maize and wheat populations developed by the Chinese partners in the first project phase are phenotyped in multi-location field trials and genotyped with molecular markers to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for NUE.