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Smart Integration of Energy Storages in Local Multi Energy Systems for maximising the Share of Renewables in Europe's Energy Mix (SmILES)

Das Projekt "Smart Integration of Energy Storages in Local Multi Energy Systems for maximising the Share of Renewables in Europe's Energy Mix (SmILES)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Institut für Industriebetriebslehre und Industrielle Produktion (IIP), Lehrstuhl für Energiewirtschaft durchgeführt. SmILES zooms in simulation and optimisation of smart storage in local energy systems for increasing the understanding and transparency of innovative multi-energy projects. Setting up a shared data and information platform and effective dissemination of related results will contribute to competence building. The objective is to obtain fundamental knowledge about linking and optimising heterogeneous energy carriers and systems including storage and renewable energy technologies from local to national level. Furthermore guidelines for modelling and optimising such systems on European level are developed. These guidelines are derived from knowledge of different energy system configurations (SC), which combine heat and electrical power with storage. The SCs are selected to favour a high relevance for replication throughout Europe including e.g. urban quarters, rural township or industrial environment. This requires the development of a harmonised rich format describing hybrid energy systems and study cases for various scenarios. Different technologies are used to exchange models, allow cross-checks and validate results of simulation and optimisation. A catalogue of best practices of modelling, operating and integrating multi-energy systems is compiled and intended to serve as guideline for stakeholders. Key success factors and barriers from a socio-technical point of view are identified aiming at the reduction of technological gaps and successful implementation of best practices in a socio-economic context. Thus, SmILES will proof the benefit of a hybrid combined heat- and electrical power systems with storage capabilities and deploy the added value of storage integration in future energy systems. Supplementing the research activities, a long-lasting framework across EERA JP borders is set up by the consortium for extending storage integration technologies by linking other EERA members, stakeholders, energy supplier and industry.

Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices (MIGRATE)

Das Projekt "Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices (MIGRATE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von TenneT TSO GmbH durchgeführt. By 2020, several areas of the HVAC pan-European transmission system will be operated with extremely high penetrations of Power Electronics(PE)-interfaced generators, thus becoming the only generating units for some periods of the day or of the year - due to renewable (wind, solar) electricity. This will result in i) growing dynamic stability issues for the power system (possibly a new major barrier against future renewable penetration), ii) the necessity to upgrade existing protection schemes and iii) measures to mitigate the resulting degradation of power quality due to harmonics propagation. European TSOs from Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain and UK have joined to address such challenges with manufacturers (Alstom, Enercon, Schneider Electric) and universities/research centres. They propose innovative solutions to progressively adjust the HVAC system operations. Firstly, a replicable methodology is developed for appraising the distance of any EU 28 control zone to instability due to PE proliferation and for monitoring it in real time, along with a portfolio of incremental improvements of existing technologies (the tuning of controllers, a pilot test of wide-area control techniques and the upgrading of protection devices with impacts on the present grid codes). Next, innovative power system control laws are designed to cope with the lack of synchronous machines. Numerical simulations and laboratory tests deliver promising control solutions together with recommendations for new PE grid connection rules and the development of a novel protection technology and mitigation of the foreseen power quality disturbances. Technology and economic impacts of such innovations are quantified together with barriers to be overcome in order to recommend future deployment scenarios. Dissemination activities support the deployment schemes of the project outputs based on knowledge sharing among targeted stakeholders at EC level.

ICT-based ENERgy Grid Implementation - Smart and Efficient (ENERGISE)

Das Projekt "ICT-based ENERgy Grid Implementation - Smart and Efficient (ENERGISE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH durchgeführt. ENERGISE sets out to facilitate the efficient deployment of smart grid solutions by offering to all relevant stakeholders - telecommunication providers; industry associations in the telecommunications and utility sectors; energy suppliers; energy industry associations; national regulatory agencies; ministries of Member States; other players being active in the relevant fields - a toolkit that supports their decision-making process as regards the use of telecommunication infrastructure for existing or projected business cases. Based on existing experience the consortium can deliver a particularly suitable toolkit that is based upon a broad survey of actual use cases. Concretely, the ENERGISE toolkit addresses the following issue. Smart grid solutions hold immense opportunities for both European businesses as well as society as a whole and contribute substantially to achieving the objectives of a low carbon economy. Telecommunication infrastructure constitutes a vital part of any smart grid solution. Given the penetration of telecommunication infrastructure in Europe, it is likely that significant synergies can be achieved in the process of implementing smart grid solutions if existing telecommunication infrastructure can be used. Identifying specific cases or business models, where shared infrastructure use is beneficial, is difficult for all stakeholders. ENERGISE sets out to solve this issue by providing energy suppliers and telecommunication providers as well as policy makers with a decision-supporting toolkit. This toolkit will be able to account for all relevant framework conditions and will deliver useful advice to relevant stakeholders based on a broad survey of and exchange about existing use cases for smart grid solutions including a thorough cost-benefit analysis. Insights gained from the toolkit will enable a more evidence-based appreciation of innovative business for both innovators in the private sector and research and innovation policy makers.

Democratizing energy markets through the introduction of innovative flexibility-based demand response tools and novel business and market models for energy cooperatives (FLEXCoop)

Das Projekt "Democratizing energy markets through the introduction of innovative flexibility-based demand response tools and novel business and market models for energy cooperatives (FLEXCoop)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung eingetragener Verein durchgeführt. FLEXCoop introduces an end-to-end Automated Demand Response Optimization Framework. It enables the realization of novel business models, allowing energy cooperatives to introduce themselves in energy markets under the role of an aggregator. It equips cooperatives with innovative and highly effective tools for the establishment of robust business practices to exploit their microgrids and dynamic VPPs as balancing and ancillary assets toward grid stability and alleviation of network constraints. Optimization in FLEXCoop applies to multiple levels. It spans local generation output, demand and storage flexibility, as well as the flexibility offered by EVs to facilitate maximum RES integration into the grid, avoidance of curtailment and satisfaction of balancing and ancillary grid needs. This is achieved via automated, human-centric demand response schemes with the participation of appropriately selected residential prosumers. To enhance prosumer acceptance, the FLEXCoop innovative services will feature non-intrusiveness, comfort and well-being preservation, non-violation of prosumer daily schedules as well as maximization of benefits through transparent and open participation in markets. It will also guarantee easy switching between DR service providers, vendor lock-in avoidance, customized DR service contracts and objective settlement and remuneration, thus establishing an energy democracy context and empowering prosumers to become active energy market players. FLEXCoop brings together a wide range of baseline technologies to build an open and interoperable DR optimization framework, including a fully-fledged tool suite for energy cooperatives (aggregators) and prosumers involved in the DR value chain, ensuring: (i) DR stakeholders empowerment and transformation into active market players, (ii) end-to-end interoperability between energy networks, energy management systems and devices and (iii) the realization of new business models for energy cooperatives.


Das Projekt "SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von NET Nowak Energie & Technologie AG durchgeführt. SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund will bring together 15 national organisations owning and / or managing major solar power research and innovation programmes throughout Europe, covering photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP). According to the challenges addressed in the work programme on Low Carbon Energy, SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund has different objectives: - To implement a joint call on subjects of highest priority and European added value in line with the Solar Europe Industry Initiative within the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan. - To pool resources and to provide critical mass for transnationally highly relevant and innovative projects. - To mobilise 20 MEUR of public funding (national and EC funding), and, together with the resources provided by the private industry sector, a total of 40 MEUR. - To enhance coordination, coherence and networking between national programmes. SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund will contribute to substantial cost reductions of solar power technologies, economic development of the European solar power sector and to reinforce Europe's strong position in solar power technologies. Reducing technology cost and advancing manufacturing technologies, applications and grid / system integration are essential to increasing the deployment of solar power technologies. This way, SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund will greatly contribute to: - Acceleration of the time to market by advancing technologies. - Affordable, cost-effective and resource-efficient technology solutions. - Decarbonisation of the energy system. - Sustainable, secure energy supply and completion of the energy internal market. - Strengthening the European industrial technology base (growth and jobs in Europe. SOLAR-ERA.NET Cofund follows on from SOLAR-ERA.NET project and network and previous PV-ERA-NET network, taking advantage of more than ten years of ERA-NET experience and expertise from all major key stakeholders in the solar research, innovation and industry sector.

TRansmission system enhancement of regIoNal borders by means of IntellIgenT market technologY (TRINITY)

Das Projekt "TRansmission system enhancement of regIoNal borders by means of IntellIgenT market technologY (TRINITY)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ETRA Investigación y Desarrollo, S.A durchgeführt. Nowadays, the adoption of a single and unified electricity market (1) is one of the main challenges faced by Europe. Although the Western and Northern regions of Europe have been working for several years towards reaching such objective, the South-Eastern region of Europe has not followed the same roadmap and it not as advanced in this field as Western Europe. TRINITY will address this challenge in order to improve the current situation and facilitate the interconnection of South-Eastern electricity markets - among them and also within the current Multi Regional Coupling area (MRC). TRINITY will develop a set of solutions to enhance cooperation among the transmission system operators of SEE in order to support the integration of the electricity markets in the region, whilst promoting higher penetration of clean energies. This strategic goal will be driven by end-users (8 TSOs, 4 NEMOS and 1 RCC) and will be achieved through the deployment in the region of four independent, but complementary, products: T-Market Coupling Framework; T-Sentinel Toolset; T-RES Control Center and T-Coordination Platform.

Adaptable Platform for Active Services Exchange (AnyPLACE)

Das Projekt "Adaptable Platform for Active Services Exchange (AnyPLACE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von INESC TEC - Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciencia durchgeführt. Motivation: Horizont 2020 ist das Rahmenprogramm der Europäischen Union für Forschung und Innovation. Es zielt darauf ab, eine wissens- und innovationsgestützte Gesellschaft und eine wettbewerbsfähige Wirtschaft aufzubauen sowie zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung beizutragen. Der Großteil des Förderprogramms ist auf die Bewältigung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen ausgerichtet, die alle Mitgliedstaaten betreffen. Das mit rund 2,5 Millionen Euro geförderte Vorhaben 'AnyPLACE' wurde in einem wettbewerblichen Verfahren ausgewählt. Die Plattformlösung AnyPLACE (Adaptable Platform for Active Services Exchange) soll für mehr Transparenz bei der Messung und Abrechnung des Energieverbrauchs sorgen. Im Fokus des dreijährigen Projektes stehen die Optimierung des Lastmanagements und des Energieverbrauchs. Aufgabenstellung: Die zu entwickelnde modulare Smart-Metering-Plattform wird unter Beachtung des Datenschutzes den privaten sowie industriellen Energieverbrauch in Echtzeit mit einem Höchstmaß an Zuverlässigkeit messen. Der 'intelligente Zähler' soll flexibel einsetzbar sein und letztendlich nicht mehr als 100 Euro kosten. Verbraucher erhalten einen besseren Überblick, indem sie über ein Internetportal den Verbrauch von Gas und Strom permanent einsehen können. Wer genau weiß, zu welchen Zeiten er wie viel verbraucht, kann gezielter sparen. Den Energieunternehmen ermöglicht die Echtzeit-Messung ein genaueres Monitoring des Kundenverbrauchs. So kann ein schneller Abgleich von Energieangebot und -bedarf in künftigen Smart Grids erfolgen. Zudem trägt die Plattform zur Detektion und Lösung von Betriebsstörungen innerhalb des Netzes bei. Vorgehensweise: Aus Gründen der Kosteneffizienz werden keine neuen Technologien und Infrastrukturen entwickelt, sondern schon bestehende verwendet. So ist Power Plus Communications für die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik zuständig, die alle Komponenten und Beteiligten miteinander verbindet: die Stromerzeuger, die Verbraucher, die Speicher und das Netz selbst. Nach der Identifikation der zu verwendenden Komponenten werden diese in Laborumgebung getestet. Aus den Komponenten werden modular aufgebaute Lösungen für den jeweiligen Anwendungsfall maßgeschneidert. Diese werden anschließend in Labor und Feld getestet und bewertet. Die Tests finden in Portugal in den Laboren von INESC, EFACEC und Bosch statt. In Deutschland ist das Institut für industrielle Informationstechnik (inIT) der Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe und die in Bau befindliche SmartFactoryOWL eingebunden. Die abschließende Demonstration findet im Kreis Lippe (Deutschland) statt. Aufgrund seines großen Anteils an Erneuerbaren Energien wie Windkraft-, Biogas- und Photovoltaik-Anlagen ist das Kreisgebiet besonders geeignet.

Synergistic Approach of Multi-Energy Models for an European Optimal Energy System Management Tool (Plan4Res)

Das Projekt "Synergistic Approach of Multi-Energy Models for an European Optimal Energy System Management Tool (Plan4Res)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Electricite de France S.A. durchgeführt. The 2030 and 2050 EU's carbon reduction targets are calling for significant changes in our energy system: more flexibility, more active involvement of all stakeholders and more collaboration to enable least-cost integration of higher deployment of variable renewable energy sources. Operating the electricity system with the targeted high shares of renewable energy sources (RES) will only be possible and affordable if both the grid and the generation assets evolve towards a system designed to maximize its capacity to host such amounts of RES. This requires optimizing existing assets and new investments, making the best use of all flexibilities (considering geographical location and which services they provide to the system) and developing new services to support the energy system. We believe that an integrated representation of the system is necessary to achieve European climate objectives in a cost effective way, for all the stakeholders participating in the system operation and development. However, such an integrated representation will require overcoming significant technical hurdles in order to allow a set of different but highly interconnected models (strategic investment - operational simulation - multi-modal system integration) to work synergistically while retaining the modularity (possibility of representing only sub-parts of the system, either functionally, geographically or on a specific time horizon, with a specific time resolution, or replacing every model and algorithm by another one) which is necessary for tailoring the tool to the different needs of various stakeholders.

Interactions between automated energy systems and Flexibilities brought by energy market players (InterFlex)

Das Projekt "Interactions between automated energy systems and Flexibilities brought by energy market players (InterFlex)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von ENEDIS durchgeführt. Die europäischen Stromsysteme haben in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten starke Veränderungen erfahren. Verteilte erneuerbare Energiequellen wie Wind- oder Solarenergie haben signifikante Anteile im Bereich der Strombereitstellung erreicht, während neue Nutzungsformen von Elektrizität, wie beispielsweise die fortschreitende Entwicklung der Elektromobilität, entstanden sind. Durch verschiedene Demonstrationsprojekte wird im InterFlex-Projekt geprüft, wie die Integration neuer technischer Lösungen zu einer lokalen Energieoptimierung führen kann. Hierzu werden Wege der Flexibilisierung zur Optimierung der Stromversorgung auf lokaler Ebene entwickelt und in die Praxis überführt. 20 Industriepartner (Energieversorger, Hersteller von Leistungskomponenten, Netzdienstleister und Forschungszentren) aus sechs verschiedenen europäischen Ländern sind an diesem Projekt beteiligt, um Smart Grid Technologien im industriellen Maßstab im Rahmen einer hohen Durchdringung mit erneuerbaren Energien zu realisieren. Die Arbeit des EBCs fokussiert sich innerhalb dieses Projektes auf die Nutzung thermischer Energiesystemkomponenten zur Bereitstellung von Flexibilität für das Stromnetz, um die Integration erneuerbarer Energien zu fördern. Insbesondere die Speicherkapazitäten thermischer Netze bieten im Zusammenspiel mit elektrisch angetrieben Erzeugeranlagen für Wärme und Kälte ein großes Potential Flexibilität für das Stromnetz bereitzustellen. Zudem wird auch das Potential des Gebäudesektors betrachtet, indem verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Flexibilitätsbereitstellung einzelner Gebäude sowie von Gebäudegruppen untersucht wird.