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Das Projekt "EOSC-hub" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH durchgeführt. Das Projekt EOSC-hub vereint Anbieter aus der EGI Federation, EUDAT CDI, INDIGO-DataCloud und weiteren großen Forschungsinfrastrukturen, die Dienstleistungen, Software und Daten für fortschrittliche datengetriebene Forschung und Innovation anbieten. Diese Ressourcen werden über das Hub - das Integrations- und Managementsystem der European Open Science Cloud - angeboten, welche als zentrale Anlaufstelle für alle relevanten Akteure fungiert. In Kooperation mit dem Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC) bringt das DKRZ den 'ENES Climate Analytic Service' (ECAS) , welcher es Endandwendern ermöglicht, auf Basis eines PID-fähigen und serverseitigen Ansatzes, Datenanalysen an großen Mengen von Klimadaten durchzuführen, in EOSC-hub ein. Darüber hinaus beteiligt sich das DKRZ an den EOSC-hub Diensten B2HANDLE und B2FIND.

Advanced policies and market support measures for mobilizing solar district heating investments in European target regions and countries (SDHp2m)

Das Projekt "Advanced policies and market support measures for mobilizing solar district heating investments in European target regions and countries (SDHp2m)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH, Solites - Forschungsinstitut für solare und zukunftsfähige thermische Energiesysteme durchgeführt. SDHp2m stands for Solar District Heating (SDH) and actions from Policy to Market. The project addresses market uptake challenges for a wider use of district heating and cooling systems (DHC) with high shares of RES, specifically the action focuses on the use of large-scale solar thermal plants combined with other RES in DHC systems. The key approach of the project is to develop, improve and implement in 9 participating EU regions advanced policies and support measures for SDH. In 3 focus regions Thuringia (DE), Styria (AT) and Rhone-Alpes (FR) the regulating regional authorities are participating as project partners to ensure a strong implementation capacity within the project. In 6 follower regions from BG, DE, IT, PL, SE the regulating authorities are engaged through letters of commitment. The project activities aim at a direct mobilization of investments in SDH and hence a significant market rollout. The project work program in the participating regions follows a process including 1) strategy and action planning based on a survey, best practices and stakeholder consultation 2) an implementation phase starting at an early project stage and 3) efficient dissemination of the project results at national and international level. Adressed market uptake challenges are: Improved RES DHC policy, better access to plant financing and business models, sustained public acceptance and bridging the gap between policy and market through market support and capacity building. Denmark and Sweden reached already today a high share of RES in DHC and shall be used as a role model for this project. The direct expected outcome and impact of SDHp2m is estimated to an installed or planned new RES DHC capacity and new SDH capacity directly triggered by the project until project end corresponding to a total investment of 350 Mio. € and leading to 1 420 GWh RES heat and cold production per year. A multiple effect is expected in the period after the project and in further EU regions.

Connecting Science with Society (EU-PolarNet)

Das Projekt "Connecting Science with Society (EU-PolarNet)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung durchgeführt.

Fostering Sustainable Feedstock Production for Advanced Biofuels on underutilised land in Europe (FORBIO)

Das Projekt "Fostering Sustainable Feedstock Production for Advanced Biofuels on underutilised land in Europe (FORBIO)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von WIP, Wirtschaft und Infrastruktur GmbH & Co Planungs-KG durchgeführt. Sustainable bioenergy production and use in the EU should be further developed in order to support Member States (MS) achieving 20-20-20 targets and foster rural development as set out in EIP AGRI. FORBIO will demonstrate the viability of using land in MSs for non-food bioenergy feedstock production without interfering with the production of food or feed, nor with land currently used for recreational and/or conservational purposes. Competition with other uses of the land is only one component of the sustainability of bioenergy and a number of cross-cutting environmental, social and economic aspects may present challenges to the extended deployment of these value chains, while assuring that biofuel sustainability standards are met. FORBIO will develop a methodology to assess bioenergy production potential on available 'underutilised lands' in Europe (contaminated, abandoned, fallow land, etc.) at national and local level. In addition, in this context the project will provide multiple feasibility studies in selected case study locations in three countries that that aim to set the basis for building up local bioenergy value chains that meet the highest sustainability standards and improve efficiency and sustainability of those already available in the case study sites through the provision of roadmaps for bioenergy development.

Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices (MIGRATE)

Das Projekt "Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices (MIGRATE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von TenneT TSO GmbH durchgeführt. By 2020, several areas of the HVAC pan-European transmission system will be operated with extremely high penetrations of Power Electronics(PE)-interfaced generators, thus becoming the only generating units for some periods of the day or of the year - due to renewable (wind, solar) electricity. This will result in i) growing dynamic stability issues for the power system (possibly a new major barrier against future renewable penetration), ii) the necessity to upgrade existing protection schemes and iii) measures to mitigate the resulting degradation of power quality due to harmonics propagation. European TSOs from Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Slovenia, Spain and UK have joined to address such challenges with manufacturers (Alstom, Enercon, Schneider Electric) and universities/research centres. They propose innovative solutions to progressively adjust the HVAC system operations. Firstly, a replicable methodology is developed for appraising the distance of any EU 28 control zone to instability due to PE proliferation and for monitoring it in real time, along with a portfolio of incremental improvements of existing technologies (the tuning of controllers, a pilot test of wide-area control techniques and the upgrading of protection devices with impacts on the present grid codes). Next, innovative power system control laws are designed to cope with the lack of synchronous machines. Numerical simulations and laboratory tests deliver promising control solutions together with recommendations for new PE grid connection rules and the development of a novel protection technology and mitigation of the foreseen power quality disturbances. Technology and economic impacts of such innovations are quantified together with barriers to be overcome in order to recommend future deployment scenarios. Dissemination activities support the deployment schemes of the project outputs based on knowledge sharing among targeted stakeholders at EC level.

Renewable residential heating with fast pyrolysis bio-oil (Residue2Heat)

Das Projekt "Renewable residential heating with fast pyrolysis bio-oil (Residue2Heat)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von RWTH Aachen University, Fachgruppe Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, Institut für Industrieofenbau und Wärmetechnik im Hüttenwesen, Lehrstuhl für Hochtemperaturtechnik durchgeführt. The overall objective of Residue2Heat is to enable the utilization of sustainable, ash rich biomass and residues in residential heating applications (20-200 kWth) to provide sustainable heat at a competitive price. In this concept, various 2nd generation agricultural, and forestry residue streams are converted into a liquid energy carrier near the biomass origin at an economic viable scale of 15-30 MWth using the fast pyrolysis process. Subsequently, the fast pyrolysis bio-oil (FPBO) is distributed to a large number of residential end-users. The FPBO should fulfill at least the draft CEN-specification for replacement of domestic heating oil and comply with REACH regulation. Additional quality control aspects for this application include the removal of extractives and solids from the FPBO. Ash is recovered from the fast pyrolysis process as a separate stream, and recycling and/or re-use will be evaluated in detail. Existing high efficient, condensing boilers are used as starting point in the project, as well as a proven, low emission blue-flame type burner. Within Residue2Heat technical development work is performed on the modification of such systems to enable FPBO as fuel. The emission control and energy efficiency of the heating systems are optimized by dedicated modeling of FPBO atomization and combustion kinetics, supported by single droplet combustion tests and spray characterization. This route benefits from the flexible nature of the fast pyrolysis process, allowing the use of various lignocellulosic biomass streams, but also by using modified residential heating systems for which manufacturing capabilities, market development and product distribution are already in place. Dedicated tasks are included to assess the environmental and social impacts, risks analysis and public acceptance. Additionally, business and market assessment activities are performed including specific issues on health and safety relevant to FPBO-fuelled residential boilers.

Industrial Development of Water Flow Glazing Systems (InDeWaG)

Das Projekt "Industrial Development of Water Flow Glazing Systems (InDeWaG)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bayreuth, Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften, Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik und Transportprozesse (LTTT) und Lehrstuhl Metallische Werkstoffe (MW) durchgeführt.

SUNlight-to-LIQUID: Integrated solar-thermochemical synthesis of liquid hydrocarbon fuels (SUN-to-LIQUID)

Das Projekt "SUNlight-to-LIQUID: Integrated solar-thermochemical synthesis of liquid hydrocarbon fuels (SUN-to-LIQUID)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V. durchgeführt. Liquid hydrocarbon fuels are ideal energy carriers for the transportation sector due to their exceptionally high energy density and most convenient handling, without requiring changes in the existing global infrastructure. Currently, virtually all renewable hydrocarbon fuels originate from biomass. Their feasibility to meet the global fuel demand and their environmental impact are controversial. In contrast, SUN-to-LIQUID has the potential to cover future fuel consumption as it establishes a radically different non-biomass non-fossil path to synthesize renewable liquid hydrocarbon fuels from abundant feedstocks of H2O, CO2 and solar energy. Concentrated solar radiation drives a thermochemical redox cycle, which inherently operates at high temperatures and utilizes the full solar spectrum. Thereby, it provides a thermodynamically favourable path to solar fuel production with high energy conversion efficiency and, consequently, economic competitiveness. Recently, the first-ever production of solar jet fuel has been experimentally demonstrated at laboratory scale using a solar reactor containing a ceria-based reticulated porous structure undergoing the redox cyclic process. SUN-to-LIQUID aims at advancing this solar fuel technology from the laboratory to the next field phase: expected key innovations include an advanced high-flux ultra-modular solar heliostat field, a 50 kW solar reactor, and optimized redox materials to produce synthesis gas that is subsequently processed to liquid hydrocarbon fuels. The complete integrated fuel production chain will be experimentally validated at a pre-commercial scale and with record high energy conversion efficiency. The ambition of SUN-to-LIQUID is to advance solar fuels well beyond the state of the art and to guide the further scale-up towards a reliable basis for competitive industrial exploitation. Large-scale solar fuel production is expected to have a major impact on a sustainable future transportation sector.

Sustainable exploitation of biomass for bioenergy from marginal lands in Europe (SEEMLA)

Das Projekt "Sustainable exploitation of biomass for bioenergy from marginal lands in Europe (SEEMLA)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. durchgeführt. The aim of the SEEMLA project is the reliable and sustainable exploitation of biomass from marginal lands (MagL), which are used neither for food nor feed production and are not posing an environmental threat. The main target groups are regional authorities and public or private owners of MagLs, who can provide knowledge on land availability and are responsible for managing these. Furthermore foresters, farmers and the civil society affected by transformation of MagL into energy crop plantations are important cooperation partners for the project's success. The initial challenge of the project is to define MagL. In order to achieve high yields on the MagL the goal is to develop and optimize cropping systems for special sites. The project focuses both on existing plantations of energy crops on MagL and on the establishment of new plantations on MagLs. General guidelines and manuals shall attract and help relevant stakeholders as well as piloting shall prove the feasibility of SEEMLA results. The first scenario will enable the assessment of good practice and the refinement of current practices, making them more sustainable (environmental, economic, social). The second approach will transfer good practices to underused MagL. The project will focus on three main objectives: the promotion of re-conversion of MagLs for the production of bioenergy through the direct involvement of farmers and foresters, the strengthening of local small scale supply chains and the promotion of plantations of bioenergy plants on MagLs. Moreover the expected impacts are: Increasing the production of bioenergy, farmers' incomes, investments in new technologies and the design of new policy measures. The project team is balanced between scientific and technical partners as well as national and regional organisations. By including partners from South-East, Eastern and Central Europe the knowledge transfer between regions of different climatic and political backgrounds can be established.

Supporting Sustainable Energy Production from Biomass from Landscape Conservation and Maintenance Work (greenGain)

Das Projekt "Supporting Sustainable Energy Production from Biomass from Landscape Conservation and Maintenance Work (greenGain)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. durchgeführt. The aim of greenGain is to strengthen the energy use of regional and local biomass from the maintenance of areas and landscape elements, which is performed in the public interest. The scope of the biomass used, will be any material predominantly produced from nature conservation and landscape management, but not from energy-crops. The main target groups are regional and local players, who are responsible for maintenance and conservation work and for the biomass residue management in their regions. Moreover, the focus will be on service providers - including farmers and forest owners, their associations, NGOs and energy providers and consumers. The project will show strategies to build up reliable knowledge on local availability of these feedstocks and know-how on issues from logistics to storage and sustainable conversion pathways for the transformation of these feedstocks to renewable energy (heat and energy products). Furthermore political, legal and environmental aspects will be addressed in model regions. Awareness raising, governance and public acceptance actions will be focussed on. General guidelines will be prepared to guarantee a wide dissemination to other regions in the EU. The regional partners will be actively supported by Technical Partners for the project measures' development and implementation. As a CSA, the project focal point will be the exchange between the model regions and other similar relevant players in the EU, by good practice exchange, a topic-specific website, several workshops and educational site visits in different regions as well as other standard public relations activities. The project team is carefully balanced between technical and scientific organisations and local demand side oriented players. Regions in northern Europe with a wide knowledge in this field are cooperating with European (south-west, middle, east) regions, having an untapped potential, that can be accessed through efficient knowledge transfer.

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