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Charakterisierung von Umweltschadstoffen mit Hilfe oberflaechenanalytischer Methoden

Das Projekt "Charakterisierung von Umweltschadstoffen mit Hilfe oberflaechenanalytischer Methoden" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Institut für Radiochemie durchgeführt. Die Charakterisierung der Schadstoffkomponenten auf Luftaerosolen und Filterstaubproben aus Muellverbrennungsanlagen laesst Rueckschluesse auf die Prozesse bei der Entstehung, Ausbreitung und Filterung zu. Mit Hilfe oberflaechenanalytischer Methoden, insbesondere XPS und AES, werden Zusammensetzung und chemische Form von Schadstoffen bestimmt. Geplant sind ferner Untersuchungen zur katalytischen Schadstoffumwandlung an Modellaerosolen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der Schwermetallspezies und Untersuchungen zur Konzentrationsverteilung ueber den Teilchenquerschnitt, die Eignung oxidischer Substanzen in Aerosolen als Gassensoren soll geprueft werden. Aus bisherigen Arbeiten im Rahmen des POETA-Programms zeigt sich die besondere Bedeutung des Nachweises von Schwefelspezies sowie die Notwendigkeit grundlegender Untersuchungen zum Probenverhalten unter dem Einfluss von Roentgen- oder Elektronenbestrahlung.

Tabakrauch in der Umgebungsluft (Passivrauchen). Die spezifischen Nitrosamine des Tabaks (TSNA) in der Innenraumluft

Das Projekt "Tabakrauch in der Umgebungsluft (Passivrauchen). Die spezifischen Nitrosamine des Tabaks (TSNA) in der Innenraumluft" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universite de Lausanne, Institut Universitaire de Medecine et d'Hygiene du Travail durchgeführt. Le fumage passif est associe a un risque augmente de cancer du poumon dans plusieurs etudes epidemiologiques. Les TSNA sont des cancerigenes puissants de la fumee du tabac et sont en concentration plus elevee dans la fumee laterale que dans la fumee principale. Il n'existe presque pas de donnees sur la teneur en TSNA dans l'air confine. Ce projet fait suite a la description anterieure d'une methode de determination des TSNA et a une etude en cabine experimentale. Des mesures dans diverses situations de terrain permettent de clarifier une fois pour toutes la question de l'usage de ces composes comme marqueurs de la fumee de tabac environnementale. (FRA)

Vertikalfilterbrunnen WENAU BR. 3 Rohw. (RWÜ (Messstelle f. GWÜ geeignet))

Grundwassermessstellen dienen der Überwachung des Grundwassers. Dieser Datensatz enthält die Messdaten der Messstelle WENAU BR. 3 Rohw.. Horizont: Oberdevon Wasserart: reines Grundwasser

Environmental control with the aid of sensor technilogies for GAS sensing

Das Projekt "Environmental control with the aid of sensor technilogies for GAS sensing" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Tübingen, Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Abteilung Analytische Chemie durchgeführt. General Information: The objective of the project consists in the finding of new methods for the monitoring of indoor and ambient air quality by using novel types of gas sensors. The project aims to combine the knowledge of partners from EU and CCE/NIS countries in a synergetic research during which a double transfer will take place. The EU countries will transfer modern sensor testing equipment - one set up for routine and response time measurements and one set up for long term measurements - and knowledge about sensor quality requirements, in line with European environmental policy. They also will train young doctoral students of CCE/NIS partners. The CCE/NIS countries will transfer their extensive knowledge about sensitive materials properties and technological methods for obtaining such materials. IPC will ensure the coordination of the project. The gas stations will be constructed in IPC by doctoral students from CCE/NIS partners, under IPC coordination. IPC will train these students in using the gas stations and will transfer all the needed software. IPC will coordinate the change of information between partners and ensure the concentration of their efforts. IPC will also assist the CCE/NIS partners by forming surface spectroscopical studies and testing of their samples. INFM will assist the CCE/NIS partners in their efforts by making bulk spectroscopic analysis of their materials and by coordinating the set up of gas testing stations for long term measurements. The IPTM efforts will concentrate on the study of a new diode-type sensor, which will be operated in the reverse conduction regime. The main advantage of this new sensor will be the control of the sensitivity towards water vapour and reducing gases by means of suitable choice of the reverse applied voltage and of the temperature of operation. The already obtained samples, using tin oxide as sensing material and in a geometry similar to the one of commercial Figaro gas sensors, show stable asymmetric I-V characteristics. IPTM will attempt to use also the materials prepared by SRIPCP and the substrate prepared by AVANGARD. The SRIPCP efforts will go on further to the development of sol-gel technologies for obtaining ceramic sensitive materials on the basis of metal oxides. Sol-gel technique offers a better control of sensors microstructure and a prospective of lowered dimension and as a consequence a low power consumption. It will perform also investigation of the gas-sensitive films to establish the features of the oxide films structure, the electronic states of the elements in the mixed oxide matrix, the character of structure and phase transformation under thermal treatment of oxide films in different gas ambient and the influence of the factors mentioned above on the gas-sensitive properties of the films. ... Prime Contractor: Universität Tübingen, Fakultät Chemie und Pharamazie, Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie; Tübingen; Germany.

Untersuchung von Wolken mit boden- und luftgestuetztem Radar und Lidar (CARL)

Das Projekt "Untersuchung von Wolken mit boden- und luftgestuetztem Radar und Lidar (CARL)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, Institut für Atmosphärenphysik durchgeführt. To validate and to improve cloud parameterizations in general circulation models, a detailed information about the cloud characteristics must be available on large scales. Crucial cloud characteristics to the cloud radiation budget, eg the particle size distribution (liquid or ice, as represented by the effective radius re), and liquid or ice water content (phase and W) are presently poorly measured at such a scale. New measurements must be carried out from airborne and spaceborne platforms to allow cloud sampling on large horizontal scales. It is the objective of this work tor prepare such developments by testing new observational remote sensing methods combining lidar and radar systems. In order to assess the retrieval performance, two phases are proposed which are two important steps in the development towards new systems in Europe. In the two phases the methodology will be tested for both warm and cold clouds. In a first phase a ground-based experiment will be conducted using two lidar systems operated at 0,53/1,06 and 10,6 micrometer and a 95 GHz radar. In-situ measurements will be used as a validation and reference information. In a second phase airborne measurements will be taken using lidar and radar instruments referenced to ground-based and in-situ observations. In both phases, model calculations will allow to analyze the impact of the cloud parameter retrieval and related errors, on the radiation and dynamics at the meso-scale. They will also be used to provide a feedback on the experimentation (quantity and quality of parameters, representativeness, parametrizations, ...). Prime Contractor: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FU 0005, Institut Pierre-Smone Laplace; Guyancourt/France.

Esposure and risk assessment for fine and ultrafine in ambient air

Das Projekt "Esposure and risk assessment for fine and ultrafine in ambient air" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von GSF-Forschungszentrum für Umwelt und Gesundheit GmbH - Institut für Epidemiologie durchgeführt. Objective: 1. Compare available particle counters to measure continuously concentrations and size distributions of fine and ultra fine particles in the urban atmosphere. 2. Assess the size distribution and elemental composition of respirable particles in different urban atmospheres in Germany, the Netherlands and Finland. General Information/Expected achievements: The project is expected to produce significant improvements in our understanding on size distributions, intercorrelations, and behaviour of fine and ultra fine particles in urban air in Europe and how to best measure them. This will also enable future studies to address the question, which characteristics (size, number, elemental composition) of respirable particles in ambient air determine their health effects. Methods Particle counters. The German Mobile Aerosol Spectrometer (MAS) consists of two different sensors covering different size ranges. Particles in the size range from 0.01 5m to 0.1 5m are measured using a differential mobility analyzer (DMA, TSI model 3071) in combination with a condensation nucleus counter (CNC, TSI model 3760). Particles in the size range from 0.1 5m up to 3 5m are classified by a laser aerosol spectrometer (LAS, PMS model LAS-X). In the Netherlands, similar equipment as in Germany will be used. Electric Aerosol Spectrometer (EAS) used in Finland is based on the electric measurement principal similar to the principle of EAA model 3030 of TSI, but significantly modified taking into account the needs of atmospheric aerosol studies in urban and rural environment. EAS has an enlarged measurement range from 0.010 5m to 10 5m divided into fractions. All fractions are measured in parallel and simultaneously. Other Measurements In addition to the particle counters, the following measurements will be done: CPC (TSI 3022A), 24-hour samples of PM10 and PM2.5 with impactors, metal composition of PM2.5 filters and continuous monitoring of gaseous pollutants and weather. Comparisons between different particle counters. The particle counters will be compared mainly running them side-by-side in ambient air conditions. Measuring campaign of ambient aerosols During the winter 1996-97, levels, gradients, and elemental composition of fine particles in urban sites in Germany, the Netherlands, and Finland will be determined. In each location, ambient air quality will be monitored at one site representing background urban levels of air pollution. Prime Contractor: National Public Health Institute, Unit of Environmental Epidemiology; Helsinki; Finland.

Measurements of N-nitroso compounds (N-nitrosamines) in ambient air of workplaces and near coke works and steel shops

Das Projekt "Measurements of N-nitroso compounds (N-nitrosamines) in ambient air of workplaces and near coke works and steel shops" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von DMT-Gesellschaft für Forschung und Prüfung mbH durchgeführt. Objective: The main objectives of the project are: 1 Determination of the nitrogen compounds which can lead to the formation of N-nitrosamines in coking plants and steelworks. 2 Investigation of artefact formation during sampling. 3 Development of new sampling and analysis techniques and evaluation of whether existing methods of analysis are suitable for N-nitrosamines. 4 Harmonisation (differences, correlations) of the procedures developed by each of the participating institutes and establishing of a standard procedure for use in all countries. 5 First measurements of N-nitrosamines to obtain tenable results which can serve as a basis for EC legislation. The focus will be on measurements at workstations in different types of plant in the coal and steel industries of the participating countries. General Information: Nitrosamines are known carcinogens. They are formed by reaction of preferentially secondary amines with nitro sating agents, both of which may occur at workplaces as undesirable by-products or emissions. Nitrosamines have so far been identified in the ambient air in the metal processing, rubber and leather industries. Bituminous coals used in the coking industry contain 1-2 per cent nitrogen, most of which ends up either in the tar fraction or, following gas scrubbing, as ammonium sulphate. However, coke oven leaks (from charging lids, doors and ascension pipes) may lead to uncontrolled emissions of mainly aromatic amines, which in the presence of nitrous gases (NO and NO2) may be transformed into N-nitrosamines. Formation of N-nitrosamines must also be expected in the steel industry, originating from cooling lubricants containing nitrogen and hardeners used in foundries. A major problem in the measurement of nitrosamines is artefact formation during the sampling process. It has been shown that in this case amines are also retained which react with NOx traces in the ambient air to form N-nitrous amines though only when they reach the substrate. This phenomenon is observed particularly in the presence of aromatic amines, which is specifically the case in coking plants. The pollutant concentrations identified should not be associated with a particular pollution source, as they are caused entirely by artefact formation as a result of subsequent notarisation on the sampling medium. In order to protect workers and the population from the toxicological effects of N-nitrosamines, it is necessary to act upon the conditions favouring the formation of these noxious substances in the environment. To be able to do this it is necessary to have information on concentrations, types of compound and sources of emission of N-nitrosamines and amines (their precursors). The planned research and development project is concerned with the problem of N-nitrosamines in the environment of steelworks and associated coking plants.

Reinigung von Abluft aus Strassentunneln u.a. Anlagen

Das Projekt "Reinigung von Abluft aus Strassentunneln u.a. Anlagen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Hauptabteilung Schnellbahnen und Grosstunnelbau - Ts3 - durchgeführt. Im Rahmen des Forschungsvorhabens sollen schwerpunktmaessig biologische und katalytische sorptive Reinigungsverfahren zur Reinigung der Abluft von Strassentunneln am Elbtunnel in einer Pilotanlage erprobt werden. Die eingesetzten Reinigungsanlagen sollen Abluftmengen bis zu ca. 3.000 m hoch 3/H dimensioniert werden, um ein Scale-Up fuer eine Modulgroesse von ca. 50.000 m hoch 3/H zu ermoeglichen. In einer grosstechnischen Reinigungsanlage koennen durch den Einsatz mehrerer Reinigungsmodule dann grosse Tunnelabluftmengen gereinigt werden. Mit Hilfe der Versuchsergebnisse sollen konkrete Konzepte fuer den Bau einer grosstechnischen Reinigungsanlage erarbeitet werden. Ferner sollen die Bau- und Betriebskosten einer Reinigungsanlage bestimmt werden.

Lidar Reference System Based on a High-Power-Laser; Diode pumped high brigthness solid state rod laser with ns-pulsses in the joule-range

Das Projekt "Lidar Reference System Based on a High-Power-Laser; Diode pumped high brigthness solid state rod laser with ns-pulsses in the joule-range" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Potsdam, Institut für Physik durchgeführt. An efficient diode pumped, pulsed high power laser System based on a rod geometry will be developed as a pump source for a lidar system. The lidar System will be a next generation lidar System to characterize the water vapour distribution in the atmosphere. The laser will be power-scalable and provide average Output powers in excess of 400 W at relatively low repetition rates ranging from 100-1000 Hz and pulse durations in the range of 10-100 ns. It should embody a diffraction limited beam quality (M2 smaller than 1.5). Small bandwidth and high frequency stability are achieved via injection seeding technique. The thermally induced birefringence in the laser rods is compensated utilizing polarization rotation and in addition imaging the laser rods onto each other. To maintain the beam quality while power scaling the laser System optical phase conjugate mirrors are considered to be used. Potential laser materials are Nd: YAG, Yb:YAG. They will be compared to other materials with longer fluorescence lifetimes of the upper laser level. An important accomplishment will be the frequency doubling of the laser light around l um wavelength to the green with an efficiency greater than 50 Percent. Diode pumped pulsed laser Systems with these specifications are not available yet but they are essential as a fundamental pump source for operational lidar Systems of the next generation.

Erarbeitung eines 'WHO Manual on Air Pollutants from Industrial Sources'

Das Projekt "Erarbeitung eines 'WHO Manual on Air Pollutants from Industrial Sources'" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V. durchgeführt. Das Handbuch wird durch das Regional Office for Europe der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) herausgegeben. Es enthaelt die Abschnitte: Schadstoffe und Wirkungen, Emissionsentstehung in der Industrie, Abscheidetechnik, Sicherheitstechnik und Stoerfallvorsorge. Die Beitraege werden unter fachlicher Betreuung durch den Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) von einem internationalen Kreis von Fachleuten erstellt.

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