Das Projekt "DataCube Service for Copernicus (DCS4COP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Brockmann Consult GmbH durchgeführt. Copernicus has boosted the availability of Earth Observation data both in terms of quality as well as quantity. This has, on the one hand, unleashed new opportunities for intermediate business users (IBUs), who provide services to an inherently diverse group of end users. On the other hand, however, the handling of big data volumes, the integration of data streams from different sources, and the generation of high-quality information from the novel sensors of the Sentinels pose significant technical and scientific challenges to many IBUs. The lacking expert skills often hinder the user uptake of Copernicus products and services and eventually impede economic growth of the sector. The DataCube Service for Copernicus project (DCS4COP) addresses these obstacles by implementing the Copernicus Water DataCube Service (CoWaDaCS) - the first instance of a new service model, integrating Sentinel data, Copernicus Service data and user supplied data in a DataCube system. The offered service comprises Processing as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), consultancy and training. It is targeting the value-adding Earth Observation industry and public organisations at highly competitive costs and with user-friendly interfaces, which can be tailored to specific needs. Capitalising on the scientific achievements of the recent FP-7 funded HIGHROC research project and operated by experienced service providing institutions, CoWaDaCS will demonstrate the value of satellite Earth Observation data for the market segment of coastal and inland water services. Currently this market is largely underexploited due to market blockages and offers a large growth potential. The combination of access to high quality data, wide selection of thematic data layers, state-of-the-art tools and unrivalled expertise in the domain and exploiting cutting edge IT solutions, will allow IBUs to concentrate on their value-adding downstream business and turn CoWaDaCS into a sustainable service.
Das Projekt "A commercial platform providing operational Air Quality services using EO data (AirQast)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ISARDSAT SL durchgeführt. The ambition of AirQast (previously BlueSky) project is to build a self-sustainable service platform providing Air Quality services based on Earth Observation data. These services will provide updated emissions inventories, advanced forecasting systems and decision making tools to manage air quality events in order reduce their economic and societal impact. This platform will cover pollutants having a higher economic and social impact such as PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2 and CO. AirQast team wants to demonstrate the viability and sustainability of AirQast platform through developing business cases in new identified markets such as Mobile Apps, Smart Home Devices, Green Supply Chain Industries, Insurance Risk, Smart Cities and Real Estate as well as established markets such as Environmental Regulation and Planning. We want also to develop our platform services in markets where the impact will be higher and where the sustainability of the project will be easier. These markets will be Europe, China and India. We already engaged real key potential customers from these markets. AirQast project would also like to build a one-stop portal platform containing tools and functionalities that facilitate and simplify the access, visualization and management of the large volume data generated. We think that improving data handling combined with an innovative and attractive communication strategy is a must to bridge some existing gaps between existing potential customers and our team.
Das Projekt "European Group of Enterprises for a Network of Information Using Space (EUGENIUS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Terranis SAS durchgeführt. The Copernicus program is today at a cornerstone: - The Sentinel satellites are being deployed. Their images, associated with Third Party missions' data are being used for delivering Copernicus core services results (at global, European, and regional levels). - The European structures (EEA, ECMWF, EMSA , etc.) and the scientific community are starting to use operationally these data and the results for a better knowledge and understanding of the key land-cover stakes and environmental monitoring. But, the regional actors who are responsible for managing (at least partially) land-cover and natural resources policies have still difficulties to get access to these data and information, and moreover are not in position to combine them with their existing geo-information systems. A group of five SMEs (TerraNIS, Spacebel, Planetek, Terraspatium and Sertit), supported by a consulting firm specialized in Space market innovation and organization (Cap High Tech), are proposing to provide the regional institutional and commercial users with operational information services. These services will take the highest benefit from Copernicus outputs, for territory monitoring and management. These SMEs have decided to put in common their complementary skills and products, in the frame of a dedicated association (called EUGENIUS). They will implement 'regional hubs' (Geo-information platforms) building the first instance of the 'EUGENIUS network'. These regional hubs shall deliver services in the following domains: - Urbanization monitoring and management (densification, preservation of rural and 'green' areas, transportation means, etc.) - Agriculture areas and activities (crop monitoring, crop identification and classification, potential yield assessment, water resources and irrigation, etc.) - Forest monitoring (surfaces, trees species classification, exploitation status, etc.) - assessing and monitoring some natural risks at regional levels (flooding, landslides and water quality)
Das Projekt "A common, open source interface between Earth Observation data infrastructures and front-end applications (openEO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Wien durchgeführt. The capabilities of the latest generation of Earth observation satellites to collect large volumes of diverse and thematically rich data are unprecedented. For exploiting these valuable data sets, many research and industry groups have started to shift their processing into the cloud. Although the functionalities of existing cloud computing solutions largely overlap, there are all custom-made and tailored to the specific data infrastructures. This lack of standards not only makes it hard for end users and application developers to develop generic front-ends, but also to compare the cloud offerings by running the same analysis against different cloud back-ends. To solve this, a common interface that allows end- and intermediate users to query cloud-based back offices and carry out computations on them in a simple way is needed. The openEO project will design such an interface, implement it as an open source community project, bind it to generic analytics front-ends and evaluate it against a set of relevant Earth observation cloud back offices. The openEO interface will consist of three layers of Application Programming Interfaces, namely a core API for finding, accessing, and processing large datasets, a driver APIs to connect to back offices operated by European and worldwide industry, and client APIs for analysing these datasets using R, Python and JavaScript. To demonstrate the capability of the openEO interface, four use cases based chiefly on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 time series will be implemented. openEO will simplify the use of cloud-based processing engines, allow switching between cloud-based back office providers and comparing them, and enable reproducible, open Earth observation science. Thereby, openEO reduces the entry barriers for the adaptation of cloud computing technologies by a broad user community and paves the way for the federation of infrastructure capabilities.
Das Projekt "opEn interOperable Platform for unified access and analysis of Earth observatioN data (EOPEN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Serco Italia SPA durchgeführt. Earth Observation data access through the Copernicus data distributor systems has paved the way to monitor changes on Earth, using Sentinel data. One of the main objectives of EOPEN is to fuse Sentinel data with multiple, heterogeneous and big data sources, to improve the monitoring capabilities of the future EO downstream sector. Additionally, the involvement of mature ICT solutions in the Earth Observation sector shall address major challenges in effectively handling and disseminating Copernicus-related information to the wider user community, beyond the EU borders. To achieve the aforementioned goals, EOPEN will fuse Copernicus big data content with other observations from non-EO data, such as weather, environmental and social media information, aiming at interactive, real-time and user-friendly visualisations and decisions from early warning notifications. The fusion is also done at the semantic level, to provide reasoning mechanisms and interoperable solutions, through the semantic linking of information. Processing of large streams of data is based on open-source and scalable algorithms in change detection, event detection, data clustering, which are built on High Performance Computing infrastructures. Alongside this enhanced data fusion, a new innovative, overarching Joint Decision & Information Governance architecture will be combined with the technical solution to assist decision making and visual analytics in EOPEN. Apart from EO product-oriented data management activities, EOPEN also exploits user-oriented feedback, tagging, tracking of interactions with other EOPEN users. EOPEN will be demonstrated in real use case scenarios in flood risk monitoring, food security and climate change monitoring.
Das Projekt "Detection and Integrated Assessment of Non-authorised water Abstractions using EO (DIANA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von AGRO APPS I.K.E. durchgeführt. DIANA is aimed at co-designing and openly demonstrating a commercial service platform that will empower water managers and authorities to optimise the identification and inspection of non-authorised water abstractions for irrigation as well as improve their water management policies and practices, especially in extreme conditions such as drought. DIANA will leverage EO data provided by Copernicus and other data sources as well as state-of-the-art models for the identification of (illegally) irrigated areas and the estimation of abstracted water volumes in order to offer a value added suite of data products and services, that will be affordable and cost-effective. The value propositions of DIANA will be co-created and defined along with users and stakeholders so as to be shaped according to their needs and requirements. Three pilots will be deployed in order to put them to the test in real operational environments of Spain, Italy and Romania. All pilots will be integrated with the work flows of the users and their results will be co-evaluated and validated with them through a multi-layer methodology, fostering the acceptance of DIANA as a marketable solution. In order to ensure the demand-driven design of the DIANA service platform as well as set the stage for its market launch and uptake following the end of the project, a customer-driven business modelling process will be followed during the project, validating its business case and producing an effective business plan to serve as the roadmap for its post-project commercialization. Finally, DIANA is implemented by a transnational and well-balanced consortium, consisting of innovative SMEs and pioneering authorities, all of which possess the complementary expertise as well as the motivation and commitment required to ensure not only the creation of meaningful project outcomes but also their successful commercial exploitation and sustainability.
Das Projekt "Commercial service platform for user-relevant coastal water monitoring services based on Earth observation (CoastObs)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Water Insight BV durchgeführt. Coastal zones are very productive areas, offering many valuable habitats and ecosystems services and attracting human settlements and activities. The intensive concentration of population and excessive exploitation of natural resources puts high pressure on coastal ecosystems leading to biodiversity loss, habitat destruction, pollution as well as conflicts between potential uses and space competition. Several European directives aim at sustainable management of coastal waters, retaining or restoring a high ecological status and safeguarding ecosystem services. Increasing pressure and stricter regulations increase the need for efficient monitoring solutions. Where traditional in situ sampling is insufficient to characterise the highly dynamic coastal environments, Earth Observation (EO) provides a synoptic view and frequent coverage. With the launch of the Copernicus Sentinel satellites, operational water quality services become a business opportunity. CoastObs will develop a service platform for coastal water monitoring with validated products derived from EO. In dialogue with users from various sectors, CoastObs will develop innovative EO-based products: monitoring of seagrass and macro-algae, phytoplankton size classes, primary production, and harmful algae as well as higher level products such as indicators and integration with predictive models. CoastObs will establish sustainable supply chains that can be directly integrated into the users' systems. The CoastObs consortium has the knowledge and ambition to develop services that are commercially viable, grow in capacity and thus create new jobs. The business case is to define user groups with common requirements, so tailored products can be developed at highly reduced costs per user. Setup of efficient data structures (array database) for smart (re)processing of data is part of this ambition. The commitment of 13 users to CoastObs demonstrates the need for such user-friendly and affordable coastal water services.
Das Projekt "Earth Observation based services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status (EOMORES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Water Insight BV durchgeführt. EOMORES (Earth Observation-based Services for Monitoring and Reporting of Ecological Status) aims to develop new highly efficient commercial services for operational inland and coastal ecological water quality monitoring. Inland and coastal water bodies constitute essential components of ecology and biodiversity, they buffer climate change and influence many aspects of economy (recreation, fisheries) and human welfare (e.g. drinking water supply). Knowledge about the state of these waters is therefore of great importance. This is recognized by the Water Framework Directive (WFD) requiring the EU member states to monitor and improve the status of these water bodies. EOMORES will develop fully-automated commercial, reliable and sustainable services based on the integration of Earth observation (Sentinel 1, 2 and 3), in situ monitoring using optical in situ sensors with integrated GNSS positioning, and ecological modeling. The validated data from these components will be flexibly combined into higher-level products to fit the users' information needs. Three service concepts are envisaged: 1) operational water quality monitoring and forecasting for operational water management, 2) implementation of validated EO-based water quality indicators for WFD and other reporting and 3) historic compilation of data for specific ecological analysis. The target users of EOMORES are international, national and regional authorities responsible for monitoring and management of water quality and for WFD reporting. Additional targeted users are private entities dealing with water quality. Thirteen users from six countries have committed to collaborate with the consortium to define and evaluate the EOMORES services. The services are expected to result in lower operational costs, more reliable and more timely water quality datasets for water managers. By introducing these services into the worldwide market, an increase in annual turnover of €3.000.000 by 2020 is expected.
Das Projekt "Big-data Earth observation Technology and Tools Enhancing Research and development (BETTER)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deimos Space Sociedad Limitada Unipersonal durchgeführt. The main objective of BETTER is to implement an EO Big Data intermediate service layer devoted to harnessing the potential of the Copernicus and Sentinel European EO data directly from the needs of the users. BETTER aims to go beyond the implementation of generic Big Data tools and incorporate those tools with user experience, expertise and resources to deliver an integrated Big Data intermediate service layer. This layer will deliver customized solutions denominated Data Pipelines for large volume EO and non-EO datasets access, retrieval, processing, analysis and visualisation. The BETTER solutions will focus in addressing the full data lifecycle needs associated with EO Big Data to bring more downstream users to the EO market and maximise exploitation of the current and future Copernicus data and information services. BETTER developments will be driven by a large number of Big Data Challenges to be set forward by the users deeply involved in addressing the Key Societal Challenges. The World Food Programme, the European Union Satellite Centre and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - Zurich working in the areas of Food Security, Secure Societies and GeoHazards will be the challenge promoters. During the project each promoter will introduce 9 challenges, 3 in each project year, with an additional nine brought by the 'Extending the market' task, in a total of 36 challenges. The Data Pipelines will be deployed on top of a mature EO data and service support ecosystem which has been under consolidation from previous R&D activities. The ecosystem and its further development in the scope of BETTER rely on the experience and versatility of the consortium team responsible for service/tool development from DEIMOS and Terradue. This is complemented by Fraunhofer Institute's experience in Big Data systems, which brings to the consortium transversal knowledge extraction technologies and tools that will help bridge the current gap between the EO and ICT sectors.
Das Projekt "Space Assisted Water Quality Forecasting Platform for Optimized Decision Making in Water Supply Services (SPACE-O)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Emvis Symvouloi Michanikoi Anonymi Etaireia durchgeführt. Satellite remote sensing has been evolved into a powerful tool for global monitoring of surface waters. Earth Observations (EO) and remote sensing are widely used for quantifying the physical parameters of reservoirs as well as for retrieving selected water constituents concentrations. Space-O aims at the integration of state of the art (EO) and in situ monitoring with advanced hydrological, water quality models and ICT tools into a powerful decision support system (DSS) for generating real time, short to medium term forecasting water flows and quality data in reservoirs which will be used for the optimization of water treatment plants (WTPs) operations, establishing a complete service line from EO to water business sector. An operational service platform will be designed to facilitate increased interoperability among EO and modeled services. Data acquisition and integration of almost real time EO data in the hydrological and water quality models will be implemented in order to provide improved real-time, short to medium term water quantity and quality forecasting in reservoirs. A risk-based DSS will be developed in order to enable cost-effective and environmental sustainable Water Treatment Plants (WTPs) operation, based on the water quality parameters forecasts at the reservoir, the in situ monitoring data and the data collected through supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems used in WTPs for operation control. Additionally, developing Copernicus Services (C3S) will be jointly assessed with site-specific data sets generated through the satellite, modeling, in situ and citizens monitoring services, to produce continuous monitored indicators for enabling water quality Risk Assessment analysis on a catchment level.
Origin | Count |
Bund | 15 |
Type | Count |
Förderprogramm | 15 |
License | Count |
offen | 15 |
Language | Count |
Deutsch | 15 |
Englisch | 15 |
Resource type | Count |
Keine | 4 |
Webseite | 11 |
Topic | Count |
Boden | 11 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 9 |
Luft | 11 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 15 |
Wasser | 9 |
Weitere | 15 |