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A novel GC-MS method for the determination and quantification of metformin in surface water

Drug therapy for diabetes mellitus has increased significantly in recent years. 1,1-Dimethylbiguanide hydrochloride (metformin) is the most common drug used for the treatment of diabetes. Metformin is not metabolized in the human body and enters the water cycle via sewage. A new gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method has been developed which enables the quantification of metformin in surface water samples even at low concentrations in the ng L-1 range. A solid phase extraction (SPE) method for the preconcentration of metformin and the internal standard 1-butylbiguanide (buformin) was established, and the method parameters such as the composition and volume of the eluent were optimized. Derivatization of metformin and buformin was obtained by using n-methyl-bis (trifluoroacetamide) (MBTFA). The reaction conditions of the derivatization, such as the reaction temperature and volume of the derivatization agent, were evaluated. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were determined to be 3.9 ng L-1 and 12 ng L-1 in surface water samples. Linearity was shown over a concentration range of 10-50 ng L-1. The good performance of the method was demonstrated by comparison with a liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method. The results indicate that the GC-MS method is a reliable and sensitive alternative for the quantification of metformin in surface water. Quelle: http://pubs.rsc.org

Beratung zur Hochwassereigenvorsorge Sachsen

Eine grundlegende Aufgabe des Kompetenzzentrums Hochwassereigenvorsorge Sachsen ist die kostenfreie Information und Beratung von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern oder Vertreterinnen und Vertretern von Kommunen und Gemeinden zur Stärkung der Eigenvorsorge im Hinblick auf Überflutungen durch Starkregen oder Flusshochwasser. Erwähnenswert ist in diesem Zusammenhang auch das kostenfreie Angebot einer Führung durch die Ausstellung „Hochwassereigenvorsorge“ auf dem Gelände des BDZ e. V. (Bildungs- und Demonstrationszentrum Dezentrale Infrastruktur) zu verschiedenen Möglichkeiten der baulichen Hochwassereigenvorsorge. Bürgerinnen und Bürger, private Bauherrinnen und Bauherren sowie Gebäudeeigentümerinnen und Gebäudeeigentümer werden über Hochwassergefahren und eine angemessene Hochwassereigenvorsorge informiert, Hinweise und Empfehlungen für den Fall eines Hochwassers gegeben sowie an zuständige Ansprechpersonen aus Behörden, Gemeinden und Unternehmen vermittelt. Es werden baukonstruktive Maßnahmen zum Schutz des Gebäudes vor eindringendem Grundwasser, Kanalisationswasser und Oberflächenwasser gezeigt sowie bauliche Vorsorgemaßnahmen, die am/im Gebäude umgesetzt werden können. Wesentliche Schwerpunkte dabei sind die Sensibilisierung für die gesetzliche Pflicht zur Eigenvorsorge, das Aufzeigen von Wegen, die eigene Betroffenheit durch Hochwasser zu überprüfen sowie bei der Planung und Umsetzung situationsangepasster technischer Lösungen zu unterstützen. Der kostenpflichtige Hochwasservorsorgeausweis des Kompetenzzentrums Hochwassereigenvorsorge Sachsen ist ein Instrument zur Bewertung der Schadensanfälligkeit von Wohngebäuden gegenüber Überflutungen infolge von Flusshochwasser, Grundwasseranstieg, Starkregen oder Kanalüberstau. Der Ausweis fasst alle wichtigen Informationen über die möglichen Gefahren am/im Gebäude zusammen und gibt Auskunft über entsprechende Vorsorgemaßnahmen zur Schadensminderung. Das speziell für den Vorsorgeausweis entwickelte Bewertungsverfahren berücksichtigt dabei die Baukonstruktion, die Gebäudetechnik und die Gebäudenutzung. Auf Grundlage des Bewertungsverfahrens können Handlungs- und/oder Lösungsalternativen nach verschiedenen Zielkriterien gewichtet und beurteilt werden. Zielgruppe Der Dienst richtet sich vor allem an Bürgerinnen und Bürger, private Bauherrinnen und Bauherren sowie Gebäudeeigentümerinnen und Gebäudeeigentümer. Wissenschaftlicher Hintergrund Der Aufbau des Kompetenzzentrums Hochwassereigenvorsorge Sachsen und die Entwicklung des Hochwasservorsorgeausweises (HWVA) wird im Rahmen eines Pilotvorhabens des Freistaates Sachsen gefördert und unterstützt.

Federal Nuclear Supervisory Authority

Federal Nuclear Supervisory Authority As the federal nuclear supervisory authority, the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) oversees the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Morsleben repository, the Schacht Konrad repository and the Asse II mine. In addition, BASE monitors reviews of the aforementioned facilities. The Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der Nuklearen Entsorgung, formerly Bundesamt für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit ( BfE )) is the federal government's nuclear supervisory authority. It was founded in 2016. BASE is responsible for supervising the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Morsleben radioactive waste repository (ERAM), the Konrad repository (under construction), and the Asse II mine. BASE will also exercise nuclear supervision over the construction and operation of the future repository for high- level radioactive waste . These duties are based on the Atomic Energy Act ( AtG ), the Radiation Protection Act (StrlSchG), the Radiation Protection Ordinance ( StrlSchV ), the licences and planning approval decisions issued for the licensing of repositories, and other nuclear regulations. Morsleben, Konrad and Asse II repositories © pa/ dpa | Silas Stein The Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE) mbH has been the operator of the Morsleben and Konrad repositories and the Asse II mine since 2017. It is in charge of building, operating and/or decommissioning the Morsleben and Konrad repositories as well as the Asse II mine. Every ten years, BGE mbH will conduct a safety review at the Konrad repository and the Asse II mine, the one at the Morsleben repository will take place once every five years. BASE will accompany these reviews as the nuclear supervisory authority. Duties of the nuclear supervisory authority © pa/ dpa | Ole Spata As the nuclear regulator, BASE has the following specific duties and powers: Informs about reportable events at the plants BASE is responsible for providing public information about incidents, accidents or other events relevant to nuclear safety at the Morsleben repository, Konrad and the Asse II mine. BGE mbH is obliged to report such events to BASE . All since 2017 are published on the BASE website. The reporting criteria in the Nuclear Safety Officer and Reporting Ordinance form the basis for this. There are three reporting categories : Category S - Immediate report (without delay), Category E - Urgent report (within 24 hours), Category N - Normal report (within 5 working days). Consents to the appointment of persons in charge in accordance with nuclear law The operator appoints one or more persons in accordance with nuclear law. These persons shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the obligations arising from the Atomic Energy Act, the Radiation Protection Ordinance and the licensing documents. BASE approves the appointment of persons in charge according to nuclear law (Sections 9b para. 4, 7 para. 2 no. 1 AtG ). The person responsible under nuclear law is the first point of contact for BASE on all questions relating to repository safety and compliance with the obligations arising from the licensing documents or legal provisions . Furthermore, the person in charge according to the Federal Mining Act is another contact point for BASE regarding final disposal in mines. Carries out examinations and measurements to monitor the environment BASE is in charge of monitoring the surroundings of the Morsleben repository and the Asse II mine. It has commissioned independent metrology bodies to do this. For the Morsleben repository , this is currently the Saxony-Anhalt State Office for Environmental Protection ( LAU ). For the Asse II mine, this is currently the "IAF - Radioökologie GmbH ". The measurements cover the radioactive substances released from a repository to the environment via waste water and sewage. The air , precipitation , surface water, drinking water, groundwater and soil in the vicinity of a repository , but also the vegetation, the rural food chain such as crops and meat products as well as milk and dairy products are also sampled metrologically. As the operator , BGE mbH regularly takes samples of air , water, soil, vegetation, fruit, vegetables and milk, and compare its measurement results with those of BGE mbH . It assesses the radiation exposure as well as compliance with the maximum permissible activity discharges. The maximum permissible activity data and dose limits must be complied with. This is based on the Guideline for Emission and Immission Monitoring of Nuclear Facilities ( REI ). In addition to the legally required measurements, an additional measurement programme in the interest of the citizens and local agriculture took place near the Asse II mine until 2017. BASE will publish the measurement results it has commissioned: Environmental monitoring reports Issues clearances for waste to be disposed of outside the plant BASE issues clearance certificates (Section 31 StrlSchV ): Radioactive materials and movable objects, buildings and ground surfaces that could be activated or contaminated may not exceed certain clearance values so as to be disposed of as waste. The clearance values can be found in the Radiation Protection Ordinance. Clearance measurements are frequently carried out, especially in the Asse II mine. This is necessary because the water running from the surrounding rock into the salt dome is being removed on a continuing basis. Implements modification procedures So-called modification procedures will be implemented in case of changes to the way facilities are built or operated. Changes that do not deviate significantly from the approved planning will be examined and subsequently approved by BASE . An application must be submitted to the licensing authority for any major modification. In the case of the Konrad repository and the Asse II mine, the competent authority would be the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection. In the case of the Morsleben repository , it would be the Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture and Energy of Saxony-Anhalt. Carries out pre-inspections BASE carries out inspections of the repositories, and makes sure that construction work complies with the permits and legal regulations ( e.g. planning approval decisions). In addition, BASE inspects the facilities, systems, components and facility safety. BASE will also carry out an overall inspection once every five years for the Morsleben repository , and once every ten years for the Konrad repository and the Asse II mine. Gives instructions in case of imminent danger BASE may issue instructions to initiate protective measures or to temporarily cease operation (Section 19 para 3 of the Atomic Energy Act). This will occur, if the facilities do not meet the requirements of nuclear and radiation protection law, or if there is a risk that radioactivity will have negative consequences for life, health or property. Checks the reliability of persons in charge BASE must verify the reliability of all persons relevant to the safety of the repositories and the Asse II mine (Section 12b AtG ; AtZüV ( Atomrechtliche Zuverlässigkeitsüberprüfungsverordnung (Nuclear reliability review ordinance)). This includes, for example, an identity check, an enquiry with the police and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, an enquiry with the Federal Commissioner for Stasi Records and with the Central Register of Foreigners/Aliens Authority. Depending on the activity and responsibility of the persons to be examined, BASE will carry out correspondingly extensive checks. Such an examination will only be carried out if the persons have given their prior written consent. Looking back: re-organisation of final disposal and founding of BASE BASE headquarters building at Wegelystraße 8 in Berlin © BASE BASE-Berlin Allocation of duties before the re-organisation The Federal Office for Radiation Protection ( BfS ) was the operator of the Konrad, Morsleben and Asse II repository projects, as well as the Gorleben exploration mine, until April 2017. The BfS was bound to the "Deutsche Gesellschaft zum Bau und Betrieb von Endlagern mbH " (DBE mbH) by a non-terminable cooperation agreement (1989). Said company had taken over the operational activities for the Konrad and Morsleben repository projects and the Gorleben exploration mine. DBE mbH was a privately-owned company, with the nuclear power plants as the major owners. The BfS therefore had only limited influence on the operational business. For: DBE mbH had tried to assert its own interests against the BfS by misusing its monopoly position. With regard to the Asse II mine, the BfS founded a new federal company, Asse GmbH , which took over operations in 2009. Considerable violations of radiation protection law by the former operator , Helmholtz Zentrum München, had become known prior to this. 2016: Bundestag decides to re-organise final disposal The German Bundestag passed a law to re-organise the organisational structure in the field of final disposal in summer 2016. All tasks were transferred to the state. This law was based on recommendations from Wolfram König, then President of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), who headed BASE from 2016 to January 2024. The aim of the re-organisation was to create more transparency in the organisational structure, and to disentangle economic and security interests. Founding of BGE mbH and BASE The law led to the establishment of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE mbH) - a federally owned company that emerged from DBE mbH, Asse GmbH and parts of BfS . BGE mbH has been the operator since 2017, and at the same time responsible for the operational business of the Morsleben and Konrad repositories and the Asse II mine, as well as for the closure of the former Gorleben exploration mine. Since then, supervision under nuclear law has been the responsibility of the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management ( BASE , formerly BfE ), which was also newly founded. BASE also emerged from parts of the BfS. Informs about reportable events at the plants BASE is responsible for providing public information about incidents, accidents or other events relevant to nuclear safety at the Morsleben repository, Konrad and the Asse II mine. BGE mbH is obliged to report such events to BASE . All since 2017 are published on the BASE website. The reporting criteria in the Nuclear Safety Officer and Reporting Ordinance form the basis for this. There are three reporting categories : Category S - Immediate report (without delay), Category E - Urgent report (within 24 hours), Category N - Normal report (within 5 working days). Consents to the appointment of persons in charge in accordance with nuclear law The operator appoints one or more persons in accordance with nuclear law. These persons shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the obligations arising from the Atomic Energy Act, the Radiation Protection Ordinance and the licensing documents. BASE approves the appointment of persons in charge according to nuclear law (Sections 9b para. 4, 7 para. 2 no. 1 AtG ). The person responsible under nuclear law is the first point of contact for BASE on all questions relating to repository safety and compliance with the obligations arising from the licensing documents or legal provisions . Furthermore, the person in charge according to the Federal Mining Act is another contact point for BASE regarding final disposal in mines. Carries out examinations and measurements to monitor the environment BASE is in charge of monitoring the surroundings of the Morsleben repository and the Asse II mine. It has commissioned independent metrology bodies to do this. For the Morsleben repository , this is currently the Saxony-Anhalt State Office for Environmental Protection ( LAU ). For the Asse II mine, this is currently the "IAF - Radioökologie GmbH ". The measurements cover the radioactive substances released from a repository to the environment via waste water and sewage. The air , precipitation , surface water, drinking water, groundwater and soil in the vicinity of a repository , but also the vegetation, the rural food chain such as crops and meat products as well as milk and dairy products are also sampled metrologically. As the operator , BGE mbH regularly takes samples of air , water, soil, vegetation, fruit, vegetables and milk, and compare its measurement results with those of BGE mbH . It assesses the radiation exposure as well as compliance with the maximum permissible activity discharges. The maximum permissible activity data and dose limits must be complied with. This is based on the Guideline for Emission and Immission Monitoring of Nuclear Facilities ( REI ). In addition to the legally required measurements, an additional measurement programme in the interest of the citizens and local agriculture took place near the Asse II mine until 2017. BASE will publish the measurement results it has commissioned: Environmental monitoring reports Issues clearances for waste to be disposed of outside the plant BASE issues clearance certificates (Section 31 StrlSchV ): Radioactive materials and movable objects, buildings and ground surfaces that could be activated or contaminated may not exceed certain clearance values so as to be disposed of as waste. The clearance values can be found in the Radiation Protection Ordinance. Clearance measurements are frequently carried out, especially in the Asse II mine. This is necessary because the water running from the surrounding rock into the salt dome is being removed on a continuing basis. Implements modification procedures So-called modification procedures will be implemented in case of changes to the way facilities are built or operated. Changes that do not deviate significantly from the approved planning will be examined and subsequently approved by BASE . An application must be submitted to the licensing authority for any major modification. In the case of the Konrad repository and the Asse II mine, the competent authority would be the Lower Saxony Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Protection. In the case of the Morsleben repository , it would be the Ministry for the Environment, Agriculture and Energy of Saxony-Anhalt. Carries out pre-inspections BASE carries out inspections of the repositories, and makes sure that construction work complies with the permits and legal regulations ( e.g. planning approval decisions). In addition, BASE inspects the facilities, systems, components and facility safety. BASE will also carry out an overall inspection once every five years for the Morsleben repository , and once every ten years for the Konrad repository and the Asse II mine. Gives instructions in case of imminent danger BASE may issue instructions to initiate protective measures or to temporarily cease operation (Section 19 para 3 of the Atomic Energy Act). This will occur, if the facilities do not meet the requirements of nuclear and radiation protection law, or if there is a risk that radioactivity will have negative consequences for life, health or property. Checks the reliability of persons in charge BASE must verify the reliability of all persons relevant to the safety of the repositories and the Asse II mine (Section 12b AtG ; AtZüV ( Atomrechtliche Zuverlässigkeitsüberprüfungsverordnung (Nuclear reliability review ordinance)). This includes, for example, an identity check, an enquiry with the police and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, an enquiry with the Federal Commissioner for Stasi Records and with the Central Register of Foreigners/Aliens Authority. Depending on the activity and responsibility of the persons to be examined, BASE will carry out correspondingly extensive checks. Such an examination will only be carried out if the persons have given their prior written consent.

Windenergie fuer die Belueftung eines Klaerwerks in Lemwerder

Das Projekt "Windenergie fuer die Belueftung eines Klaerwerks in Lemwerder" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm durchgeführt. Objective: Demonstration of the aeration of a sewage plant at Lemwerder -Niedersachsen with wind turbine and/or diesel system. Single bladed wind turbine of Monopteros 20 KW type will provide energy during the windy days to a 11 KW aeration of a sewage system. A diesel system will be connected later in order to create a commercial fully autonomous system. Estimated energy production: 40,000 KWh/year at 5,3 m/s mean windspeed. General Information: A Monopteros single bladed 20 KW type downwind windmill of MBB will be installed to provide energy to the 11 KW aeration system of an existing sewage plant. The operating windspeed range for the windmill is 5 to 18 m/sec. For the selected site, where the annual mean windvelocity is 5,3 m/sec, the annual yield is estimated at 40,000 KWh, while the yearly energy consumption of the aeration system is about 48,000 KWh. Auxiliary energy will be provided by a 15 KW diesel system which will also provide the necessary energy during the windless periods, or the periods when the wind exceeds the cut-out speed. Thus the whole system will become autonomous. The cost of the WEC + diesel system is 90,000 DM with a goal to be reduced to about 65,000 DM. The final cost of the produced energy will be 0,978 DM/KWh while the conventional cost is 0. 25 DM/KWh. It is remarkable that the conventional cost is strongly dependent on the distance of the installation from the grid, as the connecting costs varies from 20 to 100,000 DM. Therefore such an autonomous system could be recommended either for islands with high cost of produced energy or for remote areas. Achievements: Due to operational difficulties of the wind-diesel system the demonstration phase has not been fully completed. The system worked only in principle. During a six months operation period there were problems with the wind turbine, the wind-diesel governer and the diesel generator.

Verbessrung des SPA 'Rieselfelder Muenster'

Das Projekt "Verbessrung des SPA 'Rieselfelder Muenster'" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Biologische Station Rieselfelder Münster durchgeführt. The idea is to close the currently easily accessible core area to visitors. Simply banishing the inhabitants of Muenster city from one of their favourite recreation spots is however impossible unless this is balanced by a compensatory measure. Therefore, the project will develop an adjoining 150 ha site, which will permit pedestrians, cyclists and birdwatchers to observe the core area and its avifauna from a respectful distance, and simultaneously bring about an expansion of the wetlands available to the birds. As a result, the Rieselfelder SPA will almost double in size and link up to two nearby nature reserves. The site to be developed, currently arable land, is donated by the City of Muenster; LIFE will fund the investment in the works needed to transform it. These include the establishment of a 22 ha lake with nesting islets, several expanses of shallow water whose levels will be allowed to fluctuate and 40 ha of humid meadows and marsh, to be grazed by an Auerochs herd. To round off, visitor infrastructure (paths, observation platforms) which is as unobtrusive as possible, will of course be built. That humans not only destroy natural habitats, but also, perhaps with very different intentions, occasionally create some, is illustrated by the saga of the Rieselfelder Muenster. It begins in 1901, when a chessboard of hectare-sized dyked and drained basins was laid out to receive sewage water from the city of Muenster. As this water flowed through the basins, it was purified by microbial metabolism and percolation through the subsoil. As time passed, waterfowl and waders discovered the eutrophic waters of this biological treatment system and, given the lack of alternatives in this intensively farmed region, it became an important inland staging area for migrating birds. However, in 1975 a mechanical treatment plant was opened and the Rieselfelder were henceforth irrigated with the clean water emitted by this plant. The 233 ha site was designated SPA, but simultaneously became a tourist attraction and favorite spot for walks. That is its paradox: before 1975 the site was left to the birds on account of its overpowering stench of sewage, but now, thanks to the wastewater treatment plant which eliminated the smells, visitors (up to a thousand a day) have become a serious source of disturbance for the nesting and resting birds. Urgent action is required.

Intelligent Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (iPiE)

Das Projekt "Intelligent Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in the Environment (iPiE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bayer Pharma AG durchgeführt. Minute amounts of the active ingredients in medicines get into the environment in a variety of ways. However, we still know little about what happens to medicines after release into the environment and what effect they have on wildlife. Although measures are in place to limit the environmental impact of new medicines, more research is needed in this important area. The iPiE projects goal is to develop a framework that will provide methodologies to prioritise new and existing medicinal compounds for a comprehensive environmental risk assessment. As such it will support and inform regulatory activities designed to assess and reduce the environmental impact of medicines. The active ingredients in medicines (known as the active pharmaceutical ingredient, or API) can be released into the environment in a variety of ways. The most common route is via the sewage system, when patients excrete them. APIs can also escape into the environment when people dispose of medicines incorrectly, and during the manufacturing process. APIs are, by definition, biologically active, and although their concentration in the environment is generally extremely low, there are concerns about the effect of these chemicals on wildlife and ecosystems in general. Since 2006, new medicines have had to undergo an environmental risk assessment before they are approved for use. However, current testing strategies need to be optimised to accurately predict harmful impacts on wildlife. Furthermore, there are over 3 000 APIs that were already in use before the new rules came into force, and just a small number of these have been subjected to environmental impact testing. As testing all of these will be a mammoth task, guidance is needed to help identify which of these legacy APIs are most likely to pose a risk to the environment and so should be prioritised for testing. (abridged text)

Einsatz simultaner katalytischer Oxidation zur Minderung vov CSB/COD in Abwasser

Das Projekt "Einsatz simultaner katalytischer Oxidation zur Minderung vov CSB/COD in Abwasser" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zimmermann durchgeführt. Currently, there is a lot of waste coming from different sources that must be treated in CPT-plants (chemical-physical treatment). The main problem for these plants is the wide assortment of waste. Even if the waste comes from only one supplier it is often composed of different types of waste in small volumes. Today no technology exists which can reduce the organic pollution in waste to be treated in CPT-plants. The main idea in this project is to treat waste with waste under conditions of electrolysis. The primary issue in this project is the engineering and the development of an additional module for waste treatment plants to reduce the organic content of waste (decrease of the COD-level) by oxidation with chromatic waste as a catalyst under the conditions of electrolysis. This technology will treat the filtrate of CPT-plants and aqueous waste. This would result in a reduction of organic compounds in sewage, a prevention of critical substances in waste waters such as complex building compounds, and a decrease in the use of chemicals.

Teilprojekt 2

Das Projekt "Teilprojekt 2" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ, Department Monitoring- und Erkundungstechnologien durchgeführt. Das übergeordnete Ziel ist es, die Häufigkeit bzw. das Volumen von Überlaufereignissen aus Mischwasser-Kanalisationen zu verringern. Durch die intelligente Vernetzung und Koordination der kommunalen Abwasserströme mittels Internet of Things und Methoden der Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) sowie unter Berücksichtigung von regionalen Niederschlags-Vorhersagen soll der Eintrag von ungeklärtem Abwasser aus der Kanalisation ins Fließgewässer verringert und gleichzeitig hohe Investitionskosten für alternativ nötige Retentionsräume umgangen werden. Im Kurzprojekt wird zunächst ein Netzwerk aus Partnern im Untersuchungsgebiet 'AZV Breisgauer Bucht' aufgebaut, das Potential überschlägig abgeschätzt und ein Konzept für ein Folgeprojekt erarbeitet.

Nutrient fluxes and production efficiency in urban and periurban crops of Faisalabad, Pakistan

Das Projekt "Nutrient fluxes and production efficiency in urban and periurban crops of Faisalabad, Pakistan" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Kassel, Fachgruppe Boden- und Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, Institut für Nutzpflanzenkunde, Fachgebiet Ökologischer Pflanzenbau und Agrarökosystemforschung in den Tropen und Subtropen durchgeführt. Faisalabad, a mega city in Pakistan is surrounded by agricultural land on which farmers grow vegetables for market, meeting the nutritional needs of an urban population of more than two million people. Although the use of nutrient rich sewage water along with chemical fertilizer increases agricultural production, leaching and gaseous losses of such substances also pollute the environment, contaminating the atmosphere and ground water. This project aims to analyse the infrastructure of the existing horticultural community in urban and periurban agriculture (UPA) regarding the socioeconomic and production potential of vegetable farming, with the addition of nutrient loss quantification through different means. A baseline survey will be conducted to collect data on socioeconomic activities and production practices. On the basis of the survey analysis, field trials will assess inputs and outputs of the agricultural system in terms of their production efficiencies. Plants, soil, irrigation water, animal manure, dust and rain will be analysed for N, P, K, and C content. A mobile closed chamber system connected to an INNOVA will be used to study vertical nutrient fluxes, analysing gaseous emissions. Leaching will be estimated using a self-integrating accumulator. Horizontal fluxes will be quantified after biomass measurement of the yields of all cultivated crops at harvest time, quantitatively (dry weight), and qualitatively (C, N, P, and K content). Nutrient use and production efficiencies will be assessed for leaching, gaseous losses and biomass removal from the field. The project intends to help develop a more sustainable strategy for the use of on farm available resources.

Teilprojekt 1

Das Projekt "Teilprojekt 1" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Grimm Water Solutions UG (haftungsbeschränkt) durchgeführt. Übergeordnetes Ziel (Big Picture) ist die Reduzierung von ungeklärten Abwasserüberläufen aus Mischwasserkanalisationen in Fließgewässer und das Erreichen der UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele, insbesondere SDG6 (Sauberes Wasser und Sanitäreinrichtungen), SDG9 (Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur), sowie SDG11 (Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden). i-SEWER trägt zur Umsetzung des Aktionsplans 'Natürlich.Digital.Nachhaltig' bei und bildet die Brücke zwischen Umwelttechnik und Digitalisierung. Angestrebt wird eine KI-basierte Softwarelösung, welche in komplexen Systemen wie dem Abwassernetzwerk rationale Entscheidungen treffen und Stoffströme in Echtzeit autonom koordinieren kann. Im Rahmen des Kurzprojektes soll dafür zunächst ein wissenschaftlich fundiertes Konzept entwickelt werden, wie das kommunale Abwassermanagement am Beispiel der Stadt Freiburg i.Br. durch Methoden der künstlichen Intelligenz und digitaler Vernetzung (LoRaWAN und IoT) verbessert, sowie Abwasserüberläufe signifikant reduziert werden können. Das Projektpotential soll anhand einer Überschlagsrechnung (Berücksichtigung aller verfügbarer Rückhaltekapazitäten) bestätigt und durch einen Prototyp in Form eines konzeptionellen Digitalen Zwillings verdeutlicht werden. Diesem Digitalen Zwilling werden historische Abfluss- und Überlaufereignisse, sowie eine regionale Niederschlags-Vorhersage zugrunde gelegt. Um die praktische Umsetzung zu garantieren, sollen geeignete Partner gefunden und ein skalierbares digitales Geschäftsmodell entwickelt werden, was dem spezifischen Ziel 1e der nationalen KI-Strategie der Bundesregierung entspricht.

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