This metadata refer to the dataset presenting the percentage change in the mean number of working hours in highly exposed occupations due to temperature change in four time periods (1995-2000; 2001-2005; 2006-2010; 2011-2015; 2016-2019) relative to the 1965-1994 baseline. The dataset combines sub-national labour supply and temperature and precipitation data to track the impact of temperature on labour supply (number of working hours) for highly exposed occupations (agriculture, forestry, mining and quarrying, construction).
The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 1st River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the abovementioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 1st RBMPs which were due in 2010 (hereafter WFD2010). See for further information on the WFD2010 reporting. It was prepared to support the reporting of the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). See for further information on the WFD2016 reporting. See also for information on the Environmental Quality Standards Directive - Preliminary programmes of measures and supplementary monitoring. The data reported in WFD2010 were updated using data reported in WFD2016, whenever the spatial objects are identical in 2010 and 2016. For WFD2010 objects, some information may be missing, if the objects no longer exist in the 2nd River Basin Management Plans, and were not reported in WFD2016. Where available, spatial data related to the 3rd RBMPs due in 2022 (hereafter WFD2022) was used to update the WFD2016 data. See for further information on the WFD2022 reporting.
The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 2nd River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the above mentioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. The information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations. The dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). See for further information on the WFD2016 reporting. See also for information on the Environmental Quality Standards Directive - Preliminary programmes of measures and supplementary monitoring. Where available, spatial data related to the 3rd RBMPs due in 2022 (hereafter WFD2022) was used to update the WFD2016 data. See for further information on the WFD2022 reporting.
Der Antrag für ein vorübergehendes internationales Handelsverbot mit dem vom Aussterben bedrohten Roten Thunfisch fand in der Europäischen Union am 21. September 2009 keine Mehrheit. Der Antrag zur Aufnahme des Roten Thunfischs ins Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommen (CITES) scheiterte am Votum von Spanien, Italien, Frankreich, Zypern, Griechenland und Malta.
Am 10. November 2016 stellt der Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union fest, dass Griechenland gegen seine Verpflichtung zum Schutz der Meeresschildkröten (Caretta caretta) in der Bucht von Kyparissia verstoßen hat. Eine Richtlinie der Union verpflichtet die Mitgliedstaaten, zur Sicherung der Artenvielfalt durch die Erhaltung der wildlebenden Tiere beizutragen. In diesem Rahmen müssen die Mitgliedstaaten alle Maßnahmen treffen, die für die Einrichtung eines strengen Schutzsystems für bestimmte Tierarten notwendig sind.
Am 30. März 2017 nach monatelangen Verhandlungen erreichte die Europäische Kommission eine 10-Jahres-Verpflichtung, um die Fischbestände im Mittelmeer zu erhalten und den ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Reichtum der Region zu schützen. Die MedFish4Ever-Erklärung von Malta enthält ein detailliertes Arbeitsprogramm für die nächsten 10 Jahre auf der Grundlage ehrgeiziger, aber realistischer Ziele. Sie ist das Ergebnis eines von der Europäischen Kommission im Februar 2016 in Catania (Sizilien) eingeleiteten Prozesses. Wichtige Meilensteine umfassten eine erste Ministerkonferenz der für Mittelmeerfischerei zuständigen Minister im April 2016, die Jahrestagung der GFCM im Juni 2016 und die GFCM-Zwischentagung im September 2016. Die folgenden Parteien waren bei der MedFish4Ever- Ministerkonferenz auf Malta vertreten: Europäische Kommission, 8 Mitgliedstaaten (Spanien, Frankreich, Italien, Malta, Slowenien, Kroatien, Griechenland, Zypern), 7 Drittstaaten (Marokko, Algerien, Tunesien, Ägypten, Türkei, Albanien, Montenegro), die FAO, die GFCM, das Europäische Parlament und der regionale Beirat für das Mittelmeer.
3 Tage Vorhersage. Wind, Temperatur, Bodendruck, Bedeckung, Konvektionswolken und Niederschlag. - 3 days forecast. Wind, temperature, pressure mean sea level, cloud cover, convective clouds and precipitation.
DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: ] [in English: ]
DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: ] [in English: ]
Origin | Count |
Bund | 357 |
Europa | 180 |
Land | 67 |
Wissenschaft | 2 |
Zivilgesellschaft | 1 |
Type | Count |
Ereignis | 6 |
Förderprogramm | 265 |
Software | 2 |
Taxon | 6 |
Text | 62 |
unbekannt | 231 |
License | Count |
geschlossen | 51 |
offen | 274 |
unbekannt | 246 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 352 |
Englisch | 325 |
andere | 3 |
unbekannt | 3 |
Resource type | Count |
Archiv | 41 |
Bild | 20 |
Datei | 56 |
Dokument | 75 |
Keine | 282 |
Unbekannt | 1 |
Webdienst | 52 |
Webseite | 245 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 348 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 390 |
Luft | 256 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 566 |
Wasser | 391 |
Weitere | 571 |