The SAEU31 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (S): Surface data T1T2 (SA): Aviation routine reports A1A2 (EU): Europe (The bulletin collects reports from stations: LEMD;MADRID BARAJAS INT ;LROP;HENRI COANDA INT;LYBE;BELGRADE NIKOLA TESLA ;LEVC;VALENCIA ;LDZA;ZAGREB ;LEBL;BARCELONA INT ;LPPT;LISBON PORTELA ;LHBP;BUDAPEST LISTZ FERENC INTL ;) (Remarks from Volume-C: COMPILATION FOR REGIONAL EXCHANGE)
The FTRO31 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (F): Forecast T1T2 (FT): Aerodrome (VT >= 12 hours) A1A2 (RO): Romania (The bulletin collects reports from stations: LRBS;BANEASA INT;LRCK;MIHAIL KOGALNICEANU INT;LROP;HENRI COANDA INT;LRSB;SIBIU INT ;LRTR;TIMISOARA TRAIAN VUIA;)
The SARO31 TTAAii Data Designators decode as: T1 (S): Surface data T1T2 (SA): Aviation routine reports A1A2 (RO): Romania (The bulletin collects reports from stations: LRBS;BANEASA INT;LRCK;MIHAIL KOGALNICEANU INT;LROP;HENRI COANDA INT;LRSB;SIBIU INT ;LRTR;TIMISOARA TRAIAN VUIA;)