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Selektive Oxidation von aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen mit Wasserstoffperoxid an mikroporoesen Mischoxiden und daraus hergestellten Katalysatormembranen

Das Projekt "Selektive Oxidation von aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen mit Wasserstoffperoxid an mikroporoesen Mischoxiden und daraus hergestellten Katalysatormembranen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Bayer AG durchgeführt. Ziel des Vorhabens ist die Entwicklung wirtschaftlicher Direktoxidationsverfahren mit Wasserstoffperoxid, mittels neuer Katalysatormembranen. Als neue Katalysatoren werden amorphe mikroporoese Mischoxide (AMM) mit ungewoehnlichen katalytischen Oxidationseigenschaften eingesetzt. Aus ihnen lassen sich trennselektive Katalysatormembranen herstellen, die die katalytische Aktivitaet der Mischoxide mit den Trenneigenschaften der Mikroporen kombinieren. Verschiedene AMM-Materialien werden hergestellt und vom Pulverkatalysator in technisch einsetzbare Katalysatormembranen weiterentwickelt. Waehrend am MPI die AMM-Materialien und geeignete Mikroreaktoren entwickelt werden, wird vom Partner BAYER die Untersuchung unter technisch relevanten Bedingungen durchgefuehrt. Im Forschungsverbund soll der rasche und unkonventionelle Ergebnistransfer aus der Grundlagenforschung am MPI in die industrielle Praxis bei BAYER fuehren. Zusaetzlich werden erste praktische Erfahrungen mit der Anwendung einer neuen Reaktortechnologie und den katalytischen Membranreaktoren gewonnen.

Untersuchung der direkten und indirekten Beeinflussung des Klimas durch anthropogene Spurengasemissionen

Das Projekt "Untersuchung der direkten und indirekten Beeinflussung des Klimas durch anthropogene Spurengasemissionen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie durchgeführt. Assessment of the regional distributions of the methane sources and source strengths will be achieved by 'inverse modelling' using global three-dimensional tracer transport models (TM2 and MOGUNTIA) and global observations. Atmospheric chemistry models will be further developed to be able to calculate distributions of sulfur species, the methane cycle, taking into account the role of CO, NOx and several hydrocarbons. The models will be based on the transport models TM2 and MOGUNTIA. A scheme for radiation calculation of atmospheric radiation for use in the three-dimensional climate model ECHAM will be developed. It will be based on the Morcrette scheme, which is used in the ECMWF operational weather prediction model. A code will be developed, which will treat the trace gases independently, and which will take into account the optical properties of aerosols. The scheme will be compared with detailed line-by-line calculations. A scheme for treating aerosols in the MOGUNTIA model will be developed, based on earlier work on the sulfur cycle. For use in the ECHAM model, a parametrization will be developed to describe the major aerosol influence on cloud microstructure and the optical properties of clouds. The ECHAM model will be applied to estimate the indirect cooling effect of ozone depletion. Also, the ECHAM model, coupled with a MPI ocean model, will be applied to study the climatic responses to perturbations in the radiative fluxes by alteration of concentrations of methane, sulfate and ozone. Programm modules developed by the individual participants will be implemented in ECHAM and several sensitivity studies performed. Results of these studies will be used to improve the TM2 and MOGUNTIA models. Model results will be validated through comparison with trace gas measurements from monitoring networks, precipitation statistics, precipitation chemical composition, aerosol climatologies from in-situ and remote sensing data, and with satellite data on aerosol and cloud optical depths and liquid water path. Much of the work will be done in collaboration with the Center for Clouds, Chemistry and Climate (C4) in the USA.

Klimaaenderungen und potentielle Auswirkungen auf landwirtschaftliche Risiken: verwaltungstechnische Folgen fuer Versicherungsunternehmen und Rueckversicherungen

Das Projekt "Klimaaenderungen und potentielle Auswirkungen auf landwirtschaftliche Risiken: verwaltungstechnische Folgen fuer Versicherungsunternehmen und Rueckversicherungen" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Trier, European Association for Environmental Management Education - Focal Point Trier -, Europäisches Diplom in Umweltwissenschaften durchgeführt. If the predicted climate change becomes reality, the agricultural sector will be greatly affected since any systematic change in environmental conditions such as temperature, precipitation and the occurrence of extreme weather events could have major consequences for yield potential and for the risks for agricultural production. The objective of this project is to assess this risk of change in order to strategically implement necessary adaptions in the agricultural insurance business. Whereas insurance solutions have traditionally been provided for single agricultural risks, esp. hail, today there is a need for more innovative products aiming at the development of multi-line insurance and reinsurance solutions. In addition to these ongoing changes in the crop insurance business, the issue of climate change also has to be considered. The predicted climate change creates additional uncertainty about the risks for agricultural production. The following potential impacts on agricultural risks are assessed: direct climate effects on agricultural yield potential in Europe, extreme events such as hail, frost and drought, as well as potential losses caused by insects, diseases and weeds. The study concentrates on a limited number of crops which can be considered representative of other crops with similar growing-conditions requirements and because they represent Europe-wide highest exposure in terms of insured risks. Based on this analysis of the scientific literature and a review of existing alternative risk-transfer solutions such as the Multi Peru Crop Insurance (MPCI) already practiced in the USA, new ways of dealing with the increasing uncertainty in agricultural risks are being developed.