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Bebauungspläne Neunkirchen/Innenstadt - Am Neuen Markt 1. Änderung

Bebauungspläne und Umringe der Kreisstadt Neunkirchen (Saarland):Bebauungsplan "Am Neuen Markt 1. Änderung" der Stadt Neunkirchen, Stadtteil Innenstadt

Bebauungsplaene Sulzbach/Sulzbach - 20/A Oberer und unterer Markt

Bebauungspläne und Umringe der Stadt Sulzbach (Saarland), Stadtteil Sulzbach:Bebauungsplan "20/A Oberer und unterer Markt" der Stadt Sulzbach, Stadtteil Sulzbach

Bebauungspläne Neunkirchen/Innenstadt - Am Neuen Markt

Bebauungspläne und Umringe der Kreisstadt Neunkirchen (Saarland):Bebauungsplan "Am Neuen Markt" der Stadt Neunkirchen, Stadtteil Innenstadt

Bebauungspläne Neunkirchen/Innenstadt - Oberer Markt

Bebauungspläne und Umringe der Kreisstadt Neunkirchen (Saarland):Bebauungsplan "Oberer Markt" der Stadt Neunkirchen, Stadtteil Innenstadt

Bebauungspläne Neunkirchen/Innenstadt - Vogelstr. - Unterer Markt

Bebauungspläne und Umringe der Kreisstadt Neunkirchen (Saarland):Bebauungsplan "Vogelstr. - Unterer Markt" der Stadt Neunkirchen, Stadtteil Innenstadt

Landkreise und kreisfreie Städte (Standorte)

Verwaltungsgebiete sind flächenhafte Darstellungen von Verwaltungseinheiten (Gebietskörperschaften). Sie sind ein Bestandteil des ATKIS-Objektartenkatalogs (Administrative Gebietseinheiten) und somit auf den Maßstab 1:25000 generalisiert. Verwaltungsgebiete sind für die Gebietseinheiten Bayern, Regierungsbezirke, Landkreise und kreisfreie Städte, Verwaltungsgemeinschaften und Gemeinden verfügbar.

Gemeinden, Verwaltungsgemeinschaften, gemeindefreie Gebiete (Standorte)

Verwaltungsgebiete sind flächenhafte Darstellungen von Verwaltungseinheiten (Gebietskörperschaften). Sie sind ein Bestandteil des ATKIS-Objektartenkatalogs (Administrative Gebietseinheiten) und somit auf den Maßstab 1:25000 generalisiert. Verwaltungsgebiete sind für die Gebietseinheiten Bayern, Regierungsbezirke, Landkreise und kreisfreie Städte, Verwaltungsgemeinschaften und Gemeinden verfügbar.

Mapping EU heat supply: Mapping and analyses of the current and future (2020 - 2030) heating/cooling fuel deployment (fossil/renewables)

Das Projekt "Mapping EU heat supply: Mapping and analyses of the current and future (2020 - 2030) heating/cooling fuel deployment (fossil/renewables)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung durchgeführt. Heating and cooling (H/C) account for the major share of final energy demand in industry, services and the residential sector in the EU. It therefore plays a central role in achieving energy policy goals like climate change mitigation, security of supply and competitiveness. At the same time, the official statistics only provide an incomplete picture regarding H/C: Data is often scattered, incomplete or not available. This project aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the current state of the EU's H/C sector as well as possible future trajectories until 2020 and 2030. Main objectives: 1. End-use energy balances for H/C for 2012: A consistent end-use energy balance is compiled for Europe's H/C sector. The results are disaggregated by country, sector, sub-sector, building type, energy carrier end-use and temperature level. - 2. Current state of H/C technologies: This work package gathers information on the current stock of H/C technologies in European countries. It distinguishes technologies in buildings, industry and district heating and assesses the current performance of H/C technologies. 3. Scenarios up until 2030: Using the bottom-up models FORECAST, Invert/EE-Lab and Green-X, this work package develops scenarios for the evolution of the H/C sector up until 2030. The results are analysed with regard to final, useful and primary energy, CO? emissions, import shares, induced investments and RES-H/C shares. 4. Analysis of economic impacts up until 2030: The macro-economic model ASTRA is then used to assess the economic impacts of the different scenario results in terms of induced employment and economic growth. 5. Analysis of barriers, best practices and policies: Based on the existing literature and expert interviews, we analyse and discuss the barriers, best practices and policies for the increased use of RES in the individual market segments of the H/C sector.

E 2.2: Contributions of expanded raw material availability and waste utilization to sustainable fruit processing in the tropics and subtropics

Das Projekt "E 2.2: Contributions of expanded raw material availability and waste utilization to sustainable fruit processing in the tropics and subtropics" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Lebensmittelwissenschaft und Biotechnologie, Fachgebiet Lebensmittel pflanzlicher Herkunft (150d) durchgeführt. Since the beginning of the Uplands Program in 2000, subproject E2 has been aimed at adjusted strategies for the utilization of mangoes, lychees and longans. The whole processing chain from fruit production through fruit processing to marketing has been studied in an interdisciplinary approach together with subprojects D1.1 (Fruit production) and E3.1 (Market potential) in Thailand. Various levels, such as raw material quality as well as technological and economic evaluation of fruit processing, have been investigated. In fruit processing, technological focus has been on fluid mango products. Continuation of E2 in phase 2 of the Uplands Program aims at sustainable food processing on two levels. Regarding quality profiles of raw fruits for fresh marketing or processing, quality and food safety aspects of fruits produced out of season is in the center of attention, since increased capacity utilization is expected due to increase or extension of harvesting periods per year, which should be based on ecologically compatible fruit production. Continuing research on mango processing, material circulation in food processing is intended by utilization of waste from fruit processing to recover by-products, especially pectins as gelling and stabilizing agents or bioactive fiber, prior to the use of residual waste as feed, thus reducing disposal problems and increasing added value by processing of the whole raw material into high-value main and by-products. Investigating the long-term effects of present and new off-season fruit production techniques applied by D1.1-2 (Alternate bearing) on fruit yield and quality in terms of appearance, basic components such as soluble solids, titratable acidity, vitamins and selected secondary plant metabolites (polyphenols), E2.2 is involved in the interdisciplinary research on the potential of off-season fruit production. Present public discussion on food safety, which is caused by increasing export problems due to exessive use of agrochemicals in Thailand, requires to test the effect of long-term application of paclobutrazol (PBZ) and KClO3. Both agrochemicals are presently used in root treatment of mango and longan trees, respectively, to induce flowering and off-season fruit production. Quantitative residue analyses in fruits will be performed by E2.2 applying GC-MS and HPLC. Conflicting reports on PBZ mobility in the plant support the need to prove the absence of non-tolerable PBZ residues in off-season mango fruits, thus strengthening the objective of D1.2 (Alternate bearing) in replacement of PBZ. Together with B2.2 (Agrochemical transport), residue analysis in the soil will be performed for the highly persistent triazolic plant growth regulator PBZ to monitor the impact of long-term application of PBZ on environmental risks in present off-season fruit production techniques over the period of phase 2. (abridged text)

DataCube Service for Copernicus (DCS4COP)

Das Projekt "DataCube Service for Copernicus (DCS4COP)" wird vom Umweltbundesamt gefördert und von Brockmann Consult GmbH durchgeführt. Copernicus has boosted the availability of Earth Observation data both in terms of quality as well as quantity. This has, on the one hand, unleashed new opportunities for intermediate business users (IBUs), who provide services to an inherently diverse group of end users. On the other hand, however, the handling of big data volumes, the integration of data streams from different sources, and the generation of high-quality information from the novel sensors of the Sentinels pose significant technical and scientific challenges to many IBUs. The lacking expert skills often hinder the user uptake of Copernicus products and services and eventually impede economic growth of the sector. The DataCube Service for Copernicus project (DCS4COP) addresses these obstacles by implementing the Copernicus Water DataCube Service (CoWaDaCS) - the first instance of a new service model, integrating Sentinel data, Copernicus Service data and user supplied data in a DataCube system. The offered service comprises Processing as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), consultancy and training. It is targeting the value-adding Earth Observation industry and public organisations at highly competitive costs and with user-friendly interfaces, which can be tailored to specific needs. Capitalising on the scientific achievements of the recent FP-7 funded HIGHROC research project and operated by experienced service providing institutions, CoWaDaCS will demonstrate the value of satellite Earth Observation data for the market segment of coastal and inland water services. Currently this market is largely underexploited due to market blockages and offers a large growth potential. The combination of access to high quality data, wide selection of thematic data layers, state-of-the-art tools and unrivalled expertise in the domain and exploiting cutting edge IT solutions, will allow IBUs to concentrate on their value-adding downstream business and turn CoWaDaCS into a sustainable service.

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