Das Projekt "Biogeochemische Prozesse in tropischen Böden" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tropische Agrarwissenschaften (Hans-Ruthenberg-Institut), Fachgebiet Pflanzenbau in den Tropen und Subtropen (490e) durchgeführt. In recent years science has taken an increased interest in mineralization processes in tropical soils in particular under minimal tillage operations. Plant litter quality and management strongly affect mineralization-nitrification processes in soil and hence the fate of nitrogen in ecosystems and the environment. Plant secondary metabolites like lignin and polyphenols are poorly degradable and interact with proteins (protein binding capacity) and hence protect them from microbial attack. Nitrification, a microbiological process, directly and indirectly influences the efficiency of recovery of N in the vegetation as well as the loss of N (through denitrification and leaching) causing environmental pollution to water bodies and contributes to global warming (e.g. the greenhouse gas N2O is emitted as a by-product of nitrification and denitrification). Nitrifiers comprise a relatively narrow species diversity (at least as known to date) and are generally thought to be sensitive to low soil pH and stress. Despite these properties nitrification occurs in acid tropical soils with high levels of aluminium and manganese. Thus the main objective of the project will be the identification of micro-organisms and mechanisms responsible for mineralization-nitrification processes in acid tropical soils and the influence of long-term litter input of different chemical qualities and minimal tillage options. The project will include the use of stable isotopes (15N, 13C), mass spectrometry, gas chromatography (CO2, N2O), biochemical methods (PLFA) and molecular biology (16s rRNA., PCR, DGGE)
Das Projekt "Microbial Diversity and Functionality in Cold Water Coral Reef Ecosystems (MiCROSYSTEMS) (EuroDIVERSITY 83)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie (ZMT) GmbH durchgeführt. Cold-water coral reefs thriving on carbonate mounds have been discovered in the late 90-s off western Ireland and recently off Morocco. Mound building seems to be a fundamental but still enigmatic strategy of Life, developed since Precambrian times onwards. Various arguments suggest that microorganisms are playing a major role in reef development and biodiversity. Mounds may find their origin at the confluence of fluxes from external (oceanic) and internal origin (geofluids). Long cores taken in 2004 showed that the 'Pen Duick- mounds off Morocco, in which microbial action was demonstrated by an strong emission of hydrogen sulfide, may be considered as giant biogeochemical reactors. MiCROSYSTEMS proposes to turn the Pen Duick mounds into a natural laboratory through the following actions and experiments:- Biotope exploration and characterization of biodiversity through geophysical and video imaging, targeted microbiological profiling, evaluation of present and past oceanic conditions,- Microbial diversity census and evaluation of the functional link microbes-metazoans through metazoan species analysis, biogeochemical and molecular fingerprinting, laboratory culturing, fauna-microbe interactions analysis, evaluation of microbially mediated processes of carbonate precipitation,- Assessment of the impact of biodiversity changes through the development of a reactor technology to simulate and assess the functionality of the micro-ecological niches and the impact of environmental changes.The MiCROSYSTEMS project closely dovetails with European projects on deep-water coral ecosystem conservation and with IODP Expedition 307. The project will foster a Europe-Maghreb cooperation on the Moroccan margin and contribute to the ICoMM initiative within the Census of Marine Life Programme.
Das Projekt "Entwicklung von Kompostierungssystemen zur Behandlung von schadstoffhaltigen Abfällen und zur Altlastensanierung" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, Fachgebiet Siedlungswasserwirtschaft durchgeführt. Im Rahmen dieses Projektes wurde die Situation von Reststoffen aus der Papierindustrie europaweit durch eine umfangreiche Datenaufnahme abgeschätzt. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass in Frankreich und Deutschland die größten Mengen an Papierreststoffen entstehen und die Entsorgungsvarainten am vielfältigsten sind. In den anderen europäischen Ländern fallen wesentlich weniger Reststoffe an, zu meist durch das Fehlen einer Abwasserreinigungsanlage oder durch eine niedrige Altpapiereinsatzquote. Die Reststoffe aus diesen Ländern werden überwiegend auf einer Deponie entsorgt. In einem weiteren Teil des Projektes wurde die stoffliche Verwertung durch Kompostierung von Papierreststoffen auf biochemische und mikrobiologische Parameter hin untersucht. Dabei wurde auch der potenzielle Abbau von chlorierten Phenolen betrachtet. Es zeigte sich, dass die chlorierten Phenole keine große Belastung für Papierreststoffe darstellen. Da im Gegensatz zu den chlorierten Phenolen die Menge an chlorierten organischen Substanzen (AOX) in Papierreststoffen sehr hoch ist, wurde das umweltchemische Verhalten von AOX-Substanzen durch Schüttelversuche in verschiedenen Lösungsmitteln und Lysimeterversuchen getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass AOX-Substanzen sich nur in geringem Umfang durch eine Elution mit wässrigen Medien lösen lassen. Da die organischen Schadstoffe (gemessen als AOX) in Papierreststoffen besonders relevant sind, sollte versucht werden, mehr über die chemische Struktur (insbesondere das Molekulargewicht) dieser Substanzen herauszufinden. Dabei wurden die Methoden der Ultrafiltration und der Gelpermeationschromatographie eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine hohen Anteil AOX-Substanzen im hochmolekularen Bereich, wobei die Struktur der Verbindungen stark vom anfallenden Reststofftyp abhängt. So konnte nachgeweisen werden, dass der Haupteil an AOX-Substanzen in den Deinkingreststoffen überwiegend aus chlorierten Druckfarben, insbesondere den gelben Pigmenten, besteht. Eine Substitution dieser Farbstoffe aus der Azofarbgruppe würde zu einer deutlichen Reduktion der AOX-Problematik führen.
Das Projekt "Abundance, activity and interreation of phototrophic and chemotrophic microbial iron oxidation in freshwater sediments" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Tübingen, Zentrum für Angewandte Geowissenschaften (ZAG), Arbeitsgruppe Geomikrobiologie durchgeführt. In freshwater sediments, iron oxidation is dominated by phototrophic and chemotrophic (aerobic and nitrate-reducing) Fe(ll)-oxidizing microorganisms. Although these biogeochemical processes have been investigated in detail in laboratory studies, not much is known about their spatial distribution, interactions (e.g. competition) amongst each other, as well as their response towards environmental perturbations (i.e. temperature, geochemical variations (nutrient, organic matter input)). This research proposal aims to investigate the activity, abundance and resource competition between different chemotrophic (aerobic and (autotrophic/mixotrophic) anaerobic nitrate-reducing) and phototrophic ironoxidizing microorganisms. In order to better understand the spatial distribution of nitrate-reducing iron oxidizing bacteria, microbial nitrate-producing and competing, nitrate-depletion processes will also be studied throughout the sedimentary redox gradient. In addition, the activity and abundance of the ironoxidizing processes will be quantified with (geo)microbiological, molecular and novel spectral imaging techniques. Using high resolution geochemical measurements (microsensors) we will characterize the environmental conditions these bacteria experience in order to determine the role of spatial and functional niche competition in microbial iron oxidation and the interconnection to the N-cycle. Iron mineral formation will be investigated as a function of the microbial spatial and temporal activity, depending on environmental perturbations. The proposed research study will strongly improve the understanding of iron cycling, the interconnection to the N-cycle, as well as interactions and competition between phototrophic and chemotrophic metabolisms in aquatic environments.
Das Projekt "Mercury fluxes and reductive processes in the Alps" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Basel, Umweltgeowissenschaften durchgeführt. Mercury emitted to the atmosphere is a topical issue as it poses a threat to human health and the environment. Recent studies have demonstrated that elemental mercury (Hg0) can be emit-ted in significant amounts not only from anthropogenic sources but also from vegetated terres-trial ecosystems, suggesting that natural sources of mercury are highly underestimated. Other than that, soils are considered effective sinks for atmospheric mercury mainly due to deposition of oxidised mercury species. Studies with terrestrial soils have indicated that geogenic or depos-ited mercury can be (re-)emitted to the atmosphere mainly in its elemental form. However, due to the lack of direct measurements the importance of mercury emissions from vegetated soil surfaces is still controversial. Our gradient measurements of the last five months at Zugerberg indicate slight nocturnal depo-sition of Hg0. The same was observed during another campaign at the Seebodenalp. However, our incubation studies with bare soil from Zugerberg revealed contrasting results. When amended with glucose or dried and rewetted, the incubated soil samples responded with veri-table Hg0 emission boosts. Although this reaction could be largely ascribed to microbiological activity, the role of plants growing on the soil surface is still unclear. We therefore need to in-vestigate how and to which extent Hg0 exchange between soils and the atmosphere is governed by vegetation. We intend to tackle this question with a combined approach of controlled labora-tory experiments with vegetated soil samples and Hg0 gradient measurements at Zugerberg, Oensingen (SO) and the Stubai Valley in Austria. These studies will enable us to describe and quantify the long-term dynamic of Hg0 exchange in uncontaminated terrestrial ecosystems.
Das Projekt "Microbial Biomineralization, Biogeochemistry and Biodiversity of chemolithotrophic Microorganism in the Tunnel of Äspö (Sweden)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Göttingen, Geowissenschaftliches Zentrum, Abteilung Geobiolgie durchgeführt. Project summary: The Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (HRL) in south Sweden is a 3.6 km long and up to 500 m deep tunnel devoted to the exploration of the deep biosphere within continental granitic rocks. Here, a number of deep groundwater seepage sites and associated ponds are accessible, which both exhibit an enormous diversity of aerobic and anaerobic, mainly chemolithotrophic microorganisms. This window into microbiology of the deep biosphere may serve as a model system for the interaction of microbiological processes and mineral precipitation within the continental vein systems. Central part of the project is a multidisciplinary analysis of biodiversity, structure and physiological effects of this chemolithotrophic system to establish specific signatures for tracing deep biosphere communities in continental settings. Several proxies will be used as a basis for modelling of biomass fluxes in the upper continental crust. Vein minerals, as potential archives for fossil deep biospheres, will be investigated to test the application of the results for interpretation of the fossil record.
Das Projekt "Horizontal Standards on Hygienic parameters for Implementation of EU Directives on Sludge, Soil and Treated Bio-waste (HORIZONTAL-HYG)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Netherlands Energy Research Foundation , Stichting Energie-onderzoek Centrum Nederland durchgeführt. The working documents on revision of the Sewage Sludge Directive (86/278/EEC) on Biowaste and the Soil Protection Communication call for standards on sampling and analysis of sludge, treated biowastes and soils. The European Directives are intended to prevent unacceptable release of contaminants, impairment of soil function, or exposure to pathogens, and to protect crops, human and animal health, the quality of water and the wider environment when sludges and treated biowastes are used on land. The EU animal by-product regulations are fixing microbiological threshold values, for which microbiological methods of analysis are needed. The European Commission wishes to cite European (CEN) standards in order that there is harmonised application of the directives and that reports from Member States (MS) can be compared. This project to develop standards for hygienic parameters in sludge, soil and biowaste, presented under the name 'HORIZONTAL-HYG', will be carried out under the umbrella of the main project HORIZONTAL 'Development of horizontal standards for soil, sludge and biowaste'. This ensures full integration in the CEN system through BT Task Force 151 specially set up in support of this project as well as direct supervision by DG ENV and MS, which form the Steering Committee of HORIZONTAL. Preparation of HORIZONTAL-HYG was taken in a full agreement with the DG ENV, DG JRC and the MS already contributing to HORIZONTAL. HORIZONTAL-HYG's objective is to produce standardised methods for sampling and hygienic microbiological parameters, as Salmonella spp, Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens, Ascaris ova in sludges, treated biowastes and soils written in CEN format. Validation of the methods is an essential part of the development as it quantifies performance in terms of repeatability and reproducibility. The consortium is well connected in CEN and ISO and thus provides an excellent basis for implementation of the deliverables. Prime Contractor: Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland; Petten, Netherlands.
Das Projekt "Patterns of evolution in the species complex of the tree-root endophyte Phialocephala fortinii" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Professur für Forstschutz und Dendrologie durchgeführt. Populations of P. fortinii from allover Europe are examined using microsatellites to construct gene genealogies and infer evolutionary history. The tree-root endophyte Phialocephala fortinii s.l. (mitosporic Ascomycota) is the dominant colonizer of conifer root systems in forests in the northern hemisphere. P. fortinii s.l. is genetically highly diverse and forms a complex of several cryptic species. Recombination occurs or has occurred within cryptic species and to some extent also among them (introgression). Cryptic species occur sympatrically and they can form large thalli, but it remains unclear whether the observed patterns of spatial distribution reflect local climax situations or are the results of recent gene and genotype flow. One of the key objectives will be to estimate population genetic parameters (eg. migration rates, genotype flow, recombination) within and among populations of cryptic species in forests where man-mediated genotype flow can be excluded. Other key objectives are the determination of the number, frequency, distribution and evolutionary history of the cryptic species in Europe and to identify the driving forces for speciation. The approach will be multidisciplinary and will include standard mycological and microbiological methods as well as molecular genetic techniques such as microsatellite fingerprinting and DNA sequencing. The evolutionary history of haplotypes at both the population and species level will be reconstructed and the results will be compared with known patterns of pleistocenic glaciations and postglacial recolonization of host trees. The project will be a significant contribution to the understanding of the population and evolutionary genetics of a versatile and ecologically extremely successful fungal genus and it will shed light on the effects of pleistocenic and postglacial climatic changes on fungal speciation.
Das Projekt "Nitrogen elimination pathways and associated isotope effects in Swiss eutrophic Lake Lugano" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Institut für Integrative Biologie durchgeführt. Nitrogen isotope ratios can provide important constraints on natural N cycles. In order to use natural abundance stable isotope ratios of dissolved inorganic N species as a means to trace fluxes and transformations of N in aquatic systems, however, it is imperative to understand the isotope effects associated with these specific N transformations. This will also provide information on the transformations themselves. Yet, the possible impact of N2 production processes other than denitrification on global and regional N-isotope budgets has been ignored thus far. Lake Lugano is an excellent model biosystem for an anthropogenically impacted lake. Previous studies have revealed that this lake represents an important sink for fixed N. In addition, they indicate the presence of suboxic consumption of ammonium and, thus, suggest that 'non-traditional' N2 production processes (e.g., anammox) are active in anaerobic portions of the lake. This project addresses the following main research questions: What are the different metabolic pathways of suboxic N2 production in the Lake Lugano water column and in sediments? What are the associated N-isotope effects? What are the respective transformation rates and fluxes? Which microorganisms are responsible for observed N transformations? Combining hydrochemical, microbiological (phylogenetic/molecular genetic analyses, measurements of enzyme activities), with organic-geochemical (anammox lipid analysis) and isotopic techniques (natural abundance of nitrate, ammonium, nitrous oxide isotope ratios, as well as 15N tracer experiments), the project attempts to gain complementary information on specific N transformations and mechanisms of N2 loss in the Lake Lugano water column and sediments, on the microorganisms involved in these transformations, their relevance for the Lake Lugano nitrogen
Das Projekt "Understanding Pelagic Redoxcline Processes in the Baltic Sea (REDOX); Impact of lateral intrusions and mixing on the biogeochemistry and microbiology of pelagic redoxclines" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung durchgeführt. In coastal and marginal seas with stable stratification and reduced water exchange, hypoxic deep-water conditions are a frequently observed phenomenon. The so-called redoxcline, developing under such conditions at the top of the anoxic layer, is characterized by strong biogeochemical gradients, which are the location of some important microbially mediated element transformations. Here, our project hypothesis is that the rapid and intermittent modification of the local biogeochemical and microbiological conditions associated with lateral intrusions, in particular due to turbulent mixing between intrusions and ambient waters, constitutes an essential component of the redoxcline system. We plan to study this link between hydrography, turbulent mixing, biogeochemical processes, and microbial activities, taking the central Baltic Sea with its well-defined redoxcline as an example. A recently established autonomous profiling system in the Central Baltic Sea will provide high-resolution data, allowing us to determine the long-term variability of hydrographic, biogeochemical, and mixing parameters associated with the intrusions. The impact of mixing for the microbial activities and communities will be investigated during ship cruises, combining observations of mixing parameters, and representative biogeochemical and microbial transformation processes.
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Bund | 10 |
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Förderprogramm | 10 |
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offen | 10 |
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Deutsch | 10 |
Englisch | 10 |
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Keine | 7 |
Webseite | 3 |
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Boden | 10 |
Lebewesen & Lebensräume | 10 |
Luft | 9 |
Mensch & Umwelt | 10 |
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