The TROPOMI instrument onboard the Copernicus SENTINEL-5 Precursor satellite is a nadir-viewing, imaging spectrometer that provides global measurements of atmospheric properties and constituents on a daily basis. It is contributing to monitoring air quality and climate, providing critical information to services and decision makers. The instrument uses passive remote sensing techniques by measuring the top of atmosphere solar radiation reflected by and radiated from the earth and its atmosphere. The four spectrometers of TROPOMI cover the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), Near Infra-Red (NIR) and Short Wavelength Infra-Red (SWIR) domains of the electromagnetic spectrum. The operational trace gas products generated at DLR on behave ESA are: Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Formaldehyde (HCHO), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Methane (CH4), together with clouds and aerosol properties. This product displays the Cloud Fraction (CF) around the globe. Clouds play a crucial role in the Earth's climate system and have significant effects on trace gas retrievals. The radiometric cloud fraction is retrieved from the UV using the OCRA algorithm. Daily observations are binned onto a regular latitude-longitude grid. This product is created in the scope of the project INPULS. It develops (a) innovative retrieval algorithms and processors for the generation of value-added products from the atmospheric Copernicus missions Sentinel-5 Precursor, Sentinel-4, and Sentinel-5, (b) cloud-based (re)processing systems, (c) improved data discovery and access technologies as well as server-side analytics for the users, and (d) data visualization services.
The TROPOMI instrument onboard the Copernicus SENTINEL-5 Precursor satellite is a nadir-viewing, imaging spectrometer that provides global measurements of atmospheric properties and constituents on a daily basis. It is contributing to monitoring air quality and climate, providing critical information to services and decision makers. The instrument uses passive remote sensing techniques by measuring the top of atmosphere solar radiation reflected by and radiated from the earth and its atmosphere. The four spectrometers of TROPOMI cover the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), Near Infra-Red (NIR) and Short Wavelength Infra-Red (SWIR) domains of the electromagnetic spectrum. The operational trace gas products generated at DLR on behave ESA are: Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Formaldehyde (HCHO), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Methane (CH4), together with clouds and aerosol properties. This product displays the Cloud-Top Height (CTH) around the globe. Clouds play a crucial role in the Earth's climate system and have significant effects on trace gas retrievals. The cloud-top height is retrieved from the O2-A band using the ROCINN algorithm. Daily observations are binned onto a regular latitude-longitude grid. This product is created in the scope of the project INPULS. It develops (a) innovative retrieval algorithms and processors for the generation of value-added products from the atmospheric Copernicus missions Sentinel-5 Precursor, Sentinel-4, and Sentinel-5, (b) cloud-based (re)processing systems, (c) improved data discovery and access technologies as well as server-side analytics for the users, and (d) data visualization services.
The TROPOMI instrument onboard the Copernicus SENTINEL-5 Precursor satellite is a nadir-viewing, imaging spectrometer that provides global measurements of atmospheric properties and constituents on a daily basis. It is contributing to monitoring air quality and climate, providing critical information to services and decision makers. The instrument uses passive remote sensing techniques by measuring the top of atmosphere solar radiation reflected by and radiated from the earth and its atmosphere. The four spectrometers of TROPOMI cover the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), Near Infra-Red (NIR) and Short Wavelength Infra-Red (SWIR) domains of the electromagnetic spectrum. The operational trace gas products generated at DLR on behave ESA are: Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Formaldehyde (HCHO), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Methane (CH4), together with clouds and aerosol properties. This product displays the Formaldehyde (HCHO) concentration around the globe. The major HCHO sources are vegetation, fires, traffic and industrial sources. Daily observations are binned onto a regular latitude-longitude grid. This product is created in the scope of the project INPULS. It develops (a) innovative retrieval algorithms and processors for the generation of value-added products from the atmospheric Copernicus missions Sentinel-5 Precursor, Sentinel-4, and Sentinel-5, (b) cloud-based (re)processing systems, (c) improved data discovery and access technologies as well as server-side analytics for the users, and (d) data visualization services.
The TROPOMI instrument onboard the Copernicus SENTINEL-5 Precursor satellite is a nadir-viewing, imaging spectrometer that provides global measurements of atmospheric properties and constituents on a daily basis. It is contributing to monitoring air quality and climate, providing critical information to services and decision makers. The instrument uses passive remote sensing techniques by measuring the top of atmosphere solar radiation reflected by and radiated from the earth and its atmosphere. The four spectrometers of TROPOMI cover the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), Near Infra-Red (NIR) and Short Wavelength Infra-Red (SWIR) domains of the electromagnetic spectrum. The operational trace gas products generated at DLR on behave ESA are: Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Formaldehyde (HCHO), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Methane (CH4), together with clouds and aerosol properties. This product displays the sulphur dioxide (SO2) concentration around the globe. Sulphur dioxide enters the atmosphere through volcanic eruptions and human-related activities. Daily observations are binned onto a regular latitude-longitude grid. This product is created in the scope of the project INPULS. The DLR INPULS project develops (a) innovative retrieval algorithms and processors for the generation of value-added products from the atmospheric Copernicus missions Sentinel-5 Precursor, Sentinel-4, and Sentinel-5, (b) cloud-based (re)processing systems, (c) improved data discovery and access technologies as well as server-side analytics for the users, and (d) data visualization services.
The TROPOMI instrument onboard the Copernicus SENTINEL-5 Precursor satellite is a nadir-viewing, imaging spectrometer that provides global measurements of atmospheric properties and constituents on a daily basis. It is contributing to monitoring air quality and climate, providing critical information to services and decision makers. The instrument uses passive remote sensing techniques by measuring the top of atmosphere solar radiation reflected by and radiated from the earth and its atmosphere. The four spectrometers of TROPOMI cover the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS), Near Infra-Red (NIR) and Short Wavelength Infra-Red (SWIR) domains of the electromagnetic spectrum. The operational trace gas products generated at DLR on behave ESA are: Ozone (O3), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Sulfur Dioxide (SO2), Formaldehyde (HCHO), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Methane (CH4), together with clouds and aerosol properties. This product displays the Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) near surface concentration for Germany and neighboring countries as derived from the POLYPHEMUS/DLR air quality model. Surface NO2 is mainly generated by anthropogenic sources, e.g. transport and industry. POLYPHEMUS/DLR is a state-of-the-art air quality model taking into consideration - meteorological conditions, - photochemistry, - anthropogenic and natural (biogenic) emissions, - TROPOMI NO2 observations for data assimilation. This Level 4 air quality product (surface NO2 at 15:00 UTC) is based on innovative algorithms, processors, data assimilation schemes and operational processing and dissemination chain developed in the framework of the INPULS project. The DLR project INPULS develops (a) innovative retrieval algorithms and processors for the generation of value-added products from the atmospheric Copernicus missions Sentinel-5 Precursor, Sentinel-4, and Sentinel-5, (b) cloud-based (re)processing systems, (c) improved data discovery and access technologies as well as server-side analytics for the users, and (d) data visualization services.
The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) on Board ESA’s ENVISAT provides spectral high resolution image data in the visible-near infrared spectral region (412-900 nm) at a spatial resolution of 300 m. For more details on ENVISAT and MERIS see This product developed in the frame of the MAPP project (MERIS Application and Regional Products Projects) represents the chlorophyll concentration of the North Sea derived from MERIS data. The product is a cooperative effort of DLR-DFD and the Institute for Coastal Research at the GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht. DFD pre-processed up to the value added level whenever MERIS data for the North Sea region was received and positively checked for a water area large enough for a suitable interpretation. For more details the reader is referred to and This product provides 10-day maps.
The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) on Board ESA’s ENVISAT provides spectral high resolution image data in the visible-near infrared spectral region (412-900 nm) at a spatial resolution of 300 m. For more details on ENVISAT and MERIS see This product developed in the frame of the MAPP project (MERIS Application and Regional Products Projects) represents the chlorophyll concentration of the North Sea derived from MERIS data. The product is a cooperative effort of DLR-DFD and the Institute for Coastal Research at the GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht. DFD pre-processed up to the value added level whenever MERIS data for the North Sea region was received and positively checked for a water area large enough for a suitable interpretation. For more details the reader is referred to and This product provides monthly maps.
The Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) on Board ESA’s ENVISAT provides spectral high resolution image data in the visible-near infrared spectral region (412-900 nm) at a spatial resolution of 300 m. For more details on ENVISAT and MERIS see This product developed in the frame of the MAPP project (MERIS Application and Regional Products Projects) represents the chlorophyll concentration of the North Sea derived from MERIS data. The product is a cooperative effort of DLR-DFD and the Institute for Coastal Research at the GKSS Research Centre Geesthacht. DFD pre-processed up to the value added level whenever MERIS data for the North Sea region was received and positively checked for a water area large enough for a suitable interpretation. For more details the reader is referred to and This product provides daily maps.
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License | Count |
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Language | Count |
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Englisch | 28 |
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Mensch & Umwelt | 56 |
Wasser | 40 |
Weitere | 56 |