Das Projekt "The Demonstration of Waste Biomass to Synthetic Fuels and Green Hydrogen (TO-SYN-FUEL)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung eingetragener Verein durchgeführt. TO-SYN-FUEL will demonstrate the conversion of organic waste biomass (Sewage Sludge) into biofuels. The project implements a new integrated process combining Thermo-Catalytic Reforming (TCR©), with hydrogen separation through pressure swing adsorption (PSA), and hydro deoxygenation (HDO), to produce a fully equivalent gasoline and diesel substitute (compliant with EN228 and EN590 European Standards) and green hydrogen for use in transport . The TO-SYN-FUEL project consortium has undoubtedly bought together the leading researchers, industrial technology providers and renewable energy experts from across Europe, in a combined, committed and dedicated research effort to deliver the overarching ambition. Building and extending from previous framework funding this project is designed to set the benchmark for future sustainable development and growth within Europe and will provide a real example to the rest of the world of how sustainable energy, economic, social and environmental needs can successfully be addressed. This project will be the platform for deployment of a subsequent commercial scale facility. This will be the first of its kind to be built anywhere in the world, processing organic industrial wastes directly into transportation grade biofuels fuels which will be a demonstration showcase for future sustainable investment and economic growth across Europe. This project will mark the first pre-commercial scale deployment of the technology processing up to 2100 tonnes per year of dried sewage sludge into 210,000 litres per year of liquid biofuels and up to 30,000 kg of green hydrogen. The scale up of 100 of such plants installed throughout Europe would be sufficient to convert up to 32 million tonnes per year of organic wastes into sustainable biofuels, contributing towards 35 million tonnes of GHG savings and diversion of organic wastes from landfill. This proposal is responding to the European Innovation Call LCE-19.
Das Projekt "Winning social acceptance for wind energy in wind energy scarce regions (WinWind)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Freie Universität Berlin - Fachbereich Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften - Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft - Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik durchgeführt. The overall objective of WinWind is to enhance the socially inclusive and environmentally sound market uptake of wind energy by increasing its social acceptance in 'wind energy scarce regions' (WESR). The specific objectives are: screening, analysing, discussing, replicating, testing & disseminating feasible solutions for increasing social acceptance and thereby the uptake of wind energy. The proposal considers from a multidisciplinary perspective the case of WESR in DE, ES, IT, LV, PL and NO. These selected countries represent a variety of realities ranging from large (but with WESR) to very scarce wind energy penetration. WinWind analyses regional and local communities' specificities, socioeconomic, spatial & environmental characteristics and the reasons for slow market deployment in the selected target regions. Best practices to overcome the identified obstacles are assessed and - where feasible - transferred. The operational tasks are taken up by national/regional desks consisting of the project partners, market actors and stakeholders in each country. The project's objectives will be reached by: i) analysing the inhibiting and driving factors for acceptance, ii) developing a taxonomy of barriers to identify similarities and differences in development patterns , iii) carrying out stakeholder dialogues in all participating regions, iv) developing acceptance-promoting measures that are transferable to specific local, regional and national contexts, and v) transferring feasible best practice solutions via learning labs. WinWind develops concrete solutions. The activities focus on novel informal/voluntary procedural participation of communities, direct and indirect financial participation & benefit sharing. Finally, policy lessons with validity across Europe are drawn and recommendations proposed. Already 62 stakeholders and market actors provided letters of support showing their commitment in supporting the WindWind activities and in implementing useful results.
Das Projekt "Smart Integration of Energy Storages in Local Multi Energy Systems for maximising the Share of Renewables in Europe's Energy Mix (SmILES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Industriebetriebslehre und Industrielle Produktion (IIP), Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft durchgeführt. SmILES zooms in simulation and optimisation of smart storage in local energy systems for increasing the understanding and transparency of innovative multi-energy projects. Setting up a shared data and information platform and effective dissemination of related results will contribute to competence building. The objective is to obtain fundamental knowledge about linking and optimising heterogeneous energy carriers and systems including storage and renewable energy technologies from local to national level. Furthermore guidelines for modelling and optimising such systems on European level are developed. These guidelines are derived from knowledge of different energy system configurations (SC), which combine heat and electrical power with storage. The SCs are selected to favour a high relevance for replication throughout Europe including e.g. urban quarters, rural township or industrial environment. This requires the development of a harmonised rich format describing hybrid energy systems and study cases for various scenarios. Different technologies are used to exchange models, allow cross-checks and validate results of simulation and optimisation. A catalogue of best practices of modelling, operating and integrating multi-energy systems is compiled and intended to serve as guideline for stakeholders. Key success factors and barriers from a socio-technical point of view are identified aiming at the reduction of technological gaps and successful implementation of best practices in a socio-economic context. Thus, SmILES will proof the benefit of a hybrid combined heat- and electrical power systems with storage capabilities and deploy the added value of storage integration in future energy systems. Supplementing the research activities, a long-lasting framework across EERA JP borders is set up by the consortium for extending storage integration technologies by linking other EERA members, stakeholders, energy supplier and industry.
Das Projekt "Development of innovative self-consumption and aggregation concepts for PV Prosumers to improve grid load and increase market value of PV (PV-Prosumers4Grid)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bundesverband Solarwirtschaft e.V. BSW-Solar durchgeführt. The aim of the PV-Prosumers4Grid project is to develop and implement innovative self-consumption and aggregation concepts and business models for PV prosumers that will help integrating sustainable and competitive electricity from PV in the electricity system. The benefits of the PV-Prosumers4Grid action will be therefore threefold: - To identify the necessary regulatory changes and the business opportunities for PV prosumers and grid operators - To further support the deployment PV systems for electricity generation with focus on physical and financial grid interactions - To provide PV Prosumers (households and industries) with competitive and sustainable electricity. Innovative self-consumption and aggregation concepts and business models for PV generation are extremely needed nowadays. At the time being many EU Member States have drastically reduced measures to further support the development of the RES sector, even though several projects have clearly demonstrated the need to maintain the policies to support RES until when a consolidated competitiveness has been achieved. Such competetiveness for variable RES will depend on the ability of the existing or future electricity markets to provide them with adequate revenues, whatever the size of the plant. In addition, the variable aspect of PV doesn't allow them by nature to bid on the market at chosen times, with a possible and already visible impact on the market prices. The consequence could be that under such conditions, their competitiveness will become more difficult to achieve unless the consumers could become more responsive to price signals and allow to displace the load. Moreover, the new state aid guidelines published in April 2014 by the European Commission are pushing for further integration of renewable sources into the electricity markets, which will require from RES to cope with market integration, more constraining grid codes and balancing regulations.
Das Projekt "Hydrothermal liquefaction: Enhanced performance and feedstock flexibility for efficient biofuel production (HyFlexFuel)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V. durchgeführt. Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is emerging as innovative technology to produce renewable transportation fuels. The advantages of HTL are reflected in its high feedstock versatility, its ability to convert wet materials and its advantageous environmental and economic performance. Bio-crude, the primary HTL product, can be upgraded to high-quality fuels. The objectives of HyFlexFuel include: 1) Demonstrating HTL conversion compatibility with diverse advanced biomass feedstocks. 2) Maturing HTL-based fuel production from TRL 2-4 to TRL 5. 3) Increasing heat integration and product recovery at TRL 5. 4) Understanding of relation between feedstock and process conditions vs. product yield and quality. 5) Efficient valorisation of residual process streams. 6) Quantification of techno-economic and environmental performance potentials, risks and benefits. 7) Demonstrating drop-in capability of HyFlexFuel products from diverse feedstocks. 8) Quantification of potential technology gaps of a full-scale production plant. HyFlexFuel will assess the potential availability of feedstocks specifically suitable for HTL at European, national and local scale. Local feedstock supply chains will be analysed. HTL conversion will be optimised utilizing diverse feedstocks in a relevant environment at TRL 5. The currently less mature process step of catalytic hydrotreatment of bio-crude will be further developed through a parametric study of process conditions, targeted catalyst development and demonstrated on a continuous system. The energetic valorisation of the remaining soluble organics in the HTL water phase will be achieved through catalytic hydrothermal gasification (cHTG). Inorganic salts will be recovered from residual process streams to produce marketable fertilisers. Finally, the techno-economic and environmental performance of the entire HyFlexFuel production chain will be evaluated, focusing on social, technological, economic and environmental risks and potential benefits.
Das Projekt "Reliable Bio-based Refinery Intermediates (BioMates)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung eingetragener Verein durchgeführt. The EU targets at replacing 10% of all transport fossil fuels with biofuels by 2020 to reduce the dependence on petroleum through the use of nationally, regionally or locally produced biofuels, while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, the EU is concerned with the questionable sustainability of the conventional biofuels and the unattractive production costs of second and third generation biofuels. The BioMates project aspires to contribute to the drastic increase of non-food/feed biomass utilisation for the production of greener transportation fuels via an effective and sustainable new production pathway. The project will validate the proposed innovative technology which has the potential of over 49 million tons CO2-eq savings, at least 7% crude oil imports reduction which corresponds to over 7 billion € savings for EU, while indicating its socio-economic, environmental and health expected benefits. The main premise of the BioMates project is the cost-effective and decentralized valorization of residual (straw) and nonfood (Miscanthus) biomass for the production of bio-based products of over 99% bioenergy content. The bio-based products' targeted market is the EU refining sector, utilizing them as a bio-based co-feed of reliable, standardizable properties for underlying conversion units, yielding high bio-content hybrid fuels which are compatible with conventional combustion systems. The BioMates approach is based on innovative non-food/feed biomass conversion technologies, including ablative fast pyrolysis and mild catalytic hydrotreating, while incorporating state-of-the-art renewable H2-production technology as well as optimal energy integration. The proposed pathway for decarbonizing the transportation fuels will be demonstrated via TRL5 units, allowing the development of an integrated, sustainability-driven business case encompassing commercial and social exploitation strategy.
Das Projekt "Facilitating market roll-out of RESfuels in the transport sector to 2030 and beyond (ADVANCEFUEL)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. durchgeführt. ADVANCEFUEL aims at enabling the commercialization of advanced and liquid renewable alternative fuels (RESfuels) to meet the renewable energy targets set at European level for 2020 and 2030. Under the coordination of FNR, 8 authoritative (yet neutral) players (ATB, ECN, Imperial College, Aalto University, Utrecht University, Chalmers University and Greenovate!Europe), with the assistance of an Advisory Board, propose a systemic approach to address RESfuel market roll-out in road, marine and aviation applications. The project objectives cover all the call challenges, viz.: 1. Monitoring, within and beyond Europe, activities slowing or accelerating RESfuels commercial uses. - 2. Detailing innovative approaches to improve biomass availability and suitability for its conversion into advanced biofuels, with a special focus on new cropping schemes. - 3. Assessing innovative biomass conversion technologies and their efficient integration in existing infrastructures. - 4. Delivering a tool to assess current and future lifecycle environmental (GHG) performances of RESfuels based upon harmonized sustainability schemes. - 5. Recommending measures to increase market acceptance and end use of RESfuels based on detailed market segmentations accounting for the role of fuel and fuel blend properties; - 6. Providing stakeholders with merit analyses of critical innovations (cropping, conversion, system integration, sustainability and market development), using practical decision-making tools for a systemic assessment of RESfuels production costs based on scenarios for biomass development, fuel blending issues, etc. - 7. Providing value-chain stakeholders with recommendations enhancing RESfuels market roll-out thereby emphasizing the plausibility and usefulness of RESfuels by 2030. - 8. Maximizing the project visibility through communication and dissemination activities which promote knowledge sharing and dialogue between relevant national and EU platforms and the SET Plan activities on RES.
Das Projekt "Finanzierung zukunftsicherer lokaler Bioenergieketten" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Internationales Institut für Wald und Holz NRW e.V. durchgeführt. Lokale Bioenergieprojekte in Europa müssen sich der aktuellen Herausforderung stellen, langfristige Versorgung von Biomasse zu gewährleisten ohne dabei in Wettbewerb mit anderen Landnutzungsformen zu treten und negative Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt zu haben. Im Projekt SecureChain werden unterschiedliche Europäische Regionen wo Bioenergy bereits gut verankert ist und noch breite der teile der Land- und Forstwirtschaft ungenutzt sind und insofern nur geringes Konfliktpotential zu erwarten ist, analysiert. Eine Mobilisierung dieser ungenutzten lokal vorhandenen ressourcen ist eine der vielversprechendsten Möglichkeiten um Biomasse optimal zu nutzen und neue Versorgungsketten aufzubauen. Standardisierter Nutzen der Biomasse unter Ausnutzung allfälliger Synergien, entsprechendes Management der Versorgungsketten und ein eine Bewertung der Umweltauswirkungen sollen eine zukünftige Marktakzeptanz gewährleisten.
Das Projekt "REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe (REGATRACE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Istituto di Studi per l'Integrazione dei Sistemi durchgeführt. REGATRACE (REnewable GAs TRAde Centre in Europe) aims creating an efficient trade system based on issuing and trading biomethane/renewable gases Guarantees of Origin (GoO). This will strongly contribute to the uptake of the European common biomethane market. This objective will be achieved through the founding pillars: - European biomethane/renewable gases GoO system - Set-up of national GoO issuing bodies - Integration of GoO from different renewable gas technologies with electric and hydrogen GoO systems - Integrated assessment and sustainable feedstock mobilisation strategies and technology synergies - Support for biomethane market uptake - Transferability of results beyond the project's countries. REGATRACE relates, within the H2020 Work Program 2018-2020 on Secure, clean and efficient energy, to the Call BUILDING A LOW-CARBON, CLIMATE RESILIENT FUTURE: SECURE, CLEAN and EFFICIENT ENERGY, with topic LC-SC3-RES-28-2018-2019-2020: Market Uptake support and to the specific issue: Development of cost-effective logistics, feedstock mobilisation strategies and trade-centres for intermediate bioenergy carriers. The intermediate bioenergy carrier is biomethane, a Europe-wide trade centre for biomethane and other renewable gases is necessary for enabling investments to supply the whole European market and for promoting cross-border biomethane trade. REGATRACE supports the mobilisation of biogas feedstocks, which otherwise would not be utilised. Efficient bioenergy logistics refers to biomass conversion and use of the gas grid as the logistic tool. A stable, reliable and common market for biomethane and other renewable gases in Europe plays an important role to achieve EU political targets and to decouple the energy systems from fossil fuels: biomethane/renewable gases can be produced from waste or residual streams of organic material and they can be transmitted and stored in existing infrastructures, so allowing to combine the European natural gas and electricity grids.
Das Projekt "SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von NET Nowak Energie & Technologie AG durchgeführt. SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund will bring together 15 national organisations owning and / or managing major solar power research and innovation programmes throughout Europe, covering photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP). According to the challenges addressed in the work programme on Low Carbon Energy, SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund has different objectives: - To implement a joint call on subjects of highest priority and European added value in line with the Solar Europe Industry Initiative within the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan. - To pool resources and to provide critical mass for transnationally highly relevant and innovative projects. - To mobilise 20 MEUR of public funding (national and EC funding), and, together with the resources provided by the private industry sector, a total of 40 MEUR. - To enhance coordination, coherence and networking between national programmes. SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund will contribute to substantial cost reductions of solar power technologies, economic development of the European solar power sector and to reinforce Europe's strong position in solar power technologies. Reducing technology cost and advancing manufacturing technologies, applications and grid / system integration are essential to increasing the deployment of solar power technologies. This way, SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund will greatly contribute to: - Acceleration of the time to market by advancing technologies. - Affordable, cost-effective and resource-efficient technology solutions. - Decarbonisation of the energy system. - Sustainable, secure energy supply and completion of the energy internal market. - Strengthening the European industrial technology base (growth and jobs in Europe. SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund follows on from SOLAR-ERA.NET project and network and previous PV-ERA-NET network, taking advantage of more than ten years of ERA-NET experience and expertise from all major key stakeholders in the solar research, innovation and industry sector.
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Bund | 13 |
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Förderprogramm | 13 |
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offen | 13 |
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Deutsch | 13 |
Englisch | 13 |
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Keine | 11 |
Webseite | 2 |
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Boden | 9 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 9 |
Luft | 9 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 13 |
Wasser | 7 |
Weitere | 13 |