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INSPIRE: Map of Mineral Resources of Germany 1:1,000,000 (BSK1000)

The BSK1000 (INSPIRE) provides the basic information on the spatial distribution of energy resources and mineral raw materials (‘stones and earth’, industrial minerals and ores) in Germany on a scale of 1:1,000,000. The BSK1000 is published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in cooperation with the State Geological Surveys of Germany. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the content of the map is stored in five INSPIRE-compliant GML files: BSK1000_Mine.gml contains important mines as points. BSK1000_EarthResource_point_Energy_resources_and_mineral_raw_materials.gml contains small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as points. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Distribution_of_salt.gml contains the distribution of salt as polygons. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Energy_resources.gml contains large-scale energy resources as polygons. BSK1000_EarthResource_polygon_Mineral_raw_materials.gml contains large-scale mineral raw materials as polygons. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (BSK1000-INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.

INSPIRE: Geoscientific Map of Germany 1:2,000,000 - Important deposits (GK2000 Lagerstätten)

The GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) shows deposits and mines of energy resources, metal resources, industrial minerals and salt on a greatly simplified geology within Germany on a scale of 1:2,000,000. According to the Data Specifications on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) and Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the content of the map is stored in three INSPIRE-compliant GML files: GK2000_Lagerstaetten_Mine.gml contains mines as points. GK2000_ Lagerstaetten _EarthResource_polygon_Energy_resources.gml contains energy resources as polygons. GK2000_ Lagerstaetten _GeologicUnit.gml contains the greatly simplified geology of Germany. The GML files together with a Readme.txt file are provided in ZIP format (GK2000_ Lagerstaetten -INSPIRE.zip). The Readme.text file (German/English) contains detailed information on the GML files content. Data transformation was proceeded by using the INSPIRE Solution Pack for FME according to the INSPIRE requirements.

INSPIRE: Map of Mineral Resources of Germany 1:1,000,000 (BSK1000) (WMS)

The WMS BSK1000 (INSPIRE) provides basic information on the spatial distribution of energy resources and mineral raw materials (‘stones and earth’, industrial minerals and ores) in Germany on a scale of 1:1,000,000. The BSK1000 is published by the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources in cooperation with the State Geological Surveys of Germany. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) the map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS BSK1000 (INSPIRE) contains five layers: MR.Mine displays important mines. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Point.EnergyResourcesAndMineralRawMaterials displays small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as points. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Polygon.DistributionOfSalt displays the distribution of salt. MR.MineralOccurrence.Commodity.Polygon.EnergyResources displays large-scale energy resources as polygons. MR.MineralOccurrence.Commodity.Polygon.MineralRawMaterials displays large-scale mineral raw materials as polygons. The user obtains detailed information on the mineral raw materials, energy resources and mines via the getFeatureInfo request. Notes regarding the portrayal: The colouring of the large- and small-scale energy resources and mineral raw materials as well as of the mines corresponds largely to the colouring of the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE). In addition, the gas and oil polygons are coloured in green and red according to common international practice. The black coal polygons are displayed in their original colour grey. Also the colours of the mine symbols correspond largely to the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE) colouring. Only the salt and potash mine symbols have their original colour. All mine symbols are BGR symbols. The distribution areas of the Triassic and Zechstein salt show the corresponding geochronological INSPIRE colours (see Data Specification on Geology D2.8.II.4_v3.0). The distribution area of salt diapirism is displayed in a BGR colour.

INSPIRE: Geoscientific Map of Germany 1:2,000,000 - Important deposits (GK2000 Lagerstätten) (WMS)

The WMS GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) shows deposits and mines of energy resources, metal resources, industrial minerals and salt on a greatly simplified geology within Germany on a scale of 1:2,000,000. According to the Data Specification on Mineral Resources (D2.8.III.21) and Geology (D2.8.II.4_v3.0) the map provides INSPIRE-compliant data. The WMS GK2000 Lagerstätten (INSPIRE) contains the following layers: MR.Mine displays mines. MR.MineralOccurence.Commodity.Polygon.EnergyResources displays energy resources as polygons. GE.GeologicUnits provides the greatly simplified geology of Germany. For different geochronologic minimum and maximum ages, e.g. Precambrian - Cenozoic, the portrayal is defined by the colour of the geochronologic minimum age (olderNamedAge). The user obtains detailed information on the deposits, mines and geology via the getFeatureInfo request. Notes regarding the portrayal: The gas and oil provinces as well as the corresponding mines are coloured in green and red according to common international practice. The black coal fields are displayed in their original colour grey. The colouring of the brown coal fields correspond to the KOR250 respectively KOR250 (INSPIRE) colouring. All mine symbols and commodity abbrevations are BGR symbols and abbrevations.

Frachterkollision vor der dänischen Insel Bornholm

Am 31. Mai 2003 kollidierte der chinesischen Frachter Fu Shan Hai mit dem polnischen Containerschiff Gdynia etwa 40 km südwestlich von Schweden und 4,5 km nördlich vor der dänischen Ostseeinsel Bornholm (Hammer Odde). Der Frachter Fu Shan Hai sank 68 Meter tief auf den Grund der Ostsee. Die Fu Shan Hai hatte 60 000 Tonnen Pottasche und rund 1700 Tonnen schweres Maschinenöl, 110 Tonnen Dieselöl und 35 Tonnen Schmieröl an Bord.

Markt für Ethylenoxid

technologyComment of ethylene oxide production (RER): Ethylene is directly oxidized with air or oxygen in the presence of a catalyst to ethylene oxide (EO). About 40% of all European EO production is converted into glycols, globally the figure is about 70%. Usually, EO and MEG are produced together at integrated plants. Industrial production started in 1937 with a union Carbide process based on ethylene and air. In 1958 oxygen rather than air was instroduced by Shell Development Company, and today most processes are based on oxygen. Total European production was 3.4 million tons per year in 1997, while the US produced 5.2 million tons per year. Further production capacity of at least 1.2 million tons is reported from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Japan and South Korea giving a total of at least 9.8 million tons of ethylene oxide production worldwide. Ethylene oxide is a hydrocarbon compound made from ethylene and oxygen. Major manufacturers include Hoechst Celanese, Shell Chemical, and Union Carbide, among many others. EO is produced by passing a mixture of ethylene and oxygen over a solid silver-containing catalyst. Selectivity is improved by the addition of chlorine compounds such as chloroethane. Reaction conditions are temperatures of about 200 - 300 °C and a pressure of 10 – 30 bar. The main by-products are carbon dioxide and water, formed when ethylene is fully oxidised or some of the EO is further oxidised. Ethylene glycols are formed when the reactor gases are absorbed into chilled water. C2H4 + 1/2 O2  C2H4O (1) C2H4 O + H2O  HO-C2H4-OH (2) C2H4 + 3 O2  2 CO2 + 2 H2O (3) (1) production of ethylene oxide (2) production of MEG from EO and water (3) production of carbon dioxide and water from oxidation of ethylene The carbon dioxide is removed from the scrubber by absorption with hot aqueous potassium carbonate, the resulting solution is steam stripped to remove the carbon dioxide, which is vented to air. The potassium carbonate is regenerated. The carbon dioxide can be reused for inerting, or is sold, or is vented to atmosphere. References: IPPC Chemicals, 2002. European Commission, Directorate General, Joint Research Center, “Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Large Volume Organic Chemical Industry”, February 2002. Wells, 1999. G. Margaret Wells, “Handbook of Petrochemicals and Processes”, 2nd edition, Ashgate, 1999

History of the Asse II mine

History of the Asse II mine The Asse II mine is one of three facilities constructed on the Asse mountain range in around 1900 for the purpose of salt extraction, which was discontinued in 1964. The mine was subsequently bought by the federal government in 1965 and, from 1967 to 1978, was used for the emplacement of around 47,000 cubic metres of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste. Research work was carried out until 1995. Following the completion of this work, preparations were made for the mine’s decommissioning. This was to be carried out in accordance with mining law and without proof of long-term safety. In 2009, the facility was brought under the purview of nuclear law in response to demands from society and politics. Since 2013, there has been a legal mandate for the retrieval of the emplaced radioactive waste. According to current knowledge, this is the only way to ensure long-term safety. Salt extraction in the Asse II mine Potash salt was mined in the northern flank of the Asse II mine from 1909 to 1925, when the extraction work was discontinued for financial reasons. The chambers were backfilled during extraction with material arising as part of potash production. The mining of rock salt began in 1916 and continued until 1964. Here, too, mining was discontinued for financial reasons. A total of 131 mining chambers were created in the southern flank and remained open for several decades. The numerous cavities are exposed to geostatic pressure and are now leading to stability problems. Emplacement, research and planned decommissioning under mining law In 1965, the Federal Ministry of Research commissioned the Association for Radiation Reasearch (now known as Helmholtz Zentrum München) to carry out research into the final disposal of radioactive waste in the Asse II mine . The first waste was delivered in 1967. Emplacement was carried out based on the provisions of the Federal Mining Act and the Radiation Protection Ordinance. Around 47,000 cubic metres of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste were emplaced by the time emplacement finished in 1978. Although the facility was officially operated as a research mine, these emplacement operations effectively constituted the final disposal of almost all low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste from the Federal Republic of Germany from 1971 onwards. In 1987, the “area below the 800 m level” was created beneath the former extraction mine. This area was used to research whether salt was suitable for the storage of heat-generating radioactive waste. The research work ended in 1995. Since 1988, water has been entering the mine in the form of groundwater from the surrounding rock. This water is saturated with rock salt and does not lead to the dissolution of salt in the mine. From 1995 to 2004, the cavities that were still open in the southern flank were backfilled using salt material with a view to stabilising the mine. However, the chosen method did not achieve this aim satisfactorily. In 1997, the former operator presented a framework operating plan for the decommissioning of the Asse II mine. The radioactive waste was to remain in the mine, and no long-term safety demonstration would be carried out. Likewise, no such demonstration was envisaged in the final operating plan presented in 2007. Planned retrieval of radioactive waste In 2008, the Federal Ministry of Research and the environment ministries of the federal government and the State of Lower Saxony decided to treat the Asse II mine as a repository. The mine came under the purview of nuclear law in 2009. As well as stricter requirements for operation, decommissioning and radiation protection, the legislation also requires public participation with regard to the facility’s decommissioning. When the Asse mine came under the purview of nuclear law, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) became its operator and was tasked with decommissioning the facility without delay. In 2010, a comparison of multiple decommissioning options showed that the stipulated long-term safety could only be demonstrated by retrieving the radioactive waste from the Asse II mine. In 2013, the Bundestag (the lower house of Parliament in Germany) passed the “Lex Asse” legislation – the “Law on Speeding up the Retrieval of Radioactive Waste and the Decommissioning of the Asse II Mine” – with the backing of a broad political majority. Retrieval was thereby enshrined in the Atomic Energy Act. In 2017, within the framework of the restructuring of final disposal activities, the BGE assumed operating responsibility from the BfS. There were no changes to the legal mandate for the retrieval of radioactive waste from the Asse II mine. In April 2020, the BGE presented its retrieval plan, in which it described how it intended to retrieve the radioactive waste. For further information on the retrieval plan, please refer to the main topic on retrieval (German only) .


Located in the district of Wolfenbüttel, Lower Saxony, the Asse II mine stores 47,000 cubic metres of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste deep underground. This is not a safe place for the waste to be. It must be retrieved, and the mine must then be decommissioned in accordance with the legal mandate of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE). On this page : Video: Asse II mine explaind in 90 secounds Retrieval and decommissioning Schedule and initial cost estimate The Asse II mine is one of three former facilities that were built around 1900 for the extraction of potash and rock salt. Whereas Asse I and III had already been abandoned decades ago, the federal government bought the Asse II mine in 1965 in order to use it for research into the final disposal of radioactive waste. To this end, some 126,000 drums of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste were emplaced in former mining chambers from 1967 to 1978. Comprehensive inspections have been carried out to determine whether there was also high-level material in Asse II. So far, however, these inspections have not yielded any such indications. History of the Asse II mine The Asse information centre is located in the immediate vicinity of the minesite itself. The Info Asse hosts an exhibition and organises tours, lectures and events on a regular basis. Visiting the information centre and mine tours are free of charge. Neither the geology of the Asse nor the mine itself is suitable for the storage of radioactive waste. The mine is unstable and subject to the formation of cracks, allowing the inflow of saline water. This water is collected and disposed of to prevent it from coming into contact with the radioactive waste. In the long term, however, it cannot be ruled out that the inflow of water (saline solution) will lead to the release of radioactive substances. To prevent a risk to humans and the environment, the German Bundestag has therefore adopted legislation to have the waste recovered from the Asse II mine as quickly as possible. The mine is then to be decommissioned. This process is monitored by the general public. Plans for decommissioning with the waste left in place were abandoned due to concerns around long-term safety. Radioactive waste in the Asse II mine For the retrieval of the waste, experts are exploring the emplacement chambers and developing and testing suitable recovery technologies in collaboration with external partners. The waste is to be recovered via a new retrieval mine and will then be treated and safely packaged in waste treatment facilities before it can be taken to an interim storage facility. According to current plans, the retrieval of waste is set to begin in 2033. At present, the involved parties put the cost of preparing to commence retrieval by 2033 at around €4.7 billion. This sum includes the cost of keeping the mine open and implementing the preventive measures set out in the emergency planning. This estimate has an uncertainty of around 30%. The Asse II mine is a former salt mine in Lower Saxony Around 47,000 cubic metres of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste are stored deep underground in former mining chambers The mine is unstable and subject to the inflow of saline water By law, the waste must be recovered from the Asse mine by the BGE, and the mine must then be decommissioned It is not safe enough to decommission the mine with the waste left in place

Information event on Asse inflow waters

Announcement - Asse II mine 21 July 2017: Information event on Asse inflow waters On 18 July 2017, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE) as operator of the Asse II shaft mine and Asse GmbH as managing company in Sehnde gave information about plans for the discharge of radiologically harmless inflow waters into the Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine. The BGE and Asse GmbH accepted an invitation from the local council in Sehnde and the Specialist Committee for Urban Development and the Environment. Many interested citizens came to the public event to obtain information about the planned project. Those present expressed their concerns and fears about the planning and used the opportunity for questions and discussion. The principle questions and answers are presented here, so as to offer the same level of information to all interested parties. If you have any further questions, please contact info-asse(at)bge.de . In addition, we invite all interested citizens to compile their own personal impression of the Asse II shaft mine and the challenges associated with it. Visit us at the Asse Info Centre or register for an underground tour. Further information can be found here . Questions and answers are categorised as follows: Inflow waters and disposal options Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine recycling option Inflow waters measurement values Inflow waters transportation Further questions Inflow waters and disposal options How is solution management looking generally in the Asse II shaft mine? Currently, around 12.5 cubic metres of groundwater (inflow waters) saturated with rock salt are captured every day in the Asse II shaft mine. Over 90 per cent (around 11.5 cubic metres per day) is captured at the main collecting point at the 658 metre level. The solution captured there is radiologically harmless as it has had no contact with the radioactive waste. This is proven by measurements at every emission point from the mine. Release is effected according to Article 29 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance. All inflow waters captured beneath the 658 metre level remain in the mine and are used predominantly for concrete manufacturing. A small part of it (on average around 20 litres per day) has contact with the radioactive waste and is therefore contaminated. This solution also remains in the mine and is not delivered to the surface. Further information on solution management can be found in the brochure “ Asse II mine. Status of works for retrieval ” How are the inflow solutions currently disposed of? The inflow solutions, which are collected in the main collecting point at the 658 metre level, are currently subjected to further industrial processing. Until the end of 2016, discharge took place into the Mariaglück mine near Höfer in the Celle district. Which options for the disposal of inflow waters are being pursued? The primary recipient of the inflow solution is currently an industrial company that uses the rock salt solution as a base material for further production processes. Due to technical, weathering-related and other scenarios, further discharge may under certain conditions not be possible in future, either temporarily or permanently. In the sense of the precautionary principle under Atomic Law, the BGE as responsible operator must create possible alternatives. Besides the discharge of the solution into a mine, the delivery of the solution into the Elbe or discharge into the North Sea is also to be tested. Regarding delivery into the Elbe, an application has already been made to the responsible licencing authorities. It cannot currently be predicted whether and to what extent these back-up options will be used in future. In any case, only radiologically harmless solutions that have been approved under Article 29 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance are discharged. top Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine recycling option To what extent should inflow waters from Asse be discharged into the Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine? Currently around 11.5 cubic metres of inflow waters per day are captured at the main collecting point at the 658 metre level. This corresponds to an annual volume of around 4,200 cubic metres. As this recycling of salt solutions to flood the Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine is a back-up option, it can be expected that the actual occurrence will be significantly lower. When is the soonest that solutions from Asse could be brought to Sehnde? Because of the licencing procedure still to be undergone and the establishment of the necessary technical facilities, discharge could begin at the earliest in early 2018. However, as this is simply a back-up option, it cannot currently be foreseen whether or when solutions from Asse will be delivered into the Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine. For what duration might water from Asse be brought to Sehnde? Currently (as of April 2017), there are around 7.6 million cubic metres of cavity available in the Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine. The maximum daily flood volume is technically limited to around 12,000 cubic metres. K+S aims to advance the flooding rapidly and promptly bring it to an end. The precise end of the flooding depends on the quantities of media introduced. These consist predominantly of saline solutions the arise during potash production. Is there a risk in future that contaminated solutions will also be delivered to Sehnde? The atomic and radiation protection regulations prohibit discharge of contaminated solutions from the Asse II shaft mine. Discharge of contaminated solutions will not occur at any time. Is the Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine a former potash mine? Can the sodium chloride solution lead to dissolving processes? The flooding of the mine is generally arranged in such a way that even non-mineralised process water can be used without damaging the stability of the mine structure. The fact is that if all of the currently deliverable non-contaminated solutions from the Asse II shaft mine are delivered to the mine, the solutions from Asse would add up to around 0.3 per cent of the annually delivered solution. As this recycling in the Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine is a back-up option, it can be presumed that the actual delivery of inflow solutions will be significantly lower. top Inflow waters measurement values How are the contents of the solutions measured and how frequently are measurements carried out? Before the inflow waters are discharged, these are tested for radioactive materials. Reference nuclides are tritium and caesium-137. Measurement takes place as part of an approval procedure according to Article 29 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance. The water be discharged only when this approval procedure demonstrates that it is radiologically harmless. The measurements are currently carried out by VKTA Rossendorf. In addition, samples of all component parts are investigated every three months. Analysis of trace elements will display the tiniest changes in the composition of the solution. Which materials are present in the solution? The inflow waters to be discharged are a saturated rock salt solution. This is radiologically harmless, and this is confirmed by regular measurements. The measurements are carried out before each and every discharge of solution from the mine. The radionuclide tritium is the only significant factor in the discharge of inflow waters. This radioactive gas escapes from the storage chambers and is found in the mine air in the Asse II shaft mine. It can accumulate in watery solutions and thus also in the inflow waters to be discharged, which are captured in the main collecting point at the 658 metre level. The measurements show that the tritium concentration is far below the limit value set by the Drinking Water Ordinance. The Drinking Water Ordinance sets a limit value of 100 becquerels per litre (1 becquerel = 1 unit of nuclear decay per second). The inflow waters to be discharged show a tritium concentration of 2 to 5 becquerels per litre. Caesium-137 has not been seen. The measurement values from the first six months of 2017 can be found here . Earlier measurement values can be found on the archive site of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection. Who guarantees the independence of the measurements? The measurements are carried out by recognised institutions. So as to strengthen the trust of citizens, BGE and Asse-GmbH have proposed that for example the local political decision-makers can name a measuring institution to carry out checking measurements. This will be funded by the BGE. top Inflow waters transportation How will delivery of inflow waters take place? Delivery will take place by HGV. If all inflow waters currently to be discharged from the Asse II shaft mine are brought to the Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine, this would mean that on average around 6 HGVs per day would deliver the solution on two to three days every six weeks. As this disposal in the Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine is a back-up option, it can be expected that the actual occurrence will be significantly lower. If possible, road transport will be planned in such a way that disruption to residents, for example from noise, will be minimised. If inflow waters really are harmless, why are they transported in a closed system? The capture basin at the 658 metre level and the collecting basins at the 490 metre level are covered so as to keep the tritium concentration as low as possible. This is in compliance with instructions set out in Atomic Law and the Radiation Protection Ordinance (minimisation requirement under Article 6 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance). Tritium escapes from the storage chamber and is found in the mine air in the Asse II shaft mine. It can accumulate in watery solutions and thus also in the inflow waters to be discharged. Covering the collecting basins minimises the accumulation of tritium in the discharged solutions. If the inflow waters are transported above ground, this is done in closed and sealed HGVs so as to prevent any influence to the inflow waters from outside. This provides complete verification that the solutions to be discharged are radiologically harmless. What happens if the HGVs carrying the solution have an accident? Are these specially labelled? A case like this has not occurred in recent years but it cannot be ruled out in the future. From a radiological point of view, there is absolutely no danger to the population or the environment because of the proven harmlessness. An accident would be handled appropriately like any other traffic accident by the relevant emergency services/fire brigade (e.g. solution would be collected and pumped away). Special protection measures, such as those used for accidents involving hazardous materials (heating oil, petrol and diesel, chemicals), are not required. As the inflow waters to be discharged are not a hazardous material, special labelling is not required. top Further questions Who are the stakeholders involved in the procedure? The discharge of radiologically harmless saline solutions from the Asse II shaft mine must be licenced in a licencing procedure under mining law by the relevant state authority for mining, energy and geology (LBEG). The specialist oversight body is the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection. The licencing application (for the recycling of inflow solutions for flooding the mine) must be made to the LBEG by K+S as operator of the Bergmannssegen-Hugo mine. This body checks the application for the presence of all documentation. Does Asse-GmbH pay for the disposal of inflow waters from the Asse II shaft mine? The parties to the remuneration agreement have agreed a policy of non-disclosure about the agreement. Costs for the building measures that form part of the planned discharge of inflow waters from Asse onto the K+S site are paid by Asse-GmbH. top Links on the topic Announcement: Measurement values of evacuated inflow waters for the first six months of 2017 (21 July 2017) Announcement: Asse salt water: Disposal alternatives expanded (22 June 2017) Overview of all reports and press releases from the BGE

Main topic: Stability

The mine cavities of the Morsleben repository are stable. This stability is of vital importance for the safety of staff working underground and ensures not only the immediate safety of repository operation but also the integrity of the surrounding host rock. This is because the host rock forms the protective barrier between the radioactive waste and the biosphere – the region of earth where life is found. The Morsleben repository is a former potash and rock-salt mine. Prior to the emplacement of radioactive waste here, mining activities created cavities with a volume of almost 9 million cubic metres – and the weight of the overlying rock layers lies on these mining chambers. The underground cavities have resulted in changes to the original stress state of the rock, and the nature and intensity of these changes depend on the shape and size of the mining chambers and the proximity to other mine workings. The effects of the mining activities on the rock and the stability of the mine cavities are the subject of operational geomechanical monitoring. Regular measurements by the operational mine surveying team are intended to identify damage to the repository mine at an early stage. However, for the safe long-term containment of the radioactive waste, it is necessary to backfill the underground cavities. This stabilises the surrounding rock and prevents the emergence of excavation-disturbed zones.

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