Das Projekt "A Global Contract on Climate Change" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. durchgeführt. Climate change represents and unprecedented challenge to global society. In this project scientists are working out a Global Contract along the principles of environmental effectiveness, cost-efficiency, equity and justice and develop a Global Carbon Market.
Das Projekt "A European Tracking System für Electricity - Phase II (E-Track II)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Öko-Institut. Institut für angewandte Ökologie e.V. durchgeführt. *Phase II of the project will refine the proposed tracking standard, by integrating the new Guarantees of Origin for cogeneration, the implementation of which was due in 2007. A focus on the specific requirements from new Member States will be made. Furthermore, consumer organisations will be supported in defining their requirements on tracking systems and the related policies, and the views of non-domestic consumer groups will be sought. Finally, the action will develop a strategy for the further development of energy-related certification schemes and their potential integration. With Directives 96/02/EC and 2003/54/EC, the EU has introduced liberalisation of the electricity markets in its Member States and has created the framework for an internal European market for electricity. Directives 2001/77/EC and 2004/8/EC contain regulations on Guarantees of Origin, which serve to enable producers to demonstrate that the electricity they sell is produced from renewable energy sources or high efficiency cogeneration. Directive 2003/54/EC requires suppliers to provide details about their fuel mix and the respective environmental impact (disclosure). Disclosing a fuel mix or a green power product requires a procedure to track electricity generation attributes , such as fuel type, CO2 emissions etc.. from generators to electricity suppliers and their customers. Support systems for RES electricity and high efficiency cogeneration may require similar allocation systems. Such accounting systems can significantly contribute to transparency for the consumers choice and to improved market functioning. Harmonisation of such tracking schemes across Europe is a keystone for the development of a transparent internal European market for electricity. The E-TRACK project, which was terminated in June 2007, has successfully developed a blueprint for a European tracking standard. Principles of the standard have been taken over by several countries. However, tracking systems used in Europe are still far from being coordinated, and double counting and other errors can occur, which compromises the reliability of information provided to consumers and other actors.
Das Projekt "Principles, tools and systems to extend spatial planning on water courses (WATERSKETCH)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von TuTech Innovation GmbH durchgeführt. Flüsse haben zahlreiche unterschiedliche Funktionen: Sie sind beispielsweise Verkehrsweg, Stromlieferant, Lebensraum für Tiere und Erholungsgebiet für Menschen. Wirtschaftlich und sozial kommt ihnen große Bedeutung zu. Um all diesen Facetten gerecht zu werden, will das Interreg III B Ostseeprojekt 'Watersketch' internationale Strategien für ein erfolgreiches Flussmanagement entwickeln und praxisbezogene Tools erarbeiten. 'Watersketch' will Planungsansätze liefern, die zu einem verbesserten Flussmanagement in der Ostseeregion führen sollen. Die Partner betrachten differenziert die Raum- und Investitionsplanung für ausgewählte Flüsse und entwickeln Strategien für eine nachhaltige Nutzung der Wasserstraßen. Die Ergebnisse stellen Entscheidungshilfen für Raumplaner dar, die ökonomische, soziale und ökologische Elemente gleichermaßen berücksichtigen. Ein Handbuch macht die Ergebnisse auch für andere nutzbar. Die nachhaltige Nutzung und ein besseres Flussmanagement werden damit in weiteren Ländern gefördert. Hauptauftragnehmer: Finnish Environment Institute, Oulun yliopisto (FI).
Das Projekt "Aalborg Commitments Tools and Resources (ACTOR)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ICLEI - Local Goverments for Sustainability, Europasekretariat GmbH durchgeführt. The Aalborg Commitments were adopted by the delegates to the June 2004 Aalborg+10 Conference with the intention that these clearly targeted actions will support European local governments in their implementation of the Aalborg Charter agreed at the 1994 Aalborg Conference. The initial commitment by signatory local governments is to undertake a baseline review within 12 months and then to enter into a local target-setting process in consultation with citizens and stakeholders in order to develop within 24 months a local programme of action under the ten Commitment themes. The evolution of the Aalborg process has been taking place at the same time as the European Commission has been preparing the Urban Thematic Strategy (UTS). This is one of seven Thematic Strategies, which together comprise the European Community's 6th Environment Action Programme. The EU has agreed that the theme of sustainable development should underpin all EU actions and this, therefore, is the key organising principle for the UTS. The SSP Fourth Call for Proposals outlines the following the core objective for 3.5. Task 5 as the 'Development of a set of guidelines and tools for signatories to the Aalborg +10 Commitments agreed in June 2004'. ACTOR will therefore have as its principal aim the development of a web-based innovative Toolkit, and a Training Package to support and assist Aalborg Commitments signatories to make efficient and effective progress. This Toolkit will include a comprehensive package of materials that can be provided to new towns and cities once they have signed the Commitments. In association with the Toolkit, the project will involve the design of Training Package on the methodology and operationalisation of the Aalborg Commitments. The Project will actively involve Signatory local authorities and the European Sustainable Cities and Towns Campaign Networks in developing and testing the Toolkit and Training Package. Prime Contractor: University of Northumbria at Newcastle; Newcastle Upon Tyne; United Kingdom.
Das Projekt "Observations and Modelling of the 14CO2 Variability in the Polar Atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg, Institut für Umweltphysik durchgeführt. The project focuses on the measurement and interpretation of atmospheric 14C variations in high latitudes of the southern hemisphere. We will investigate the global trend in the interhemispheric 14C gradient which is naturally caused by the large 14CO2 uptake in the Southern Ocean due to vigorous gas exchange and a strong 14C disequilibrium between the atmosphere and aged surface water around Antarctica. Anthropogenic emissions of fossil fuel, 14C-free CO2 in the northern hemisphere counteract the natural gradient. Seasonal variations in the CO2 gas exchange rate between atmosphere and ocean surface lead to seasonally varying 14CO2 fluxes, which contribute to the seasonality of the observed 14C signal in the southern polar troposphere. This ocean signal is superimposed by the seasonal injection of stratospheric air (= source of natural, cosmogenic 14C). Both components can, in principle, be decoupled by 10Be/7Be observations and respective model simulations. With an existing box model of the atmosphere for 14CO2 to which an ocean model will be coupled in the frame of this project, we will simulate and quantify the oceanic and stratospheric contributions to the observed 14C variability. This will allow new constraints on the respective processes, i.e. gas exchange between stratosphere, troposphere and ocean. Furthermore, the observed inter-annual 14C variability, its relation to ENSO and the associated variable stratification of the oceans in the southern hemisphere will by studied.
Das Projekt "Sustainability Tools and Targets for the Urban Thematic Strategy (STATUS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ICLEI - Local Goverments for Sustainability, Europasekretariat GmbH durchgeführt. The Urban Thematic Strategy (UTS) is one of 7 Thematic Strategies of the 6th Environment Action Programme. This is a new way of developing environmental policy for complex priority problems that require a holistic approach. The key organising principle for the UTS is sustainable development underpinning . The preparatory work to ensure effective implementation of the UTS in 2005 needs to be undertaken in the next 15 months. In particular, appropriate mechanisms must be put in place to monitor and assess progress during the Strategy, and to provide clear, realistic and appropriate medium term targets for the Priority Themes. The STATUS Project follows the central objective of the relevant SSP, Task 1, in aiming principally to develop locally-relevant targets for local authorities (LAs) across the EU to self-assess progress with urban sustainable development. To do this, a user-friendly on-line tool will be designed onto which will be entered a range of targets and related indicators. These targets will be developed, through building on the synergies between the UTS themes, the Aalborg Commitments, Urban Audit, and European Common Indicators, and through intensive involvement of LAs at key stages of the Project. The tool will use the Lasala On-line approach as a starting point for its development. With this tool, LAs will be able to consult all the targets, and receive useful information on them. They can then select targets relating to the local context and enter relevant baseline data against these. It is anticipated that a more refined version of the Prototype Tool would need to be developed (subsequent to the STATUS project) to permit LAs to regularly input data showing progress on the selected targets, and then receive feedback on this. The Prototype tool will be supported by detailed guidance on how to use and monitor progress on local sustainability targets, and a manual for LAs on using the tool. Prime Contractor: University of Northumbria at Newcastle; Newcastle Upon Tyne; United Kingdom.
Das Projekt "Bringing Energy Services to the Liberalised Markets" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie gGmbH durchgeführt. Mit der Liberalisierung der Strom- und Gasmärkte in Deutschland und Europa werden vor allem wirtschaftliche Zielsetzungen verfolgt. Die Effizienz auf der Angebotsseite von Energie soll erhöht und Überkapazitäten abgebaut werden. Durch den Wettbewerb zwischen verschiedenen Anbietern sollen die Preise einer Einheit Energie für die Kunden sinken. Aber ein Wettbewerb um billige Kilowattstunden für ein zukunftsfähiges, also umweltfreundliches, ökonomisch effizientes und sozialverträgliches Energiesystem reicht nicht aus. Die Liberalisierung der Strom- und Gasmärkte hat nur die Hälfte des Wettbewerbs im Auge und 'vergisst die andere Hälfte: nämlich den Wettbewerb zwischen Energieangebot einerseits und der effizienteren Nutzung von Energie auf der Nachfrageseite andererseits. Durch Energieeffizienz können unsere Bedürfnisse - 'warme Wohnung, kühles Pils - mit geringerem Energieeinsatz verwirklicht werden. Meist ist Energieeffizienz auch billiger und daher sozialverträglicher als Energieverbrauch. Und für den Umwelt- und Klimaschutz ist jede Einheit Energie, die nicht bereitgestellt werden muss und damit auch keine Emissionen verursacht, vorteilhaft. Ziel dieses Projekts war es daher zum einen, in den sieben beteiligten EU-Ländern und europaweit Informationen erstens zu Good Practice bei Energieeffizienzprogrammen und -dienstleistungen im liberalisierten Strom- und Gasmarkt sowie zweitens zu einem dafür förderlichen Ordnungsrahmen zu verbreiten. Zum anderen diente das Projekt auch der Organisation eines politischen Dialogs zwischen Regierungen, Regulierern, Energiewirtschaft und anderen Stakeholdern über den besten Weg zur Förderung der Energieeffizienz im liberalisierten Strom- und Gasmarkt und insbesondere über die von der Europäischen Kommission geplante Richtlinie über die Förderung der Energieeffizienz durch Energieunternehmen. Das Wuppertal Institut koordinierte das Projekt, das von der Europäischen Kommission, Generaldirektion Energie und Verkehr (SAVE-Programm) gefördert wird. Um sein Ziel zu erreichen, organisierte das Projekt neben einer Reihe von Publikationen insbesondere je einen Workshop in den teilnehmenden EU-Ländern sowie eine Konferenz in Brüssel im März 2003. Mit diesem Politikdialog und den Informationen wurden die Grundelemente der mittlerweile von der Kommission vorgeschlagenen Richtlinie für Endenergieeffizienz und Energiedienstleistungen vorbereitet.
Das Projekt "Life in cold oceans:activity dependent on extracellular ion regulation?" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Stiftung Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung e.V. in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (AWI) durchgeführt. The physiological fundamentals of temperature dependent distribution limits in cold oceans are addressed as a precondition to understand ecological performance and ecosystem function. The study will focus on the specific role of extracellular ion concentration in setting limitations to lifestyle and life history evolution. The biogeography of marine crustaceans in cold oceans is related to the combined effects of extracellular Mg2+ levels (Mg2+)e and low temperature, which act synergistically to slow muscular activity in the cold. The highly active cephalopod molluscs may have overcome the constraint of high (Mg2+)e by slightly increasing the extracellular potassium concentration ((K+)e), thereby exploiting the antagonistic effects of magnesium and potassium. We attempt to develop quantitative knowledge of the temperature dependent effects of potassium and magnesium on animal life cycle resulting from changes in physiology performance, larval development, and growth rate. In addition, it appears most crucial to understand the biochemical mechanisms leading to the increased magnesium effect in the cold. Within the crustacean phyla this work will focus on the lithodid crabs. They are suitable for such studies since they have a wide distribution range north and south of the Antarctic convergence and thus covering a broad temperature regime. For comparable studies boreal reptant crabs and boreal and Antarctic natant shrimps will also be included. Within the cephalopod phyla we will concentrate on the boreal species Sepia officinalis to investigate principle mechanisms. Accordingly, the present study is intended to explore, from a more conceptual point of view, whether limitations in ion regulation capacities and costs may play a role in setting the levels of biodiversity observed in extant Antarctic marine fauna.
Das Projekt "Development of a European Psychosocial Risk Management Framework (PRIMA-EF)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin durchgeführt. The proposed PRIMA-EF project will focus on the development of a European framework for psychosocial risk management with a special focus on work-related stress, and workplace violence (including harassment, bullying and mobbing). The objectives of the project are: a. to develop existing knowledge in reviewing available methodologies to evaluate the prevalence and impact of psychosocial risks at work and work-related stress, including physical and psychological workplace violence, harassment, bullying and mobbing; b. to identify appropriate means of collecting sensitive data in relation to these issues; c. to develop international standards and indicators on stress and violence at work; d. to develop detailed recommendations and evidence-based best-practice guidance on the management of these issues at the workplace; and e. to disseminate the results of the project to stakeholders and social partners including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The project will place special emphasis on high risk worker groups and occupational sectors and will address relevant gender issues and key issues relating to the implementation of best practice in the context of different enterprises and in particular SMEs. In addition, and in line with European policy on corporate social responsibility and social dialogue, the project will engage the social partners throughout its implementation and will link the project outcomes to these principles. Through the project consortium, the results will be disseminated widely with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Office (ILO). In addition, the consortium will work in synergy with partners in candidate and third countries and national regulatory bodies to ensure a wide impact of the project outcomes and the initiation of the development of an international network of centres of excellence in psychosocial risk management. Prime Contractor: The University of Nottingham; Nottingham; United Kingdom.
Das Projekt "Remote Sensing and Geo informatio n processing in the assessment and monitoring of land degradation and desertification in support of the UNCCD. State of the art and operational perspectives (DESERTSTOP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Trier, Fach Umweltfernerkundung und Geoinformatik, Abteilung Fernerkundung durchgeführt. In the past years, the persisting threat of desertification and degradation of natural resources has resulted in a large number of initiatives and research efforts on a global scale, including the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. Despite significant progress, knowledge still remains fragmented in many fields, especially with respect to the definition of related indicators or early warning systems. The specific support activity 'Remote Sensing and Geoinformation processing in the assessment and monitoring of land degradation and desertification in support of the UNCCD. State of the art and operational perspectives', intends to serve as a platform to bring together leading scientists working in the fields of remote sensing and geoinformatics with a focus on desertification and land degradation with potential users. A dedicated conference striving for attention on a world wide level will be the core around which various other activities are assembled. Commissioned studies in specific target fields will provide an overview on the state of the art, being complemented through methodological and application studies. Besides taking care of a sound scientific management and logistic organisation of the conference, major efforts will be dedicated towards the international visibility of the event and its results by providing for a high-level dissemination following different pathways (abstract book/CDROM, special issues of scientific journals, printed conference proceedings). A web site will provide further dissemination of the project as well as dynamic elements. Following principles set forth by the Commission under the ENRICH initiative and the quest to strengthen the European Research Area, the project will address renowned scientific experts, and support the participation of experts and stakeholders from third world and developing countries, which are often among the regions most affected from desertification and land degradation.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 24 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 24 |
License | Count |
offen | 24 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 24 |
Englisch | 21 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 17 |
Webseite | 7 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 23 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 24 |
Luft | 19 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 24 |
Wasser | 19 |
Weitere | 24 |