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Integration of Non-CO2 Effects of Aviation in the EU ETS and under CORSIA

In addition to ⁠ CO2 ⁠, aviation affects the climate through other emissions and atmospheric processes, such as the formation of ozone and contrail cirrus (non-CO2 effects). Although non-CO2 effects are responsible for about 2/3 of the climate impact of aviation, they are not yet considered in the EU ETS and under ⁠ CORSIA ⁠. This project focuses on the development of concepts for the integration of non-CO2 effects of aviation into such schemes and discusses the current state of scientific knowledge, the availability of necessary data from the airlines and data verification by the administrative authorities. It concludes that the inclusion of non-CO2 effects in these schemes is technically feasible. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 20/2020.

DLR Review of an EASA Report requested by the European Commission

In addition to CO₂, aviation affects the climate through other emissions and atmospheric processes, such as the formation of ozone and contrail cirrus. Although these non-CO₂ effects account for about 2/3 of aviation's total climate impact, they have not been regulated in the past. According to Article 30(4) of the EU ETS Directive, ‘the Commission shall present (before January 2020) an updated analysis of the non-CO₂ effects of aviation, accompanied, where appropriate, by a proposal on how best to address these effects.’ In light of this, the EU Commission commissioned a study to EASA. In this project, the corresponding EASA report to the European Commission was critically reviewed. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 29/2024.

Software for a simplified estimation of CO₂ equivalents of individual flights

In addition to CO 2 , aviation affects the climate through other emissions and atmospheric processes, such as the formation of ozone and contrail cirrus. These non-CO 2 effects account for about 2/3 of aviation's total climate impact but can vary widely from flight to flight. Although scientists have complex models to determine the climate impact of individual flights, there was no simple tool for the public to estimate this relatively accurately and quickly. In this project a user-friendly Excel application has been developed that provides an estimation of the climate impact of a single flight that is much more detailed than a simple constant factor. Users simply need to enter the origin and destination of the flight and the aircraft size category. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 27/2024.

Testing of a monitoring and reporting scheme for integrating non-CO₂ aviation effects into EU ETS

In addition to CO 2 , aviation affects the climate through other emissions and atmospheric processes, such as the formation of ozone and contrail cirrus. These non-CO 2 effects account for about 2/3 of aviation's total climate impact but can vary widely from flight to flight. In order to target mitigation measures, it is therefore essential to calculate the climate impact at the level of individual flights. This project took the perspective of an airline and tested the necessary steps to monitor and process the data and determine the resulting climate impact based on about 400 flights. This work has laid the basis for the integration of a ⁠ Monitoring ⁠, Reporting and Verification framework into the European Emissions Trading System. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 25/2024.

Decision parameters of an MRV scheme for integrating non-CO₂ aviation effects into EU ETS

In addition to CO 2 , aviation affects the climate through other emissions and atmospheric processes, such as the formation of ozone and contrail cirrus. Although these non-CO 2 effects account for about 2/3 of aviation's total climate impact, they have not been regulated in the past. This report summarizes the most important decision parameters that need to be considered by policy-makers for the implementation of a ⁠ Monitoring ⁠, Reporting and Verification (MRV) framework for non-CO 2 effects of aviation. Many of the considerations are also reflected in the MRV framework of the EU Emissions Trading System, which will enter into force on 1 January 2025. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 30/2024.

Umsetzung der Clusterung in TREMOD

Der Luftverkehr verursacht neben CO 2 weitere Emissionen und atmosphärische Prozesse, die klimaerwärmend wirken. Vor allem sind dies die Bildung von Kondensstreifen oder Stickoxid-Emissionen und ihre Wirkung auf Ozon. Das Emissionsberechnungsmodell „TREMOD“ ermöglicht eine Abschätzung der jährlichen deutschen Luftverkehrsemissionen und deren Gesamtklimawirkung. Dieser Bericht beschreibt, wie sich mithilfe der Ergebnisse des Projekts „Software for a simplified estimation of CO 2 equivalents of individual flights“ die Genauigkeit der Ergebnisse der Berechnungen der Nicht-CO 2 -Effekte in TREMOD weiter erhöhen lassen. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 28/2024.

Testing of a verification scheme for integrating non-CO₂ aviation effects into EU ETS

In addition to CO 2 , aviation affects the climate through other emissions and atmospheric processes, such as the formation of ozone and contrail cirrus. These non-CO 2 effects account for about 2/3 of aviation's total climate impact but can vary widely from flight to flight. In order to target mitigation measures, it is therefore essential to calculate the climate impact at the level of individual flights. This project took the perspective of an authority and tested the necessary tasks and available data in order to assess the data reported by an airline. This work has laid the basis for the integration of a ⁠ Monitoring ⁠, Reporting and Verification framework into the European Emissions Trading System. Veröffentlicht in Climate Change | 26/2024.

Klimaerwärmung durch Kondensstreifen-Zirren

Der Luftverkehr trägt signifikant zum anthropogenen Klimaantrieb durch Emissionen von Treibhausgasen, Partikeln und Stickoxiden sowie durch Veränderungen der hohen Bewölkung bei. Eine wichtige, aber bislang nur unzureichend erforschte Komponente stellen Kondensstreifen-Zirren dar. Diese bezeichnen einen Wolkentyp, der sich aus jungen, linienförmigen Kondensstreifen und den sich daraus entwickelnden Zirruswolken unterschiedlichen Alters und Form zusammensetzt. Der Strahlungsantrieb aufgrund dieser Kondensstreifen-Zirren wurde im Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre nun erstmals abgeschätzt und die Resultate wurden in Nature Climate Change veröffentlicht.

Software for a simplified estimation of CO₂ equivalents of individual flights

In addition to CO2, aviation affects the climate through other emissions and atmospheric processes, such as the formation of ozone and contrail cirrus. These non-CO2 effects account for about 2/3 of aviation's total climate impact but can vary widely from flight to flight. Although scientists have complex models to determine the climate impact of individual flights, there was no simple tool for the public to estimate this relatively accurately and quickly.In this project a user-friendly Excel application has been developed that provides an estimation of the climate impact of a single flight that is much more detailed than a simple constant factor. Users simply need to enter the origin and destination of the flight and the aircraft size category.

Testing of a monitoring and reporting scheme for integrating non-CO₂ aviation effects into EU ETS

In addition to CO2, aviation affects the climate through other emissions and atmospheric processes, such as the formation of ozone and contrail cirrus. These non-CO2 effects account for about 2/3 of aviation's total climate impact but can vary widely from flight to flight. In order to target mitigation measures, it is therefore essential to calculate the climate impact at the level of individual flights.This project took the perspective of an airline and tested the necessary steps to monitor and process the data and determine the resulting climate impact based on about 400 flights. This work has laid the basis for the integration of a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification framework into the European Emissions Trading System.

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