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Satellite Data Acquisition in the Blink of an Eye (BLINK)

Das Projekt "Satellite Data Acquisition in the Blink of an Eye (BLINK)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Amphinicy doo za Racunalne Aktivnosti i Zastupanje durchgeführt. It is widely known that key information used in many industries such as meteorology, logistics, navigation, oil and gas, agriculture, ecology and others, comes from space, via Earth observation (EO) satellites. Having this data in a short time frame is becoming essential. Existing ground segment solutions are heavily based on hardware. They are not following technology advances like space hardware do which causes a bottleneck in EO data acquisition: required volume of data is not available quickly or with sufficient value! The objective of this proposal is to provide an innovative, completely software-based data acquisition solution for EO market - Blink, disruptive enough to compete with existing oligopoly in this market segment. The EO market is very interesting as it is being boosted by skyrocketing growth of start-ups in NewSpace industry like SpaceX, OneWeb and Planet, to name a few, and increasing trend of moving from thick hardware solutions towards flexible and dynamic software solutions. The expected project outcome is a Blink device, a software-based solution for EO ground stations which will enable assembling a full performant ground station at a fraction of time and cost that are usual at a time being. This will bring benefit not just to growing segment of start-up companies, but also to big governmental missions worldwide, including Copernicus - the EU flagship mission for Earth observation. Humanitarian missions will also benefit from Blink. Construction of a larger number of ground stations and a faster GS deployment will significantly reduce time to get satellite images of disaster-struck areas. Therefore, rescue teams will be able to act faster, and hence save thousands of lives and homes. The successful implementation of the project, which already successfully passed Phase 1, with the support of the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument will ensure the company's fast expansion of disruptive innovation for space technology market on EU level and beyond.

Advanced policies and market support measures for mobilizing solar district heating investments in European target regions and countries (SDHp2m)

Das Projekt "Advanced policies and market support measures for mobilizing solar district heating investments in European target regions and countries (SDHp2m)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, Solites - Forschungsinstitut für solare und zukunftsfähige thermische Energiesysteme durchgeführt. SDHp2m stands for Solar District Heating (SDH) and actions from Policy to Market. The project addresses market uptake challenges for a wider use of district heating and cooling systems (DHC) with high shares of RES, specifically the action focuses on the use of large-scale solar thermal plants combined with other RES in DHC systems. The key approach of the project is to develop, improve and implement in 9 participating EU regions advanced policies and support measures for SDH. In 3 focus regions Thuringia (DE), Styria (AT) and Rhone-Alpes (FR) the regulating regional authorities are participating as project partners to ensure a strong implementation capacity within the project. In 6 follower regions from BG, DE, IT, PL, SE the regulating authorities are engaged through letters of commitment. The project activities aim at a direct mobilization of investments in SDH and hence a significant market rollout. The project work program in the participating regions follows a process including 1) strategy and action planning based on a survey, best practices and stakeholder consultation 2) an implementation phase starting at an early project stage and 3) efficient dissemination of the project results at national and international level. Adressed market uptake challenges are: Improved RES DHC policy, better access to plant financing and business models, sustained public acceptance and bridging the gap between policy and market through market support and capacity building. Denmark and Sweden reached already today a high share of RES in DHC and shall be used as a role model for this project. The direct expected outcome and impact of SDHp2m is estimated to an installed or planned new RES DHC capacity and new SDH capacity directly triggered by the project until project end corresponding to a total investment of 350 Mio. € and leading to 1 420 GWh RES heat and cold production per year. A multiple effect is expected in the period after the project and in further EU regions.

Finanzierung zukunftsicherer lokaler Bioenergieketten

Das Projekt "Finanzierung zukunftsicherer lokaler Bioenergieketten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Internationales Institut für Wald und Holz NRW e.V. durchgeführt. Lokale Bioenergieprojekte in Europa müssen sich der aktuellen Herausforderung stellen, langfristige Versorgung von Biomasse zu gewährleisten ohne dabei in Wettbewerb mit anderen Landnutzungsformen zu treten und negative Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zu haben. Im Projekt SecureChain werden unterschiedliche Europäische Regionen wo Bioenergy bereits gut verankert ist und noch breite der teile der Land- und Forstwirtschaft ungenutzt sind und insofern nur geringes Konfliktpotential zu erwarten ist, analysiert. Eine Mobilisierung dieser ungenutzten lokal vorhandenen ressourcen ist eine der vielversprechendsten Möglichkeiten um Biomasse optimal zu nutzen und neue Versorgungsketten aufzubauen. Standardisierter Nutzen der Biomasse unter Ausnutzung allfälliger Synergien, entsprechendes Management der Versorgungsketten und ein eine Bewertung der Umweltauswirkungen sollen eine zukünftige Marktakzeptanz gewährleisten.

Integrated solar heating and cooling unit based on a novel zeolite chiller and heat pump (ZEOSOL)

Das Projekt "Integrated solar heating and cooling unit based on a novel zeolite chiller and heat pump (ZEOSOL)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) durchgeführt. The overall objective of the ZEOSOL project is to develop a new advanced solar cooling and heating product, using advanced heat exchanger technology and integrating a heat pump for covering peak demand. This new product is based on the further improvement and integration of the products already commercialized by Fahrenheit and Akotec. It uses synergies between the technologies of thermal chillers (heat to cooling technology) and heat pump (electricity to cooling technology) and combines know-how on design and manufacturing of adsorption chillers and solar thermal collectors in Germany, with the know-how in heat pump and dry cooling systems of CNR and NTUA. The main innovation of the project is the adsorption chiller unit based on Fahrenheit' patented zeolite coating technology, reducing the unit's volume and cost by about two times. This new product is expected to become cost-effective and with high flexibility for providing both cooling (during summer) and heating (during winter) from the same compact product, being more competitive than existing mainstream solution, reducing energy costs of the end-users and leading to short ROI.

Digital B2B marketplace for fast and efficient parcel delivery (DLIVER)

Das Projekt "Digital B2B marketplace for fast and efficient parcel delivery (DLIVER)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Dliver Group APS durchgeführt. For short-distance delivery of goods, only 40% of vehicle cargo capacity is used. The result is a staggering €68Bn in lost revenues for goods providers and goods transport companies annually. This is because most goods transportation companies still use basic spreadsheets that are unable to match in real-time the supply of vehicles with the demand for transport services. The negative impacts are two-fold: 1) high fuel-costs and subsequent high CO2 emissions for goods transport companies and; 2) high prices for deliveries for the sender. DLIVER is the World's first digital B2B marketplace that matches supply of carrier vans' capacity with demand for parcel delivery services - in a convenient, transparent and cost-efficient way. Thanks to our proprietary Machine Learning algorithms, DLIVER overcomes the known problems and has already been shown to increase the cargo capacity used by carrier vans significantly. It will disrupt the short-distance goods transport market by providing an effective, convenient and affordable solution. The aim of this project is to bring our DLIVER solution to European and international markets. Our current private Beta version is being used by +10 daily users in the Copenhagen metropolitan area, providing confirmation that our solution can increase the number of daily deliveries per driver by +12% and reduced fuel consumption by +10% per average daily turnover per vehicle. The objective of this Phase 1 project is to lay the foundation for scaling up our innovation to reach TRL9 and launch in Europe in 2021, build a profitable business and reduce the cost and carbon footprint of millions of deliveries. The business opportunity is significant. Our Total Addressable Market is €21.4Bn and will reach €27.1Bn by 2025. Through our scalable digital marketplace business model, we expect to capture a market share of 0.43% (of Serviceable Available Market), a turnover of €115.4M, EBITDA of €95.7M and additional employment of 152 people by 2025.

Multi-spectral remote system for real-time alarm and monitoring of natural hazards (SENTINEL)

Das Projekt "Multi-spectral remote system for real-time alarm and monitoring of natural hazards (SENTINEL)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Techcom Srl durchgeführt. Techcom Srl was founded in Italy in 2017 with the aim to design and develop environmental monitoring solutions, providing installation and maintenance service for landslides, debris flows, sudden floods, avalanches, glaciers, etc. Over the past 10 years, our team of engineers and expert physicists have developed products and solutions based on the latest sensing technologies and integrated with our in-house software to serve customers with a high level of customization. We have evolved throughout the years performing greater than 100 land monitoring projects with national and international scope reaching greater than 50 active sites in 5 countries. With the ambition to continuously provide solution to monitor territories with new disruptive technologies that will result in more accurate detection for the natural hazards, we seek to bring to the European market a new revolutionising monitoring system. Our innovation, SENTINEL, consists of a single device that integrates: (1) 3 complementary sensing technologies that allow optimum performance and coverage under any light and weather condition; (2) Artificial Intelligence software that delivers real-time decision support and action response adapted to the risk severity; and (3) data portal that is accessible on all devices with 24/7 live stream transmission to customers and interaction with local authorities and decision makers. SENTINEL reduces by 75% equipment costs and 25% maintenance costs, gives greater than or equal to 90% accuracy and fastness, and provides recommendations based on AI to allow customers (e.g. local and regional municipals, civil protection, railways, ski resorts) to rapidly detect and give an alert response within seconds, thus guaranteeing security and safety at all time. SENTINEL will bring our company international expansion and growth, reaching + Euro 11.07 M in revenues by 2026 while creating 22 jobs 5 years after market launch.

Enabling Precision Aquaculture with multi-variable real-time sensing and Copernicus Earth Observation data (Undersee)

Das Projekt "Enabling Precision Aquaculture with multi-variable real-time sensing and Copernicus Earth Observation data (Undersee)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von MATEREOSPACE LDA durchgeführt.