Das Projekt "Effiziente Klärschlammentsorgung und Recycling durch Niedertemperaturkonvertierung (NTK)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fachhochschule Gießen-Friedberg, Labor für Entsorgungstechnik durchgeführt. The project is expected to demonstrate the technical feasibility and economic viability of a newly developed LTC technique for effective and ecologically sustainable sewage sludge processing and disposal. Over and above the proposed concept is envisaged to realise 100 Percent recycling of sewage sludge which represents a real innovation to be demonstrated for the first time in Europe. The project aims to ridge the gap between the promising R and D results realised at a pilot LTC installation and the commercialisation and widespread market introduction of large-scale LTC plants. In a broader context it is expected to overcome the barriers inherent to conventional sludge disposal practices in the light of the growing amount of sewage sludge and the forthcoming strengthening of environmental legislation in Europe. As the proposed LRC technique is adaptable to different sizes of treatment plants and different sludge conditions it offers the potential for pan-European application. The concept is based on the thermo-catalytic low temperature conversion of sludge collected from 8 water treatment facilities in the region with a total capacity of 65,000 PE. In the frame of the project a new generation of LTC plant prototype will be designed to convert 1400 to/a of dried sewage sludge (90 Percent DM) at temperature levels of around 400 degree of Celsius under exclusion of oxygen into valuable re-usable sub-products, i.e. mainly into LTC coal, oil and non condensable combustable gases. The LTC coal will be further used by the regional brick industry as valuable additive to produce high quality fine porous bricks whereas the energy recovered out of the LTC oil and gas will be used in an integrated approach to support the thermal drying of the sludge before entering into the reactor. The actions within the proposed LIFE demonstration project are divided into the following tasks: - analysis of the local (project-specific) sludge characteristics and preparatory conversion tests to determine the optimum LTC process parameters. - layout design of the technical LTC plant prototype by taking into account the specific requirements on site and the experience gained from the preparatory tests and previous analytical research work at a pilot installation. - engineering and construction of the LTC plant prototype. - commissioning and test-run of the LTC plant prototype. - continuous operation of the plant prototype under full capacity and optimisation of performance parameters. - carrying out accompanying investigations/tests to optimise the further utilisation of the LTC sub-products. - evaluation and dissemination of project results to stakeholders all over Europe. - task management and reporting to the EC.