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Culture experiments on the environmental controls of trace metal ratios (Mg/Ca, B/Ca, U/Ca) recorded in calcareous tests of bipolar deep-sea benthic foraminifera

Das Projekt "Culture experiments on the environmental controls of trace metal ratios (Mg/Ca, B/Ca, U/Ca) recorded in calcareous tests of bipolar deep-sea benthic foraminifera" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung durchgeführt. The Polar eans are our most important climate amplifiers: First, the production of polar deep waters drives the Global Thermohaline Conveyer Belt, and thus, climate. Second, the Antarctic deep water during glacial time was, disputably still is, the largest marine sink of atmospheric CO2. Employment of effective and fossilisable proxies on changes in the physical and geochemical properties is essential to assess glacial-interglacial variabilities, modern and future changes in bipolar deep-waters. In this respect, analyses on trace metal (Mg/Ca, U/Ca, B/Ca) ratios recorded in tests of foraminifers to estimate calcification temperatures, alkalinity, carbonate ion saturation, and pH are common methods. However, for the Arctic and Southern Ocean deep-sea benthic foraminifera calibration curves constrained by either core-top samples or culture experiments are lacking. Newly developed high-pressure aquaria have recently facilitated the first efficient cultivation (producing offspring) of our most trusted palaeodeep-water recorders Fontbotia wuellerstorfi and Uvigerina peregrina. In different experimental set-ups the same facilities will be used to cultivate these foraminifera and associated species at different temperatures and in waters with different carbonate chemistries to establish the first species-specific trace metal calibration curves for both Polar Oceans. Core top analyses on more than 150 core sites from both oceans will verify the experimental results.

Sub project: Hydrochemical and hydraulic properties of the continental upper crust at the KTB site

Das Projekt "Sub project: Hydrochemical and hydraulic properties of the continental upper crust at the KTB site" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, Abteilung 9 - Landesamt für Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau durchgeführt. A constant rate pumping test of one year duration is planed to be carried out in the 4.0 km deep pilot hole of KTB. Watertable fluctuations in the pilot borehole and in the 9.1 km deep main borehole will be monitored as well. A wealth of data (pumping rate, watertable/ pressure, temperature, salinity/electrical conductivity, water samples,....) will become available, some even online. The first objective of the proposed project is to determine the flow system (type of aquifer model). From this deduced hydraulic model follow the hydraulic characteristics (such as: transmissivity, storage coefficient, fracture lengt/ width/aperture, permeability of fractures and matrix,....) describing the properties of the crystalline basement rocks in vicinity of the KTB pilot- and main hole. The length of the expect test radius is some 1000 m. The proposed project intends also to determine the degree of the hydraulic connection between the two holes (having a depth difference of 5.1 km). Additional information, such as water analyses, will be needed in interpreting the hydraulic data. A second major objective is the modelling of water-rock interaction (WRI) processes using the chemical data of KTB fluids. In particular the time series of chemical data will be used to model the kinetic and time dependent processes. We expect as well to see some breakthroughs of 'fresh, clean' crystalline basement water and another breakthrough resulting from fluid stored in the main hole and its surrounding.

Effect of habitat fragmentation on reptiles in South East Asia

Das Projekt "Effect of habitat fragmentation on reptiles in South East Asia" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander König - Leibniz-Institut für Biodiversität der Tiere durchgeführt. Fragmentation of the natural environment has contributed to major biodiversity loss in South East Asia. Reptiles represent a significant biomass and occupy important functions in our ecosystem. However, these organisms are highly sensitive to relatively minor changes in temperature and habitat alteration. In this study we will investigate the effects of habitat fragmentation and potentially climate change on agamids at several sites in Southeast Asia. We will identify the species richness of agamids, their habitat use, and their diet. By using morphometrics, we aim to correlate morphology and habitat use and diet to explore the ecological niches these lizards occupy. We will also test for microhabitat preferences and optima to understand the ecological impacts on these species caused by forest fragmentation. We hope to use this approach to lay the foundations for macro-ecological modelling proving insights into future distributions and the impact of habitat connectivity.

Phosphorus transport along soil pathways in forested catchments

Das Projekt "Phosphorus transport along soil pathways in forested catchments" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortslehre durchgeführt. Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for living organisms. Whereas agriculture avoids P-limitation of primary production through continuous application of P fertilizers, forest ecosystems have developed highly efficient strategies to adapt to low P supply. A main hypothesis of the SPP 1685 is that P depletion of soils drives forest ecosystems from P acquiring system (efficient mobilization of P from the mineral phase) to P recycling systems (highly efficient cycling of P). Regarding P fluxes in soils and from soil to streamwater, this leads to the assumption that recycling systems may have developed strategies to minimize P losses. Further, not only the quantity but also the chemistry (P forms) of transported or accumulated P will differ between the ecosystems. In our project, we will therefore experimentally test the relevance of the two contrasting hypothetical nutritional strategies for P transport processes through the soil and into streamwater. As transport processes will occur especially during heavy rainfall events, when preferential flow pathways (PFPs) are connected, we will focus on identifying those subsurface transport paths. The chemical P fractionation in PFPs will be analyzed to draw conclusions on P accumulation and transport mechanism in soils differing in their availability of mineral bound P (SPP core sites). The second approach is an intensive streamwater monitoring to detect P losses from soil to water. The understanding of P transport processes and P fluxes at small catchment scale is fundamental for estimating the P exports of forest soils into streams. With a hydrological model we will simulate soil water fluxes and estimate P export fluxes for the different ecosystems based on these simulations.

Exzellenzcluster 80 (EXC): Ozean der Zukunft

Das Projekt "Exzellenzcluster 80 (EXC): Ozean der Zukunft" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR), Forschungsbereich 2: Marine Biogeochemie, Forschungseinheit Biogeochemische Modellierung durchgeführt. By employing a new computational framework to efficiently simulate the transport of biogeochemical tracers in ocean circulation models, we propose to extend the applicability of the Kiel Climate Model (KCM) to time scales of several thousand years. This is orders of magnitude longer than the few-hundred year simulations currently possible, and it will enable us apply the state-of-the-art KCM, so far used to simulate the present and future ocean, also to paleo scenarios. To prepare the ground for future paleoceanographic applications, the work proposed here has two aims: 1. implement and test the computational method for the KCM, 2. use the new method to develop and identify a description of the sedimentation and remineralisation of particulate organic matter (POM) that, for our best estimate of the present ocean circulation, generates nutrient and oxygen distributions consistent with observations. By implication, this should be most appropriate for multimillennial simulations, including those required by paleo studies.

Ecodesign Preparatory Study - Steam Boiler

Das Projekt "Ecodesign Preparatory Study - Steam Boiler" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung durchgeführt. The scope of the study is to perform the preparatory study for steam boilers with a power output less than 50 MW according to the common methodology. Steam boilers are categorized according to the way the water-steam medium is flowing as well as the fuel-exhaust gas. Objective: The main objective of this task is to determine a clear definition for steam boilers according to the needs of the ecodesign process. For this definition we take into account technical, functional, economic and environmental aspects relevant for the topic. These considerations will then act as a basis for the whole study. The product classification and definition will be performed in close agreement with the commission after a stakeholder consultation. It is subject to constant review along the following tasks. Methods: The methodology for the implementing measures of energy using products has been defined by the Commission established in 2004/05 in a well-defined approach, the Methodology for the Eco-design of Energy Using Products (MEEuP). Within this methodology a common framework to gather information as a basis for the evaluation of products is set. This framework enables an evaluation the performance of products covering the relevant criteria of eligibility for implementing measures under the Directive. With the extension of the scope of the ecodesign directive on Energy related products the methodology has been revised into the Methodology to Energy-related Products (MEErP). It now covers also the specific aspects of energy related products which do not have direct energy consumption, but influence the energy consumption of other products (e.g. windows, heating controls). Part of the methodology is the use of a simplified reporting tool (EuP EcoReport). This tool enables the user to transfer information from the first stages of the evaluation process into environmental impacts. Information will be collected using the well established MEErP methodology. Results will be information regarding test methods and other relevant standards, market statistics and trends, user behavior, and product technical characteristics, including state-of-the-art products. The methodology provides the framework to make an assessment of the improvement potential against a Baseline scenario that characterizes the average new EU product. By using the collected information policy makers will be provided sufficient input to develop minimum requirements for the selected products. Accompanying measures like labeling and incentivising programs may also be part of the considerations.

Sub project: Magnetic susceptibility registration in ICDP boreholes - test of a new logging tool

Das Projekt "Sub project: Magnetic susceptibility registration in ICDP boreholes - test of a new logging tool" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Department Geographie und Geowissenschaften, GeoZentrum Nordbayern durchgeführt. Magnetic susceptibility is one of the most commonly measured rock physical property. The logging of this parameter on drillcores or in boreholes supports the construction of lithological profiles and correlation between drilling holes. Instruments, recording the magnetic susceptibility are commonly constructed using a fixed field amplitude for the applied ac magnetic field. However, as has been shown in recent work, the susceptibility of important ferrimagnetic minerals as pyrrhotite and titanomagnetite strongly depends on the ac-field amplitude. This has important implications for the interpretation and correlation of susceptibility logs. The newly developed slim-hole sonde MS2H of GFZ-OSG is the first susceptibility logging tool that considers the effect of field dependency. In the framework of this project we plan to test the application of the new sonde in ICDP drillholes. Preliminary case studies have shown that field dependent susceptibility measurements can provide information concering variations in the composition of lava flows and may enable magnetite and pyrrhotite-bearing rocks to be distinguised. The results of such tests are considered to be critical for the effective interpretation of susceptibility logs.

Sub project: Chemical hydrology of subduction zones: Processes, signals and fluid flow

Das Projekt "Sub project: Chemical hydrology of subduction zones: Processes, signals and fluid flow" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Bremen, Zentrum für marine Umweltwissenschaften durchgeführt. Subduction zones play a central role in the geological activity of the earth. This activity may be expressed as devastating events such as earthquakes, tsunamis and explosive volcanism. Many processes that lead to such catastrophic behavior are driven by fluids. This study focuses on the chemical hydrology of the shallow portion ( less than 15 km) of subduction zones to shed light on processes that enable subducting sediments to behave seismogenically. Low-chlorinity and volatile content of near surface fluids in active convergent margins suggest that fluids migrate updip from deep sources. The exotic fluid composition, which has been documented for several active convergent margins, is thought to depend on temperature driven clay mineral dehydration. This assumption is hampered by observed low-chlorinity fluids away from fluid pathways that suggest additional fluid freshening mechanisms. Most importantly, a suite of water-rock processes has been hypothesized to occur at depth to enable stick-slip behavior but are only documented in fossil accretionary prisms but not in active ones. To tackle these problems the proposed study will analyze fluids extracted from laboratory hydrothermal compaction tests and natural fluids from two contrary active margins, the accretionary Nankai Trough (Japan) and the erosional Costa Rica margin. The hydrothermal device is a unique approach compared to other hydrothermal systems because it simulates in-situ burial conditions with increasing effective stress (P), decreasing porosity and increasing temperatures (T up to 150 degree C). Sediment end members of each margin will be tested under controlled PT conditions similar to the upper limit of the seismogenic zone to study clay dehydration and water-rock interaction using major and volatile element geochemistry and boron and lithium isotopes. Geochemical fingerprints from the hydrothermal tests will be used to better distinguish geochemical signals in natural fluids. Thus, a better insight into water-rock interaction and fluid flow in the subduction zones will be achieved.

Sub project: Transport of veterinary medicines from soils to groundwater

Das Projekt "Sub project: Transport of veterinary medicines from soils to groundwater" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institut für Bio-und Geowissenschaften (IBG), IBG-3 Agrosphäre durchgeführt. Studies on the mobility and leaching of veterinary medicines with special emphasis on preferential flow using soil columns and lysimeters are continued. The lysimeters that were manured with pig slurry from pigs medicated with 14C labelled sulfadiazine (SDZ) and the lysimeters that were manured with pig slurry from pigs medicated with 14C labelled difloxacin (DIF) will be sampled destructively in order to obtain material balances on the fate of the veterinary medicines and their metabolites. Soil from the destructive sampling of the lysimeters is used in pot experiments to test the hypothesis that bonded SDZ (and DIF) including transformation products may become available through the action of the plant rhizosphere. Soil columns experiments are continued to study the effect of repeated application of slurry containing SDZ and the fate of 14C-labelled hydroxy-sulfadiazine. The knowledge from the soil column experiments is used to predict the transport of SDZ in soil with a numerical model. Therefore sorption experiments with soil from different horizons are mandatory as we experienced unexpected sorption behaviour. In addition we will prepare and conduct the central mesocosm and field experiment.

Sub project: Fluid injection test of the SE2-fault system at the KTB-VB (operation, co-ordination, seismic and hydraulic signals in KTB-HB)

Das Projekt "Sub project: Fluid injection test of the SE2-fault system at the KTB-VB (operation, co-ordination, seismic and hydraulic signals in KTB-HB)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum durchgeführt. The Kontinentale Tiefbohrprogramm der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (KTB) was enormously successful. It has revealed a wealth of geoscientific data and new results of unrivalled quality and broadness. However, several of the main objectives have only been marginally investigated, and the scientific potential of the two KTB boreholes, the 4.0 km deep pilot hole (KTB-VB) and the 9.1 km deep main hole (KTB-HB) has by no means fully exploited. The general aim of this and accompanying projects is to study energy and fluid transport processes in continental fault systems at the KTB drill site. For that purpose it is proposed to carry out a fluid production test during a period of 12 months in the KTB-VB. During the test various geophysical, hydraulic and geochemical parameters will be monitored in real-time. Samples of uncontaminated deep seated crustal fluids and gases will be taken regularly for further detailed geochemical, geobiological and isotopic investigations. Data and samples will be provided to several research groups from different institutions for further detailed evaluation. Within this project, the operational work, and tasks of the science team will be co-ordinated, also geochemistry and isotopic composition of crustal gases will be investigated in detail.

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