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Novel innovative competitive effective tilt rotor integrated project (NICE-TRIP)

Das Projekt "Novel innovative competitive effective tilt rotor integrated project (NICE-TRIP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von VERTAIR durchgeführt. Objective: This proposal has been prepared in the framework of a research and development roadmap defined by the European rotorcraft community that aims to develop a civil tilt-rotor aircraft. A key target of the road map is a flying demonstrator in the 2010 decade. NICETRIP specifically addresses the acquisition of new knowledge and technology validation concerning tilt-rotor. The main project objectives are: - To validate the European civil tilt-rotor concept based on the ERICA architecture; - To validate critical technologies and systems through the development, integration and testing of components of a tilt-rotor aircraft on full-scale dedicated rigs; - To acquire new knowledge on tilt-rotor through the development and testing of several wind tunnel models, including a large-scale full-span powered model; - To investigate and evaluate the introduction of tilt-rotors in the European Air Traffic Management System; - To assess the sustainability of the tilt-rotor product with respect to social and environmental issue s and to define the path towards a future tilt-rotor flying demonstrator. Project NICETRIP is fully relevant to the strategic objective - Integration of technologies towards the future tilt-rotor aircraft, of the work programme of call 3 of the Thematic Priority Aeronautics and Space. The organisation and resources proposed to achieve the project objectives include a 54-month work plan made of 7 work packages and a consortium of 31 participants, fully representing the span of needed capabilities.

New Aero Engine Core Concepts (NEWAC)

Das Projekt "New Aero Engine Core Concepts (NEWAC)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. NEWAC will provide a step change for low emission engines by introducing new innovative core configurations to strongly reduce CO2 and NOx emissions. This breakthrough will be achieved by developing and validating new core configurations using heat management (intercooler, cooling air cooler, recuperator), improved combustion, active systems and improved core components. NEWAC will design and manufacture these innovative components and perform model, rig and core tests to validate the critical technologies. The NEWAC core configurations include an Inter-cooled Recuperative Aero engine (IRA) operating at low overall pressure ratio (OPR), an inter-cooled core configuration operating at high OPR, an active core and a flow controlled core operating at medium OPR. NEWAC will complement past and existing EC projects in the field, e.g. EEFAE in FP5 and VITAL in FP6. The main result will be fully validated new technologies enabling a 6Prozent reduction in CO2 emissions and a further 16Prozent reduction in NOx relative to ICAO-LTO cycle. Most importantly, the project will address the challenges involved in delivering these benefits simultaneously. NEWAC will deliver together with EEFAE (-11Prozent CO2, -60Prozent NOx), national programs and expected results of VITAL, the overall CO2 reduction of 20Prozent and the NOx reduction close to 80Prozent at a technology readiness level of 5, contributing to the attainment of the ACARE targets. NEWAC will achieve this technology breakthrough by integrating 41 actors from the European leading engine manufacturers, the engine-industry supply chain, key European research institutes and SMEs with specific expertise. The advance and benefits that NEWAC will bring to Europe in terms of more efficient and environmental-friendly air transport will be disseminated widely to all stakeholders. Furthermore a training programme will ensure the transfer of expertise and knowledge to the wider research community and especially to the new member states of the EU.

Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions (MAGPI)

Das Projekt "Main Annulus Gas Path Interactions (MAGPI)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. In a modern aero engine, up to 20Prozent of the main annulus flow is bled off to perform cooling and sealing functions. The vicinity of these bleed ports and flow sinks is characterised by complex unsteady swirling flows, which are not fully understood. Even the most up-to-date numerical tools have difficulties predicting the behaviour of the secondary flow system when interacting with the main annulus. The project addresses interactions between main gas path and secondary flow systems in commercial gas turbines in response to Research Activity AERO-2005- Concepts and technologies for improving engine thermal efficiency and reducing secondary air losses. Experiments are planned on turbine disc rim and compressor manifold cavity heat transfer, hot gas ingestion, and spoiling effects of cooling air flow and their impact on turbine and compressor performance, as well as a reduction of secondary air losses. The experimental data will be used for better understanding of the complex flow phenomena and improvements of platform and cavity design. Furthermore, the industrial partners will validate their design tools with these test data and improve their prediction capability of secondary flow systems when interacting with the main gas path. The expected results are a reduction of cooling and sealing airflow rates, improvements of the turbine and compressor efficiency and increase of the safety margin of the engine components by better cooling. Expected technical results are: - Knowledge of the interaction phenomena and its effect on cavity heat transfer, spoiling and performance, - Experimental results for validation of improved numerical tools for secondary flow systems, - Optimised design methods and CFD best practice guidelines. The targeted outcome will contribute to the ACARE goal of reduced CO2 emissions via reduced fuel burn of 2Prozent to improve the environment and strengthening the competitiveness of European gas turbine manufacturers.

Predictive methods for combined cycle fatigue in Gas Turbine Blades (PREMECCY)

Das Projekt "Predictive methods for combined cycle fatigue in Gas Turbine Blades (PREMECCY)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG durchgeführt. The modern gas turbine is a complex machine, the design and development of which takes many months and costs Millions. The European gas turbine manufacturing industry is under pressure to minimise the resources required to bring a new design to market, due to global competitive pressure and increasing customer expectations. Accurate design and prediction tools are keys to success in this process. The PREMECCY project identifies the field of rotor blade Combined Cycle Fatigue (CCF) as an area where there are shortcomings in the existing industry standard design and prediction tools and thus where significant benefits can be achieved. Rotor blade CCF accounts for up to 40Prozent of the total number of issues that arise during an engine development programme and a similar proportion of in-service problems. These issues cost the industry Millions in both maintenance and redesign costs. The primary objective of the PREMECCY project is to develop new and improved CCF prediction methods for use in the design process. These will halve the number of development and in-service CCF problems thereby reducing the time and cost required to develop a new engine and reducing the operating costs once in service. They will also enable the design of lighter, more efficient blades, reducing engine sfc. In order to develop the new prediction methods the project will first generate high quality material test data. Advanced specimens and testing mechanically, geometrically and environmentally representative of operating conditions will be used to verify the enhanced methodology. All industrial partners are in a position to exploit the resulting methodologies within their existing design processes. The 15 strong consortium includes 9 major European gas turbine manufacturers, 1 specialist SME and 5 world-class research facilities. The complimentary expertise and experience of the consortium represents an optimised resource with which to achieve the project's challenging objectives. Prime Contractor: Rolls-Royce Plc; London; United Kongdom.

Logistics Industry Coalition for Long-term, ICT-based Freight Transport Efficiency (LOGISTICS FOR LIFE)

Das Projekt "Logistics Industry Coalition for Long-term, ICT-based Freight Transport Efficiency (LOGISTICS FOR LIFE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BLG Logistics Group AG & Co. KG durchgeführt. Logistics for LIFE brings together leading logistic companies, technology providers and research organizations working on innovative ICT solutions to ensure long-term sustainability of the logistic industry by increasing its operational efficiency. The project is motivated by freight transport heavy reliance on fossil fuel, its contribution to CO2 emissions and by its impact on the environment and quality of life. These issues are counterbalanced by considerations specific to the logistics industry, where attempts to direct cargo towards environment friendly transport modes are failing to meet expectations and firms face problems of volatile fuel prices, infrastructures saturation and low margins typical of a commoditized sector. Logistics for LIFE will drive European ICT for Transport research in the direction of making logistic operations more efficient, and thus more environmentally friendly, financially and socially sustainable on the long term. The following results will be achieved: 1) a multi-disciplinary network pursuing efficiency-related initiatives within EU, international or industrial programs, and attracting key stakeholders through a dedicated Forum; 2) a reference framework linking the stakeholders efficiency requirements to sustainability strategic objectives and to relevant ICT solutions; 3) a strategic roadmap including concrete actions and strategies for ICT solutions implementation; 4) coordinated dissemination activities and 5) a common working platform aimed at the community of users and researchers pursuing ICT-based logistics sustainability. The Logistics for LIFE Consortium is formed by 19 partners including global leaders in logistics, vehicle and technology manufacturing, ICT companies and research organizations representing some of the major initiatives and research projects in the field. International Cooperation partners from China, US and Eastern Europe are part of the Consortium or expressed their interest in Forum participation. Prime Contractor: INSIEL - Informatica per il Sistema Degli Enti Locali S.P.A.; Bologna; Italia.

Umweltnachrichtendienst (ENS): ENVIRONET

Das Projekt "Umweltnachrichtendienst (ENS): ENVIRONET" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Siemens-Nixdorf-Informationssysteme AG durchgeführt. Objective: ENVIRONET aimed at establishing a user-friendly technical platform for the exchange of mail, alarm messages and relevant data between Europe administrations within the environment sector in order to increase efficiency and lower costs. It also aimed to stimulate the development of standardisation in administrative routines, technical methods and formats. General Information: The overall concept of ENVIRONET defines four major areas: - User Systems: as each category of user needs a specific set of applications for its tasks, the same application can be implemented differently by the administrations. This gives a particular emphasis to the need for a common architecture and agreed standardised data structures. A specific set of applications is needed by ENVIRONET users to allow them to optimise performance of environmental tasks. - Data communication services: the ENVIRONET Service Node and the ENVIRONET data communication services decentralised. An ENVIRONET Service Node (ESN) provides the functions of Directory Service, Alarming, Event/Document Information Handling, and Access to external data bases via the ESN, Mail Handling/Mailbox. The technical architecture uses the X.25, X.400, X.500 Directory Service standards and FTP with possible upgrading to FTAM as telematic services. - Data Suppliers/External Data Bases ENVIRONET accesses X.500 directory services for user data, in addition to information available in the Yellow Pages directory at the ESN. - The Network Infrastructure: the ENVIRONET architecture is based on a Client-Server mode which offers high level communications services such as store and forward messaging, file transfer, terminal emulation, and a directory. The physical and logical connections between the user and the ESN are established via the X.25 network or the ISDN. Achievements: The ENVIRONET concept integrates the national requirements for transnational communications within the field of environment and crisis management. The demonstrations used various principles of information and data retrieval, storage, archiving, exchange and processing which are required by the three pilot scenarios, called ECASE (Emergency Control and Alarm Systems based on ENVIRONET). - ECASE AIR demonstrated alarming and event handling in case of an incident with substances causing air pollution. - ECASE RIVER demonstrated alarm reporting and decision support for authorities involved in river pollution incidents. The project has been carried out in close co-operation with the relevant administrations on the river Rhine and with the EU for the Protection of the Rhine against pollution (ICPR). - ECASE COAST demonstrated alarm and event handling in case of pollution incidents in coastal waters. The Mediterranean area between Greece and Italy was chosen for the demonstration...

Optimal engineering design for dependable water and power generation in remote areas using renewable energies and intelligent automation (OPEN-GAIN)

Das Projekt "Optimal engineering design for dependable water and power generation in remote areas using renewable energies and intelligent automation (OPEN-GAIN)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Heidelberg,Institut für Technische Informatik durchgeführt. Objective: To combat water scarcity and desertification, intensive desalination activities have been carried out in remote arid regions. However, desalting is resources and energy intensive, which are limited and expensive. Thus, water production must be increased while keeping the consumption of resources affordable. For remote arid areas, de-centralised solutions for energy and water co-production offer advantages over large central production sites. Finally, skilled personnel is normally absent in such areas, what demands dependable systems. To implement all this, a highly qualified consortium complemented by experienced subcontracting companies was established. This project offers a solution to cost optimal co-production of energy and water using renewable energy besides diesel generators. Cost optimisation is achieved through a high level of automation, which is necessary to adapt the working conditions to the strongly varying renewable energy supply, and remote maintenance. The approach is based on thorough modelling of the processes and offers a large degree of flexibility in the design to meet different production requirements. The project's work packages are so organised that high teamwork with less management effort is possible. The later transfer from R& TD to the manufacturers will lead to new products with increased benefits. Companies will reduce cost due to an optimal engineering design. They can also offer better maintenance services based on higher reliability and remote monitoring. European countries will become more familiar with the MPC regional demands. This shall lead to a decisive advantage in the international market with a better access for their products to MPC and MENA countries. The new product shall also improve the quality of life in the affected regions and MPC will obtain a better access to European R&TD; their personnel of water authorities and power suppliers shall obtain an added qualification for engineering services.

Embedded Optimization for Resource Constrained Platforms (EMBOCON)

Das Projekt "Embedded Optimization for Resource Constrained Platforms (EMBOCON)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von BASF SE durchgeführt. There is enormous economic potential for the application of embedded optimization technologies in embedded systems design. Recent advances in the performance of embedded hardware platforms, in combination with fundamental improvements in optimization theory and algorithms, have opened the door to widespread applications over the next decade. Embedded optimization will enable huge energy and resource savings, increased safety, and improved fault detection across a wide a range of industrial applications in the mechatronic, automotive, process control and aerospace sectors. In order to realize the full potential of optimization in embedded systems, their design must also be supported by a focussed set of tools enabling the rapid transfer of novel high-performance algorithms to practical applications. The EMBOCON consortium will enable widespread application of real-time optimization in embedded systems through: - Tailoring of customized numerical algorithms to increase their robustness and efficiency on embedded systems - Enabling real-time optimization on cheap industry-standard hardware platforms - Defining a common user interface for optimization technologies to facilitate technology transfer to industry - Performing challenging case studies in cooperation with industrial partners to demonstrate technological maturity. The EMBOCON consortium will strengthen a network of world-leading academic and industrial partners with complementary expertise in control, optimization and embedded systems in a range of industrial applications. Particular emphasis is placed on close collaboration between mathematical algorithm developers, control theorists, hardware specialists and industrial application engineers. The network will consolidate and extend Europe's position as the world research leader in these areas and foster strong collaborative links between European academia and industry. Prime Contractor: University London, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Faculty of Engineering, Level 2 Faculty; London; United Kingdom.

CARPLUS: Integration von Fahrgemeinschaften zwischen den Staedten der Europaeischen Union

Das Projekt "CARPLUS: Integration von Fahrgemeinschaften zwischen den Staedten der Europaeischen Union" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität St. Gallen, Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung durchgeführt. Objective: The CARPLUS project deals mainly with the promotion of car-pooling applications in European urban and peri-urban areas. The objective is to integrate the car-pooling applications within the existing telematics infrastructure of the city in order to provide to the car-poolers additional real-time information which improve the pooler service to the users and encourage its use. Technical analysis will cover matching software, guaranteed ride-home systems, geographical data and other aspects. The project will consider the widest possible range of potential users and telematics solutions, including high vehicle occupancy lanes for suburban areas and customer access to big shopping centres. General Information: The CARPLUS (ex: ICARUS proposal) project deals mainly with the promotion of car-pooling applications in European urban and peri-urban areas. The proposal is highly oriented to incentivate the use of pooled private vehicles in order to obtain benefits both at individual and social level: safety, saving in time, energy and consumption, reduction of congestion and environment enhancement. The objective of CARPLUS is to integrate the car-pooling applications within the existing telematics infrastructure of the city in order to provide to the car-poolers additional real time information which improve the pooler service to the users and encourage its use. The following technical aspects will be analysed: communication tools, matching software, guaranteed ride home systems, geographical databases, monetary exchange system. CARPLUS includes a demonstration in 5 test-sites (Madrid, Roma, Lille, Stuttgart and Switzerland) and it is trying to cover a widest range of characteristics, both in users' segment and telematic solution: a High Occupancy Vehicles lane for peri-urban residential areas, rail station connection, skiers car-poolers, bank clerks, shop centre customers, displacement between cities and industrial centre employers. The final key point of CARPLUS concerns the evaluation of the technical developments and the socio-economical benefits.

EUDAT (European Data Infrastructure) 'data as infrastructure'

Das Projekt "EUDAT (European Data Infrastructure) 'data as infrastructure'" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von CSC - Tieteen Tietotenknikan Keskus Oy durchgeführt. (European Data Infrastructure) EUDAT is our proposal for the next stage in the realisation of the vision of 'data as infrastructure'.

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