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Bebauungsplaene Kleinblittersdorf/Kleinblittersdorf - Auf Mess

Bebauungspläne und Umringe der Gemeinde Kleinblittersdorf (Saarland), Ortsteil Kleinblittersdorf:Bebauungsplan "Auf Mess" der Gemeinde Kleinblittersdorf, Ortsteil Kleinblittersdorf

Processed seismic data of Cruise BGR 1974

Reconnaissance surveys were carried out in 1974 within the framework of the BGR program "Geoscientific studies in the North Atlantic". The areas covered were the continental margin of Spitsbergen, the Barents Sea and the Norwegian continental margin. On the R/V LONGVA (10th August, 1974 - 10th September, 1974) multichannel seismic measurements were carried out on 40 lines with a total length of 8,091 km. The data format is Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEG Y.

Processed seismic data of Cruise BGR 1975

Reconnaissance surveys were carried out in 1975 within the framework of the BGR program "Geoscientific studies in the North Atlantic". The data format is Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEG Y. The areas covered were the continental margin of Spitsbergen, the Barents Sea and the Norwegion continental margin. On the vessel LONGVA (30th August, 1975 - 29th September, 1975) multichannel seismic measurements were carried out on 37 lines with a total length of 2,815 km.

Processed seismic data of Cruise BGR 1994

On the M/V Akademic Nemchinow multichannel seismic measurements were carried out on 34 lines with a total length of 4,000 km. The area covered was the Laptev Sea. The data format is Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEG Y.

Processed seismic data of Cruise BGR 1976

On the MS Explora (1st September, 1976 - 29th September, 1976) multichannel seismic measurements were carried out on 44 lines The area covered was the Barentssea. The data format is Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEG Y.

Processed seismic data of Cruise BGR 1993

In September 1993, the Federal Institute for Geoscience and Natural Resources (BGR) has carried out in cooperation with Sevmorneftegeofizika (SMNG), Murmansk a 2D-seismic survey of the eastern part of the Laptev Sea shelf. The data format is Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEG Y. During the survey with a total length of 3189 km the 70 km wide New Siberian Basin and two other basins were mapped. In the central part of the New Siberian Basin, a Tertiary sediment thickness of more than 4 km overlying older sediments was observed. Further to the east, a large area covered by lava flows of unknown thickness was investigated. There are no indications of a propagation of real seafloor spreading into the Laptev Shelf and thus the Asian continental crust. Therefore seafloor spreading seems impossible at total spreading rates below 0.7 cm/year, at least for crust of the character which is present here.

Processed seismic data of Cruise AUR 2003

The late Tertiary and Quaternary development of the German EEZ was systematically inverstigated by seismic profiling. The data format is Society of Exploration Geophysicists SEG Y. For that survey the privately owned motor vessel AURELIA was chartered for a period of 24 days from the 16th of September to 10th of October 2003. A more or less equidistant E-W and N-S grid of profiles with a length of 2500 km was surveyed by high-resolution multichannel seismic system. A 0.82 litre GI-Gun was employed every 12.5 m and the reflected signals were recorded by a 300 m long streamer. Simultaneously a deep-towed HUNTEC-Boomer or a GEO-Sparker was run (150km/620km). All seismic records were processed onboard for the quality control and for a first interpretation.

Model Output Statistics for EL PASO WSO AP (72270)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

Model Output Statistics for Greifswald (10184)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

Model Output Statistics for Mannheim (10729)

DWD’s fully automatic MOSMIX product optimizes and interprets the forecast calculations of the NWP models ICON (DWD) and IFS (ECMWF), combines these and calculates statistically optimized weather forecasts in terms of point forecasts (PFCs). Thus, statistically corrected, updated forecasts for the next ten days are calculated for about 5400 locations around the world. Most forecasting locations are spread over Germany and Europe. MOSMIX forecasts (PFCs) include nearly all common meteorological parameters measured by weather stations. For further information please refer to: [in German: https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/met_verfahren_mosmix/met_verfahren_mosmix.html ] [in English: https://www.dwd.de/EN/ourservices/met_application_mosmix/met_application_mosmix.html ]

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