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Erhalt des deutschen Schutzniveaus für den Gesundheitsschutz beim Bauen mit harmonisierten Bauproduktnormen

Ob Bauprodukte gesundheitsgefährdende Stoffe in den Innenraum emittieren, ist für die am Bau Beteiligten eine wichtige Information vor der Entscheidung für bestimmte Produkte. Im EUBinnenmarkt sollte diese Information über die CE-Kennzeichnung und mit der ihr verbundenen Leistungserklärung verfügbar sein. Die harmonisierte Prüfnorm DIN EN 16516 (Bauprodukte -Bewertung der Freisetzung von gefährlichen Stoffen -Bestimmung von Emissionen in die Innenraumluft) ermöglicht vergleichbare Angaben zu VOC-Emissionen überall in Europa. Bisher sind jedoch keine Leistungserklärungen zu VOC-Emissionen möglich, da sie nicht von harmonisierten, im Amtsblatt der EU veröffentlichten Normen erfasst sind. Zudem können nicht Angaben über Emissionen in der Form einheitlicher europäischer Leistungsklassen gemacht werden, da die Beratungen zu einem Klassifizierungssystem zu keinem einvernehmlichen Ergebnis geführt haben. Das UBA hat daher in einem Rechtsgutachten prüfen lassen, wie den deutschen Anforderungen entsprechende Angaben auch ohne Leistungsklassen möglich sind. Das vorliegende Gutachten erläutert die rechtlichen Voraussetzungen für Herstellerangaben, die hinsichtlich des Gesundheitsschutzes adäquat sind. Quelle: Forschungsbericht

Informationssystem Chemikalien des Bundes und der Länder (intern)

Hier finden Sie alle relevanten Informationen zu chemischen Stoffen in über 700 verschiedenen Stoffmerkmalen, darunter mehr als 220.000 rechtlichen Regelungen. ChemInfo intern ist ein Online-Rechercheprodukt und hat Fachberater sowie Chemikerinnen und Chemiker zur Zielgruppe. Der Interne Bereich bildet den Gesamtdatenbestand von ChemInfo ab.

INCOPA LCA Study: Carbon footprint and LCA study for different coagulants produced from INCOPA member companies

Das Projekt "INCOPA LCA Study: Carbon footprint and LCA study for different coagulants produced from INCOPA member companies" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Institut für Wasser und Gewässerentwicklung, Bereich Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Wassergütewirtschaft (IWG-SWW) durchgeführt. Carbon foot-printing, the basic scope of this study, is a sub-set of a full lifecycle assessment (LCA). While LCA is a method of systematically assessing the environmental impacts associated with a product over its entire lifetime - from cradle to grave -, the proposed enhanced study focuses on a cradle to gate LCA, where the gate is defined as the entrance to the wastewater treatment plant. In accordance to DIN EN ISO 14040:2009-11 and DIN EN ISO 14044:2006-10 a carbon labeling for coagulants (PAC, Al2(SO4)3, Fe2(SO4)3, Fe2SO4, FeClSO4, NaAl(OH)4) will be performed using SimaPro LCA software. The outcome of this study will be the amount of carbon dioxide equivalents per mole of active ingredient (kg CO2 eq./ mole Fe3+ or Al3+).

Plant-soil interactions in changing rice cropping systems and their influence on C and N dynamics

Das Projekt "Plant-soil interactions in changing rice cropping systems and their influence on C and N dynamics" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bonn, Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz - Pflanzenernährung (Prof. Werner) durchgeführt. Plant-soil interactions drive the input, cycling and losses of C and N in soil. This subproject aims at elucidating the input and fate of C in the soil-plant systems and its effect of N retention in soil under different paddy management (continuous vs. alternating with maize cropping). In particular we will investigate (i) how much of the assimilate C is released by the plants into the rhizosphere soil, and how this rhizodeposition is affected by N supply, soil density and crop variety during plant development, (ii) how the exudation of C and N responds to land use change, (iii) how C released into the rhizosphere affects the turnover of soil C and utilization of fertilizer N, and (iv) to what degree leaching contributes to the loss of C and N from the rooted surface soil. To answer these questions, we will combine the use of isotopic 13C and 15N labeling in laboratory and field experiments with a sophisticated characterization of root exudates, root border cells, and compound-specific isotope tracing in the residues of bacteria and fungi in rhizosphere, bulk soil as well as within different dissolved organic and inorganic carbon species in soil leachates. In this way and in collaboration with SP 2, 5, 6, and 7 of this research unit, our project links the cycling of C and N in paddy soils to one of its most prominent drivers, the release of organic compounds by roots.

D 1.3: Regulation of flowering in tropical fruit crops on erosion prone sites in Northern Thailand

Das Projekt "D 1.3: Regulation of flowering in tropical fruit crops on erosion prone sites in Northern Thailand" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Kulturpflanzenwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Ertragsphysiologie der Sonderkulturen (340f) durchgeführt. NRCT component: Assoc.Prof.Dr. Sruamsiri, Pittaya - Development of Clean Technology for Off-season Fruit Production: A Case Study of Mango, Longan, Litchi and Tangerine. Specific basic and applied science activities for each crop will be carried out in an attempt to solve the following issues. Longan: Previous research work has shown that flower induction can successfully be manipulated by application of KClO3. This crop is therefore an ideal model plant to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of flowering by: 1. determining acquisition and distribution of KClO3 using isotope labelling techniques and measuring enzyme activities in leaves to decide whether nitrate reductase is involved in the conversion and flower inducing activity of KClO3; 2. identifying mutual influences between hormones including their time-dependent changes brought about by manipulation of hormone biosynthesis through exogenously applied plant growth regulators (PGRs); 3. investigating the effect of off-season production systems on carbohydrate distribution and reserves. Mango: Paclobutrazol (PBZ) is already commercially used to manipulated flower induction in mango, however, the technique may not be sustainable due to its persistence in plant and soil. Prohexadione-Ca (Pro-Ca), another gibberellin biosynthesis inhibiting compound, and specific crop management techniques may prove to be successful and more sustainable alternatives to PBZ and warrant detailed investigation by: 1. evaluating appropriate time-of-season, concentration and application procedure (injection or spray) of Pro-Ca as possible alternative of PBZ and subsequent effects on hormonal status; 2. pruning or defoliation techniques which may induce a secondary flower through an altered hormonal status in the bud tissue. Litchi: There are still no proven orchard management practices for inducing off-season flowering in litchi. The main research objective is to study the significance of plant stress (pruning, girdling shoot tipping techniques, water and nutrient deficiency) on flowering signals by determining carbohydrate changes and hormonal status.

The effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on gross nitrogen dynamics, plant N-uptake and microbial community dynamics in a permanent grassland

Das Projekt "The effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on gross nitrogen dynamics, plant N-uptake and microbial community dynamics in a permanent grassland" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Gießen, Institut für Pflanzenökologie (Botanik II) durchgeführt. To predict ecosystem reactions to elevated atmospheric CO2 (eCO2) it is essential to understandthe interactions between plant carbon input, microbial community composition and activity and associated nutrient dynamics. Long-term observations (greater than 13 years) within the Giessen Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (Giessen FACE) study on permanent grassland showed next to an enhanced biomass production an unexpected strong positive feedback effect on ecosystem respiration and nitrous oxide (N2O) production. The overall goal of this study is to understand the long-term effects of eCO2 and carbon input on microbial community composition and activity as well as the associated nitrogen dynamics, N2O production and plant N uptake in the Giessen FACE study on permanent grassland. A combination of 13CO2 pulse labelling with 15N tracing of 15NH4+ and 15NO3- will be carried out in situ. Different fractions of soil organic matter (recalcitrant, labile SOM) and the various mineral N pools in the soil (NH4+, NO3-, NO2-), gross N transformation rates, pool size dependent N2O and N2 emissions as well as N species dependent plant N uptake rates and the origin of the CO2 respiration will be quantified. Microbial analyses will include exploring changes in the composition of microbial communities involved in the turnover of NH4+, NO3-, N2O and N2, i.e. ammonia oxidizing, denitrifying, and microbial communities involved in dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia (DNRA). Stable Isotope Probing (SIP) and mRNA based analyses will be employed to comparably evaluate the long-term effects of eCO2 on the structure and abundance of these communities, while transcripts of these genes will be used to target the fractions of the communities which actively contribute to N transformations.

Populationsökologische Studie der Grauganspopulation (Anser anser) im Großraum Stuttgart (Langzeitprojekt)

Das Projekt "Populationsökologische Studie der Grauganspopulation (Anser anser) im Großraum Stuttgart (Langzeitprojekt)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Abteilung Zoologie durchgeführt. Die erste Graugansbrut in Stuttgart wurde 1996 dokumentiert. Mittlerweile sammeln sich ab Juni bis zu 100 Graugänse unterschiedlicher Herkunft im Stuttgarter Stadtgarten. Um herauszufinden, welche Tiere von wo kommen, ob sie sich in distinkte Teilpopulationen gliedern und wie ihr Bruterfolg ist, begannen wir im Jahr 2002 mit der Beringung (blaue Plastikfußringe mit Buchstabencodes SBA, SBB etc.). Bei der Erfassung der Wiedersichtdaten sind wir auf die Hilfe ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter angewiesen. Wiedersichtdaten mit Beobachtungsdatum, -ort, -uhrzeit, dem Ringcode und der Gruppengröße können Sie bei graugaense web.de oder schriftlich melden.

A science base on photovoltaics performance for increased market transparency and customer confidence (PERFORMANCE)

Das Projekt "A science base on photovoltaics performance for increased market transparency and customer confidence (PERFORMANCE)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme durchgeführt. Objective: The European PV market is developing rapidly, with new products and services, new actors and technologies emerging constantly while overall business grows by over 30Prozent a year. During such growth of market and industry it is of particular importance to lay a sound basis of understanding of the quality and performance of products and systems, harmonise procedures for their testing and labelling and disseminate this knowledge to all involved players. Customers, manufacturers and service providers today ask for increased transparency and increased confidence and planning reliability. And they will all benefit from a joint effort on pre-normative research on performance assessment of photovoltaics presented here. The PERFORMANCE project covers all pre-normative as pects from cell to system level and from instantaneous device characterisation and system measurement to their life-time performance prediction and assessment. The limitations of current indoor and outdoor calibration measurement technology will be investi gated and precision will be improved, covering current technologies as well as new and advanced cell and module concepts. Methods will be developed to connect from measurements of module power to module energy production. In a third pillar, methodologies f or the assessment of the life-time performance of PV modules will be developed. Based on all these work packages, a modelling and analysis programme will provide the analytical understanding of PV performance in the broad and systematic manner mentioned ab ove. Following this work programme, PERFORMANCE will produce a consistent set of measurement and modelling methodologies to create the transparency needed for the European market and industry. Next to this significant scientific effort, intense involvement of all European companies along the value chain will be organised systematically through feedback loops. Project results will be fed directly into standardisation processes on CENELEC and IEC level.

Bewertung und Fortentwicklung der Regelsetzung: Anwendbarkeit der TRGS 440

Das Projekt "Bewertung und Fortentwicklung der Regelsetzung: Anwendbarkeit der TRGS 440" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungs- und Beratungsinstitut Gefahrstoffe GmbH (FoBiG) durchgeführt. Die Ausschreibung wurde von der Bundesanstalt fuer Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin veranlasst, da vom Ausschuss fuer Gefahrstoffe (AGS) eine erneute Beratung der TRGS 440 (Ermitteln und Beurteilen der Gefaehrdungen durch Gefahrstoffe am Arbeitsplatz: Vorgehensweise) im Jahre 1998 vorgesehen ist. Ziele des Forschungsvorhabens: 1) Dokumentation des Standes der Anwendung des Konzeptes der 'relativen Risikozahl' (Anhang II der TRGS 440) zur Ersatzstoffermittlung. 2) Dokumentation der positiven und negativen Erfahrungen bei der Ersatzstoffermittlung nach TRGS 440. 3) Erarbeitung konstruktiver Loesungen (Optimierung) zur Verminderung/Elimination der dargestellten Probleme. 4) Vergleichende Dokumentation der Vor- und Nachteile der Bewertungsansaetze (Ermittlungsschema IIA, IIB, AUVA-Verfahren) und ggf entwickelter alternativer Schemata sowie des 'professional judgements'. Zusammenfassend war es das zentrale Ziel des Projekts, eine Erfolgs- und Schwachstellenanalyse zur Anwendung der TRGS 440 bei der Ersatzstoffermittlung mit Hilfe der Ermittlungsschemata durchzufuehren, konstruktive Vorschlaege fuer eine Optimierung zu erarbeiten und plausibel zu begruenden.

Ecophysiological mechanisms controlling the balance between C3 and C4 species in grasslands, with emphasis on responses to nitrogen loading

Das Projekt "Ecophysiological mechanisms controlling the balance between C3 and C4 species in grasslands, with emphasis on responses to nitrogen loading" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität München, Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan für Ernährung, Landnutzung und Umwelt, Lehrstuhl für Grünlandlehre durchgeführt. Possessing the C3 or C4 mode of photosynthesis leads to intrinsic differences in plant carbon and nitrogen economies. Therefore, in grasslands and savannas where C3 and C4 species coexist, the C3/C4 balance strongly influences agronomic properties and biogeochemical cycles. Environmental and/or managerial changes affecting this balance hence hold important consequences for (agro)ecosystems function. The increase in anthropogenic nitrogen loading rates most grasslands experience nowadays can drastically reduce, even eliminate, C4 species. Why is this so, to what extent it is a general response, and whether grazing alters it, is not known. Our goal is to elucidate ecophysiological mechanisms underpinning changes in the balance between C3 and C4 species, in particular in response to nitrogen loading. To this end, the project aims at, first, verifying the effect of nitrogen loading on the seasonal trend of the C3/C4 composition of the Rio de la Plata grasslands (temperate-subtropical South America), assessing possible interactions with grazing regime. Second, it seeks to test the hypotheses that nitrogen loading results in a displacement towards more light-limited growth, and therefore changes in the C3/C4 balance reflect specific abilities of C3 and C4 individuals to capture and use light, and that attenuation of light competition by grazing regimes which restrict canopy development minimizes fertilization-driven changes. Testing these hypotheses imports the analysis of the role of, and trade-offs between, intrinsic and allometric differences in morphogenetic and physiological determinants of carbon capture by C3 and C4 individuals in mixed stands. Carbon gain will be quantified by steady-state 13C/12C field-labeling, while natural abundance of carbon stable isotopes will serve to partition the contribution of C3 and C4 plants to organic carbon pools, respiratory CO2 efflux, and herbivore-s diets.

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