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Nebenprodukte aus der Kaffeeaufbereitung zur Verbesserung der Kaffeeproduktion in Aethiopien

Das Projekt "Nebenprodukte aus der Kaffeeaufbereitung zur Verbesserung der Kaffeeproduktion in Aethiopien" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Pflanzenproduktion und Agrarökologie in den Tropen und Subtropen, Fachgebiet Agrarökologie der Tropen und Substropen durchgeführt. The by-products of coffee processing are mainly coffee pulp and husk derived from wet and dry processing respectively. Due to the contribution of these by-products to environmental pollution, environmentally friendly disposal methods are necessary. The objectives of the study were to assess the manurial value of the by-products as potential organic fertilisers, quantify their subsequent effect up on the physical and chemical properties of coffee soils, and determine their effect on growth and yield of coffee. By-products of wet and dry coffee processing were decomposed and the chemical nutrients analyzed before and after decomposition. The compost from both by-products contained high level of major nutrients and physically suitable for coffee growth. The amendment of coffee processing by-products both decomposed and undecomposed caused a significant alteration in the physical and chemical status of coffee soils. The application of coffee pulp and husk compost significantly improved coffee growth and yield preceded by addition of N and P mineral fertiliser.