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Minirhizotron(MR)-facilitities are used to investigate the processes in the soil-plant continuum. The unique setup of these facilities enables the recording of 4D information for multiple crop growing seasons under different field conditions and agricultural practices. The MR-facilities in Selhausen, Germany enable the performance of long-term studies of the soil-plant-continuum. The data set was acquired for the years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020 and 2021 and the study is still on-going. The data set will be complemented each year. This repository contains the image of roots and the surrounding soil, taken through the transparent rhizotubes. Depending on the vegetation and the root development progress the amount of images taken varies. A measurement produces 40 images per tube. Half of the images were taken 80° clockwise and the other half 80° counter-clockwise from the rhizotubes top point. Two different camera systems were used over time to take the images. The camera used in 2016 and in most measurements of 2017 was manufactured by Bartz (Bartz Technology Corporation), the camera used for some the images taken in 2017 and whole 2018, 2020 and 2021 was153 produced by VSI (Vienna Scientific Instruments GmbH). The data in this repository correspond to the article "Investigating processes within the soil-plant continuum: Sub-soil data of minirhizotron facilities in Selhausen".


Minirhizotron(MR)-facilitities are used to investigate the processes in the soil-plant continuum. The unique setup of these facilities enables the recording of 4D information for multiple crop growing seasons under different field conditions and agricultural practices. The MR-facilities in Selhausen, Germany enable the performance of long-term studies of the soil-plant-continuum. The study is still on-going. The data set will be complemented each year. This repository contains the image of roots and the surrounding soil, taken through the transparent rhizotubes. Depending on the vegetation and the root development progress the amount of images taken varies. A measurement produces currently 40 images per tube. The data in this repository correspond to the article "Investigating processes within the soil-plant continuum: Sub-soil data of minirhizotron facilities in Selhausen".