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Mo, Sr, Nd isotopes and major and trace element concentrations for lavas and enclaves from Solander Volcano, basement rocks and one altered oceanic basalt


Laser-Ablations-ICPMs bei Holz fuer dendrochemische Untersuchungen

Das Projekt "Laser-Ablations-ICPMs bei Holz fuer dendrochemische Untersuchungen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Institut für Chemie durchgeführt. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) has been used to investigate the elemental variation among tree rings of 20-year old clonal Norway spruce trees that grew nearby an aluminum smelter. Four years prior to analysis this source of fluoride pollution was shut down and the subsequent variation of the concentration of elements in the tree ring according to their mobility in the tree stem was investigated by means of a LA-ICPMS. The elements Al, Fe, Ca, Ba and Sr revealed a significant increase posterior to pollution shutdown. Tree sides as they are exposed to different geographical directions have an effect on the measured results. Elements with similar chemical behavior and mobility were revealed to show similar patterns of distribution in the tree rings. Differences in element concentration were also demonstrated for compression wood compared with its opposite wood.