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DataCube Service for Copernicus (DCS4COP)

Das Projekt "DataCube Service for Copernicus (DCS4COP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Brockmann Consult GmbH durchgeführt. Copernicus has boosted the availability of Earth Observation data both in terms of quality as well as quantity. This has, on the one hand, unleashed new opportunities for intermediate business users (IBUs), who provide services to an inherently diverse group of end users. On the other hand, however, the handling of big data volumes, the integration of data streams from different sources, and the generation of high-quality information from the novel sensors of the Sentinels pose significant technical and scientific challenges to many IBUs. The lacking expert skills often hinder the user uptake of Copernicus products and services and eventually impede economic growth of the sector. The DataCube Service for Copernicus project (DCS4COP) addresses these obstacles by implementing the Copernicus Water DataCube Service (CoWaDaCS) - the first instance of a new service model, integrating Sentinel data, Copernicus Service data and user supplied data in a DataCube system. The offered service comprises Processing as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), consultancy and training. It is targeting the value-adding Earth Observation industry and public organisations at highly competitive costs and with user-friendly interfaces, which can be tailored to specific needs. Capitalising on the scientific achievements of the recent FP-7 funded HIGHROC research project and operated by experienced service providing institutions, CoWaDaCS will demonstrate the value of satellite Earth Observation data for the market segment of coastal and inland water services. Currently this market is largely underexploited due to market blockages and offers a large growth potential. The combination of access to high quality data, wide selection of thematic data layers, state-of-the-art tools and unrivalled expertise in the domain and exploiting cutting edge IT solutions, will allow IBUs to concentrate on their value-adding downstream business and turn CoWaDaCS into a sustainable service.

Stimulating wider uptake of Copernicus Services by making them available as linked open data (Copernicus App Lab)

Das Projekt "Stimulating wider uptake of Copernicus Services by making them available as linked open data (Copernicus App Lab)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen durchgeführt. The Copernicus App Lab aims at bridging the digital divide between the established, science-driven Earth observation community and the young, innovative, entrepreneurial world of mobile developers by establishing of a proof-of-concept for providing the data from the Copernicus Land, Marine Environment and Atmosphere Monitoring Services as Linked Open Data (LOD) for take-up of EO data in mobile applications. The experiences of the consortium as key technology provider in various international competition events, such as the Copernicus Masters, shows that easy access to data is crucial for the success of EO business development. Main benefits: - Empowering the uptake of Copernicus Services in the mobile developer community by offering a one-stop-shop for mobile developers who wish to integrate Copernicus data into their value-added services via the tools needed and in the format known by mobile developers. - Improving data utilization by publishing value-added products from Copernicus data and services as Linked Open Data finally leading to better and more numerous mobile Copernicus apps. - Trigger business opportunities along the value added chain of EO data and services by providing tools for publishing and interlinking EO data, for querying EO data and for visualizing EO data. - Engaging the user community by setting a strong focus on dissemination activities and by collecting user feedback during a virtual beta testing phase and direct exchange with mobile developers during an ESA Space App Camp.

Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel data (ECoLaSS)

Das Projekt "Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel data (ECoLaSS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GAF AG durchgeführt. The Copernicus programme, coordinated and managed by the European Commission, delivers environmental information (largely based on Earth Observation satellite data) in the form of Copernicus Services, addressing six thematic areas: Land, Marine, Atmosphere, Climate Change, Emergency Management and Security. The new Sentinel satellites, recently extended through the successful launch of Sentinel-3, will deliver an unprecedented volume of EO data in high spatial, radiometric and temporal resolution, providing a huge potential for monitoring applications within the Land Monitoring Service - at continental and global scale. The synergistic use of Sentinel-1/2/3 opens up the possibility for new applications, such as the use of time series in the area of Land Monitoring. The ECoLaSS project (Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel data) aims to develop methods and algorithms for pre-operational prototypes improving and developing future specific Copernicus Land services. These prototypes, representing new or improved Copernicus Land Cover and Land Use products, will be demonstrated by means of test/demonstrations sites distributed over Europe and Africa, representing multiple bio-geographic regions and biomes. Prototypes will be designed with high spatial and thematic accuracy, in a timely manner for a pan-European operational Roll-out with the potential for global applications. ECoLaSS will promote the innovation potential of new land monitoring services and applications and might thus contribute to a growing 'Copernicus Economy' by boosting (new) Copernicus CORE Land Services and value-added applications (Downstream Services). It is expected, that such new services will bring new opportunities with a wide range of dedicated applications to the market from 2020 onwards and thus significantly contribute to a positive evolution of the Copernicus Land services.

Air Quality: Worldwide Analysis and Forecasting of Atmospheric Composition for Health (AQ-WATCH)

Das Projekt "Air Quality: Worldwide Analysis and Forecasting of Atmospheric Composition for Health (AQ-WATCH)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. durchgeführt.

Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product

Das Projekt "Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. Groundwater is one of the most important freshwater resources for mankind and for ecosystems. Assessing groundwater resources and developing sustainable water management plans based on this resource is a major field of activity for science, water authorities and consultancies worldwide. Due to its fundamental role in the Earth's water and energy cycles, groundwater has been declared as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) by GCOS, the Global Climate Observing System. The Copernicus Services, however, do not yet deliver data on this fundamental resource, nor is there any other data source worldwide that operationally provides information on changing groundwater resources in a consistent way, observation-based, and with global coverage. This gap will be closed by G3P, the Global Gravity-based Groundwater Product. The G3P consortium combines key expertise from science and industry across Europe that optimally allows to (1) capitalize from the unique capability of GRACE and GRACE-FO satellite gravimetry as the only remote sensing technology to monitor subsurface mass variations and thus groundwater storage change for large areas, (2) incorporate and advance a wealth of products on storage compartments of the water cycle that are part of the Copernicus portfolio, and (3) disseminate unprecedented information on changing groundwater storage to the global and European user communities, including a European use case as a demonstrator for industry potential in the water sector. In combination, the G3P development is a novel and cross-cutting extension of the Copernicus portfolio towards essential information on the changing state of water resources at European and global scales. G3P is timely given the recent launch of GRACE-FO that opens up the chance for gravity-based time series with sufficient length to monitor climate-induced and human-induced processes over more than 20 years, and to boost European space technology on board these satellites.

Capacity for Copernicus REDD+ and Forest Monitoring Services (REDDCopernicus)

Das Projekt "Capacity for Copernicus REDD+ and Forest Monitoring Services (REDDCopernicus)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GAF AG durchgeführt. Efforts to monitor and map changes of forest areas using Earth Observation (EO) technologies to support decision making in reversing deforestation/degradation has been increasing in the past decade. This has especially gained momentum due to key developments for example in the United Nations Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) policy process related to countries reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation (REDD) which requires an assessment of national historical and projected deforestation/degradation rates and statistics. The advent of the European Copernicus Programme's Sentinel data with their high spatial resolution and revisit time at global, regional and national levels provides an unprecedented volume of data for improved forest monitoring which should be exploited by the European science and EO industry communities. The current Project aims to implement a co-ordination and consolidation of the existing European Capacity for EO based Forest Monitoring with relevant stakeholders, International Agencies, Research Community and Private Sector. A key outcome of the Project would then be a proposed framework for a Copernicus REDD+ Service which can make use of the planned Copernicus Data and Information Access Services (C-DIAS) Platform for improving EO data and product accessibility and functionality to end Users. Furthermore the identification of infrastructural and research gaps for EO Forest Monitoring on different scales (global to local) will result in the definition of future R&D Programmes addressing key gaps and priorities.

HYdro-POwer-Suite (HYPOS)

Das Projekt "HYdro-POwer-Suite (HYPOS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von EOMAP GmbH & Co. KG durchgeführt. Multi-function software for hydropower data collection and monitoring: The potential of hydropower, the biggest renewable energy source globally, remains largely unexploited. Assessing operational costs and ecological impact for new opportunities, requires accurate information on key environmental variables. The EU-funded HYPOS project will address this need by providing a suite of data analysis applications integrating Earth Observation technologies and modelling for the hydropower industry. These include an online decision support tool for investment planning and monitoring, as well as a subscription portal combining satellite data over time, current measurements and detailed estimates for present and near future assessments. The project will add value at an international level, with reliable information on a wide range of water bodies and spatial scales. Sophisticated blue footprint analysis will be used for sustainable monitoring solutions. Objective: Hydropower as the world's largest source of renewable energy still has a high unused potential to be explored in times of a changing global energy policy. The economic and ecological evaluation of new hydropower developments rely on a number of environmental conditions, such as key hydrological parameters. For example, the major drivers of the reservoir storage capacity over time, reservoir life time, and also a major driver of the operations costs are directly related to the sediment regime and sediment trapping. HYPOS is catalyzing innovation with an operational service for appropriate environmental and economic investment planning and monitoring based on Earth Observation (EO) technologies and modelling for the Hydropower industry. The to developed online accessible Decision Support Tool will provide essential assets for hydro power managers, planners and decision makers in their work. The subscription portal brings together high-quality satellite based measurements for historic time periods, actual current monitoring, up-to-date modelled hydrological parameters, with nowcasting on various orderable levels of detail and available in-situ data for integrated baseline and environmental impact assessments. The service significantly contributes on a trans-national as well as a global scale, with the requirement of independent, standardized and consistent information over a wide range of different water bodies and spatial scales. Substantial Blue Footprint analysis are enabled based on sophisticated and state-of-the-art algorithms and methodology featuring sustainable long-term monitoring solutions.

Forest Carbon Flux and Storage Mapping Service (ForestFlux)

Das Projekt "Forest Carbon Flux and Storage Mapping Service (ForestFlux)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy durchgeführt.

A commercial platform providing operational Air Quality services using EO data (AirQast)

Das Projekt "A commercial platform providing operational Air Quality services using EO data (AirQast)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ISARDSAT SL durchgeführt. The ambition of AirQast (previously BlueSky) project is to build a self-sustainable service platform providing Air Quality services based on Earth Observation data. These services will provide updated emissions inventories, advanced forecasting systems and decision making tools to manage air quality events in order reduce their economic and societal impact. This platform will cover pollutants having a higher economic and social impact such as PM2.5, PM10, SO2, NO2 and CO. AirQast team wants to demonstrate the viability and sustainability of AirQast platform through developing business cases in new identified markets such as Mobile Apps, Smart Home Devices, Green Supply Chain Industries, Insurance Risk, Smart Cities and Real Estate as well as established markets such as Environmental Regulation and Planning. We want also to develop our platform services in markets where the impact will be higher and where the sustainability of the project will be easier. These markets will be Europe, China and India. We already engaged real key potential customers from these markets. AirQast project would also like to build a one-stop portal platform containing tools and functionalities that facilitate and simplify the access, visualization and management of the large volume data generated. We think that improving data handling combined with an innovative and attractive communication strategy is a must to bridge some existing gaps between existing potential customers and our team.

European Group of Enterprises for a Network of Information Using Space (EUGENIUS)

Das Projekt "European Group of Enterprises for a Network of Information Using Space (EUGENIUS)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Terranis SAS durchgeführt. The Copernicus program is today at a cornerstone: - The Sentinel satellites are being deployed. Their images, associated with Third Party missions' data are being used for delivering Copernicus core services results (at global, European, and regional levels). - The European structures (EEA, ECMWF, EMSA , etc.) and the scientific community are starting to use operationally these data and the results for a better knowledge and understanding of the key land-cover stakes and environmental monitoring. But, the regional actors who are responsible for managing (at least partially) land-cover and natural resources policies have still difficulties to get access to these data and information, and moreover are not in position to combine them with their existing geo-information systems. A group of five SMEs (TerraNIS, Spacebel, Planetek, Terraspatium and Sertit), supported by a consulting firm specialized in Space market innovation and organization (Cap High Tech), are proposing to provide the regional institutional and commercial users with operational information services. These services will take the highest benefit from Copernicus outputs, for territory monitoring and management. These SMEs have decided to put in common their complementary skills and products, in the frame of a dedicated association (called EUGENIUS). They will implement 'regional hubs' (Geo-information platforms) building the first instance of the 'EUGENIUS network'. These regional hubs shall deliver services in the following domains: - Urbanization monitoring and management (densification, preservation of rural and 'green' areas, transportation means, etc.) - Agriculture areas and activities (crop monitoring, crop identification and classification, potential yield assessment, water resources and irrigation, etc.) - Forest monitoring (surfaces, trees species classification, exploitation status, etc.) - assessing and monitoring some natural risks at regional levels (flooding, landslides and water quality)

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